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Magic Dress - Petra Act 03

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A kinky woman and the people I love.
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Part 53 of the 82 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 02/01/2019
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Violet came to see me.

"You know it's my birthday soon. And Si will be doing the honours, of course..." She trailed off.

"Well, I just wanted to say, er, well, it was better with you..." She put up her hand as I opened my mouth.

"And I know that it won't be you again. It's just that we were the other two out of this brother and sister family, the two outsiders, so that was a sort of a bond. I think it's great that you give him to me, and it's touching how proud you are of him, and his cock. You want him to fuck us to show how good he is."

"But I was wondering, would you do something else for me, instead"

"Of course," I said. "Anything."

"Could I try peeing in your mouth?"

I remembered she had been interested in helping Silas pee, and had seen him piss in my mouth. She had been amused, but perhaps more than that. Maybe we had something else in common.

"Why?" I said.

"I don't know. You like Si's pee. It seems a lot of women like to do it, and I'm curious, like I was about fucking. I'd like to try it once. I just kept thinking about it, so I thought I'd ask. Forget it!"

Well, of course, I said I would try.

So there was another performance on the stage of the bathroom floor, with an audience of two: Silas and Freda.

Screenplay: The Golden Shower

The scene begins with a man wearing makeup and nothing else apart from pretty panties lying on some towels on the floor. A naked young woman enters, and crouches over his face.

The audience hold their breath. Then there is a slow trickle onto the man's hair. The woman grunts and shifts a bit and a spray goes out over his chin and chest.

"Fuck!" she says, moving awkwardly until the man is spluttering and gasping, as urine cascades over his head.

As the stream fades, she stands up.

"Sorry," she says, and a last trickle falls into his gasping mouth.

The camera moves to the audience.

Silas is standing open mouthed and confused. Freda is shaking.

"I pissed myself!" she laughs, as a damp patch spreads on her groin.

Back to the stage.

The man sits up, wiping his face.

"Fuck!" says the woman, moving the towels around to mop up.

"Was that all right for you?" she asks with a hopeless expression.

"Not really," says the man rather weakly.

"Fuck!" she replies.

All the audience is laughing.


Certainly my finest comic performance.

Freda insisted we had to try again. I think she and Violet considered the situation as scientists and did not accept the failed experiment.

A week later I was sitting up in the empty bath, but turned toward the side. Violet stood facing me outside the bath, standing on a big towel. Her pussy was close to my face. She parted the lips with her fingers and I saw, for the first time ever, a woman's pee-hole. My face had been some distance away when I fucked her, of course.

"Ready," she said, and I opened my mouth. She started to piss, and the stream first went down then up until she was pissing directly at me.

Obviously, it was not a precise stream and I got it all over my face.

However, the two chemists had been clever. I was wearing laboratory goggles!

As she got going, she was able to get quite a lot into my mouth and I swallowed it as best I could. She must have been drinking a lot of water, since the flavour was quite weak, but there was a lot of it, and I had to turn away to catch a breath.

When it got down to a trickle, Freda came forward and gave me a cup of water.

"How was it?" she asked.

"Not too bad," I said.

"Quite good," said Violet, almost at the same time, then covered her mouth with her hand and looked embarrassed.

Freda laughed.

"Well I know what I want for MY birthday!" she said.

Silas was surprised.

"You want to pee in Petra's mouth?"

"No," she laughed. "I want to see another performance by these two piss artists!"

Violet went red in the face.

However, it eventually came out that she had found it stimulating in a way she couldn't describe.

I hadn't. But since I was used to piss, it wasn't too bad, as I said. Once again, we were different from the brother and sister and had something in common.

Silas said he didn't get anything out of pissing in my mouth or bum, but it was no hardship to do it for me.

I decided that if Violet liked the experience as much as I liked the cock pissing, then I wouldn't mind doing it sometimes for her. Not nearly as often, as it is much more messy.

Freda said she was really grateful to me for the satisfaction it gave Violet. Violet must have been too shy to ask, so Freda set us up for our occasional urinary appointments. Silas said he did not wish to know about it. Freda said that maybe there was a bit of femdom in it for Violet, so it was better if I didn't really like it. And, with all due respect, me being technically a man probably helped.

Both Violet and I have something that is not really a fetish, just a kink -- not obsessive, not obligatory, just something unusual, naughty, and fun.

Finally, Violet took charge. The arrangement was between her and me, no-one else, and private. And I don't mean like a dominatrix, I mean like a science teacher with a project student. There is second toilet and washbasin downstairs if the bathroom is in use. In this appeared a jug and laboratory measuring cylinder. Whenever she was at home, she measured the amount and noted the time of day. She also practised holding on and calibrated the feelings, so she could judge what volume was ready. Samples were compared for colour in a cheap colorimeter and for salt content with a conductivity meter, both borrowed from her school lab over the summer. She made notes comparing volume and colour, varying the amount of water she drank. Without hesitation she tasted it and made a score for this. She made another score for how she felt when discharging, and the difference when standing, sitting or crouching.

The result this project was that she could deliver to me a good quantity of lower tasting water in a jet and volume which gave her what she called 'optimum urinary satisfaction'. In other words, a good strong satisfying piss! She also established how much water to drink and how long beforehand.

She bought some bathroom mats which can easily hold more than the volume. One was just put on the floor beforehand, and washed afterwards.

She went to the garden centre, and bought a kneeler. This is a frame holding a pad on which you can kneel, but if you turn it upside down it becomes a narrow seat. Only £14. By resting her bum on this seat, she could piss virtually straight down if she bent forward, or more forward if she sat up. Lying underneath with my head on an inflatable pillow slightly forward between her legs, it came in a parabola to my face. Or she could stand but use the kneeler to support her hands as she bent over. This was comfortable for both of us, and considerably cheaper than toilet frames sold by fetish suppliers. Just about the budget for a school project!

Unlike some pissing couples, the point was not me drinking, but her pissing at me. Getting it in my mouth was a nominal target, accidentally getting it on my face was fun. The aim of a football match is to score goals, but the purpose is the process of playing the game. It cannot be too easy if it is to be entertaining. Spraying my face and body was the entertainment. Often, she was not really trying at all, just happily hosing my face and body.

It was a sort of pretend humiliation, I suppose. So she was never peeing directly into my mouth from too close up. It was also important not to contact her there, because we were not lovers and she belonged to Violet.

Of course, as a chemist she was always very careful to put liquids accurately in containers, never spilling a drop. Maybe getting pee everywhere was a nice contrast.

Occasionally Freda watched with amusement, but Silas never saw me. He said it was humiliating, and he did not want to have the image in his head.

On the other hand (and here comes the critical analysis of the story) pissing in my mouth had been just him. Now someone else was doing it. Someone I liked and had had sex with. Like a previous lover regularly giving your wife flowers. I think he was jealous.

There might have been some sort of competition. Silas was offering to pee in my mouth more often, and pissing longer. Eventually I encouraged him to try what I think he wanted. I sat on the toilet and he emptied his whole bladder into my mouth. It really was about getting me to drink the whole amount, and he was definitely satisfied somehow. What he liked best of all was when we were both pissing simultaneously. He didn't make me, and I wasn't humiliated. I think it was a way of demonstrating ownership, and I was happy with that. We had come a long way from little dribbles in the mouth.

(When Violet heard that I was doing this, she leant him the measuring cylinder. He reported volumes larger than hers. She may have been interested, but I suspect she was allowing him to feel the winner in this pissing contest. He agreed to generally go at his normal level of a cup or mug full, and not his maximum.)

However, I told him I no longer wanted a rinse-out.

Violet's aim was definitely improving, and I was taking in more pee from her. Maybe a little competition from her, as well.

It is fundamentally pointless and silly, but entertaining activities usually are. I never refused, unless it was inconvenient. I was taking the piss out of both Silas and Violet most weeks.

I love Silas, but I really like Violet, and I guess in a way we have a sexual relationship. The fact that she decided not to have Silas fucking her anymore adds weight to the plotline.

While pissing on me was important to Violet, she did like some to go in my mouth, and she liked to see it. She did not know why any more than I did, but it was important. Freda said she was getting considerable benefit, because it made Violet hot as hell afterwards! I actually looked forward to the experiences, which were different. With Silas it was purely my feelings -- his knob between my lips, as he controlled the flow so that it was not too great for me to swallow. With Violet it was the visual effect I liked.

Finally, I began to realise why I liked the visual aspect. I had already determined with Silas that it was not the piss, but the action of pissing. I loved to feel his cock doing its everyday job in me. Now it was a woman pissing that fascinated me. The goggles had been the key. I did not get anything from being pissed on. I liked looking at the stream coming out of that little hole, in the midst of her cute vulva, and eventually understood something.

I wanted one. I had been kidding myself that I did not need to transition.

It was not logical. To piss like a man is more convenient, but it was not about convenience.

More than breasts and vagina, I wanted to piss like a woman! No cock, no balls to get in the way. I did not need pleasure from them, and I wished them gone, with just a little pee-hole. I like pissing and I wanted to do it like a girl. It was the thing that reminded me every day that I wasn't a real woman.


There was a lot of discussion in what we regarded as our family, followed by medical consultations and counselling for me and my husband. We did not mention pissing to the counsellor. As I had actually been living as a woman for quite a while and had stable relationship, the first hurdle was over almost immediately.

The first step was hormone treatment. There were some ups and downs, but as I stabilized, I felt better. I had hesitated to change myself to something different from what Silas loved, but I had been wrong. He loved me, that was it. Not what I was pretending to be, just me. And he wanted me to be happy.

"I never really fancied your cock, anyway," he said.

No, he was not a bit gay, or bisexual or sexually flexible. He just loved me.

I felt quite guilty and inadequate, though it might have been something to do with the hormone changes.

"Hormonal changes? Welcome to the club!" said Freda.

There were lots of discussions with the medical and psychological experts. There were discussions at home. Silas and I were very happy with what we called fucking. He knew what a vagina was like and said he did not need me to have one, but of course if I wanted, he would use it to the very best of his ability.

My eventual decision was to lose my cock and balls and to have a vulva but no vagina. The surgeon said they would attempt to retain as many nerves as possible to give a functioning clitoris.

The procedure was no fun, but the results were better than we had hoped. For one thing, I could walk around in the house with no knickers on (and did, more than was necessary). There was only my husband and two dear women friends.

It gave me new freedom in clothes with nothing to hide. Freda and Violet took great delight in getting me close-fitting skirts and trousers.

There were changes in the dynamics of the group. Hormones affected me physically and mentally, generally in ways I liked. But there was a big symbolic effect from the loss of my cock and balls. Freda and Violet had tried to accept me as a woman, but it was clear something had been released in the way they now treated me. I was like someone carrying a gun or sword they did not intend to use. Ignored, but still a threat. Now I no longer carried it, and was one of them -- a woman.

I think Silas felt better. A little prouder of being the only cock around. A bit relieved that he was not gay, just a man loving and wanting a woman. And I felt better from the way the others felt about me, in my proper state.

I had not realised how good my new genitals would be for Silas. At last he could give me proper oral sex!

It was nicer than I had dared to hope, and he just loved giving me pleasure in this way. My clitoris was of course my cock cut down to size, and everyone agreed my vulva was pretty. I was going to say pretty good, but I was told it was pretty. I am not one to judge.

And I pissed like a woman!

It was magic to see myself in the mirror pissing like Violet! Yes, it was messy, and I had to use more toilet paper, but I loved it with all its faults. And Silas's pisser was a nice contrast. He seemed more masculine than ever to me, and I was proud of him and his cock.

Violet said of course she would not be pissing at me now, and I said "Why not? We're still piss artists, aren't we?" and we both laughed. She was pleased as well.

It was usually with goggles and a shower cap, but for her birthday I lay down with my bare face and kept my eyes closed and my mouth open. My hair got soaked, but I knew she would help me put it right, as she does for both me and Freda. She was so pleased, I did it more often.

(We also studied -- like teacher and student -- the chemistry of urine, and did some analyses.)

Eventually Silas offered to let me pee in his mouth, and I declined as I had once declined the offer to push into his hole. But I thought about it every time I was on the receiving end with Violet.

Finally, we tried it. It was a golden shower all right, but it was different from sitting on a toilet. I was hopeless at aiming. I am sure it did not do anything for him, in fact it was a bit unpleasant. Nor was it a thrill for me as it obviously was with Violet, so we did not do it again. We do not have rinse-outs any more, only a little bit of pissing after he has come, but I still drink from his cock.

On my birthday, Freda said she had something for me, and took me to the bathroom, where she undressed and handed me a mug.

"I'm not into this pee thing, like you and Violet," she said, apologetically. "I understand it's the act of pissing you like, so I can give this to you. If you hold the mug just a little way away, you can watch me pee into it, as well as I can. Would you like that?"

I was touched, and nodded.

"Afterwards you can take a sip, if you want, or pour it away. Whatever you want. I'm afraid I just can't do it directly. Is that all right?"

She looked concerned, so I kissed her and said "It's very kind of you. I'd like that very much."

I cannot really convey how this simple act appealed to me. From close-up I watched a woman I was very fond of, peeing into a mug. The stream coming out, and how it varied. The light glinting. The sound as the mug filled. The faint aroma of urine as well as her perfume and the natural musk from her pubic hair.

I drank the mug slowly, just looking at her pee-hole and the drips from her vulva. It was a precious connection.

Once in a while Violet directs Silas's pee in the bath. I don't mind that he gets a bit stiff by the end. I am sure this is part of the amusement for Violet as well. She is special to me, so I don't mind at all. It is the only cock in the house, but all three women have the chance to interact with it.

I declined the suggestion to have breast implants. They do not last for ever, and I am not trying to prove anything. My surgery has confirmed my gender so far as I am concerned.

With Freda's encouragement, I have got a bit fatter to give me a bit of roundness in the hips and bum, which Silas likes.

It seems my previous critical analysis of the story in which I was living had been in keeping with my second-class degree. I was not truly happy as a gay man acting the part of a woman, and I am absolutely sure that Silas is happier licking my pussy than he was sucking my cock. We should have realised this before, but we really were just two puddings. It has been a bit of a comedy of errors, but all's well that ends well, and I think each day how lucky I am.

Three of us have some kinky fun with piss. I don't think Freda and Violet do any piss play. But that's just a hobby compared with what is really important to me.

My greatest joy is the love I share with the man in my life. My second greatest joy is being a woman all the time: at home, at work and everywhere. I am no longer acting a part: I am truly living it.

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missrhondamissrhondaabout 2 years ago

Once again, another story from you has changed my outlook on another fetish. To one I have now tried and enjoyed. Thank you, and please continue with your varied levels.

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