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My Rape Fantasy Comes True

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Her long held rape fantasty comes true.
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Like most women I have all sorts of sexual fantasies. When I first started having these I didn't tell anyone, not even my best fiends. I thought I must be rather peculiar and different from other women. But a few years ago I was spending an evening out - celebrating a girly birthday - with four of my friends.

We talked endlessly about all sorts of things, especially our main interest - men! After drinking quite a drop of alcohol our chatter became more daring and, naturally, sex cropped up. It was then that Kath, who is a psychologist, told us about a report she'd studied when she was in university back in the nineties. It was by a man called Glenn Wilson and was all about sexual fantasies of men and women. It was published in 1987 and she regaled us by quoting some of the figures she remembered and about how the fantasies of men and women differed. One thing she said startled us all; it concerned rape or forced sex fantasy where, for every 4 men who fantasised about this, there were 13 women.

When I heard this I felt brave enough to tell them about my sexual fantasies, and particularly about my rape fantasy. To my utter astonishment three of my friends confessed to having the same fantasy. The situations varied with regard to the place where the rape happened and the number of men involved.

I began to realise that I was not peculiar after all and that there must be many thousands of women who shared my fantasies. Emboldened by this thought, I stunned the others by saying that one of my rape fantasies had come true.

"No!" they all chorused. Then they pressed me to tell them how it happened. So I did.

I must be honest here and say that it wasn't a true rape inasmuch as the guy concerned, Rob, had my full cooperation throughout, but it gave me the greatest sexual thrill and orgasm I have ever experienced.

I had been going out with Rob for the best part of a year and we got on really well together. He was a keen amateur photographer and from time to time he would ask me to pose for some photographs, sometimes to enter for one of his club's competitions. He also entered a few shots of me in photographic magazine competitions which we never won. Sometimes I'd pose nude for him. I quite liked that and got quite a kick out of it, and he was always very appreciative. I'm a great fan of the naked female clothed male genre.

He was an estate agent by profession and apart from selling property for other people he also bought and sold on his own account. On one occasion he bought an old derelict warehouse. When we next went out he told me all about the place and asked if I'd like to see it. I was rather surprised at this.

"Me?" I replied. "A derelict warehouse? I don't treally have much interest in that sort of thing."

He smiled. "I think it has distinct possibilities as a venue for a photographic shoot," he said.

I still had doubts. "An old warehouse?" I queried. "Not a very glamorous place!"

I could see he was keen. "Look," he said, "suppose I pick you up tomorrow evening and take you to see it. It's difficult to explain what I mean without seeing it. When you do I think you'll agree with me."

I didn't want to pour cold water on his idea. I always found Rob's enthusisam for his ideas to be infectious so I agreed to go along with him to see his latest acquisition.

When he parked his car outside the building I got out to take a look. The evening July sun was slanting across the stonework throwing into sharp relief the rather battered masonry. It was clear that there were three storeys all lined with small grilled windows, many of the lower ones being without glass.

Rob opened the squeaky door and invited me in. "Please enter my palace, miss," he joked.

I laughed and followed him inside. It was quite dark at first until my eyes got used to the small amount of light able to enter the building through the tiny windows. I could see the rows of green iron pillars holding up the ceiling stretching in every direction. Quite clearly it was a large building. I noticed that the floor was littered with papers and opened cardboard boxes, lengths of rope and some bundles of netting.

"This floor is a bit messy," Rob said. "There are two more above. There's less junk up there. Come and have a look."

I followed him, gingerly picking my way in my high heels through the obstacles which met me every few yards until we arrived at a partitioned off piece in the corner. Rob opened a door and I could see a short flight of bare wooden steps leading up. These led onto another short flight, then onto a third. All the steps creaked as we ascended until we eventually arrived at an unpainted wooden door with a small glass panel in it.

This took us into another huge room. It looked bigger than the one below but this was probably because it was absolutely empty and there was no junk on the floor.

"Let's go to the top," suggested Rob leading the way just around the corner where there was another door leading to further flights of wooden steps. They led to a double door, one side of which was open. We walked straight through into the top storey. It seemed lighter than the other two. On reason for this was a large oblong opening without glass on the one side with a round steel bar across inside it. It had obviously been used for hauling goods up for storage.

All around the sides of the room were stout wooden uprights with sloping beams between them, obviously very strong and used to hold up the huge roof. As we entered there was a fluttering of wings as we disturbed a noisy group of pigeons. I could see the piles of mess they'd made in various places around the edge of the room. Right in the centre, and, seemingly, completely out of context, were two upright upholstered chairs.

Rob was enthusiastic about this room. "Come and have a look at this," he said. He led me over to a huge iron tank with studs around the edges.

"Look at that!" he said. "Strong and rugged. I could get some great photos of you posing nude in front of that. The contrast between your soft skin and the hard metal would be great. What d'you think?"

I was beginning to catch Rob's enthusiasm for the photo shoot. "Mmmm. Yes, I see what you mean," I replied. I liked posing naked for Rob anyway. He usually showed his gratitude in a very personal way afterwards. The top floor of a deserted warehouse seemed to offer distinct possibilities.

He took my hand and rushed me over to one of the huge wooden uprights. "Just look at these massive wooden stanchions," he enthused. "Just imagine you posed nude, hands above your head around one of these and one foot up resting against it. Yes, this place has definite possibilities. What d'you think Claire?"

I was becoming convinced. "Yes, I think you're right. But isn't it a bit dark in here for photography?"

"But that's a plus," he replied. "I can light you with flash and the dark background will be a perfect foil."

"OK," I replied. "I think we could have fun up here." I hoped he got my message.

We arranged the shoot for the following Saturday morning so we'd have plenty of time.

"What do you want me to bring?" I asked.

"Er. . . don't worry about bringing anything. I'll bring all we need."

This sounded encouraging. I imagined I'd be wandering naked around a deserted warehouse with Rob. There were much worse ways for a girl to spend a Saturday.

When we arrived, Rob unpacked his aluminium photographic case, a large bag with leather handles and a smaller airline bag which he asked me to carry. We went straight up to the top floor.

Rob seemed to know exactly what he wanted to do. He led me to a rather dark corner where a small wooden partition had been nailed across two of the stanchions and the angle beam between them. Doubtless this had been used to separate some of the items stored there in the past. It certainly made a private corner now, and I noticed that the two chairs had been moved close to the partition. Clearly, Rob had been here since our last visit to prepare for the shoot.

He suggested that I sit on one of the chairs while he unpacked some items in his case and bag. When he'd finished his preparations he turned and smiled at me. "OK darling, let's make a start," he said cheerfully.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Just for starters, I'd like a few shots of you posing in front of this stanchion," he replied. I stood up and rubbed my finger across the old wood.

"It's all clean," said Rob. "I spent over an hour yesterday cleaning this corner up. I don't want you to get any dirt on your clothes."

"Or on my skin," I added giving him a demure smile.

"If you get any on your skin I'll rub it off," he said with a wink. That sounded a good promise to me. Things were looking up.

As the weather was warm I was wearing a short-sleeved blouse, miniskirt and high heels. I took up a provocative pose - the sort I knew Rob loved - leaning against the wooden upright with my hands above my head and smiling at the camera. He took a few shots from various angles and heights.

"Lovely! Beautiful! You look good enough to eat!" he enthused. I was hoping I'd be on his menu later. "Let's have a shot without the blouse," he said. He put my blouse on one of the chairs and then took some pictures of me in my bra and skirt.

"Now without the skirt," he said. The skirt joined my blouse and was later followed by my bra. "You look ravishing, my sweet," he said. I could feel my face getting hotter. I was beginning to enjoy this.

I was waiting for his command to remove my panties. It never came. Instead he casually placed the camera on one of the chairs, walked over to me, slipped his hands into my panties' waistline and took them down and off. My shaved pussy reacted to this treatment with enthusiasm. I was starting to feel horny, so I posed with my back arched, my arms around the stanchion and my thighs parted.

"Verrrry sexxxxy!" commented Rob. I was glad he thought so.

After that erotic start to our shoot, Rob took me wandering all over the warehouse, sometimes placing a piece of cloth on the dusty floor and getting me to stretch out for some reclining shots. He even took me down to the ground floor for some photos amongst all the junk. You'll never believe how sexy and vulnerable that made me feel. I was completely naked with my clothes two floors up. If anyone had come in I had nothing to cover myself with.

Eventually we returned to the top floor and went over to our secluded corner. While Rob unpacked a few things I managed to casually get at my handkerchief to wipe away the juice that was running out of the open lips of my pussy.

When I turned around to face Rob he was holding some lengths of cord in his hands. He was looking at me with half a smile playing on his lips. He pointed at the sloping beam which joined the two stanchions. "I'd like some shots of you tied down on that beam. Are you game?"

Was I game? Was I just! It reminded me of my secret rape fantasy where I was tied down and raped. My dreams about this came back to me. My voice was a bit croaky as I replied, "You're the photographer. Anything you say."

Without further ado, Rob took a piece of satin cloth out of his large bag and threw it across the length of the sloping beam. "OK. Lie down on your back," he said. "Put one leg on each side."

I tried to appear casual but I don't think I was very convincing. I lay down, spread my feet and raised my hands on the beam above my head. Rob took one of the cords and tied it to my wrist. He then passed the cord around the upright stanchion above my head, pulled it tight and tied it to my other wrist. He took hold of both my ankles and pulled me further down the beam until my arms were taut above me.

Taking another length of cord he tied it around my right ankle, passed it around the other stanchion below my feet and, after pulling it as tightly as he could, he tied the other end to my left ankle. By the time he'd finished my body felt on fire. I was tied down naked with a gorgeous guy looking down at me. I knew my pussy must be wide open and juicy but I just didn't care. In my sexual fantasy I dreamed of situations like this. I could hardly believe it was happening.

"OK," said Rob walking around and looking at me from all angles. "I want a few preliminary shots. Just pretend you're struggling to get away but don't move too much."

I cooperated fully with this scenario, arching my back and letting my thighs fall open, enjoying every moment. Then Rob put down his camera and arranged a piece of hessian on the floor by my side. He knelt down on it. "Now I want some really sexy shots with your nipples even harder than they are now and your pussy vibrating."

He took my nipple in his mouth and sucked hard, then, standing up and throwing one leg across me he sucked the other. Then he moulded both my breasts in his hands and plucked at my nipples with his fingers. By this time I was quietly groaning with sexual pleasure. Once again I recalled the sexual ecstasy in my fantasy moments.

Rob's tongue and lips wandered further down my heaving body licking and kissing my naked skin. As he neared my pussy I could hardly stand it. Then his mouth was on my open lips, his tongue flashing in and out. I lifted my aching hips for more as my head rolled from side to side. Then I felt his fingers penetrating me as his tongue lashed my aroused clitoris.

Little cries escaped my open mouth until I could stand it no longer. "Take me! Take me now!" I yelled. I was half conscious of the fluttering of the pigeons who had been scared by my yelling.

Needing no second bidding Rob stood astride the beam and inside my open legs. His hands quickly traversed up my entire body and down again. I heard the noise of the zip on his jeans and then felt him penetrate me. By this time I had completely lost control. This was marvellous! My rape fantasy was becoming a reality. This was all I could think about. Then I felt the vibration inside me as I came, soon followed by Rob's weight bearing down on me with a great "Aaaaaagh!" I realised it wasn't only photographs he was shooting that day.

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Dr_James_Davies_DFDr_James_Davies_DFover 1 year ago

Fantasy and Fulfillment

Is the Fantasy quite as arousing as its execution in the real world? Erotic sex is more mental than physical. Would realization of a day dream prove to be quite as provocative as it might have been imagined? great story!

thomas_deanthomas_deanover 1 year ago


Adults were playing role playing games long before the internet put them into cyber space. Is anyone thereby harmed?

DrBlack919DrBlack919about 7 years ago
very hot

Well told.

There is nothing sexier than a woman's fantasy made real.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

not much of a rape. you spent way too much time on little unimportant details

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Just not rapey enough

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

After tying her up, there should have been a big black cock standing behind him ready to take that pussy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Very good

Must disagree with some previous commentators. It was very erotic and well written! I'm a man, 45yrs.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Nothing here

I stopped reading at "...not even my best fiends..." Maybe fiends did tale part, but by then I'd lost interest.


evelyn_carrollevelyn_carrollover 18 years ago
Rape is a plant with yellow flowers

I think the other commentators on this story don't understand the nature of (most) female rape fantasies. Girls don't want to be raped by men they haven't chosen but by fanciable guys. It's less a matter of rape than of being forced to give in to secret desires that are often repressed by social norms. For this reason, despite some weaknesses in the writing (as people have correctly observed), I've given it an otherwise undeserved 5.

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