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Lust On The Way Down

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Brief elevator encounter.
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(Please bear in mind this is my FIRST published written piece EVER. Not just on literotica but ever. I can't say it's a literary work of art, but I am happy with it for my first short story. Please leave me a message if you enjoyed it, and I would love constructive criticism. Thank you.)

Bing!!! Bing!!!

The bell on the elevator rang as the doors slid closed with a quiet grate and a small thud. The stainless steel wall box that was filled with ten people slowly lurched up, of course causing everyone in the elevator to lurch with it, and gain their "elevator legs". It was during this jostle that I noticed her, the 5' 4' athletic brunette standing in front of me. I must say, up until that point I had no idea of this particular woman until just that second. Usually the elevator in my office high rise is ridden while on auto-pilot, as in most people just file in, stand around for a minute or two, and file right back off, me being one of them.

My name is John Destle. I am an office rat, or pencil pusher for the older crowds, a filing clerk for the local basketball team the "Dukes" on the 23rd floor. As an average height and average weight 28 year old male with blonde hair and grey eyes, "Dukes" basketball has been very good to me(wait, I must repeat VERY good to me). It has afforded me such dalliances every once in a while as to be able to date, somewhat extravagantly, and do big things for big rewards! In the end a steady girl hasn't been dealt into my cards yet, every girl usually splits after the first time, as I have been endowed with what one girl called "Holmes like genes".

Trust me it's not me. Seriously it's not me. Apparently I warm the engine up so much they just go nuts, and a woman going nuts on 10 inches that's as big around as an average cucumber is not a good thing. I repeat more clearly, the first time is too much, it hurts and it fucking scares them right out of my life. Recently things on the dating front have been completely disheartening, as it has apparently became a game or "notch on the bed post" to sleep with the guy with the "tree trunk" at work. So I just started ignoring everybody in my office, and eventually the requests for dates slowed to a stop. I had been at this for about 3 months when this event occurred on my way home one day on the elevator.

Now where were we? Ah yes, the jostling elevator and the brunette girl. When the elevator took off and everyone's equilibrium was tampered with this woman (now known to me as Stacy), fell right into me. Mind you I'm standing in the back corner back to the wall. Not only had she bumped into me but lost her balance and planted her ass right into my groin! And to top that off my immediate reaction was to grab her hips with both hands and pull! But that feeling wasn't to last, because the contact of my hands to her hips felt like electricity running up arms, and I dropped her. Go ahead, laugh, it was like a hot potato I'm telling you. Now with little room on a packed elevator the only way she could go as she fell was straight down, sliding down my chest and half engorged member that was coming to attention, landing on her knees. To my horror thought finally flooded to my brain, and I thanked god that she was at the least facing away from me, albeit with her face in the butt of the girl in front of her.

"Can you help me up?" a feminine voice chimed from below.

"uh.....Huh?" I stammered as I couldn't think, and was completely lost.

"I asked if you could help me up. Please?" the same voice said again.

"Uh.. yea, sure." I croaked out, blushing because she was talking to me!

I looked down and found myself crotch level with an absolute beauty! The auburn hair with blonde highlights fit her face perfectly. She didn't have on a ton of make-up was another plus, showing off her natural beauty. And her grey eyes, her lovely grey eyes. I could go on forever talking about the color of her eyes. Unfortunately I also saw my cock leap in my pants at the exact same time! And sure enough this beauty seeing my eyes flick down to my pants also turned her gaze to the front of my dockers as well!

"W. O. W.!!" she mouthed, as her eyes bulged like saucers upon visual contact with my crotch. "Do you think you could help me, I'm kinda stuck...." She trailed off, her eyes never wavering from the bulge in my pants.

"Uh yeah, let me try..." I trailed of trying to shift out of her way and put as much distance between her and my cock. Finally she looked back up at me with a quirky smile.

We shifted and scooted, fidgeted and shuffled, all to no avail. No matter how we tried to work it there was no way to raise her back up to standing level with the group. Frantically I tried to think of something, anything that might let me help her without touching her. I was seriously afraid of dropping her again. "What the HELL is going on here?" I thought to myself, wondering how a female could affect me so. Reluctantly and finally defeated, while coming to grips with the fact that I had to touch her again, I steeled myself against the soon to be oncoming slough of electrical current caused by her contact. As I was reaching for her all of a sudden the chime went off on the elevator, warning for the next floor stop. BING!!BING!!

Saved by the bell!... Not! Just as I was hoping the elevator might clear out giving this beautiful temptress room to maneuver and gain her feet, this was not the case. As I looked down to tell her "just a sec and we will have more room", she nodded and slowly started turning her body as a few people filed out. As she was finishing her 360 turn she stopped, and waited, for the relief of pressure from the throng of people that never came. Instead, as she paused the outflow became an inflow. I looked up with a quick mental head count and only 2 people had gotten off and 6 more were getting on!

The noise and yelling was almost too much for the little steel box. Two guys were hootin and holerin', all jazzed up because they got a raise, annoying several people in the process. This in turn set those other people off, and they started scolding them, telling them to talk in more appropriate levels, and that "Damn it! Your not the only fucking people on this elevator!". As the last person squeezed on and the doors shut the added throng of people pressed Stacy's face right on to my semi-hard cock. She had turned her head just enough that at impact she didn't hit her nose, but her lips were still pressed against my shaft.


The elevator door shuts quietly "OH MY GOD!" I said, even though it was only a whisper.

".......mm.......mmmmm.....mmm.m.mm.." Said Stacy, or at the least I think she tried to say something. I only know I felt it.

With my brain finally firing on all cylinders I was able to surmise that her hands were on my hips, her lips are on the shaft of my hardening cock, and my hands were steadying myself in the corner as two people pressed her body into mine. LURCH! The elevator started to move again, causing her to grind her face down the length of my shaft. Now I find myself starting to tent my pants, just as Stacy puts a hand on my teepee of khaki in my dockers.

"OH FUCK!!!" escaped my lips again, causing me to buck my hips a little.

I then felt the hands on my hips again force my ass to the wall, and then I got bit! Yes she bit me. Right on the cock! And then again! I don't honestly know what she was thinking but I started jumping and finally got the message that I was supposed to look down at her when she started tugging my shirt with one hand. The glazed over lust look in her eyes was almost unbearable. But she still had the compunction to mouth to me "Please pick me up!" and held out her hands. So I finally picked her up, pulling her by her hands, feeling mesmerized by her delicate touch.

As Stacy finally regained her feet, I noticed she was blushing, bringing a nice color to her cheeks that she didn't have before. It was then that I noticed her Green spaghetti strap top, no bra, hard nipples, and blue jean skirt. Her curvy breasts and luscious thighs had a nice golden sheen, what I would call GBD! And to top it off she was at perfect kissing height. Oh god she caught me staring!

My heart and my cock lurched! As I frantically tried to say something my mouth fell open and there it hung for several seconds while I looked like a slack-jawed yokel. At least she didn't look at my tent in the front of my pants.


With the elevator chime going off again neither of us said anything, and I was able to close my mouth. I at least was hoping the mini theater act that had been going on around us was going to get off the elevator so I could actually talk to her. Thank god they did! As the loud mouths and a couple others got off the elevator we were still pretty packed because just as many people piled right back on. By now we were at the 12th floor, and I was trying to calculate how long I had with my dream beauty. No stops I would say at most 3 minutes. Better say something. As my brain tried to form something to say as I stared into her eyes I still had nothing. Luckily I was interrupted by Stacy.

"Nice to meet your acquaintance, my name's Stacy." She stuck out her tiny hand again for me to shake.

"John" I squeaked, adverting my eyes while trying to shake her hand.

"What?" Stacy questioned.

"Hgggmmph" clearing my throat. "John" I replied for the second time, actually sounding somewhat like a man.

"Well John, sorry for biting you," her cheeks changing color again, "I didn't want to get suffocated by your um.. Pet! Anyways it was nice to meet you!" and like that she turned around!


Twice my jaw went slack now in the span of 8 minutes! Now I was irritated beyond belief! Hell I was almost passed irritated and close to becoming irate. Who the fuck are you gorgeous, that you can bite my dick and act like it's no big deal? It took me everything I had not grab her by the shoulder to spin her around face to face and!!!....and!!!...

Wait a sec, are those fingers I feel on front of my khakis?! Yes, yes I'm pretty sure those are her fingers I feel along the length of my "pet"!! Glancing down I notice her petite hand thoroughly wrapping around my cock through fabric of my pants. Excitedly I glanced around the elevator to be sure no one was paying attention, intent on lifting her shirt up and resting my hands on her hips. As I start to reach forward...


"SHIT!" I whisper dropping my hands immediately, feeling completely dejected. I have to touch her!

Stacy just stands there and giggles, shifting every couple of seconds while her hand never leaves contact of my swollen "pet". As with the previous stop a couple people get off the elevator and a few more get on, pressing Stacy's back closer to my chest. Now I can smell her. She has a musky vanilla scent to her, making my "pet" twitch. With each twitch she give it a squeeze, driving me wild causing me to buck my hips a small degree.

Just then the elevator jolts to a complete stop, causing everyone to stumble, the lights start to flicker and an alarm buzzer starts to go off! The elevator had broken down! The room quickly started to panic, murmurs and a wave of negativity began to flow from several peoples lips. The flickering lights slow to a stop, and the just quit completely. Again the tense feeling grew worse. Luckily a maintenance person came on the loudspeaker: "Is everyone OK?" as the buzzer stopped going off.

"Yes!" came the reply harmoniously from several people.

"Good. There was a fuse relay blown, and it will take about 10 to 15 minutes to repair, so please be patient and we will get you guys out of there as soon as possible." "Sit tight." And then silence from the loudspeaker.

What surprised me was besides a few grumbles, everyone for the most part remained silent. Then came the slow flicker of lights from cell phones. With all the phones there was a glow in the elevator, and luckily still being in the corner afforded me the dark. Some people started talking amongst one another, and several people started making phone calls out to the world. Glancing around my eyes finally rested on a phone screen, facing me. Looking down I notice its Stacy's.

"Wanna have some fun?" the screen glowed in a girly font. I look down into Stacy's eyes to find she's staring right at me.

Without moving my eyes I shake my head enthusiastically and make my pet twitch. She grins and turns back around, taking the phone with her. I next feel a second hand attach itself to my pet, and the first hand start drawing down my zipper. She draws it down excruciatingly slow, and I start biting my lip waiting for the release of the beast. I spring free, and feel two hands immediately on my cock. All I can do is exhale as she starts to stroke it and squeeze it.

I feel her take one hand away, bringing an extreme rush of disappointment to my mind, and feel her start shimmying in front of me. She switches hands, and again shimmies her hips for a second. She returns her hand to accompany the other and resumes stroking me, while pulling my pet down and beginning to rub it down the crack of her ass. HOLY SHIT!!! This is the hottest thing to ever fucking happen to me!!

I take the initiative and start lowering my hips somewhat to prepare for entry, trying not to make any noise because of how much glee I feel. I could almost giggle I was that happy. But the feeling wasn't to last. To my dismay Stacy released one hand and turned around. Looking up at me she resumed the stroking of my cock and rubbing of her pussy at the same time. Her other hand and arm rapped around my neck, pulling my face down to hers.

"No penetration, But if you can cum before the lights come back on I will let you." She whispered and she continued rubbing her clit with my swollen head.

"MmHmm" Was the only sound I could make as I nodded my head and bucked my hips to make my acknowledgement.

So Stacy continued to stroke and rub at the same time, running my cock from her clit to the opening of her pussy. It was by pure luck that I didn't grab her hips and try to force my tool into her tiny opening, I was just too turned on concentrating on her warmth and wetness as she continued her back and forth motion.

"Harder and faster." I whisper in her ear, snaking one of my hand up the front of her shirt to latch onto one of her large breasts, pinching her hard nipples as I squeezed and fondled her. I closed my eyes and was in heaven.

"Open." Came a faint whisper. A new squeezing technique was added for emphasis. I could only lick my lips.

"Open. Please." Almost pleadingly she whispered, and squeezed harder.

I did open my eyes, but I can tell you they were glazed over. I could feel that they were glazed over. As my eyes came into focus, I realized that I was getting oh so close to hosing this beauty between her legs as she kept rubbing herself with my pet, slipping back every so often for lubrication. With the haze lifting I my eyes immediately made contact with her lips, noticing that she was biting her lower lip. Finally making eye to eye contact caused Stacy to roll her eyes and flutter her lashes, then she resumed eye contact with me.

"Close?" I mouth silently. I took her vigorous nodding as a definite yes and locked eyes with this beauty in front of me. I felt my balls clench, realizing that I was REALLY close.

"Countdown." No sound just my lips.

???? Was Stacy's response by the look in her eyes. "C-o-u-n-t-d-o-w-n" I mouthed again, only much more slowly.

The questionable look flooded with comprehension as soon as she realized what I had said. She nodded vigorously again. To my surprise she started the countdown, only mouthing the numbers.

"5" (rub rub rub)

"4" (rub rub rub)

"3" (rub rub rub)

Now Stacy's eyes were zoned out, like she was looking right through me, both of us breathing really rapidly, trying to keep the noise down.

"2" (rub rub rub)


We didn't make it to one. I shot. Oh god did I shoot. I felt my body pump so many times I lost count of how much of my sperm I could have possibly shot at her. Luckily I could tell that my sudden shot had did the trick for her, as her mouth dropped open, not making any sound, she dropped her head to my shoulder as her legs locked, trapping my pet between her thighs. Then I got fucking bit again! Right on the chest! God does that hurt! I stop coming as soon as the pain started, and luckily I was able to keep my mouth shut and not make a sound. We stood there for what felt like a lifetime.

Brrrrrr. Whirrrrrrrrr.


The elevator jolted back to life, causing Stacy to release my pet from her thighs. The lights came on, and then the loudspeaker barked: "Ladies and gentleman the elevator is functional again, But we are taking everyone directly to the ground floor. No stops. Sorry, just don't want to risk the elevator blowing a fuse relay again. Thank you everyone for your patience.", and then it went dead.

The elevator started down, and Stacy raised her head and looked at me. I realized suddenly everyone was talking in normal voices as I looked at Stacy and just stared, amazed with what just happened.

"That was nice." She said in a quiet voice.

"Yes, yes it was." Was all I could reply.

"Feel like doing more after dinner tonight maybe?" again quietly.

Timidly I looked down. She had no clue I would do whatever she wanted too just to be able to be with her. "Oh yes, I would like that very much. How do I get ahold of you? I think I would like to go home and shower before coming to get you though..." I trailed off as I put my pet away under the cover of her blocking body.

"Give me just a second. You got a pen?" she said as she looked down straightening her skirt.

I also got to watch as she kind of bent down and put one had between her legs, obviously scooping my remains, then flicked it at the wall. Splat. I hope nobody heard that. Then she straightened like nothing had happened and looked at me.

"No more funny business, or at the least till later tonight.." she trailed off as she put her hand in my pants through the zipper and wiped what was left of my remains off of her hand and onto my boxers.

I handed her my pen. She took her out of my pants and grabbed the pen, reaching around to her back pocket on her skirt and pulled out a card.


Just then the elevator doors opened, and everyone started shuffling out. Stacy wrote something on the card and handed it to me, I reached out and took it greedily.

"Don't be late!" she chimed to me, she then reached up and kissed me on the lips, and turned around and strutted off the elevator.

Again I could only stand there dumbfounded. I finally looked at the card as I walked off the elevator, happier than I have ever been in my life with its contents. Along with an address and time, a short note was written that read: Don't be late. And yes after our fiasco it's a sure thing. Just don't be upset if it doesn't fit all the way the first time! Kisses and a heart.


I have never wanted to eat dinner so fast in my life!

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Round two plz!

Perfection! Will there be a sequel?

horney47horney47over 10 years ago
Very sexy

Not usually one for public sex, this one had the right elements to make it very enjoyable.

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