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Lunch Lady Lori

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Going out for lunch never sounded better.
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I debated making this introduction it's own piece, but there just didn't seem to be a good way to make that work. Hopefully this is not too distracting or annoying for you to continue.

The image you have in your head right now is wrong. That's the lunch lady, not my lunch ladies. I have a small group of women that I am lucky enough to know, and go out to lunch with. They are all sexy and amazing in their own ways. The "lunch ladies" series is based around my experiences of lunch breaks with various women. I have of course changed names and a few details just to be sure nobody picks out the particulars - and I may or may not have ramped up a few of our activities.

I love women. I love to see women in their many, glorious forms. They should be appreciated and praised when they are willing to share their form with you. I encourage this as often as I can. I want to see you in teasing outfits. I want to see you naked. You are amazing.

I hope the series is enjoyable. I hope to keep this series rolling. I continue to make lunch dates...


I met Lori years ago when we both got a job at a new firm in town. We hit it off one day when I made a terrible pun and she giggled. As long as I get the laugh was my first thought. We chatted and began sending messages back and forth over our office instant message client. We would chat all day over the IM. We covered tons of topics eventually leading to more personal, more risque topics than what we should type across the office network.

I don't remember what the topic was that started it all. I fired off a quick note and her immediate response was, "can you take a smoke break with me?". I thought it was a little odd because I don't smoke, but I was game. The idea of getting to stand and chat with this petite redhead was a great one.

We met in the corridor near the elevators, strolled out the back door and headed to the far corner of the cement where the ashcan was.

"Are you OK with us being out here like this?" she asked me.

"What do you mean? I don't smoke, so I shouldn't get a break?"

"No, I mean you're married. What will people say?" she seemed flustered.

We had long chats over across the network before about how my wife and I were very secure in our relationship and would sometimes 'share' if circumstances were right. She'd even chatted with Lori across e-mail once or twice. "It's not like we're doing anything out here."

"Yeah, but we could..." she glanced up at me, seeming really shy at that moment.

I was halfway to full erection right then and there. Lori was gorgeous and my mind spun off into all kinds of fun directions. "I'm not sure exactly what we'd do right here. I mean, we do still need to keep our jobs, right?"

"How daring are you willing to be?" Her shyness seemed to be dropping away but all I could think of is how I wanted to see her little button up sweater fall away. Her outfits were always professional and never meant to be super sexy. Her button up sweater was a light peach color. It looked soft and fuzzy, perfect for a September afternoon. She ran a hand up the side of her sweater as if she was smoothing it out and brought her hand over to one of the buttons over her breasts. She glanced over her shoulder ever so slightly as she deftly undid the buttons and pulled her sweater open. Her smooth, amazing skin popped into view along with a lacy, pale colored bra.

I must have been in shock. She giggled that cute little giggle of hers again. "Don't worry silly, I won't get us fired," she quickly buttoned back up again. "We should go out for lunch some time."

I was still standing there with my mouth hanging open.

Here we were standing out behind the office building where we worked in the public smoking area and she just opened her sweater and flashed me her bra. I had no words, but I was hard as stone.

"Look, I know that was abrupt but I figured after all the things we've talked about that you'd be able to handle something a little more interesting in your day." Lori started to walk back inside.

Finally my wits returned to me. "SO, lunch? Have some?"

Lori found this super funny. "We should have lunch, yes. But if what you're actually asking is, Lori would you like to go to lunch some time then the answer is yes. How does next Tuesday sound?"

"That sounds lunchy." I stammered.

She smiled and headed back into the building with a wave of her hand, "chat with you later..."

I struggled to get back inside. My dick was making it hard to walk. Then my dick was making it hard to think the rest of the afternoon. I got so much less work done than I was supposed to. I couldn't focus at all. Tuesday was an awful long way away.

Lori barely answered my chats the rest of the day. I was so worked up I almost don't remember my weekend. I hadn't had any plans and just sort of passed the days in a haze. My wife would occasionally show me a sly grin when my mind was elsewhere, but I was clueless.

When Monday rolled back around I was more anxious about seeing Lori than I was about anything actually related to my work. I didn't want to seem desperate, but she had set something off in me that I didn't realize was there. I started glancing around at all the women I worked with. I started to notice what they were wearing more. I noticed how they moved and what sort of mannerisms they showed when they were talking with others. I had been awakened to so much more.

I decided to send her a message that morning around coffee break time. I figured that would be far enough into the day to avoid seeming desperate. Her message ID was off and her out of office responder sent me a message that she wouldn't be back until Tuesday. My frustration mounted, but now it had turned sour. It was odd how something that simple could put me off after all the build up in my mind. It was a long and irritating day at the office after that.

I was still a little put off when I got into the office on the Tuesday of our scheduled lunch. When I popped open my screens a message came up right away from Lori.

L: Hi. Did you bring lunch?

Me: Uh, no... I thought we were going out to lunch?

L: Well that means we'll have to go someplace and actually eat then doesn't it?

Me: I thought that's what it meant to go to lunch together?

L: If you were thinking clearly you'd have brought something to eat at your desk during the morning so we could go and spend our entire lunch hour together.

Me: I... I can be hungry.

L: You really are silly aren't you? You need to keep up your strength. ;)

L: Send me your phone number and I'll text you something...

I sent her my cell number across the chat window. A minute or two later my phone buzzed as a new message came in. We were technically not supposed to have the phones on while at work, but as long as the ringer was turned down it was generally overlooked. I glanced around and took a look at the incoming message. It was from Lori of course. I opened it up and it took me a moment to process what I was seeing. It was a black button up front skirt. I could count six buttons on the skirt. The lowest two had been undone and there was a glimpse of pale lace stocking top next to creamy white thigh. My adrenaline surged along with my erection. I quickly shut the messages down and put my phone away.

I got back onto the chat window right away.

Me: A button up skirt? That's very interesting.

L: I like the freedom of the big buttons. Zippers can be good for quick access, but buttons are great for anticipation.

Me: My anticipation seems to be working just fine. It might be tough to walk out of here.

L: I think you'll find a way, right? Particularly if I tell you I'll unbutton another button every fifteen minutes of the lunch hour... meet me in the parking lot lobby?

Me: You couldn't keep me away...

With that, her chat ID winked out. She had shut messages off so I wouldn't be able to contact her until it was time for lunch. She'd already had two buttons of her six undone. One more for each fifteen minutes of lunch would mean at the end of lunch she would have undone ALL the buttons. I don't know what I worked on the rest of that morning, but I was standing in the parking lot lobby right as our lunch hour rolled around. I bounced a little in place with nervous energy.

Lori walked in just a minute or two behind me, right on time. She walked up and gave me a quick hug, leaning her hip against my crotch just a little.

"Hi!" She beamed, "let's go, time's a wastin!"

I was starting to get a little more adjusted to this whole idea and had the presence of mind to look down at her skirt. The bottom two buttons were still undone. It was more difficult to see when she was standing up and it wouldn't be overly noticeable when she walked either.

"Wait, shouldn't we consider top of the hour the first fifteen minute mark?" I asked her as we walked out to my car.

"You naughty boy! That means the last button will time out fifteen minutes before lunch ends." She grinned, reached down as she walked and undid another button. I couldn't help but stare as I opened my passenger side door and watched her get in. Her legs had my full attention.

We drove a few minutes away to more of a sit down lunch place rather than one of the fast food places near our office. It had really good food and was generally quick enough with their service that we should still be able to get our order and get back in time. As we sat down toward the far end of the seating area Lori's phone started vibrating against the table.

"What's that?" I asked her, hoping we weren't about to get interrupted.

"That," she showed me her alarm clock, "is the fifteen minute mark. With that she reached down and undid the fourth of the the six buttons of her skirt. She pulled the material back across her lap as she crossed her legs, but if she moved to recross them she would be showing a lot of skin. I slid my chair off to the side rather than directly across from her so I could get a better look.

"I knew you would be into this." Lori told me. "I just didn't realize how new you were to the whole idea. I thought you'd be far more experienced with show-offs like me."

"No. I have thought about it a lot, but I have never met anyone that was willing to actually do what you're doing." I paused and glanced around at the eating area. There were fewer folks here than many other lunch places and our lunch was just a little later than most others in the area. Only a handful of people were still there eating and most looked like they'd be headed back out the door soon.

"I love that I get to see all your reactions. I think we can have a lot of fun little games over time." Lori's hand was twirling her hair. She brought her drink up and took a sip with her other hand. "The next big question you need to think about is this: how far are you willing to go?"

"What do you mean?"

She leaned forward, looking directly at my eyes then pointedly down at my crotch. "I mean, are you a participant or are you strictly a watcher?"

Lori clearly had my number. I had never given what she was doing any real thought, let alone being a participant. "Uh, since I'm clearly new to this whole thing, why don't I start off watching and see how the rest works out later?" I shifted and tried to make my pants more comfortable.

"That sounds fair," Lori shifted back in her seat. "It takes a lot of practice to be smooth and unhurried about this sort of thing." What I hadn't noticed was her shirt. While she had been leaning forward she had undone the top buttons of her silky blouse. They were undone down to a point where I thought I could see her bra.

"That was really slick" I told her. "I think that's the best I've ever seen at misdirection like that".

Lori blushed, "Aw, you sweet talker."

Just then her phone began to vibrate again. "Uh Oh," she grinned, "looks like it's time for another button." She reached down and undid the next button on her skirt. There was only one button still holding it all together. She lifted herself off the seat slightly and twisted her skirt. The buttons were now over one leg rather than more directly down the middle. I could very clearly see the top of her stocking on that leg and a lot of bare flesh above it.

"Do you have any panties on?" I asked, still staring at her.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She grinned and sampled her lunch again.

We sat and made idle chat while we picked at what was left of our lunches. We had around 20 minutes left of our lunch hour and I had been constantly erect for the entire time. I got the check and paid it. The waitress gave us the receipt just as Lori's alarm started going off again.

Lori looked around. The place was almost empty. Almost. There was still the waitress and she was clearing tables between us and the door. "Well, the deal was on button at each fifteen minute mark. Looks like it's time for this last button..."

I held my breath. She was actually going to completely undo her skirt right here in the restaurant. I watched, almost as if it was slow motion. She slid one hand down her side and brought the other over to grab the button.

"Got your car keys ready?" Lori winked at me and undid the button. She held the two sides of the skirt together at the top with her right hand as she stood. The skirt gapped and almost slipped off. Her one stocking was clearly visible as she walked back toward the door. I followed far enough behind her to be able to watch her as we walked out. She put her left hand up and waved to the waitress on the way past. I could see the waitress turn her head slightly from her table. She went to waive with one hand, then turned it into a gesture as if she was going to point out the gaping skirt. She just stopped and looked at me. I grinned and gave her a little wave on the way past as well.

Lori pushed the door open and walked out into the parking lot. I saw her look left, then right. She glanced back over her shoulder at me and let one side of the skirt out of her grip. Her skirt totally fell away, swinging freely in her hand as she strode across the parking lot to my car. I glanced back and saw the waitress had stopped working completely and was staring out the door. I turned and rushed out the door, almost fumbling my keys.

I looked left and right as I headed out of the restaurant door too. I couldn't believe Lori had just taken her skirt off on the way to the car. I wanted to cum right then and there. I could just see a lovely pair of black panties under the hem of her shirt. If her shirt were just a few inches longer it could have substituted for a skirt. She reached the car and looked back at me hustling across the parking lot. She gave me a devilish smile, opened the door and slid into the car.

I dashed to the other side, opened my door and dropped into the seat as quickly as I could.

"That was exhilarating." Lori leaned the car seat further back. "Ready to head back to the office?" She slid her hands down along her sides, over her hips and down her thighs.

"Hell no, I'm ready to cum on myself. That was amazing."

She looked at me with her devilish grin firmly in place and said, "Yes, but you're just watching today. Take the long way back to the office."

I put the car in gear and rolled out of the lot. As I glanced in the rear view mirror I thought I saw the waitress looking out the door of the restaurant after us. As soon as I was out on the road Lori hooked her thumbs into her panties and yanked them down to her knees. She pulled her blouse up giving me a full view of her lower belly, her hips and her neatly trimmed triangle of pubic hair.

"You're going to have to drive a little slower on the way back," Lori finished pulling her panties down and off her slender legs, "I have a little something I need to finish before we get back." She put her right foot up on the dashboard and pushed her left knee over toward the center console. Both of her hands slid back along her thighs and her right hand went directly to her pussy. She started grinding against her curled fingers.

I could hear how wet she had made herself. She was rubbing her hand up and around in little circles rapidly. Her head rolled on the seat, her eyes squeezed shut. Her other hand reached down and she plunged three fingers into herself, whipping them in and out furiously.

I had trouble watching the road. I couldn't stay in my lane. I found a place where the breakdown lane was extra wide, flipped on the hazard lights, pulled the car over to the shoulder and parked it. Lori moaned and her hands picked up speed again. Her whole body shuddered and she opened her eyes to stare at me. "You're watching, right?"

"I can't take my eyes off you. You're amazing." I started to rub my dick. I needed it.

"Just watching today..." Lori squeezed her eyes shut and shuddered again. "Oh my..." She moaned. Both of her hands stopped and she clamped her legs together, almost curling up. "OOOOH!" it was a shout.

Lori was breathing heavily, but her hands had stopped moving. She laid there for a moment more before she opened her eyes up again.

"We're going to be late getting back to the office." She pulled the seat up and started to close her shirt.

I snapped back to the real world and realized she was right. I resettled myself in the driver's seat, flipped the hazard lights off and pulled back onto the road.

"That was so brazen. That was so incredibly hot. I'm at a loss for words."

Lori grinned and raised her hips as she slid her skirt back around herself and started refastening buttons. She pulled her blouse back into place and made sure she was all tucked in.

"If you'd like, we can go and have lunch again some time. Maybe next time you'll think ahead a little bit and be better prepared?" Lori giggled.

"I'll go any time, you just let me know."

"Well, it might be a while, but I've been talking to Nikki. Maybe we should all go for lunch one day soon."

I pulled back into the parking lot at the office. Lori opened her door right away and popped out before I could get around to her side of the car. We walked back into the office and headed back to our departments in opposite directions. I was all but dizzy with what had gone on. It didn't even register that I clocked back in around ten minutes late. I was trying to figure out if Lori had put her panties back on before she'd gotten out of the car and I didn't remember. More importantly, I was trying to figure out when we could go to lunch again.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

GULP!! What a fantasy. Well written

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