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My Most Precious Sexual Gift


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"You have to let me Amandy," he said many times as we lay in each others arms after a nearly full sexual session. He never, though, as he didn't anything else, tries to force me.

I was as aware as Ash was that we couldn't really consider ourselves to be a sexually sophisticated partnership until we had full anal sex. The pressure was increasing for I wanted us to be such a partnership, I wanted to remove the barrier, I wanted us to have a full relationship and there was no one I'd ever met or was likely to meet to who I'd more wish to bestow my most precious gift to than him.

Taking a deep breath I whispered. "I will Ash, I will, but give me time."

Chapter 4

We were going to Marbella on the Costa del Sol in Spain for a long weekend. He'd arranged for us to stay at a luxury villa a friend of his owned. As both of us knew the area quite well we'd agreed we wouldn't go out much.

"We can get the restaurants to deliver our dinners, the place is stuffed with booze and the maid will do our breakfasts and shopping." Ash said a few days before we left.

We were both looking forward to spending most of the time making love either in bed or around the pool. "It's totally secluded so you'll hardly even need swimsuits let alone dresses, for I want you naked most of the time," he as good as ordered me over the phone adding, with a laugh in his voice, "but bring loads of sexy underwear".

I was actually beginning to get used to and rather liked him taking control. I was, I suppose, finding a subservient even maybe submissive side of me.

"Yes Ash," I'd said obediently before going on a shopping trip to top up on bikini bottoms and logging onto a new site I'd found on the web where I bought some new lingerie that I knew he'd like.

It was a lovely villa. Not huge, just two double bedroom suites and a large, kitchen/diner/lounge area that spilled out onto a beautiful shrub covered patio leading to the pool. The patio had the living area on one side and the bedrooms on the other two. They all sort of all became one with the garden and the pool. It was hard to realise at times whether one was indoors or out, so it became natural and easy to walk naked from the bedroom onto the patio and straight into the pool.

It became as natural to do that as it was the first night we got there for Ash to fuck me in the pool in the dark, well not completely dark for there was a number of lights around and even in the pool.

It had been years since I'd had sex like that and although it actually wasn't that easy to get him inside me with the buoyancy of the water; it was an amazingly sexy act to be fucked in water, outside, under the stars. It was just as amazingly sexy when he then fucked me on a snubbed and later when I, using my mouth on his cock, balls and bum, got him hard again and I straddled him as he lie on the marble patio floor.

In the villa there was a book of menus of local restaurants. Ash ordered us a dinner which arrived after the water fuck and that set us up perfectly for the later sun bed fuck.

The next day we didn't leave the villa at all. We lazed around the pool both totally naked occasionally one or the other of us getting aroused and then we'd make love. A couple of times it was complete sex but mostly just kissing and caressing each other. It really was lovely. That first evening and day set the pattern for the next couple of days. I'd never had so much open air sex or such burned nipples or tanned bum. The nipples thankfully soon recovered when Ash popped to the local pharmacy and got the most soothing aftersun lotion I'd ever experienced, but then I guess it was in his interest to get them soothed for he had to endure a whole night and day without being able to suck or even pinch them.

It was our last night, the Monday.

"We're going to Sinatra's and then the Club," he told me, mentioning a quite famous bar and the top club in Marbella.

"But I don't' have anything to wear," I replied, a bit pissed off that he'd dropped this on me. "You said not to bring any dresses or smart get ups."

"I know and that's why I've bought you an outfit."

"Really?" I asked, pleased and excited by his thoughtfulness.

"Yes, its hanging up in the spare bedroom, why not try it on?

"I will, I beamed, thanks Ash."

It was a little girls dress really, well an eighteen to twenty year old's outfit, the sort they wear round the clubs in London. It was short and tight and thin and revealing and probably the sexiest thing I'd ever worn. Looking at myself in the mirror I felt so womanly and so erotic in it.

It was sleeveless and was made from a thin, fairly clingy material. It wasn't see through by any means but the material was so fine it felt as though it was transparent, as though, I realised, I wasn't wearing anything.

It was mainly white, with little pink splashes in differing shades, almost like a piece of modern art. It had a scooped neckline that ran round my chest about mid-way between my collar bones and the start of the swell of my breasts.

The hem of the dress was at the most halfway down my thighs. It was the length of an old fashioned mini dress, but with the cut and style of a very modern sexually adventurous, outfit. In nearly any other place in the world it would be looked on as a kid's get up, but here in Marbella, just like in LA or Miami South Beach, women are ageless. In places where boob jobs, tummy tucks, collagen and botex, cellulite removal, face lifts and even designer vaginas are a dime a dozen, a forty year old women in such a dress fits in so easily it would hardly raise an eyebrow, that is if the plastic fucked up faces permitted eyebrows to be raised!

It fitted me perfectly. It was tight enough to reveal and even emphasise the places that women like to show and emphasis but it didn't go too far, not quite but it went just about as far as dress can go without becoming indecent. For you see right down the front, from the neck to the hem, there was a series of press studs. Little studs that held the two sides together. Little studs that wouldn't pop open on their own, but would come open easily with a gentle pull. Yes a row of little studs that an onlooker could imagine popping open. A row of studs that the more ambitious-minded onlookers could visualise them popping open. A row of studs that those with real sexual adventurousness in their mind would imagine the wearer of the dress yanking open. A row of studs that as I looked at myself in the mirror I could see myself slowly popping.

"It's meant to be worn without a bra," I heard Ash say, making me jump.

"Ash I couldn't, well not in public."

"Of course you can, in fact I insist and in any case this time of year no women wear them for Marbella's nightlife."

I protested a bit more, knowing though that I'd agree, for he was right. The dress was certainly made to be worn braless and I knew that Marbella was a very "underdressed" place for women. As with most social hotspots nowadays it seems that women there are cajoled into wearing as little as possible and showing as much as they dare, or more.

As we walked into Sinatra's at just after 11 that evening I felt that I was wearing as little as possible and showing much more than I really I dared.

Under the dress I was only wearing panties, the pair I'd bought from the Internet. I'd done as Ash asked and had left off my bra. Now for some girls that's not a problem. For girls with small breasts or particularly firm or pert boobs the absence of a bra is often hardly noticeable. As they walk, they barely jiggle, as they bend there's not much to hang down and as they dance they don't wobble that much. For other girls, though, it can be a problem, a big challenge and bloody embarrassing. And for girls that are probably a few pounds overweight have largish boobs in any case, have a make-up whereby their tits attract that weight and thus have DD cups, it can be particularly troublesome.

As, holding Ash's hand, I walked across the bar I felt as though every eye was in me. My breasts seemed to have discovered a mind of their own and felt as if they were leaping around all over the place. It was as if they were trying to draw attention to them, to the dress, to the lack of a bra, to the expanses of skin on my arms, my chest, my cleavage and my legs. My nipples, as they'd done so often in the past, let me down almost immediately we got out of the car. As a few photographers flashed away in the forlorn hope we were celebs, taking shots of my legs and up my skirt, the bloody raspberry like buds simply exploded. I smoothed the skirt down as I stood up regretting that the hem came to only about nine inches beneath my pussy. As the eyes seemed to zero in on me I also regretted leaving three of those studs undone at the bottom of the dress, also three at the top, also showing so much cleavage and so much leg. In fact I was regretting wearing as little as possible for I was showing more than I really dared. In some ways I regretted that, but in others I didn't. Along with a touch of embarrassment I also felt excited and rather turned on by the blatantly lustful gazes of many of the men and not a few women

When we eventually found a booth and settled down pressed closely together though, I relaxed.

The bar was heaving and how the hell he got seats I have no idea, but he did. I looked around. Couples were standing close together, arms round each other, many were kissing and some were openly groping each other. And several of the couples quite near by weren't male and female!

Ash kissed me; He ran his fingers up my leg, almost all the way, nearly to my panties, almost to my pussy. It didn't seem out of place, not out of the ordinary or in any way that outrageous. Given the atmosphere in the smart but clearly very erotic bar nothing really seemed to be outrageous. Not the two girls openly necking or the two men holding hands. Not the girl whose blouse was open right down the front or the one that was wearing suspenders and stockings, but had forgotten her skirt. No, partial nudity, otherwise outrageous sexual behaviour, sexuality adventures and lovers starting to get it on were all part and parcel of the scene in Sinatra's that night, maybe every night.

The Club, as everyone in Marbella called it, was also heaving. It was loud, hundreds were dancing and as expected most women and many men as well were wearing as little possible and showing all they dared. I was getting into this aspect of exhibitionism. I was beginning to enjoy the stares. The gazes of men, and women running up and down me, the eyes on my clearly unfettered breasts, and the looks at the long expanse of my legs that were bare as Ash and I danced. The staring at where the thin material of the ridiculously flimsy and equally ridiculously short dress clung to me and, more interestingly, where it didn't!

I was getting kicks from men and women staring at the press studs, many of them I guessed willing them to pop open. Some nearly did and others did. The top was now open to at least half way down my breasts and as I moved slowly on the spot dancing, maybe even more than that at times.

We didn't stay that late. I don't think either of us could have handled much more of the heady atmosphere created in the club by the outrageously erotic behaviour of the clientele.

We necked like two teenagers in the back of the cab that took us the ten miles or so back to the villa. Is necking the right term I wondered? Maybe heavy petting or groping is more appropriate. What ever the correct term nowadays his hands visited every part of my body both inside and outside my clothes and mine delved deep into his trousers to hold and stroke his lovely hard cock. I'm sure if the journey had lasted much longer we'd have found a way to fuck on that back seat, we would simply have had to.

Once out of the cab and inside the front garden of the villa we kissed again. He slipped both hands down the front of my dress popping open the two or three press studs above my waist that had, somehow, stayed together. He held my boobs in his hand, pressing them together and bent forward and slid his tongue along the narrow crease of the deep cleavage that created.

"Oh Ash," I sighed a little worried that we were standing in a pool of light and presumably could be seen by passers by in their cars if they glanced this way.

"If I didn't need a pee so much I'd fuck you right here and now."

"Well I don't want accidents that way, so we'd better go in for that hadn't we?" I replied

I got some wine while Ash went to the loo. I turned the lights down and put on some soft romantic music. I waited for him sipping my dry white, Rioja wine. I had a plan, an idea. It had been buzzing around in my head all day, in fact ever since we'd been here. I hadn't been sure about it, I still wasn't, my body was saying one thing my mind the other, I was in a conflict, I was confused. I was also aroused and excited, full of expectation, a little scared but also so full of a desire to experiment, please and go somewhere I'd never been before.

"In the bedroom," I called out when he shouted.

"Where are you?"

"In the bedroom waiting for you," I added as I heard him approaching.

Immediately he turned the corner and entered the room I put my arms round him, moulded by body to his and squashed my lips to his mouth. I kissed him as hard as I could, grinding my lips to his and probing my tongue deep into his mouth licking all round the roof of his mouth as I knew he liked. My breasts were squashed as flat they can be, my hands were running up and down his back and in his hair and I was squirming my aching pubis area hard against his cock, which as usual, hardened immediately. I wanted him, I wanted him now and I wanted him my way.

"Wow Mands," he moaned as I slid my hand between us and ran it up and down the outline of his erection.

"Shush, don't say anything, I want to fuck you," I whispered, easing his zip down and opening his trousers.

"Oh yes, yes Mands," he groaned as we struggled his trousers down; as usual he wasn't wearing pants. I stood away a little, undid the buttons on his shirt and ran my hands over his hairy chest, pinching his nipples and cupping the slight excess of flesh on his manly breasts. We pushed the shirt off and he was naked, gloriously bare and deliciously nude for me.

He looked fabulous. He was tanned all over, his body was lithe and muscular, it curved in and stood out where it should and was soft and hard exactly where we like them to be. And that was particularly the situation with his lovely cock that was squashed against me running up the length of my stomach.

I always find being fully or even partially come to that, dressed with a naked man very sexy. I find it a particular turn on to be showing nothing while he shows all. It was especially sexy to be doing this with Ash for it put me in control, I was leading and directing events, I was in control, yes I was the dominant one, he the submissive! And what a change that was.

I stroked his cock, rubbed his buttocks and ground my silk covered tits against his firm, hairy chest. He grabbed my bum, rubbed and squeezed that and then went to caress my breasts. I stopped him.

"No this is my show," I, almost, growled adding as I pushed his hands away, "I'm going to fuck you, now lie on the bed and shut up."

He looked magnificent lying naked in the middle of the large bed. His dark skin made darker by the nude sunbathing of the past few days was in stark contrast to the crisp white sheets. His muscular, nicely hairy body with his lovely erection rearing straight up the middle of his flat stomach excited me. I was reacting to the anticipation of it soon being moulded against me as we made love; no, had sex was more appropriate I reminded myself, smiling as I thought, "actually to be realistic it was more as we fucked."

I stood beside the bed out of his reach and ran my hands up and down the front of my body, lingering on my tits and tummy through the thin, soft material. I turned and stuck my bum out towards him as I stroked its roundness. Looking over my shoulder I asked.

"Is this what you what you want Ash, my body, my tits, my pussy, my bum?"

"Yes Amandy, it is, I want all of those," he croaked, his fingers I noted idly stroking his erection. He often touched himself there when we had sex. Many men seem to be rather self-conscious when naked and erect. Not Ash though, he revelled in it, he flaunted his nudity and rampant readiness at me. He would hold his cock and say as he stroked himself.

"You want this don't you Amandy? You want my big hard cock don't you? You want it in you don't you? You want my hard, hot cock right up your cunt don't you?"

Aroused already and further so by watching him and hearing his wonderfully dirty phrases, I groaned as I started to caress myself that I did want that, and I did, badly, very badly. Sometimes we continued doing that to ourselves, carried on masturbating, carried on until I was starting to cum and he was ready to ejaculate.

"Where do you want my cum Amandy? On your tits, on your arse or all over your face?" he'd ask as my climax made my body convulse making it difficult for me to moan.

"On my tits and face."

But that wasn't my plan for tonight. Oh no. My plan was far more erotic, dirty, decadent, even, than that.

I moved a little further away from the bed. Looking over my shoulder at the gorgeous site waiting for me on the bed I smiled as I tossed my head shaking my loose, shoulder length, chestnut coloured hair off my face. He smiled back. I reached behind me with one hand my white painted finger nails slithering up the thin material. I took the hem in my hand and with my eyes locked on his I edged it upwards. Not a long way, just far enough to show him the creases where my bum cheeks flared out from the back of legs. Not that far, just enough so he'd see the lace round the bottom of my panties. Ash was a real lingerie freak and I knew that the sight would please and excite him even more.

"Do you want me to undress Ash; to show you my body, to be naked for you?"

"Yes, yes, do it. Show me your tits and pussy."

I paused for a while. I turned and faced him holding the edges of the dress in each hand. Where he'd popped the press studs earlier had already opened it to beneath my nipples, but I hid those by holding the dress together. I couldn't though hide the very obvious outlines of both my tits and nipples through the flimsy fabric, but then I didn't really want to, other than to tease him. I slowly pulled it tight across me so that the material was stretched across my breasts. Encased in the thin dress that was, with the light behind me almost see through, and was really slightly too small for me, my breasts would have looked bigger than they were, well that was the idea for I knew that added to his turn on. I also knew that my achingly erect nipples would be straining against the thin diaphanous material. I cupped each breast; I squeezed them and pushed them together as I watched him stroking his cock which seemed to be bigger and harder than I'd ever seen it.

Looking deep into his eyes, my mind having the filthiest thoughts, I slowly parted the sides of the dress. I pulled them until the next press stud was straining. I pulled them until that popped open. And I pulled them until one after the other all but one press stud, the one by my navel, popped open. Yes I pulled them until the dress was effectively hiding nothing so that Ash could stare at my body now clad just in the pale pink, lacy boy shorts with the dress off my shoulders and hanging around my waist.

I turned sideways to him. I pulled the hem up showing him the waistband and side of the boy shorts I was wearing. They were pink, lacy, see through and very tight. I again caressed my breasts, this time outside the flimsy material of the dress. I slid one hand down my body until it was on my mound. I rubbed myself there and then slipped my fingers inside feeling the slippery wetness of my streaming pussylips greeting them. I put my fingers to my mouth and licked them.

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