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My Attitude Adjustment

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Man's stay at motel is eye-opener.
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I had decided to make the three-hour drive to see my wife. She had gone to visit her sister on Monday and it was now Thursday. She had called me Wednesday and told me she would not be home on Thursday as planned. Her niece was ill and she was helping her sister care for her. I thought it would be a nice surprise if I just showed up Thursday evening. I made arrangements to have Friday off. I would have a long weekend to spend with Betty.

I had never been big on being around my wife's family, though I got along well enough with them. It just seemed that Betty usually visited without me. My brother-in-law, Bill, and Betty's sister Rachel, had three kids and apparently one of them was ill. I decided to rent a room at a local motel so Betty and I would have some privacy and not crowd her sister's family in their modest home.

I had checked into the room and had put my few clothes away. I was looking around the place, wondering how Betty would like it. I decided it was clean enough and she would be pleasantly surprised with my thoughtfulness. I had been neglecting her a bit of late and when she went to visit Rachel, I began to miss her. I decided to be a more considerate husband and drive up to surprise her.

I was checking the great view of the parking lot when a familiar car pulled in, not three spaces from where I had parked, right in front of my window. I thought it was Betty's until I saw a tall man step out from behind the wheel. Cars all look the same to me any more. The days of muscle cars that were unique are gone. Every car looks like every other car.

Then I saw Betty get out of the passenger side. She was laughing as she came around the car, about eight feet from where I stood by the window, and put her arm around the man. He put his arm around her shoulder and hugged her as they waltzed to the door of the room next to mine! He took out a key and opened it. Then he ushered my wife in.

I was sweating as I finally left the window and sat on the bed. Could I have seen what I thought I had seen? I decided I was mistaken. It had to be someone else.

It came to me that I could easily determine if my eyes had deceived me. I took out my cell and hit Betty's programmed cell number. I had my ear to the wall as I did it. I heard the phone ring in the next room! It was muted, but I heard it. I heard some talking, which sounded more like a low rumble. Words were unintelligible.

"Hello, this is Betty," answered my wife.

I collected myself and asked, "How are you, Betty? This is your husband, Ken."

"I know who my husband is, silly. Anything wrong, Ken?" Betty asked.

"Not really, Darling. I just missed you and was wondering what you are up to tonight," I replied. "How is Sarah feeling?"

"She is still ill. I am helping Rachel so she can get some rest. I imagine she will be better soon," Betty answered.

"That is too bad. Could you put Rachel on and I will just tell her I am thinking about Sarah? I feel bad for her," I suggested.

"Rachel is taking a nap now. She didn't get much sleep last night. I will tell her what you said, though. It was very thoughtful," Betty told me. "I have to go look in on Sarah now. I will call you later, Ken."

"Ok, Betty. I love you and bye!" I croaked.

The phone went dead. I could hear some words spoken and laughter from the next room. I was beyond angry. I saw headlines in the local paper telling how a woman was beaten to death with a Gideon Bible by her enraged husband! That would give me a few minutes of pleasure, but the rest of my life would be miserable. I really hate the idea of being Bubba's bitch!

I ruled out murder, but only after due consideration. It was too fast and painless. I needed to come up with something better. Proof was always good, no matter what course of action I pursued. I would work on that.

I went out to my car to retrieve my digital camera. I was very furtive because I knew they could see me as easily as I had seen them. The direct approach is always the best, so I worked my way to their window. The curtain had been carelessly drawn and I had a couple inches of clear view.

My wife of 22 years was sucking the stranger's cock! He was smiling and looking down at Betty as she worked her oral magic. I realized I could not remember the last time I had been given a blowjob. It may have been the honeymoon. I was not sure.

I have heard that husbands get an incredible erection seeing their wives have sex. That may work for some guys, but my rage prevented any feelings of carnal desire.

I stood by the window for 20 minutes, getting some very good shots. She sure was enthusiastic with this guy! He fucked her almost every way but loose. I tired before they did, and went back into my room. I repacked everything and quietly loaded my car.

When I went and to pay for the room I had an inspiration.

"I thought I saw my old college friend, Tom Jenkins in room 108," I told the girl at the counter. "I wanted to say hello if it is really him, but if it isn't I would look like a fool. Could you tell me if it is my old buddy Tom?" I asked.

The girl put down her romance novel and checked her monitor.

"I am sorry," she began. "That is Jeff Wilson from Alden."

"Boy! I am glad I asked first," I told her as I turned to leave.

I just drove for a while and then decided I would take the bull by the horns. I pulled into Rachel's drive and walked up to the door. I rang the bell and she answered. I watched her reaction, but besides her obvious surprise, she seemed nonplused. I determined she had no idea what her big sister was doing at that moment.

"Ken! What a surprise!" greeted Rachel. "Betty left for home a few hours ago. I thought you knew she was going back home tonight."

"I had some business up this way so I thought I would stop in to visit," I lied. "How is Sarah?"

I could see her playing a computer game with her brother as I asked.

"Sarah?" asked Rachel. "She is fine, although she did have a cold when Betty first got here. She has been over it for a day, at least."

Bill came in from the TV room and shook my hand and offered me a beer. I was going to decline, but somehow I felt closer to Betty's family than I ever had before.

"That would be great, Bill," I accepted. "I can only stay a few minutes, a beer would go down quite easy right now."

We sat around and chatted for a few minutes. Rachel put the kids to bed and I knew I had to start for home soon. Then I noticed their telephone by the sofa. It had a speakerphone. An idea formed in my head.

"Would you mind if I called Betty with your phone?" I asked. "My cell has been giving me trouble."

Rachel had just returned and reached down and handed me the phone. I dialed Betty's cell and then put the receiver down and turned on the speaker.

"Hello, this is Betty," answered my wife.

I hoped she would be too filled with lust to notice I sounded like I was in a tunnel or something.

"Hello, again. I hope you aren't too busy, Betty. I just felt like talking," I responded.

"Well, I am trying to cool Sarah off," she panted. "I have been running around getting soup and drinks for her."

Betty did sound like she was winded, and I knew why! They must have been fucking for over an hour and a half. Rachel frowned and looked at Bill and then me.

"She is still pretty sick then?" I asked. "Is Bill or Rachel there to help?"

"No, Rachel is still sleeping and Bill went to fill a prescription. I am really not able to talk right now," insisted Betty. "I will call later."

With that the phone went dead.

"What the hell was Betty talking about?" demanded Rachel. "That made no sense at all. Do you think she has been drinking?"

Bill was a fairly astute fellow and offered no opinion. He just looked at me to see my reaction. He could tell I was up to something.

"I will have to ask her when I see her," I smiled. "She may have been sleeping and not fully awake."

With that I said my good-byes and climbed into my car for the long drive home.

Betty never called back. I got home around midnight and went to bed. Sleep did not come for a long time. My mind spun as I tried to decide how I should handle the entire situation. This was something I never believed I would have to face. We all make statements about what we would do 'if', but it is different when it actually happens.

The next morning I was up early and decided to download the pictures I had taken. The lighting was not the best, but it was very easy to determine who was in the picture, and what they were doing. The pictures simply strengthen my resolve for some sort of revenge. I just had no idea how to go about it.

I put the name Jeff Wilson in a few search engines. Wilson was not an uncommon name. I found several Jeff Wilsons and two were in Alden. I called the first number and asked the lady that answered if I could speak to Mr. Jeff Wilson. She told me I must want her son since her husband had died several years ago. I thanked her and hung up.

I did a search on Alden and found the name Jeff Wilson several times. He seemed to be a force to be reckoned with in his small town. He had a construction company and was on the hospital board. He was involved in more than a few fund raising groups. This guy was a regular saint, except he was married and he was fucking my wife.

On a hunch, I dug out Betty's old yearbooks and looked through them. Sure enough, there was a Jeff Wilson two years ahead of her. He had written something by his picture, but it had been scribbled over so it could not be read.

I sat back and mulled my situation over. I was feeling much better than last night and I realized the world was not going to end. I had always felt I loved my wife, and she loved me, but it seemed I had been mistaken.

One thing was certain, I decided. I would make one hell of a good detective! I had easily garnered all the information I needed with a few questions and a computer.

The phone rang and when I answered it a voice asked for Betty. I almost gave her motel number to the caller, but then I decided it would give away my hand. It did give me an idea.

I always carry a calling card in case I am away from home and my cell doesn't work. The nice thing about them is that caller ID does not identify the caller's actual number. I used it to call a few random companies in several towns and give them a line about buying whatever product they sold. I then told them I had to go, but to call back that afternoon and ask for Betty. Then I gave her motel number and room extension to them.

Just as I finished making my calls, my cell phone rang. I reluctantly answered it.

"Sweetheart, how are you this morning. I have time to talk today," continued Betty. "Rachel is watching Sarah now and I managed to get a nap."

"You are just a wonderful sister," I replied. I wondered if the sarcasm showed. "How did you sleep?"

"Well, it was a long night and I didn't get much sleep," Betty answered. I was thinking she probably didn't sleep with Jeffy-boy slamming her mouth and cunt all night!

Then she continued on. "I was wondering if you minded if I stayed a few extra days to help Rachel? She is getting worn out."

"I think you may be worn out yourself," I snapped. She wasn't fucked out yet! "You stay as long as you want. Take a year or two if it helps you any, Betty. You just be sure to have a good time. I will understand if you don't come back at all!"

I hung up the phone then. I didn't want to say any more. It would only get worse. I thought I was going to handle it ok, but she was treating me like I was a goddamn dummy. That really hurt. Sure she could fuck some guy, but don't treat me like I was the village idiot!

The phone rang again, but I let it ring. In a few minutes I checked the message.

"You are so selfish, Ken! I am trying to help my sister and all you can think about is yourself. I am going to stay a few days and I expect you to call and apologize. Call my cell. If you use Rachel's phone you will disturb poor little Sarah," she concluded.

I was livid! The miserable cunt was fucking some old boyfriend and trying to make me feel guilty for being upset! I wished I had balls like that. I called a friend and went golfing just to clear my head.

I got back in around 6:00 and checked for any messages. There were none. I sat down at my computer and did my best to create some havoc. I looked up Jeff's construction company and he had a web page. I had already saved the pages with his many civic accomplishments. Jeff had a pretty attractive family. His wife looked slim and blonde and their two kids looked to be middle school age. He should have thought of them a little more.

I opened a hotmail account and sent pictures of Jeff getting a blowjob from Betty. He had an email address on his web page, so I sent the pictures there. I did not show Betty's face in the pictures. I thought it would be wise to not play all my cards, and there may be a time in the future where I would regret having pornographic pictures of my wife, or ex-wife, on the web!

I wondered how Betty liked getting phone calls at her little love nest. She would have to wonder why anyone would call for her there. No one even knew she was at the motel, as far as she knew. It must have been worrisome! I assumed that having an affair is tough on a person's nerves.

I got a brief note in my hotmail account. It was from Jeff's email address. They had written.

"When did you get the pictures? Where? Who are you? What do you want?"

There was no signature so I didn't know if it was Jeff, an employee, or his wife. I wrote back:

"Call Jeff and ask him those questions." I then wrote the motel number and his room extension. It was just 8:00.

I went to bed at 10:00. At a small motel a few hours from me, shit had to be going through the fan at record speed and volume. Sleep seemed so much easier to obtain. I was smiling to myself as I dozed off. My last thoughts were that Betty was almost exactly three hours away. It was possible that at eight o'clock she was struck by some of the flying shit!

I felt something move and I woke slowly up. Betty was getting into bed. I looked at the clock and saw it was 11:20. I smiled to myself and fell back to sleep.

When I woke up, Betty was gone. I could hear her downstairs in the kitchen. I wondered how she slept.

I showered and shaved and got dressed. I was feeling pretty good in a shitty way. I knew I was a prick, but I didn't make the rules. I was just playing the game Betty and Jeff had begun.

I walked into the kitchen and Betty gave me a big smile. She looked terrible. Her eyes had bags that actually looked like tea bags. Her hair was not its usual neat coif and she looked strained.

"I came home last night, Ken. Sarah was feeling better and you sounded upset that I was away so long, so I decided to come back as soon as I could," she lied.

I looked at her for a minute. She didn't know how much I knew and it was churning inside her. I liked that. It couldn't last long enough to suit me. I decided I would put off talking to my lawyer as long as I was able to torment Betty.

"You sure look terrible," I observed. "I don't think you have been getting much sleep at Rachel's. You will be in worse condition than Sarah."

"Would you like some breakfast? I will rest after I make something for you," Betty replied.

I saw her strategy. She was going to try to be nice to me and hope everything blew over. That gambit would not work this time, but she had no idea what she was up against.

I just nodded and sat down. She made an effort to make small talk as I ate, but I wasn't much help. It was all I could do to not grab her by the throat and choke her. I kept telling myself to not be too hostile, or she would know I was in on everything. I had to act a little civil.

I ate and left to mow the yard and do all those little things husbands are supposed to do to keep their faithful wives happy with them in hopes of a piece of ass. Betty was resting when I went back in. I picked up my clubs and went out to golf.

I got home around 7:00. I had golfed and had a few drinks. I was surprisingly happy. I spent part of the afternoon trying to understand my emotions. Why did I feel so good when I knew my wife was fucking another man? Finally it came to me. I was not worried about what time I would get home and if Betty would be upset about any of a million things. I realized I didn't really give a shit! I was free to pursue my life.

"I didn't know where you were, Ken. I finally saw your golf clubs were gone, so I knew you had to be golfing. It would be nice if you left a note telling me where you were," Betty admonished.

I walked to the refrigerator and grabbed a beer.

"Are you going to make dinner tonight or stand around and bitch?" I asked.

Betty gasped and turned white. Then she got red and started yelling at me.

"You expect me to make dinner? After the way you just behaved? Not before you give me a sincere apology," Betty stated with great finality.

I looked at her and drank my beer. She was waiting for me to apologize. In your lifetime you get one or two moments of serenity and clarity. Those moments are, for the most part, unobtainable. I was having such a moment. Inner peace and joy flooded my being. A week ago I would have crawled across the floor and kissed Betty's feet. Then I would have begged for forgiveness.

I finished the beer, tossed the can in the bin, and walked back out the door. I drove to a little diner and had a nice steak with a baked potato and some vegetable. I ate alone, in silence, and enjoyed every minute. This clarity thing was a pleasure I had lacked since puberty. It was cool!

When I got home, Betty was watching TV. She watched me walk through the living room and made no comment. I went and got ready for bed. Then I went to the guest room and went to bed.

For the second time in as many nights, I felt Betty slide into bed with me. I pretended to stay sleeping. She eased over close to me and put her arm around me and lay there. I felt back asleep.

The sun was coming through the window when I woke up. Betty was looking at me as I wiped the sleep from my eyes.

"I was a bit hasty yesterday, Ken. I should have made a dinner for you, I know. It has been a week since I have cooked you a dinner. I was just tired and took it out on you," she finished.

That was as much of an apology as Betty has offered in our entire marriage. I was mildly surprised. I had seen the movie "War of the Roses" with Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner and expected that sort of scenario.

Betty ran her hands over my chest and started getting a little romantic. She moved down to my cock and it responded immediately. He has his agenda and I have mine. She smiled at me. Women think if your cock gets hard they have worked a miracle and you want them more than life itself. Most cocks get hard while men are listening to the weather report. Women really take too much credit.

"Is this little guy feeling neglected?" Betty asked. "Would he like to slide into me?"

Betty knew I had never declined that offer in all our years of marriage, although the offer itself has been heard less and less.

"The 'little guy' would love a nice slow blowjob," I answered with a smile.

You would think I had told her I wanted to shit in her mouth! She became indignant and started at me again.

"You want what? Here I am being nice to you and you do this! It will be a cold day in hell before I ever suck your cock!" she screamed.

I still had visions of Betty slurping Jeff's cock and swallowing his load. Now she was too good to do the same for her husband. I was pissed.

I rolled onto my side toward her and shoved her hard. She flew off the bed and landed on the floor. She was stunned for a second, then sat up and looked at me in shock.

"You jumped into bed with me. You asked if I was horny and I told you what I wanted," I snarled. "Keep the fuck out of my bed until you are ready to suck my cock. You won't just suck it. You will worship it and swallow. And you will do it whenever I tell you to, and most of all, you will like it!"


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