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Lyn, Sam and Jenny

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Cheering Dave up and introducing Sam.
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My darling,

It seems like you've been in New Zealand forever. Just how much business can you generate out there? Not that I'm sitting around doing nothing - with the two boys that's unlikely - but even with one or two of my best loves nearby to help, I am missing your touch. I need you home. It's seems so bland and everyday when we talk on the phone. I wanted to express something more real to you so I decided to write. I'll e-mail it as an attachment as soon as it's finished. Distance puts such a chasm between us.

You asked if I've been telling stories to anyone else and, believe it or not, when I read those words I understood for the first time that although you've made a storyteller of me, you are the ears, the critic, the recipient of the sensuous pleasures my stories communicate. I fulfil my history through you. After all you are one of the key players in my tales. No, no-one else has been listening to them.

You may remember two key storylines that are in danger of getting lost in the marsh mist of late spring's almost-frosts.

The first was my wish to be alone with Dave to discover a better relationship with him that would manage his fears and guilt. Will Dave accept the love he has found and must share without remorse? He and I are thrust together to accept our fate without hurt to others. That is the skill and the challenge, but we will win through. There they are now, can you see, ready to step out onto the apron of the stage and play their parts. Let them perform, then, for us both.

And they are both prepared to be what they are here for: the mutual pleasuring of happy human beings. What more can there be? Unless it's a good bottle of red wine, a roll of goat's cheese and, circles within circles, the love of a partner you respect enough to melt with? And to share.

The second phial of aphrodisia will be the story of how Jenny got together with Lyn and Ben and how she subsequently inveigled Sam and James to play a part that would grow to involve all the players to their ultimate bliss. Read on, my love, as the spinning wheel spins its reveries...

Gail, Ben and Clare set off for Leicester to a fictitious date. It would be lunch and shopping, nothing more. I got out of bed and watched their car go off down the drive.

I padded softly down the stairs unsure just where Dave was at this hour. Peeping my head round the corner of the study I saw him with his back to me at the desk working on the computer. I crept up and put my hands on his shoulder. He knew it was me.

Dave spun the office chair round to face me. Gently he put one hand on my tummy and said:

'How are you this morning? Feeling better?'

'I won't ever lie to you, Dave,' I began. 'There wasn't anything wrong with me last night. Gail and Ben and Clare have just gone off for the day to leave us alone. Don't be mad at them, it's what I wanted.' However badly this went it was important to me that Dave could see my total honesty before him. We were, of course, both naked. My skin seemed to tense, go slightly goose-pimply even, and my nipples hardened. Dave's cock was now pointing up at me, but neither of us found this unusual.

'Why?' he asked.

'I think you know why, Dave,' I said firmly, placing my hands on his shoulders again as he faced me. I looked straight at him, but smiled encouragingly. 'There's something we need to sort out, isn't there?'

'Yes,' said Dave, 'there is. Don't you understand why I have kept away from you?'

'No, it hurts, you hurt me when you ignore me. Gail and Clare have no worries about being with me whenever I wish or they want to. Ben expects me to be pleasured by all the family, including you, you know.'

'Yes,' Dave faltered, 'ever since the first time you were better than anything in my life. My sense of satisfaction and of love seems too dangerous to unleash in case it wrecks everything. When I see you or touch you I want you. Deep down as we talk, I even want to have you now. It's ever since you made me beat you, Bobs, I've never had sexual pleasure as I have with you, not even with Sarah or Gail. You make me want to have you all for myself and that is wrong.' Dave looked to the floor ashamed.

I tried to answer without destroying him. 'Yes, that would be wrong, and I won't allow that. I won't allow you to destroy everything you all have. What you all have is so wonderful, so rare, so arousing, you mustn't spoil it.'

'Help me, Bobs. What do you propose?'

I pulled a chair over from by the window and sat on it the wrong way round so my front and arms could rest on the chair back. 'I have two proposals,' I began. 'The first is that I should leave and not return. I said once that I wanted to blend into your family not throw a hand grenade into it. You're making me do just that and you're breaking your family's own principles by not sharing with me. Did you want to hurt my feelings?'

'No, you know I didn't and you know I don't want you to leave. Tell me the second proposal,' he said humbly.

'It's not so easy to put in place and it has three conditions attached. You have to promise too that you will stick by it.'

'Tell me, then, Bobs, tell me,' he implored me quietly, reaching out a hand.

I reached one out to him. 'I want you to have me at least three times per week, either by just coming up to me and asking, or by sleeping with me, taking a shower with me, doing me on the rug when the others are around - whatever you wish, but it must be at least as frequently as I have said. That would not be too out of place compared with how often I make love to Case and Gail. Obviously I I'm with Ben much more.'

I went on: 'To encourage you, if in any week you pleasure me more than three times, I will give you a point for each extra use of me. Points equal strokes of a beating. When you have collected twenty-five strokes, you will beat me.'

All Dave seemed able to say was: 'Twenty-five?'

'Yes. I need to make it just a little harder for you to get there!'

'But it will hurt a lot more, Bobs, twenty-five is tough.'

'I want it to thrill you,' I said simply. 'Your target is to get there for my birthday in October, understood?

'Yes. And the second condition?'

'You know you have always made family movies, ever since Ben and Case were small..well I would like you to make a film with your new camera of Ben and me making love. You know in a special place filmed from various angles, so we'd have to be filmed a few times and then you could edit it on your PC to make one erotic film for me. Could you do that, Dave?'

'I'd like to try, yes, I'd love to. What's the last condition, Bobs?'

'I love you but you have got some time to make up. You haven't touched me for over four weeks. Ben, Case and Gail won't be back until six, they promised. We've still got over seven hours. Use your imagination to the full, Dave, and make it up to me, make it up to me really thoroughly, how you really like to, how you imagine you do.' I pouted and winked at him. 'Smile, Dave, relax.'

For the first time in weeks I felt I had got him back again from where he had exiled himself.

Dave stood up and took hold of both my hands, pulling me to my feet. He took me in his arms and I pressed into him, grinding my pelvis into him.

'How many points can you score today, dad?' I whispered. I knew somehow that calling him 'dad' aroused him especially. He never told me how many points he would score.

'May I hurt you just a little?'

I nodded. 'Mmmm. I'm yours for the day. I trust you but I don't want you to ask for anything. I want you either to just do it or just tell me what you want me to do for you. That's what intoxicates me.'

'You filthy beast,' he grinned and led me upstairs to the shower. 'You need to come clean!'

Dave washed me and I him. The warmth relaxed us and made us once again willing partners. Dave directed the shower jet onto my breasts and down on to my cunt. I pumped his cock. After a few minutes he said directly:

'Right. One point to me, please. He eased himself into me, pushing me against the tiled wall. He forced himself as far into me as he could go. I raised myself off the floor, grabbing his torso with my legs as he rhythmically thrust up into me. I was soon on the brink of a wonderful orgasm.

'Faster, harder,' I grunted. 'Shag me, dad!'

Dave and I came together. Dave slowed gradually and let me back to the ground. We washed each other again. Dave rubbed the shower head into my crutch as I held his cock, gently squeezing life back into it.

We dried each other off and then Dave led me back to my room, where there was a double bed I rarely slept in but where I often spent time with Case or Gail. It was covered with a single sheet. Dave placed me on it, face down, spreading my arms and legs wide.

'Stay there,' he ordered me. 'I won't be a minute. He returned with the double bed duvet from his own bedroom. He threw it on the armchair and then laid himself on top of me, his arms on mine, his legs on mine. I felt his cock hardening again and pushing hard against me. I wriggled a little to help it find its way to my back door. It was trying to push it open.

'Use me, Dave, please use me,' I murmured. Dave was determined to go slow. His fingers entwined and gripped mine. Somehow our legs tangled. Dave was moving and I was responding. I imagined the tip of his cobra headed cock erect and shining and ready to attack. I wanted his snakehead to strike and its venom to flood into me.

I used the same words I had used once before:

'Now would be good, dad.'

I felt Dave driving himself home into me. At last he was using me in the way I loved, the way he loves, in a way which no other partner has quite been able to master. I don't know why, maybe it is our love that is the key, but with Dave it was always better, I always opened wider, I gave myself so joyously.

'Oh, dad, that's that's...oooooooo...' I came beautifully as Dave ejaculated into me. I was in anal wonderland. We rested; Dave stayed in me for a while and then rolled off. He grabbed the duvet from the armchair and pulled it over us both. As he lay on his back I cuddled into him.

'Two points, now,' I smirked and squeezed his arms. 'Don't ever leave me again.'

'I promise,' he said, 'but I do love you too much, Bobs.'

'I love you too much too,' I said. 'But we are going to handle it, as long as you keep your word to me. Do you understand what I'm saying, Dave? I love you too much too.'

'Our bodies melted together as one. Dave kissed me passionately and I put my hands on his ass and pulled him into me. He sucked my breasts and my engorged nipples seemed on bursting point. We bit each other on the neck and breast. Dave moved his hand to my crutch and gently stroked me. I held his cock, massaging his cobra head. We lay there for a couple of hours.

I rolled onto my back. 'Fuck me,' I said,' just fuck me.'

Dave mounted me and we fucked like rabbits. It was good.

After that we went downstairs and mooched around in the kitchen. Dave made us a cup of coffee each and I made some honey sandwiches. Dave told me how much he loved to watch my nude body as I walked around.

'I also love to see your cunt displayed in the evening in the lounge. I always look for it.'

'I know,' I smiled. 'I try to show it you.'

We took our coffees to the lounge and Dave put a video on. We snuggled down on the old sofa and watched. It was a professional publicity film about French naturism. There was nothing prurient in it although there were plenty of naked bodies, sunbathing, playing games, doing the shopping. I had asked Dave about the place we were going to as public nudity was something I still had to experience. It held no fears but it was nice to learn more.

After a while Dave asked me if I had unfulfilled fantasies. I told him I wanted to suck him off and swallow him while Ben fucked me. I also told him I often fantasized about going to a club where you and your partner may have several other partners during the evening. I might not like it in reality, I added.

'How about you?' I asked.

'I'd like to watch you doing it, but not blindfolded, just doing it willingly with a beautiful young man, you performing for me, I suppose.'

'I'd like that,' I smiled at him.

'I often dream of beating you,' he whispered.

'I dream of it too,' I moaned, aroused.

Dave took my hand and led me back to his room. The linen box was there, but no sheet this time. 'Bend over,' he ordered me.

Without hesitation I placed myself on the box. Dave began to spank me, hard. I enjoyed the ephemeral pain but that was all. It certainly aroused Dave too, and after ten spanks he pushed into my ass and used me again. I thanked him for the spanking.

We tumbled back into my bed and slept for a couple of hours. When we woke we chatted and touched each other affectionately.

'I have one other very secret fantasy,' he began.

'I know,' I countered. This surprised him. 'I read your mind, sometimes, Dave. I know what your secret fantasy is because I share it with you. You want us to do the ultimate thing to prove our love for each other, don't you?'

'Yes,' he said. 'We must never mention it again.'

'No.' We joined our bodies and our love-making was full of those desires and dreams. When the rest of the family returned dad thought he had scored six points. Gently I reminded him the first three wouldn't count. In a bittersweet kind of way we were very happy.

It's strange, to finish a story without your comments or your aroused touch which often shows how effectively I have told my tale. At this distance it's not so easy to keep going. However I promised the tale of Jenny and Sam. So here it is:

So it was then that Ben and I cleared all our ISAs [Intra Semestral Assignments] by Friday lunchtime and had arranged to meet at the train station. It was a beautiful June day, not long before the summer holidays, the temperature was soaring in an azure sky. It would be a hot ninety minute train ride to my home town.

My father was still in Canada on his business trip and my mum had confirmed when I spoke to her on the phone that Sam and her boyfriend James would be home by tea-time if not earlier.

I wandered up and down the main concourse of the station, reading the departure screens and checking out the crowd, half alert to spot Ben when he arrived. I saw him running down the slope near the taxi rank. I waved and he ran to me.

'There's plenty of time,' I said.

'I know, I just wanted to get here. Is the train showing as on time?'

'The screen says so, yes.'

The train whisked us away and, for once, we had a trouble free journey. Mum met us at the station and we bundled ourselves into her Nissan. With the windows down to lessen the temperature build-up in her small car, we sped home. Fifteen minutes later we were there.

'Do you mind if we go and sunbathe down the garden, mum?' I asked. Ben and I were both trying to achieve an all-over tan [or at least a partial one] before we went to France with Ben's family for a month. We had found that Ben's university accommodation had a flat roof and we crept up there on fine sunny days to sunbathe. Ben said he hoped no-one else had the same idea. I had replied that I wouldn't mind as long as it was couples not just a group of lads.

Anyway, mum said: 'Good idea. Did you bring a costume?' As she finished she blushed as the light dawned on her. 'You're going to sunbathe naked aren't you both?'

'Do you mind, Jenny?' I grinned at her. A few months ago this conversation would have been impossible for either of us. Now it was natural, we had shared so much. I felt my mum was so different and I wondered whether Sam, my sister, had noticed the change in her.

'No, of course not. Mind if I come down too? I'll bring some iced drinks as well. Give me a few minutes. Oh, Lyn, there's a pile of beach towels in the cupboard in the laundry room.'

I went to fetch enough for three of us and then thought to take a few more in case Sam and James joined us later.

Ben and I stripped off and spread our towels. I asked him to do my back with my suncream and he was working on my ass when mum arrived. She was wearing a white silk dressing gown. She put the tray on a rather rusty old table that was rotting away at this hidden end of the garden. It was a good spot to sunbathe as it was quite private but being west facing it enjoyed all the afternoon sunshine.

Mum removed her dressing gown and hung it on an old garden roller that was poking from the undergrowth. Taking a towel she stretched out naked in the sun beside me. 'I have a very beautiful daughter,' she said, smiling at me.

'And I have an amazing mum,' I replied.

'Yes, I amaze myself these days,' she laughed. 'Lyn, will you do my back, please?'

'Yes, Jenny, of course.' I worked on her giving her a massage as I rubbed the lotion onto her. I rubbed her cheeks and fingered down towards her anus. I heard little noises of pleasure.

'Would you like Ben to do your front now, Jenny?' I asked her.

'That would be very nice. Are you sure you don't mind, Lyn?'

'No, mum, I'd like him to, don't worry he won't do anything I don't want him to.'

'What's the time then?' my mum asked. I realized she wasn't too keen on Sam and James arriving and shocking them.

Ben said: 'It can't be later than half past two.'

'Fine,' said mum. 'Yes, Ben, I would love you to do my front.' She knew it would be at least an hour before my sister arrived.

Ben began at Jenny's shoulders and worked his way down over her full breasts. She groaned as he handled her and played with her aroused nipples. I watched admiring her. As he reached her mound she was clearly very aroused. Ben began to stroke her cunt and slipped several fingers into her. Jenny moaned, moving her hips to display herself fully to Ben, and looked at me.

'Do you mind?' she asked again.

'No, Jenny, I've told you,' I said gently, ' just tell Ben what you want.'

'Ben, I want your cock inside me. I want you to have me, please.'

He moved himself slightly so that his hips and erect penis were pointing towards her cunt which glistened with the juices that had flowed after Ben fingered her so arousingly. He moved the tip of his cock so it was touching Jenny's cunt.

'Oh, Lyn, oh Ben, that's wonderful.'

As she said this Ben inserted himself fully into her and began to thrust. She responded powerfully and clearly Ben found her very rewarding as he groaned and rammed into her.

'I'm coming, I'm coming,' she half screamed as Ben shivered and his cum erupted inside her. Ben collapsed onto her and they kissed and held each other for a few minutes. Jenny lay there looking at me.

'Thank you, thank you, Lyn,' she murmured.

You were fantastic, Jenny. I came as I watched you,' I whispered, although there was no-one else, except Ben, to hear however loudly I had spoken.

When they sat up I said: 'Mum, will you do my front now? Ben was distracted before he got round to me.' I grinned wickedly.

Jenny came over and began to work on me. I found it really relaxing as she massaged my breasts and stroked my cunt lips. She explored me with a tenderness that was new to me and I orgasmed again as she gently rubbed my clit. Then Jenny worked her way down my legs. We all lay back and soaked up the warmth of the sun's rays. I think we were all feeling very happy. Suddenly I heard voices shouting 'Where are you? Where are you?'

Sam had arrived. Without panicking Jenny stood up, grabbed her gown and said: 'I'll go to the house and meet them. I'll tell them you're sunbathing down here.' She grinned and I realized she had had a very naughty idea. She wasn't going to tell them just how we were sunbathing and she certainly wouldn't be telling them what else she'd been upto!

Mum told me later that she met them near the house. Sam had looked quizzically at her in her dressing gown, so mum said we were sunbathing down the garden as she had been too. They would assume she had a costume on underneath.


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