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Mariko Made to Submit for Business

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Mariko is made to entertain Japanese businessmen.
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I would like to tell you how my Japanese business partner, Mariko, helped me to entertain a group of businessmen from a company that is very important for our profits and growth. The way it turned out was not exactly what she had expected. For me what happened was incredibly erotic. For the guests it was something that will keep them coming back to us. For Mariko I guess it tested her acceptance of how far she is willing to go to support our business and her chances of getting wealthy.

By way of background can I explain a few things - my apologies if you already know about these aspects of Japanese culture and life?

First of all as you will know bondage is considered to be a very erotic sexual activity here in Japan. Its tradition goes back for centuries and has two main streams. One has grown into an erotic art form in which the skill of the ropemaster is widely acknowledged and the pleasure is seeing the art of someone being restrained and helpless.

The other, more submissive route, has its roots in the samurai era where it was much more to do with punishment and sexual humiliation. Bondage was often used to restrain defeated nobles and to also restrain their wives, sisters, family members, even mothers - who were then repeatedly violated in front of the captured noble either by the conquering soldiers or by the peasants who had previously been under the control of that noble family. Not only was this a way of entertaining the troops by letting them sate their lust whilst humiliating the defeated noble but also a way of breaking the servile bond between masters and their serfs. The serfs would prefer the soldiery to be raping noble women than their own wives and daughters. I am not sure how this relates to other countries but it does mean in Japan that there is a culture where men still gain enormous pleasure in private from watching and participating in sexual bondage.

This latter form of bondage plays into my voyeuristic nature and the process that I have been following of overcoming Mariko's initially proud Japanese attitude and making her accept my control!

Like many conservative Japanese women she was brought up to be rather disdainful of males and to consider herself a 'cut above' their sexual desires. When I met her she was just turning 40 and posessing that very trim, small breasted body that one sees so much in Japan. We not only became business partners but, as is commonplace in business here, she also became a 'sleeping partner' if you follow the gist of what I mean. It was however a real challenge to make her change her attitudes and to accept my sexual preferences. By the time of what I am going to recount I was part way there - but still felt that she had much to kearn about submission and humility.

The second thing is to explain the 'ryokan' or Japanese inn. Japan has thousands of ryokan in the countryside - almost always associated with hot springs (onsen) and naked bathing. These days most bathing is single sex but there are places that have mixed bathing facilities. There are also ones that have onsen that can be hired for private use. The rooms in the inn have tatami floors - a kind of woven bamboo matting. Each room is normally quite large and can be divided by screens. The screens are covered in what is called washi paper that is usually white and translucent. The most common arrangement is for a sort of sitting area next to the window to be capable of being screened off from the rest of the room by these washi screens. This creates a smallish secluded area. In the main part of the room low tables are set out for meals and when it is night mattresses are unrolled onto the tatami mats . This set up formed a perfect setting for what I wanted to do.

It is normal for guests in the ryokan to wear a full length cotton gown called a yukata held together by a cotton belt - and nothing else. So you have all the guests wandering around with little on.

It is commercially very important in terms of relationship building to offer extensive corporate hospitality to companies who are your clients. So I kind of got the message when the President of one company I have worked with for a number of years hinted rather indirectly (as can only happen in Japan) that sometime it would be good to have some more 'lively' hospitality for himself and his managers if possible!

After some consideration I thought that it could be good for business and good for Mariko's sexual experienc if something special could be arranged involving her. It would also be something I could enjoy watching and participating in.

Cutting a long story short I arranged to book a very discreet and small ryokan I know in the Japanese Alps mountains north of Tokyo. This would guarantee the privacy needed for what I wanted to arrange. It is also a very traditional and discreet place, which suited my plans extremely well.

I motored up with Mariko. She understood that there would be business guests and corporate hospitality. What she did not know was that she was to be the 'hospitality'.

When we arrived we had a bathe and then went back to our room. I laid a futon down in the window area where it could be screened off and invited her to strip and to lie down. I reckon she thought she and I would be making love before the guests came. She was not that surprised when I used some cotton belts to tie each of her wrists and to fasten them to two pillars behind her back. This left her head on the pillows and her arms spread wide and tied securely in a Y shape. I lifted her buttocks up and placed another pillow under them to raise her rump a little. Then I wrapped more belts from the yukatas around each of her knees and repeated the procedure of tying them to the pillars. This was becoming more interesting as she was now knees back almost to the level of her chest, thighs wide apart, with her delightful cunt, hairy bush and anal pucker totally exposed. Ready made for deep penetration. She was surprised when I did not 'attack' her then and there but left her restrained and started arranging some lamps pointing inwards towards her from the window side. I switched them on and stepped into the main part of the room pulling the screens into their closed position. What I saw was a great silhouette of Mariko on the washi paper from the backlighting. In particular I could see her limbs, the outline of her head, small breasts, her upraised buttocks and her jiggling calves and feet. It was a most erotic sight of a restrained woman in slhouette - the beauty that comes from seeing but not seeing if you follow me. Stimulating for the imagination..

As the guests were due to come to the room for dinner I organized the light cords onto an extension cable which I could switch on and off from the main room, placed the tables strategically to view the closed screen and turned off the backlights. Now the washi screen was closed and completely blank when you looked at it. I was entertained by the thought that Mariko would be in a state of panic behind the screen and that this would increase when she heard the guests arrive.

About 15 minutes later the President and his management team came into our room through the inter-connecting door from his own room. They were in high spirits expecting 'lively' entertainment that might be on offer that night. There were 11 of them including the President. Mariko was keeping very quiet despite what must have been some discomfort from the constraint and the sounds coming from the other side of the screen to her. I could imagine however what was going through her mind as she lay there naked bound and spread-eagled.

It is customary in the ryokan to have a meal served to the room. So the first thing that happened for my guests was that the inn staff delivered this to us and set it out on the table along with pots of sake. As the guys dined the conversation was lively in anticipation of their 'dessert'! They kept on asking me what I had organized and I kept telling them that if they were patient they would see for themselves shortly. Mariko must have been panicking just behind the screen that was at the most 4 metres from our table (I forgot to say that when the screen doors are closed they might block out vision but being made of paper they do not block out any sound. She would be hearing everything that was being said even if it was difficult for her to work out how many men were in the room).

As the sake got drunk the suggestions of what they were hoping to do got more intense. Clearly they expected it to involve sex. I got the impression that they were not interested too much in their meal that night - they were a bit impatient with me for not already having something laid on for them. Compared with a normal meal they seemed in something of a hurry and it was not too long before the staff removed the dishes and left us with pots of green tea on the tables. Having kept them hanging on as long as I could I felt the time had come to reveal a little of what I had arranged for them.

To do this I got them to sit on the side of the table facing the washi paper screen doors telling them to watch it carefully to see what I had prepared for their pleasure. I then plugged in the lead that switched on the lights behind Mariko.

Visualise the white screen suddenly lighting up. And central to what they could see was the silhouetted form of an obviously naked and bound female before their eyes!

Well you can imagine the gasp, shouts and applause that went up when they saw the outline of her tied body. The conversation, which Mariko could hear plainly, quickly switched from the general ideas of what might happen that evening to asking me about the woman behind the screen, who she was, whether she was for their pleasure and what could they do with her. It was a real turn on for them and me to see that Mariko's shadow outline started to strain and tug against her bonds as she heard them elaborating on how they planned to use her for their 'lively' hospitality. They were particularly excited when I explained to them that the woman was Japanese. Most Japanese males don't get the chance to have sex with Japanese women other than their wife, and occasionally a mistress if they are wealthy. When I also told them that Mariko was my business partner and that it was boyj of our honours to present her to them for their stimulation and her humble obedience they got really worked up. The idea of fucking a business woman they knew really stimulated them. I could tell they were all going to enjoy the session I had prepared for them.

This being Japan however nothing happened for a little while, other than intense stares at the washi screen and more toasts in sake to each other. The culture here is to enjoy the slow passing of time and by so doing intensify anticipation of what may come later. Now they realised what had been prepared they were content to continue to sip on their tea and sake and generally make admiring comments of what they could see and giving me thanks for what I was preparing for them. By now I was sure that Mariko understood her fate. Added to this her tied predicament was probably becoming uncomfortable in itself. As the men talked lewdly about fucking her we could hear moans beginning to come from the other side of the screen. This must have been an agony of suspense for her.

It then followed that according to Japanese custom it would be the company President who should go behind the screen first. So with an appropriate display of modest reluctance he stood up, walked to the screen and slid one of the panels at the end open. As he passed inside he closed it behind him. Now we could also see his robed figure in the chamber standing above the prostrate figure of Mariko. He was silent but I could hear some whimpering sounds coming from Mariko, no doubt a mix of fear as to what was about to happen and embarrassment at being seen so vulnerably naked by a total stranger - and worse still a fellow Japanese.

Watching the shadows we were all imagining what was happening - and enjoying our ringside seats. At first we saw him sink down on his knees between her legs and move his face forward between her spread thighs. Two things told us that he had begun tonguing her. First of all Mariko let out a cry as the shadow of his head started moving up and down. Secondly she was trying to close her knees together to hide her slit - but to do this she was actually doing the reverse, pulling her legs out further and then tugging back against the bonds. I don't know if you have noticed this movement in similar situations, but I have observed that a woman in spread-eagled bondage often does this as if somehow the motion will pull her legs together. Whatever, the effect of seeing her struggling to resist his ministrations was erotic in the extreme. He was quite an expert at what he was doing and her yelps indicated that he had hit on the target after a couple of minutes. This combined with her limbs shaking a little and her back arching.

When he had had enough of this sampling he stood up and again his silhouette told us what to expect. He peeled off his yukata and threw it aside. His outline kind of revealed that his rather portly body was more than ready for sex and within seconds his outline was back down on its knees and his hips were moving into place between Mariko's outstretched legs. We were all silent trying to listen in to what would come next. Mariko was making a last-ditch effort to plead with him to stop. In turn he was telling her that he was going to give her the fucking of her lifetime. His hand seemed to be moving his erection up and down Mariko's lips and the previous tugging back and forth on her legs against the ties seemed to intensify. Then she let out this loud animal like moan and jerked hard against the ropes as the shadow of his hips pushed forward and down, penetrating hard into her. He gave a big shout of delight at the sensation.

Now we could tell that he was fucking her properly and she was moaning at the pistoning action of his body. The more he thrust the more she whimpered and tugged. His shadow built up a steady penetrating rhythm and it was clear from his own exclamations that he was enjoying the fuck one helluva lot. As he built to a climax his grunting and swearing entertained us. He started calling Mariko all sorts of names and promising to push his sperm deep into her womb. For the final climax he lifted her buttocks towards him and pounded away into her. All the time his coarse dominating words were mixing with the sound of Mariko crying out as she pleaded for him not to come inside her. Little chance! At the end he was yelling out aloud with the excitement of pumping his load into her and the rest of us were cheering him on in his conquest.

After that he lay on her for a couple of minutes sucking in air whilst Mariko moaned and whimpered under him. We then could see his shadow get up, work its way between Mariko's bound legs and position his limp cock over her mouth. When she would not open her mouth he used his fingers on her nipples to pinch them hard and discipline her into fulfilling his wish. After a few sharp cries of pain we could see the shadow of her mouth obliging him by moving around cleaning his no doubt very sticky member.

A minute or so of this was what he wanted and he stepped back, slipped on his yukata again, opened the screen door and stepped out to applause. He bowed to me and thanked me for providing him with one of the best fucks he had ever had. His team were praising him for his vigour and admiring his technique. Behind him Mariko was still groaning from the working out she had received.

She was left alone for a few minutes except for the guys shouting to her that there as plenty more of them to come. They were savouring the opportunity to praise the boss and also the effect they were having on Mariko by making her anticipate what was going to happen next without rushing in.

When he felt ready the next man went in and again we saw the shadow of his yukata coming off and him kneeling in position between Mariko's thighs. And again as he launched forward we all heard her sharp animal yelps and bodily jerks as he penetrated firmly into her spread-eagled and helpless body. Once more we witnessed the movements of their silhouettes as he coupled vigorous with her. The man on top of her shouted in increasingly ecstatic tones as his the excitement in his engorged cock gradually grew as it rubbed back and forth inside Mariko's tight vagina. In contrast her pleas, moans and cries grew in volume until the final moments when we knew he was cumming inside her with his stranger's sperm.

None of us got the least bored watching as this process went on for much of the evening. I was conscious that Mariko did not know how many men there were waiting to take her. As they kept on entering the little chamber I imagined her praying that each time might be the last only to discover that it was an unending chain of enflamed men.

On a few occasions when she was penetrated a louder, more pained cry came from behind the screen indicating to us that the man having sex with her in there had decided to use her anus and that he was in the process of forcing his way past her tight sphincter. It was not long since I had persuaded Mariko very reluctantly to let me enter her there so she was pretty new to the sensations of anal sex. Japanese men dream about doing it there, but rarely get the chance with their conservative wives. But now they did. We could all hear the vigorous thrusting into her near virgin backside had her begging over and over again for them to stop - but the excited men ignored her pleas and pounded her in her most secret passage until they reached their climaxes inside her silky walled rectum.

By the time the last of them had gone in to see her she was sounding utterly confused by all the fucking she had received. I have to confess, to the encouragement of the others, I also had to go in and relieve my own built up sexual tension in her after that. She looked the perfect submissive with her legs dangling limply from the ties and sperm oozing from both her openings. Knowing how much she had already been fucked really stimulated me. As the saying goes I ploughed her furrows and ploughed them both with enormous erotic thoughts going through my mind. Her moans were the moans of the ancient Lord's wife, caught by the samurai and made to yield to all the soldiers, filled with their sperm, unable to resist their ministrations. I thrust into her imaging us both back 4 centuries in time.

After I had also reached my climax we all gathered in the room and untied her, got her onto her wobbly feet and carried/walked her down to the onsen for stage two of the hospitality which I must write about soon. I can tell you though that she didn't get away with just a dip in the hot spring as the guys were still as horny as anything and hellbent on her giving them a weekend to remember! They intended to try things out with her that they could not do at home!

And there is no doubt as to how perfectly she is built for fulfilling man's pleasure.

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MtRseMan99MtRseMan994 months ago

Good story. Now how about a second chapter about the weekend. Also a bit more focus on her worrying about getting pregnant.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

The story appeals as it allows the reader to use their imagination rather than being force fed a situation.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Love the story line. The thought of a helpless Japanese woman having to endure the knowledge that she will be humiliated and gang fucked soon is a perfect non consensual and reluctance scenario. The description of her first nc encounter gets the mind racing and wanting to be there.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Very hot

I liked the description. I liked the story. It was very sexy. It was perfect for this category.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Japanese culture

Women are still considered to be second class citizens in the business world there and I can see this happening. Just watch forced orgasm videos to see examples. D/S BD/SM very popular there.

That being said it wasn’t much of a story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Well this is some sexist and racist bull shit. Makes it hard to enjoy when it makes me so angry yknow

Try and focus more on erotica next time

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