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Mum and Son Ricky

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Mother has the hots for her teenage son.
8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 07/03/2005
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This story has a long build-up to establish the characters and the mother's desire for her son. Then their affair starts with wild sex. If you like extended scene setting then please enjoy this story. If not then you should choose another story.

Part 1

Anne had been widowed four years ago when her only son Ricky was fourteen. Out of respect for her husband, and to give Ricky a stable environment in which to grow up, Anne hadn't taken in another man. At first she didn't even date. But after nearly three years' celibacy she had gone out with a friend of a friend. It hadn't lasted long but the few occasions that they'd had sex reminded Anne of what she was missing.

After that she had briefly 'gone mad' (as she describes it) and shagged every man in sight. She only stopped when she realised the effect it was having on Ricky. He became quiet and sullen around her, and made lots of comments about her 'going out again.' Anne loves her son deeply and will do nothing to risk hurting him, so she became celibate again and that is how she has remained for the past several months.

Anne is forty-five years of age. She is just a little less than 5 feet 5 and has short black hair, a very pretty face that could pass for 30, and a lovely figure. She knows that men admire her figure. She has large, firm boobs that have always been one of her most striking features. She loves to dress sexily, especially in a dress or skirt. Her legs are slim and shapely and her bum is just on the large side of perfect; full, firm and rounded. She knows how good it looks, as she often gets admiring looks and comments.

Anne is a nurse and has to work shifts, so she is sometimes home during the day. Today is Friday and she has just finished a turn of night work and is looking forward to a long weekend off. She got in just after seven AM and had slept until noon. Ricky is used to the routine and knew not to disturb his mother in the mornings while she caught-up on her sleep.

Ricky thinks his mother is wonderful. He knows of the sacrifices she has made for him. He also thinks she is very attractive. His friends even say she is sexy, he agrees although he is certain that he shouldn't see his mother that way. They are close, and ever since he can remember they have been very tactile. As a younger boy Ricky would snuggle up to his mother on the sofa while they watched TV. Sometimes, she would get him to massage her feet after her bath. She always said that they hurt from the demands of her job and that he had magic fingers that made them better. Ricky loved this closeness and to see his mother so relaxed. As an older teen these massage sessions continued but now Ricky often found that touching her like this gave him an erection. He is sure that this is wrong but he can't help it. Usually he'd have to go and masturbate afterwards to relieve the tension. When he did this he liked to try to imagine his mother as she might look naked.

On waking Anne rises quickly as she has a busy day planned. On the weeks that she works nights the housework tends to pile up. Ricky is a helpful boy and will do what is asked of him. But, like any 18 year old, doesn't always act on initiative to perform household chores. This is especially true where his room is concerned.

Anne pulls on her jogging bottoms and a T-shirt and sets about her tasks. The first chore is to put in a load of washing. She gathers up her clothes from the floor where she discarded them this morning and makes her way to Ricky's room. Opening the door she is confronted by the usual teenager's mess of clothing and abandoned food plates, mugs and bowls. She collects the plates, cups and glasses from around the room and places them by the door and returns for the clothing. She strips the bed and tosses the dirty garments into the open sheet to make a bundle to carry down to the washroom. Some of the clothes are under the bed and so Anne kneels down to retrieve them. As she pulls the last couple of items from their hiding place, she drags out a black plastic bag with them.

The bag is heavy and, curious to see what's inside, Anne opens it and tips the contents out onto the floor. As the items poor out Anne gasps in disbelief as she sees several girlie magazines and what is obviously a pornographic DVD. Then she gets an even bigger surprise when a large box of condoms drops out too. Of course she realised that Ricky was growing up, but she didn't think he was yet sexually active. The condom box is open. It is a pack of 12. Anne begins to count them. Her heart is pounding and she smiles broadly when the total count is only eight.

'Dirty little bastard,' she says aloud, smiling, 'Who is he fucking?' Anne didn't even know her son had a regular girlfriend, let alone one he was having sex with.

She starts to put the things back in the bag but can't resist flicking open one of the magazines. It's a normal top shelf magazine with photo sets of single girls and of pairs of girls pretending to have lesbian sex. Anne thinks 'What is it with men and lesbians?'

Distractedly she spends the next dozen minutes leafing through the magazines one at a time. Anne is no prude and, like a lot of women, appreciates beautiful female bodies. So it's no surprise to her that she becomes a little aroused. Squeezing her thighs together on her pussy she thinks 'I can see what he sees in them.'

Now she is reading the letters page. It's a story about a girl having sex with her boyfriend and his pal. 'Lucky bitch,' Anne thinks as her hand strays to the waistband of her joggers. Her fingers delve below the soft material to find her pussy. She sighs as her fingers make contact with her clit. It's been many months since she has had sex and at least two weeks since she has even masturbated. But it's clear now that she is going to make up for that oversight. She kicks off her joggers and climbs up on her son's bed. Lying back with her legs open she reads the sexy stories and starts to work her fingers along her pussy lips. The sensations are dreamy and Anne is soon playing with herself in a steady rhythm. She reads a story and then lies back to play with herself and savour the images it conjures in her head. Then she reads another story and repeats the slow self-stimulation.

For the next hour Anne is lost in the stories of sex between strangers, between women and multiple male partners, and between two or more women. Sex with another woman has always fascinated Anne but she has never had the opportunity to try it. Best of all, she thinks, would be a threesome with a man and another woman. Thinking of this fantasy soon has her orgasm building and she can't stop herself coming. She groans aloud and cums hard on her son's bed, her juices flowing between her fingers and dripping onto the uncovered mattress. In blissful satisfaction Anne then curls-up and drifts off to sleep.

Later Anne wakes with a start. The room is bright and hot from the summer sunlight pouring in through the window. She realises immediately that it is the late afternoon. The clock confirms that it is almost three-thirty; she has slept for over two hours. Ricky could walk in at any second! In panic Anne jumps up and quickly dresses. She returns her son's stash of porn to its hiding place under the bed and hopes that she has left no sign of her having disturbed the bag. Then to her horror she notices a large damp patch on the bed, caused by her ejaculation juices. Quick as a flash she gets one of the half full glasses of water her son had on his bedside table and pours it on the damp area of the bed. She'll tell Ricky she dropped the glass, she decides.

Fifteen minutes later Anne is in the washroom when Ricky arrives home. He goes to his room and some minutes later appears down beside his Mum.

'What happened to my bed?' he enquires.

'That damned room of yours is a mess. Why don't you ever brings things back down?' Anne snaps back in defence.

'But the bed is all wet.'

'How many glasses of water do you need to have up there. You don't even drink them. I dropped one, OK? It'll dry before bedtime so stop whinging.'

Ricky stomps off dissatisfied with the answer he has received but seeing that his Mum is in one of her 'moods' he thinks better of arguing.

That evening they eat early and, as she often does following night work, Anne retires early to take a bath and go to bed. It's a hot night and so she gets into bed nude. With the light out she replays her day in her mind. It isn't unusual for her to masturbate, just not in the daytime, and never before on her son's bed. That final element is what she can't get passed. She was in her son's room, on his bed, and the images in her mind were of Ricky fucking the girls she had been reading about. He is having sex; but with whom? Anne starts picturing the girls that she has met who are his friends. Imagining each one naked with her son on top of her.

Now Anne is masturbating again but this time the stimulus is the images in her mind of her son; his strong athletic frame naked and energetically pounding his partner's pussy. Her tiredness and arousal are blending together into a heady state of mind that allows Anne's deep buried desires to surface and she starts to imagine herself as Ricky's partner, on the receiving end of his powerful young cock as it ploughs in and out of her willing sex. She is imagining kissing him and encouraging him to fuck her harder and harder, as only a young man can. As her orgasm overwhelms her, Anne imagines his cock exploding inside her, delivering its hot spunk deep into her willing cunt.

'Oh Ricky,' she gasps through her climax. The shock of this outburst brings her out of her trance and she realises she has just been fantasising about her own son.

'What's wrong with me?' she scolds herself. Tears well in her eyes and she sobs herself to sleep full of remorse and self-loathing for her perverted, incestuous fantasy.

The next morning Anne wakes early and goes down to enjoy a leisurely breakfast with her favourite gossip magazines. She is determined to forget her odd behaviour of yesterday. Around 10 she is still stretched out on the little sofa in their small sunroom, reading and drinking her second coffee when Ricky appears down. He fixes his breakfast and joins her and they chat. She asks if he will mow the back lawn later.

He agrees saying, 'And what's in it for me if I do you this enormous favour, Mother?'

'My gratitude. And the satisfaction that you'll be helping me. Isn't that enough for you?'

'I suppose. At lease I can work on my tan while I do it.'

Two hours later Anne is by the kitchen sink washing dishes while Ricky is mowing the grass. Through the window she watches him walking back and forth in just his shorts and running shoes. His naked torso is beautifully defined and Anne finds herself compelled to gaze at him. She stares at his body taking in every detail of his strong muscular legs and his broad shoulders, watching every ripple of his muscles as he moves. Her thoughts turn again to his sex life. As she stares at him she imagines him scooping-up some petite beauty in his strong arms and making love to her. But the image of the woman is of her and she scolds herself once again for these un-motherly desires.

Just then Ricky comes into the house and makes for the sink to draw himself a drink of water. His tall frame looms over his mother as he raises the glass of cool water to his lips. He is standing so close that Anne can feel the heat radiating from his body. As he drinks some of the water runs off his chin and drips onto his chest. Anne is almost overcome by a desire to lick it off him, and only just manages to restrain herself.

Instead she wipes it off with her fingers. His flesh is hot from the sun and his exertions. His skin is firm over toned muscles and his nipples are small hard points that she wants to kiss and lick. He tells her he's finished the lawn and she seizes at the excuse to rise up on her tiptoes and kiss his neck.

'Thank you, darling,' she says in a breaking voice.

'That's Ok, Mum,' he responds, hugging her in return. She is wearing only a light T-shirt and the heat of his body is transmitted to her flesh. The sensation of pressing against his hot body is so intense that Anne involuntarily gasps as she feels her pussy twinge with desire.

'You OK, Mum?' Ricky asks, slightly alarmed.

'Sorry. I mean yes, darling. You just pulled me off balance. I'm fine.' With that Anne pulls herself from his arms and dashes past him and up to her room. Closing the door she collapses onto her bed and tries to regain her composure. She has a powerful urge to masturbate again but tells herself not to be so disgusting, 'He's your son, you fucking depraved slut,' she reprimands herself.

To cool off she decides to have a shower. Moments later she is standing under the cool spray of her en suite shower trying to bring her temperature down. Anne starts to wash herself but as soon as her fingers touch her pussy she starts to play with herself. This time it's no leisurely frig. She is desperate to cum. It's like she wants to do it quickly so that she won't stop herself. The fingers of one hand delve deeply into her pussy while those of her other hand rub her clit furiously. Her face is contorted with the effort and soon she is leaning against the cool tiled wall willing her orgasm to happen. When it does she groans aloud and involuntarily calls Ricky's name. The powerful orgasm causes her knees to give way and she slides to the floor and curls up in the spray with her fingers still in her throbbing pussy.

Several minutes pass before she can get up and turn off the shower. On re-entering her room she is drying herself when she hears a light tap on her bedroom door. 'Yes?' she calls.

'You OK, Mum?' Ricky's voice sounds through the closed door.

Anne feels her stomach flutter at the sound of his voice and her pussy twinges again. Steeling herself she answers, 'Yes, love, thanks. I, eh, I have a headache; I'm going to lie down for a while. Otherwise I'm fine honestly.'

She hears him leave and she draws her curtains, and in the darkened room rolls in to the cool bed. She is naked and she lies on her side, her mind whirling with the crazy thoughts and desires for her son that have awakened in her. She knows it's wrong but she tells herself that it's only a fantasy and that no harm can come from it if she is careful. Slowly she drifts into sleep, her mind still full of images of her beautiful son's body.

Anne looks up to see her son standing over her. His naked torso looks beautiful and she wants to reach up to touch him and pull him down to her. To kiss him, and to have him make love to her. She knows it's wrong to want to have sex with her son but somehow it doesn't matter now. She feels free. Free from guilt. He's beautiful and she just wants him. He is naked and his powerful erection is standing proud, displaying his desire for her. She wants it inside her; to feel his hardness penetrate her centre. How could something so wonderful be wrong?

'Oh Ricky, yes, come to me, I want you,' she murmurs.

'Mum, it's time...'

'Yes, love, it's time.'

Louder now, 'Mum! It's time to wake up, Mum. You've been sleeping for hours.'

Anne wakes with a start. She's been dreaming. Ricky really is standing over her bed. But he's offering her a cup of tea, not sex. Her mind replays the things she was just saying; did she really say them? Suddenly she realises that she is totally naked, lying on top of her bed. She looks at Ricky's face and his eyes are on her dark bush of pubic hair, he is staring at her pussy.

In panic she snaps, ' Ricky, for goodness sake. Turn away, let me get covered.'

Her son slowly turns away, tearing his eyes from his mother's beautiful body. Anne uses the moment of privacy to roll under the sheet and cover herself.

'OK. You can turn back. Honestly, don't you knock?'

'I did, Mum. You didn't answer. You've been asleep for hours. I was worried and auntie Finola phoned. She wants you to call her back.'

'OK, love. It was just a shock seeing you, that's all. Is that tea for me?'


'Well give it here then.'

Ricky sits on the edge of her bed, 'Are you OK, Mum?'

'Yes, love. Just tired today. You know how nights affect me. Don't worry.'

There is an awkward silence between them for a moment. Then they make eye contact and Ricky asks, 'Mum... those things you said just now, what did...'

'Oh just ignore me. You know how dopey I am when I'm waking up. I was probably dreaming. Why don't you let me get up and dressed and I'll call Finola back. OK?'

Ricky just smiles and Anne adds more emphatically, 'So go away so I can get up without giving you another flash and ruining your character,' she smiles at her son and gently prods him with her toe.

'Alright,' Ricky rises and crosses to the door. He then pauses and looking back says 'Mum,' Anne looks at him, 'Killer body.'

'Get out you weirdo,' she chastises him with laughter in her voice. Ricky disappears and leaves Anne looking at the space he had occupied. 'Killer body yourself' she thinks. 'But who is getting to enjoy it?' With that thought in her mind she gets up and pulls on her robe.

She calls Finola who wants to meet later for a meal and drinks. Anne agrees and, arrangements made, she gets herself ready to go out. She dresses simply in a knee-length, cotton, Laura Ashley dress and dainty sandals.

Ricky compliments her on looking good but adds, 'Of course you looked better earlier,' he says cheekily.

'I think you need a cold shower, young man,' she pretends to scold him, but secretly she enjoys his attention and relishes the compliment.

Ricky is content to be alone and Anne can't help wondering if he will get his partner to come around when she is out. 'Has seeing me naked got him horny,' she wonders.

Around 11pm Anne returns from her night out. She has had a very pleasant time with her sister Finola. They are close and always enjoy each other's company. As always they talked a little about their sex lives. Anne admitted feeling a little frustrated lately. Finola thinks that Anne should get on with dating again as Ricky is now old enough to understand. Anne agreed and even confided that she knew Ricky was having sex.

'Do you know who with?' Finola had asked urgently.

'No. I imagine it's one of his little girlfriends. They all seem so friendly it's hard to tell which it might be.'

'Maybe it's all of them. He's a good looking boy.'

'Maybe, but I'm sure you're not supposed to think like that about your nephew,' Anne pretends to scold her sister. Although really she feels she is scolding herself again.

Part 2

By the end of the evening Anne has had a few glasses of wine and so is also feeling quite mellow. On arriving home she wonders if Ricky has a visitor and decides to slip in quietly to see if she can catch them unaware. She is not really convinced that this is a good idea, or why she wants to spy on her son, but her happy state of mind, combined with her general horniness, means that she doesn't give her motives serious consideration. Stealthily she enters though the back door and makes her way through the kitchen to the hall. She listens by the lounge door for a moment. There are definitely sex noises coming from the other side of the door.

Suddenly embarrassed as to what she might see, Anne calls out, 'I'm home.'

She then waits a few moments before entering the living room. Ricky is watching TV. The lights are low and moody, but he is definitely alone. Slightly disappointed Anne flops down on the sofa at the end opposite to him.

'So what are you watching?' she asks.

'Nothing much, there was a film earlier.'

Anne notices the corner of the black bag from under his bed, on the floor next to the sofa. She has a wicked thought.

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