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Moving On

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After sheltering in the cabin, Adam and Evie move on.
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Things have finally loosened up in Michigan. Adam and Evelyn, his sister, have developed a serious relationship during the lockdown over the previous months. The genesis of their attraction and commitment has been told in the stories:

"Cabin Fever." (Literotica, //, 4/30/2020),

"Georgia." (Literotica, //, 6/5/2020), and

"Family." (Literotica, //, 6/15/2020).

Adam and his sister Evie were leaning against the side of Adam's car. Their belongings were packed in the car and they were preparing to leave after over twelve months at their family cabin in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The government travel restrictions had been relaxed and they were going home. A month ago, they had traveled to the nearest pharmacy and received vaccine shots so they considered themselves safe to travel.

Adam had his arm around Evie's waist. She had both arms around his body and rested her head on his chest as they looked back at the closed and locked cabin that had been their home for the last many months. It was here that they discovered and consummated their enduring love for each other and, it was here, they discovered the sexual nature of their parents and became entangled with them.

"Adam," said Evie. "I know we can't stay here forever and it's time to go home, but this is our first home together. For me, we're not 'going home, 'we're 'going back.' This is our home and it will always be our home, even if we never return."

"Evie," replied Adam. "I agree. This is a special place and I'm emotional about leaving it, but I'm also excited about the future we're going to create for us. So, while I'm wistful about leaving the cabin, I'm looking forward to the next chapters in our lives. We have an incredible life ahead of us and I can't wait to get started."

Evie wiped a tear from her eye. "Adam, one last time?" she asked.

Adam walked with Evie back to the cabin, unlocked the door and they went back inside together. Evie led him to a bedroom. They removed their clothing, climbed on the bare mattress together and embraced each other. As they kissed and held each other, their bodies responded to the emotion they shared. Soon, they found each other and they joined one more time.

They moved together, slowly. They felt each other's bodies surrounding each other externally and internally. They kissed each other and allowed the tears of their love mingle and stream unimpeded down their faces.

They lay together for longer than either of them could expect. They made little physical movements that led to huge emotional responses. But nothing lasts forever. Eventually, Adam's body began to move in a manner calculated to bring his physical presence to a head. His erection began to twitch and tremble in a way that he knew ultimately led to a climax. Edie sensed the movement and her body responded with flexing and squeezing muscles. They pressed their bodies more tightly against each other. Adam grimaced as he fought to prolong their coupling. Evie squeezed against his erection almost as if she could hold him inside her so tightly that he couldn't erupt.

They lost the battle and Adam lost control. He surged his semen repeatedly inside Evie. Evie responded by undulating her muscles long after Adam ran dry, as if she was trying to draw every last drop from him. They lay together until someone moved and Adam slipped from her. Adam kissed the tears from Evie's cheeks and then her lips.

They got up from the bed on opposite sides. Evie rushed to the bathroom and returned with paper pressed between her legs. When Adam asked about the wad of paper, she said, "I'm taking you back with me."

Adam left the comment there and they got dressed, walked arm in arm out of the bedroom and out of the cabin. Adam relocked the door as Evie sat in the passenger side of the car. Adam walked to the car and, with a last look back at the cabin, got in, started the car and drove slowly away down the dirt path.

They drove for forty-five minutes in silence, each lost in their own thoughts about the events of the last year. Evie reached over the center console and took Adam's hand in hers. "Adam," she said, "I love you."

Adam squeezed her hand and said, "I love you too, Evie, but the words are insufficient to express my true feelings. It's much more that just those words. I want to add 'until death do us part.'"

"Until death do us part," agreed Evie and she squeezed his hand in return.

They drove silently, holding hands, for another half hour before they needed a gas and go stop. Back in the car and after they crossed the Mackinaw Bridge to Lower Michigan, Evie began to focus her attention on her smart phone. When Adam asked what she was up to, she explained that she had a better internet connection here than where they were.

"I get that, but what are you looking for?" rephrased Adam.

"I'm looking for an apartment," she replied.

"Ah," said Adam. "Good thinking. I've given the idea of a new apartment considerable thought that might help you narrow your search."

"Great," exclaimed Evie, "I'm all ears."

"First," started Adam, "I'm absolutely giving up my current apartment not only because I want to move somewhere nobody knows us but also because I don't want us to start our lives together in a place I lived in B.E."


"Before Evie."

"That's sweet," said Evie.

Second we need to consider Georgia in our decision."

"Why?" asked Evie.

"Reality. Georgia is a part of our lives and she'll visit us when it's convenient for her."

"I don't like it but I think you're right."

"So, we have to have a two bedroom apartment at minimum and I'd like to have a home office as well."

"Why so large?"

"If Georgia is determined to visit us, then she should have her own room. I'd rather she didn't use our bedroom for her activities," explained Adam.

"I get that and I agree but can't you share the extra bedroom with your work space?" she asked.

"Georgia is curious person and I'd rather she not have access to my work files and computer gear."

"Okay. That probably translates to a three-bedroom apartment. That's going to be expensive."

"It will be and I'm good with it. My consulting business is generating more money than I can spend and I've accumulated significant savings. I can't think of a better way than to spend it than on us," Adam revealed.

"Cool," responded Evie.

"Third, we need to carefully choose a place that's strategically positioned the perfect distance from mom and dad."

"Explain, please?" asked Evie.

"We agree, mom is going to visit. We have to be far enough from her to make visiting inconvenient enough that she just doesn't drop in daily and close enough that, when she comes, she won't stay long, or even overnight."

"That's impossible. She's already shown that she's willing to drive seven hours to visit and I doubt further away than that would dissuade her."

"True, but she stayed four days. The distance had something to do with how long she stayed. I think if we settle between an hour or two away, her visits might be just an afternoon, evening or one overnight at most. It also allows us to visit them and have a reason to not spend the night."

"I can't disagree with your logic," opined Evie, "but mom is an enigma. You'll never be able to figure her out. So, I should be looking for apartments between fifty and a hundred miles from Ann Arbor?"

"I think that's about right, "agreed Adam. Further if it's near Interstate 94."

"How about Lansing?" asked Evie.

"That's about an hour's drive. I think further. How about Grand Rapids? That's closer to two hours, it's near Lake Michigan and three or four hours to Chicago if we want to spend a weekend away. I think it might be perfect."

"Okay. Let me see what's available in Grand Rapids."

Evie's search resulted in a number of possibilities averaging about $2500 a month rent.

"Flag a couple that you like and we'll visit them right after we get home and don't let the price influence you. We can go higher for the right place," suggested Adam.

They got to Adam's apartment in Ann Arbor in the late afternoon. The place was stuffy from lack of use, dusty and the bathroom needed cleaning. They opened the windows and together they dusted, vacuumed, cleaned the ring from the toilet and changed the sheets on the bed. When they felt it was sufficiently clean, they brought their stuff up from the car.

They had some stuff to deliver to mom and dad but it was late and they opted to wait until the morning. They settled in by going to bed early. Together they claimed the bed in the studio apartment for themselves.

"Don't get used to this," warned Adam after making love the first time in the apartment.

"Why not?" asked Evie.

"We're not going to be here long. Tomorrow we drop off the stuff with mom and dad and head to Grand Rapids for a permanent place that is ours."

They had another round of sex and fell asleep.

In the morning, Evie was bubbling over with excitement. "We're actually going to look for an apartment that's ours today," she exclaimed.

"Contain yourself," cautioned Adam. "It's only an apartment and we don't want to tell mom and dad until it's a done deal."

"I know, but I can't help it. We're actually going to be together in our own apartment."

They arrived at Georgia and Ralph's just before nine am. Georgia met them at the door. "I'm glad you're finally here. I've been on edge waiting for you both. Ralph went to play golf so we have the place to ourselves and lots of time together."

"Georgia," said Adam. "We don't have time to play this morning. Evie and I have a busy day planned and we have to get going as soon as we leave the stuff we brought back from the cabin."

Georgia pouted out her lower lip and put on her best disappointed face. Adam left her to talk with Evie while he emptied the car. "But can't we just have a quick moment together?" she pleaded with Evie.

"Not this morning, mom," said Evie. We'll have to reschedule."

Adam joined them when the car was empty and kept Georgia occupied while Evie gathered some of her important belongings and put them in the car. "Adam," said Georgia. "I've been wanting to have time with you. I told Ralph you were coming and he approves. He even told me to have fun when he left."

She started to unbutton her blouse as she spoke. Adam stopped her. "Not today mom," he said.


"I'm sorry but we really have to keep moving. We have appointments we have to keep. I'll make it up to you."


"Promise. Now button up and kiss me good-bye."

Georgia kissed him without buttoning up and rubbed her breasts against his body as a reminder.

Back in the car Evie stated, "That was difficult."

"It was," added Adam. "I had to promise to come back another time. Meanwhile, did you get everything you wanted?"

"Not everything, but enough. I'll get the rest later."

Adam and Evie arrived in Grand Rapids just before one in the afternoon. They called the rental agent for Edie's first choice and agreed to meet her in an hour. The apartment was nice but Evie thought the building was situated too close to the downtown area. Her second choice was also unsuitable.

They struck gold on the third showing. It was a townhouse development several miles outside of downtown Grand Rapids. The apartment was a three-story condominium in a two unit building. The lower level had an entry in the center, a side entry double garage including the heating, air conditioning and hot water utilities and a bedroom with its own bathroom. The second level housed the living room, dining area, kitchen and a powder room. Upstairs was a huge master bedroom suite with walk in closet, bathroom with both shower and soaking tub and a second bedroom with yet another bathroom that Adam could use as his home office. Because it was an end unit, it had an extra window in the master bedroom and two windows on either side of the fireplace in the living room.

"This is perfect," said Adam to Evie. "If mom comes to stay overnight, she'll have a bedroom on the first floor and we'll have our privacy on the third floor and it's available immediately. It doesn't get any better."

Evie agreed. Adam gave the rental agent a check for the first month's rent and a security deposit and they signed a one-year lease with annual renewals. Adam asked if they could take possession immediately rather than wait until the first of the month. The rental agent didn't think there would be a problem and he could prorate the monthly rental amount if Adam didn't mind not having a lease for the additional time. Adam gave him the money in cash and the rental agent gave Adam the keys.

The agent left them alone in their new home. They walked through the apartment again until they were in the master bedroom. Evie held Adam's hand and looked into his eyes with a sly smile. Adam knew that look and he knew Evie's proclivities.

"There's no furniture," said Adam.

"Everything's carpeted," said Evie.

Twenty minutes later, they were both smiling, both tired and nobody had rug burn.

Adam found a couple of guys with a truck. He moved his expensive computer, TV and stereo gear in his car. Evie retrieved everything she wanted from mom and dad's and, by the end of the week, they were living in the new apartment.

Adam and Evie woke up in the same bed each morning and celebrated their life together before getting up. They went to sleep in the same bed each evening after celebrating the day they had had together. In between, Adam worked to keep the income flowing and Evie worked to make the apartment uniquely theirs. They went shopping for furniture to fill out the empty rooms. Adam focused on furnishing the third bedroom on the first floor. If Georgia came to visit, he wanted no misunderstanding about where she would spend the night. He was determined to keep Evie and his bedroom free of influences that might change the way either he or Evie felt in the room.

Evie found a part-time job nearby. It didn't pay much but she felt better if she contributed to the household income. She worked Tuesday through Thursday each week and every other Saturday. Her schedule worked well with each of them except on the alternate Saturdays when Adam was home alone until five pm.

Eventually, Georgia did come to visit them. She showed up on a Saturday just after nine am. Georgia was either clairvoyant or just lucky. It was a Saturday that Evie worked and she had left barely ten minutes before Georgia rang the doorbell.

Adam answered the door and was only mildly surprised to find Georgia waiting. He knew she was going to show up sometime and probably unannounced. What surprised and bothered him was she had an overnight bag on the steps beside her. He invited her in, kissed her lightly and offered her coffee and something to eat in the kitchen.

Adam led his mother upstairs and into the kitchen. She sat at the new table in the dining room while he prepared a mug of coffee for her and put out a plate of fresh Danish. Georgia sipped her coffee and nibbled at a chocolate croissant. They made small talk for a while before Georgia stood up, walked alongside Adam, turned his chair away from the table and sat in his lap.

She put an arm around his neck, pressed her body against his and gave him a hungry chocolate flavored kiss. "I've missed you, you know," she said as she took his hand and ran it up her leg under her dress.

"I missed you too," Adam said cautiously. "But not here," he added when his hand confirmed that Georgia wasn't wearing panties and she was well on the way to where she wanted them to go.

"Then show me the rest of the place," she said as she got off his lap and smoothed the front of her dress.

Adam led her upstairs and showed her his working office before he led her to the master bedroom. "This is fantastic," exclaimed Georgia as she wrapped her arms around him, kissed him again and attempted to push him back on the bed.

"Whoa, woman. Slow down. I have more to show you," said Adam as he fended her off.

Disappointed, Georgia followed him back downstairs and then to the entry level where he showed her the third bedroom. "This is really nice. Is it for us?" she asked.

"It's for you when you come to visit."

"I like it. It's far enough away from the other bedroom that we won't bother anyone if we make noise."

Adam smiled that she viewed it that way rather than why he wanted her downstairs. Georgia misinterpreted his smile and moved in, not to be denied any longer. Adam allowed himself to be pushed back to sit on the side of the bed. Georgia stepped back, undid the half-dozen buttons on the front of her dress, slid it off her arms and let it drop to the floor. She stepped out of her two-inch heels and kicked the dress aside. She stood in front of him with her hands on her hips, totally nude.

He sat there watching her body with her breasts moving on her chest as she breathed excitedly and her shinning, wet, freshly shaved pubic area. "Like what you see," Georgia asked.

His body was responding in predictable ways. "I've thought about you every day," Adam replied.

"I can see that," she said. "Let me help," she continued as she leaned in, her breasts swinging in front o him, and began to undo Adam's shorts. He didn't resist as she slid the shorts and underwear off his legs and over his bare feet. Adam removed his polo shirt at the same time.

He pulled her naked body toward him intending to bury his face in her vagina. He'd barely touched her with his tongue when she pushed him onto his back and climbed up with her knees on either side of his thighs. "We'll have time for that later," she said. "I want to feel you inside me. I've waited too long to wait any longer."

She raised herself over his erection and sat down quickly with him deeply inside her. After a few minutes, he managed to maneuver them into a position with Georgia on her back and him pressing into her between her legs. He forced himself into her over and over. Her legs came up alongside his ears and he wrapped his arms around her thighs.

As reluctant as he was about having sex with his mother and in spite of how much he loved Evie, he had to admit the he really enjoyed fucking Georgia. His mother was a woman and as obvious as the similarities were to Evie, the differences were even greater. Georgia's breasts were larger than Evie's and they hung slightly down on the side of her chest when she was on her back. While he made love to Evie's breasts, he played with Georgia's tits. While Evie's vagina held him tightly in a hot embrace, he could feel his cock pushing the plump flesh aside inside Georgia with each stroke and collapsing around him when he withdrew.

Georgia had a few extra pounds in all the right places. When he lay on her while inside her, he was supported by a warm pillow that Evie hadn't developed yet and when he turned her over, she had enough meat on her hips that he could grab onto and pull her toward him as he pushed into her from behind.

"Yes," he admitted to himself, he really enjoyed fucking Georgia.

It had been less than an hour since Adam had cum in Evie. If Georgia was looking for action, he was in the mood to deliver it. After fifteen minutes of Adam fucking her on her back and another ten pumping into her from behind, Georgia was ready for a rest. She had rung the doorbell desperate for action. She had her first orgasm while riding on top of Adam. It had come quickly and was barely subsided before he rolled her over and she had a second orgasm. Her third and fourth orgasms rocked her while he was behind her and he was still there, grinding away for all he was worth.

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