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Lust of a Faithful Wife

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Faithful wife and mother choose to cheat.
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Lust finds a way

I am never much of a writer, apologies for what you are about to read.

Beth and Roger had been married for twelve years now. Beth is 35 years old while Roger is 36. They have two sons, the oldest is Rob, 12 years old and the youngest is Jojo, 6 years old. They live in the capital city of a South East Asian Country where they rent a two bedroom apartment. Life in the city is hard and Roger's salary as a machine operator in a canning company could barely fit their daily financial needs. To help Roger, Beth try the buy and sell business, first she tries beauty products such as cosmetics, she also sell slimming tea and other Chinese herbal products but the money was still not enough.

Her daily routine includes getting up at 4 o'clock in the morning to cook foods and prepare the boys for school. Afterward, she take a bath, then she eat breakfast and go out to visit her regular customers to deliver their orders or try to get new orders from them. After lunch she would be out looking for new customers again. She would spend her afternoon in malls and saloons looking for tips and rumors for new customers or visits her supplier to learn more of new products or buy some for her buyer.

Then one day she was approached by Gina, a working mom like her. Gina has a three year old girl from a failed married with a foreigner she met abroad. Gina use to work abroad as an entertainer and when she got pregnant her boyfriend left her. She return home and start a small business selling electronics equipment. She get her supply from an African trader at a much cheaper price. Gina was looking for some slimming herbal tea for her customer and would usually get her supply from Beth.They have known each other for months and had become friends. Rather than becoming a middle man, Beth introduce Gina to her supplier of Slimming Products. Gina in return promise to introduce Beth to her supplier if she wants to sell electronics equipment such as cellphones, tablets, etc. Seeing the opportunity of a better profit Beth easily agrees, she can send her boys to a better school and she would have enough money to buy some items for herself and Roger.

A few days later, Gina introduce Beth to Burim, a very large bald black man with a full body tattoos. Beth's first impression of Burim is that he is someone you never mess with, someone anybody should stay away from. She didn't like the way he looks at her, as if he is undressing her. She feels the overwhelming lust in his eyes at it frightens her. But she also like the feeling Burim has desire for her. She feels a little excited and proud just thinking that she has that kind of effect on a man. She feels very attractive, and when he shakes her hand, she feels his manly strength and she was crush by lust. The feeling of danger and forbidden desire is very erotic.

Burim show her the merchandise such as tablet, laptops, and cellphones, etc. and offer her a very good price. And once a while he would touch her shoulder and the back of her neck nonchalantly. It was a quick short touch, and it both feels repulsive and suggestive to Beth. While Gina is busy looking around, Burim whisper at her. She feels her hot breath at it gives her goosebumps. "I am giving Gina 40% discount but I will give you 60% discount, just don't let her knew.

Beth feels uncomfortable besides Burim, she think that his touch is inappropriate but at the same time she feels aroused. After a short tour of the apartment/office, Beth pulls Gina and ask her that they should leave. When Gina ask why, she said that she need to pick up her boys from school. Gina then thanks Burim and they left the apartment.

Beth is very scared while they walk away from the apartment, afraid that Burim who go after them. They both take separate taxi and Beth can see Burim looking at her taxi on the rear view mirror.

She was a bit uneasy when she pick up the boys at school. Her eldest notice that she was very silent on the way home and ask her why. All she could reply is that she was tired.

At home, the boys watch their favorite TV shows while she went upstairs to change. She saw Roger sleeping and she try not to wake him up. He is working night shift again. She feels very exhausted. She lay down in bed beside his husband but can't stop thinking on how she affect Burim and it affect her too. She was very aroused just thinking that he desired her, she could feel his want while she touches herself. She takes a shower and went down to prepare dinner for her family. Her husband came down dressed for work as she was preparing the table.

"How's Gina? You met her supplier? "Roger ask while they eat dinner.

"Yes, his name is Burim. He got good items for sales at cheap prices."

"How cheap?"

"Almost half the price of the current market prices."

"Most be smuggled then."

"Maybe but he gives us warranty. Smuggled items don't have warranty."

"Just be careful. I don't like it when items comes too cheap. There must be a catch."


Roger left for work and she clean the dishes. The boys do their homework and then went to bed. It was their daily routine. Roger is very strict when it time for the boys to go to sleep.

As she prepare for bed she remember Roger's warning about items that are cheap, that there must be a catch. He always told her that nothing is free in this world, they always want something in return. What would Burim want from her? She smile and touched herself. Maybe she want her pussy. It feels great to be desired. Someone else like her, he likes the way she looks, or maybe he just wants what is in between her legs, but still someone find her sexy and attractive. That night she dream of several orgasmic sex with Burim and she wakes up very wet and horny. And for the first time in her life, she masturbates while taking a shower.

"Mama" Her eldest call. "We will be late for school."

Upon hearing her son's voice she stop masturbating, wash her hands and wrap a towel upon her body. She quickly prepare breakfast. While cooking foods she notice a large eggplant which she bought yesterday. She set it aside.

"Here's your money for the fare. I might not be able to pick you up later from school. Take good care of your little brother."

When the boys have left for school, she quickly pick up the eggplant. While holding it in her hand she imagine that Burim's cock is the same size as the eggplant. It may also have the same color. She giggles.

She immediately went upstairs into their bedroom. Her sons interrupted her while she was masturbating and she had not cum yet. She sat at the edge of the bed, sizing up the eggplant if it will fit in her pussy. She rub her clit with it and her clit immediately respond and become hard. She feels her pussy getting wet. Imagining that it was Burim's cock, she align it at her entrance slowly rotating it, trying to push it in. She feel a little pain and stop. Knowing that her pussy isn't yet wet enough, she vigorously use her finger to masturbate. First she use one finger, then two while her other hand rub her clit. She was nearing orgasm when she stop and again try the eggplant but still it won't fit. She twirl it, spread her legs wide but still feel pain when she try to push it in.

"His cock would never fit my pussy. I will never feel him inside me."

She laugh at herself and get dress.

"What am I thinking, I am married. I would never cheat on my husband, of course his cock would never be inside me. And besides it won't fit"

She went to work and was busy that day since one of her old client has a large order of beauty products that she forgot all about Burim and his big cock. It was late in the evening, when she was all alone in the bedroom and was about to sleep that her mind starts to wander and she remember Burim. She feel a longing in her vagina that need to be filled. Roger works 6 days a week and with the heavy traffic in the city he spends more time on the road than with his wife. They spend time together only every Sunday unless Roger works overtime which is almost often. Their sex dwindle now to almost once a week or sometimes once a month since Roger is always tired.

She remember one day when she is not feeling well and stay at home, Roger was asleep. She was bored and saw the laptop her husband use to bring at work. She open the laptop and it immediately connects to the internet. Their neighbor has a Wi-Fi connection and is friendly enough to share it with them. The browser open to the last web page that was opened at it was a porn site. She feel disgusted, Roger seldom have sex with her and yet browse the web for sex videos. She feels undesirable, unattractive. She never told Roger nor confronted him on what she found out. As a devoted wife, she keep the feeling to herself. The feeling that Roger no longer want her. That is the only reason she believe on why Roger seldom had sex with her and browse porn on the net.

So when she met Burim, and she feels his desire for her, she feels exulted. She feels that she is still desirable and wanted. And it feels good. And she feels horny. She start to imagine that Burim is in the room with her. And they are both naked in bed. She began to imagine that they are having a hot prolong foreplay. That he was eating her while she was jerking him. She was leaking now. She stood up and look for the eggplant she tried to use before but she couldn't find it. She vigorously rub her clit while using two fingers in her pussy. She pushed her two finger deep inside when she was hit by a strong orgasm. Deep inside her mind, she believe that sex with Burim would be more intense than what he had just achieved.

When her orgasm subside, guilt follows. He was ashamed of herself, a wife and a mother of two who desired sex with someone other than her husband. She is not a slut, she try to convince herself. This would be the last time I think about sex with Burim. She would never lust for him, ever. She was determined never to think of Burim in carnal level. They are just business partner.

She work so hard that on the following days she never think of Burim. It was almost a week since they first met when Gina calls.

"Hello Beth, I just talk with Burim this morning and she was asking about you."

"Hi Gina, how is he? I am sorry but I have no order yet. I am still studying that market. I don't want to get burn."

"Oh no Beth, he is not asking about business, he was asking about you. I think he has his eyes on you. Or should I say on what you hide inside your pants. Ha ha ha?

"Stop it Gina, I am married. "

"I know, I told him that you are and that you have two boys."

"And what did he Said?"

"He ask if have you ever stray on your marital vows. Maybe he wants you to stray, with him. Ha ha ha"

"Ha ha ha ...That will never happen, I am happily married 35 years old mother, My tummy is no longer flat, my boobs now sag. Ha ha ha "

"Right Beth, and besides I think he is too big for you."

"Mmmmmm... I give birth to two boys.. My youngest is 8.4 lbs. "

"So you are thinking of having sex with him."

"Of course not, all I am saying is my body can handle that kind of big. Ha ha ha"

"So, when will you see him?"

"I don't know, I have no buyers yet. Bye Gina"

"Bye, Beth"

Gina end the call and then dial another number.

"Hello Burim, She will see you as soon as she has buyers for your merchandise." Gina Said.

"Good" Burim reply. "I was afraid that she is not interested in selling electronics equipment."

"The profit is good, she will sell them. But I think you are interested in something else. Is it something hairy but hot when wet?"

"She'cute." Burim reply.

"Really? She's cute? Ha ha ha. I saw the way you look into her. Just don't ruin her. She's so sweet."

"Yes, she is very sweet. There is something so desirable about her. The way she handles herself, she look so uncorrupted, so pure."

"Just be gentle with her if ever you get her in bed. That humongous cock of yours may not easily fit inside her."

"You handle this well the last time around."

"Ha ha ha ha, it was out of curiosity. It did sink in alright but it hurts a lot at first. And I have lots of experience with other men. She does not. The only men she ever sleep with is Roger. Honestly, I love big cocks, but yours is not big. It is huge."

"I promise to do it slow, if given the chance. Would you do me a favor, would you try to convince her to cheat?"

"How? You can't just go around at tell someone to fuck someone."

"I don't know, maybe you can think of something. Maybe you can make her think that there is something lacking in her sex life, that she should broaden her horizon. You can think of something."

"That you are a better fuck than Roger?"

"Something like that. You said you fuck me out of curiosity, maybe you can do that to her to?"

"Okay, but I want all the details when you fuck her. Pictures and video perhaps. If you can have some of it, get it. I want everything."


"I am curious how he handles your huge cock. And tales of seduction is a big turn on for me. Besides, it may be of use to me one day. Deal partner?"

"Okay partner, it is a deal. And since we are partner, try to get Beth preference for men, what he like and don't like. How often they have sex, her favorite sex act... anything that may help us."

"No problem. Operation Beth dripping pussy starts now. Ha ha ha."

"Ha ha ha, I would rather call it Operation Beth dripping cunt."

Chapter 2.

It was early Saturday morning and Beth was doing the laundry when their next door Angie knock on their door.

"Hi Angie, what can I do for you?"

"You have mentioned that you are selling Tablet. My son's birthday will be this coming weeks and he wants a tablet. How much would one cost?

"Yes Angie, I do. I can sell it to you at a lower cost. All are brand new with warranty. Just give me a minute and I will get back to you."

She scan her phonebook and finding Burim's number she made the call. "Hello, it's me Beth, I have a customer for a Tablet. She want to know house much one cost."

"Hello Beth, it is nice to hear from you. How are you? Tablet cost at ranges of 3,000 to 12,000 depending on model and brand. And your profit is 60% each. You can drop here anytime and I will give you the specs and pricelist. Anytime." Burim quickly reply.

"Thanks, I will try to drop by this afternoon."

Beth inform Angie what Burim had told her. Angie ask for the specification so that his son can choose.

"I will give it to you this afternoon." Said Beth.

With her boys help, she does a general housecleaning. They were too tired that they take a nap after lunch. She awoke when she hear Roger singing. He always sing when taking a bath. She look at the clock and it reads 4 pm. Then she remember her promise to Angie. She has to get the specs from Burim but it is already late. She needs to prepare supper for Roger and the boys. She prepare supper and they eat together at around 5 pm.

"Sweetheart, would please drop by at Burim's place to get specs that Angie needed?" She ask while eatimg.

"Can't it wait till tomorrow, it is almost 6 pm and that place is far from my work. I don't want to be late." Roger reply.

As a devoted wife she shun away from arguing with Roger. "Okay, I will just ask Gina to get me a copy when she goes there."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Roger left at 6 pm and she accompanied her out. She was going to enter the house when Angie saw her. "Beth, do you have the specs? My son is very excited."

"Give me an hour, I am leaving to get one." She reply. She took a brief shower and change. She use a simple cotton dress and jeans. She wants to look simple in front of Burim. She was already out of the door waiting for a taxi when she notice that in haste she forgot to wear a bra. She ponder for a moment if she went back to get a bra when a taxi stop besides her.

"Panorama Village." She said to the driver as hop in.

Traffic is heavy but the taxi driver knows a lot of shortcut that she arrive at Burim's apartment just after 7:30 pm. Burim was watching porn when she arrive. He pause the DVD and open the door for Beth.

"Hello Beth, I am sorry for that, I have nothing to do and I am a hot blooded mammal. You are not offended are you? You're not prude or something."

"It's okay, we are all grown up, and it is not something I haven't seen yet." Beth reply hesitantly. The truth is Beth never watch porn with Roger and she is a bit uncomfortable.

"Wait here, I will get the specs and the pricelist." Burim Said as he push the play button.

Burim went to his office while Beth try not to look at the screen. "You are not shy are you?" She hear Burim speak from the office.

"I am a city girl." She reply. She take glances at the screen and saw the movie. It is an interracial porn with a big black man doing oral on a petite asian woman. She was mesmerized by the scene. Roger never go down on her, He tried once but she said no and Roger never try again. The actress looks like she really enjoy it as the black man's tongue lap on her clitoris. Beth did not notice that Burim is standing right behind her. He was staring at her very visible erect nipple.

"You look great, I love your dress." Burim softly speaks. His breath touches her neck and earlobes. She try to turn around but Burim's left hand hold her waist and stop her from turning. His right hand offer her the brochures and price list.

"I have to go now, thanks" She whisper. Burim did not answer. Instead his left hand move toward her stomach and pull her towards him. "Please, don't." She murmur as she closed her eyes. Burim's hand move upward and is now touching her breast. She freeze, she can't move out of fear. This is it, she think. She will be raped. She will be used by this big man. She and her vagina will be used and abused. She was afraid that it will happen yet she is hoping that it will. His hand on her breast is now lightly pinching her nipple sending shiver throughout her body. His other hand leave her waist and start creeping beneath her jeans. Her legs spread to give it better access as it creep under her panties, touching her pubic hair. "Please, I am married. Please let me go." But she never move. Burim guide her unto the couch where he sit and pull her down on his lap. Immediately he push her shirt up and kiss her exposed breast. He put his mouth on his nipple and suck on it while his other touch her clits. Beth keep saying please don't but did not offer any resistance. Her pussy lips is now enflamed with lust and is leaking with vaginal lubricating fluid. She can feel his cock while she sit on his lap and it was huge. His middle finger found the opening on her vagina and slowly push is. The sudden intrusion bought her back to her senses and she pushes herself away. "Stop. I can't do it. I can't." She start to cry.

Burim was rattled by her sudden reaction and try to calm her down. "It is okay, I won't force you. Relax, it is okay."

Beth pull her shirt down and walk to the door. "I have to go, my kids are..., I have to go." She open the door and leave. Burim watch her leave. In his mind the game are just getting more exciting.

- - - - - - - -

Angie decided to buy two units of Nexus Tablet, one for her son and one for her. Beth was so happy for the quick sale then she remember that she had to get the unit from Burim. She was afraid to go back there alone so she harass her husband to go with her since it is Sunday. They would go shopping for the kids after that as her treat. Roger reluctantly agree since he has to show Beth that he support her endeavor.

Burim was disappointed when Beth arrive with Roger and her kids. However he was glad to learn that Beth never told Roger what he did yesterday. He saw a window of opportunity, if he became friend with Roger then he will have easy access to Beth. He act as friendly as he can be with Roger and at the same time try to ignore Beth. Roger himself was fascinated by the variety of new gadgets. Beth feel agitated that she was being ignored, pay Burim for the two tablets and pull Roger.


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