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N.A.S.M. Ch. 02 Pt. 01: Lisa & Moira

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Meeting girls in class leads to a wild night. First part.
6.4k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/18/2020
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This story is entirely the product of my fevered imagination. Characters are over the age of 18.

Because of some class choices I had made my first quarter at New American University, I was able to begin taking the Herb Pharmacopeia series of classes; a fact that Mendez was vocally jealous about. Wanting to have more free time during the week, I chose to have all my classes for this quarter on Tuesday and Wednesday, so I was able to take both of the Pharmacopeia classes offered as they both met on Wednesday. The first in the afternoon, and the second in the evening.

For the evening class, Herb Pharmacopeia Three, I decided that I liked to sit in the middle row of tables, about halfway back from the front of the room. From the first day, a pair of women sat at the table directly in front of me, and from that first day I thought of them as the Opposite Girls. The tall one was blonde with what seemed to be very large breasts, while the brunette was shorter with much smaller breasts. Admittedly those were the first differences I noticed about these two, but what I noticed next were their similarities. They seemed to be very good friends, chatting enthusiastically as they came into class, and whispering with their heads together at the class breaks.

The third week of class, while is sat in my usual place, eating an overpriced salad I had purchased from a nearby high-end grocery store, The Girls sat down in their usual seats in front of me.

"That looks good," the tall blonde said, nodding at my salad.

"It's pretty good," I said in a non-comital tone.

The tall blonde turned in her seat to face me and said, "I'm Moira, and this is Lisa," indicating her brunette friend.

I'm Adam," I said, smiling and hoping that there wasn't too much kale in my teeth.

"Nice to meet you, Adam," Lisa said as she also turned to face me across my table. "how long have you been going here? I haven't seen you around before."

"Yeah, this is my second quarter, so I'm pretty new on campus," I told her.

"How do you like it?" Moira asked.

"Pretty good so far," I said.

"That's good. It's nice to have another guy around the school," Moira said chuckling a little. "It's mostly women here and I think that this place benefits from some masculine energy. Yin-Yang and all that."

Lisa laughed at her friend's assertion and playfully swatted at Moira's forearm, "Don't scare the guy, Moi. Adam, I promise that we're not all crazy—like this one."

"Well, if she's your definition of crazy, then I think that I'll be just fine here," I said to Lisa chuckling while I got up from my chair to go throw the empty salad container away in the hall.

Professor Chu, the herbal medicine teacher, walked into the classroom just before I did and the class began, which ended my conversation with Lisa and Moira for the moment.

After an hour of instruction, the class was allowed a short break, and both Moira and Lisa turned back to face me again. This time they actually turned their chairs, so that they both faced me full on.

"So, Adam, what are you into—what do you do with your spare time?" Moira asked.

"Nothing too spectacular, really. I like to work out. I do a little trail running on the weekends. Some martial arts training during the week. I mean when I'm not in class or working. Other than that, there's nothing that really stands out, I suppose."

"Oh!" said Moira, looking as Lisa, "Humble and cute." This earned her another slap on her forearm from Lisa.

"How about yourselves?" I asked the both of them.

"Well, like about ninety-percent of the people here we're really into yoga and I like to belly dance. I've been trying to get Moira to come along, but I think she's scared," said Lisa.

"I told you that you should quit that class and that we should both take that pole dancing class," Moira responded.

"What's pole dancing?" I asked, bemused by the pace of the conversation.

"You ever been to a strip club? It's what the dancers do up on stage with that pole. All the tricks and stuff," Moira informed my excitedly.

"Oh! I had no idea that they taught classes for that kinda thing," I responded.

"it's supposed to be a great work out and it looks like a lot of fun. Who doesn't like strip clubs?" Moira told me.

"Moi, come on! Guys like strip clubs 'cause of boobies, and girls like strip clubs 'cause guys do. We've been over this!" Lisa interjected.

Our chat was interrupted again by Professor Chu starting the class again, as we continued our exploration of the Blood Regulating herbs; a huge and very complicated category of Chinese medicine—so, the next two hours where taken up by this category and there were no more breaks.

Before I packed my books and notes, I sat back in my chair and sighed heavily as I surveyed the mess I had created trying to annotate all of Professor Chu's points and distinctions about those herbs. I knew that I had at least another hour of work ahead of me re-copying those notes in order to be able to make any sense of them.

I looked up from that mess, and saw Lisa standing in front of me smiling, her bag was slung over her shoulder like she was ready to leave. Moira had already crossed the room to the door, but had looked back to find Lisa when she realized that she wasn't with her.

"Adam, what are you doing right now?" Lisa asked. "Any plans?"

"Other than trying to make sense out of all this," I said as I gestured at the scrawled mess on the table in front of me. "Nothing. What's up?"

"Wanna come back to our place for a beer? We're only up the street a couple of blocks," Lisa told me.

"That sounds pretty good," I told her as I gathered all my stuff into my backpack.

Once we had walked down the stairs and out of the courtyard of the business complex that housed the New American University of Chinese Medicine and began walking north, Moira stepped close to me and wrapped her right arm around my left.

"It's nice to have a male to escort us home after a night class, for once," she said with a teasing lilt in her voice.

"Moi! It's hardly even dark out, we're in West LA, and you're going to scare Adam," Lisa admonished her friend.

"He doesn't mind. Why would he mind a pretty woman hanging off of his arm," Moira responded as we crossed a street.

"So, how did you two meet?" I asked, hoping to change the subject and stop their playful bickering.

"We met in a yoga class about three years ago," Lisa said, "and I haven't been able to get rid of her since."

"Tell her the whole story, Lisa. Tell him about Santo," Moira told her friend, as she leaned slightly in front me to make contact with her friend.

"Santo," Lisa said breathily.

"He was this guy in our class, and he was stunning. Tall, dark, with long eyelashes and absolutely no body fat. All lean muscle and charm. He moved like a large cat and oozed sex," Moira filled in the details on Lisa's breathy statement.

"Yeah," Lisa said, "too bad his personality was complete crap."

"We found out that he was trying to sleep with the both of us. And when we found out, he tried to talk us into a threesome, or some shit," Moira told me.

"He wanted us to be 'polyamorous', whatever that is," Lisa corrected.

"Wow, that's crazy," I said, lacking any other response.

"Yeah, so we chose to hang out with each other and cut him out entirely, and that's how we wound-up as roommates," Lisa said.

"And, speaking of roommates, her we are," Moira said indicating the walkway of a white building, set back from the street with a small rectangle of grass and a mid-sized ginko tree growing near the building's front.

I followed the pair down the walkway to the second stairway on the right, up three stairs and, after Lisa unlocked the door, into their apartment.

It was clear that this was an older building that the other ones on the block, and this apartment reflected this fact. Hardwood floors, crown moldings and built-in book shelves in the narrow, rectangular living room area with nearly floor-to-ceiling casement windows. Under the bookshelf, the lower shelf of which was set up as a sort of altar with candles, crystals and small statues of a seated figure with an elephant's head and another with many arms dancing, was an overstuffed sofa. Over by the windows there was a long, low, wide bench upholstered in gray cloth and a number of pillows and small blankets artfully arranged on it.

I sat on the couch while Lisa and Moira went about the little tasks of getting home. Both of them disappeared into the back of the apartment to drop their bags, take off their shoes and such-like.

After several minutes, Moira came back through the living room and into the kitchen, opened the fridge and said, "Let's see what we can offer you, Adam."

"I'll take that beer I was offered," I told her.

Sitting on the sofa, I could see into the kitchen and I took advantage of my vantage point to admire the shape of Moira's ass as she bent over to look into the fridge. Moira stood at least six-feet tall, and with her long blonde hair, blue eyes and pale complexion, all she needed was a steel bra to be an extra in a Wagner opera. Her breasts were large, even for her tall frame and wide shoulders (I later read her bra size off a label, and it said 34DD) and her hips, which were slightly wider than her shoulders, gave her that clichéd Coke-bottle shape. Being so tall, her limbs were both long and toned—with well-defined muscles from her yoga practice.

Moira had changed into an pastel yellow, spaghetti-strapped tank top and a pair of loose fitting shorts; a pair of blue men's boxers with the elastic waistband rolled down to synch them around her hips. As she was bent over, with her legs unselfconsciously crossed one-over-the-other and her knees locked, her ass was particularly on display. Her ass was round, perky and protruded nicely upward from the slight downward curve of her low back.

My reverie was interrupted by Lisa's return to the living room. Lisa had also changed her clothes. She also wore shorts, hers made out of cut-off grey sweatpants, and a black t-shirt with the collar and sleeves cut off. Shorter than her roommate, at about five-five, Lisa's hair was a mousy brown that hung almost to the top of her butt. Her eyes were also brown; an iridescent brown that changed hue slightly depending on the light. Unlike the peaches-and-cream complexion of Moira, Lisa's skin was slightly darker, naturally tanned and sun-kissed. Like her roommate Lisa's arms and legs were also long with well-defined muscles. Her narrow waist emphasized the breadth of her relatively narrow hips and gave a nice contrast to the round bubble of her buttocks.

The t-shirt that Lisa wore showed that while her breast were small, they were firm and placed perfectly on her pectoral muscles. As she walked by me into the kitchen I saw that her nipples were erect; two points standing proud and firm under the thin covering of her tee.

"Moi, what are you looking for in there?" Lisa asked.

"Where's the beer, Lisa? I'm trying to get Adam something to drink," Moira respinded.

Huffing in exasperation, bumped her hip against Moira's to move her over so that she could also bend down to do her own rummaging in the fridge.

"They're here, Moi, behind the Brussel sprouts. Right where you put them last night," Lisa exclaimed taking out a couple of bottles of a nationally famous IPA.

The Girls came over and sat with me on the couch. Lisa sat next to me in the middle of the couch and Moira sat to her right at the far end of the couch.

Lisa handed me a beer, raised her own, and said, "Cheers."

"No beer for you, Moira?" I asked when I saw that she hadn't joined Lisa and I in our little toast.

"I'm not a big fan of beer, or drinking in general, but I like to smoke. You want some?" she responded while leaning forward, opened a drawer in the coffee table and took out brightly colored glass pipe and a disposable lighter.

"I've gotta drive latter and a beer or two won't be a problem, but that might be too much. But thank you," I told her.

"No problem," she said before putting the pipe to her lips and touching the flame from her lighter to the bowl.

"What classes did you take last quarter, Adam?" Lisa asked me.

"Well, Foundations, Western medical terminology, herbal pharmacognosy and anatomy and physiology," I told her.

"No physics, chemistry or biology? Those were the first classes Moi and I took, along with Foundations," Lisa told me.

"My undergrad classes took care of those requirements, so I won't have to take those," I said in response.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Moira interjected suddenly, causing Lisa to look at her sharply.

"Well, not at the moment. Not really, but I do have a friend or two," I said with a wry chuckle.

"Would you like to have two?" Moira asked in a goofy tone. That question earned her more than just a look from Lisa, who slapped her on the thigh.

"What did I tell you about scaring him? New topic," Lisa admonished.

"Okay," Moira said defensively. Then, in a brighter tone she said, "Hey, Adam, would you like to hear a secret?"

Not waiting for me to respond to her question, Moira leaned forward, around Lisa to look at me more directly and in an excited stage whisper said, "Lisa and I have decided that if this acupuncture thing doesn't work out, we're both going to become strippers!"

I was very bemused and a little stunned by this sudden disclosure from a woman that I had only been on speaking terms with for about four hours. I was momentarily at a complete loss for words. Lisa, however, was not.

"Moira Rushmore! That's just a joke between us! And, besides, I wouldn't be 'stripper'. I'd be an 'exotic dancer'," she told her roommate, taking the pipe and lighter from Moira and lighting it for herself before getting off the couch to get more beer from the fridge.

Recovering slightly, and hoping that I could defuse the now slightly tense atmosphere in the room, I quipped, "Well, that would explain the pole dancing classes then."

"Exactly!" Moira said laughing.

"I do have one question though. Do they also teach lap dances in these classes, or is that a separate course of study?" I asked Moira.

"Woah! That's a good question! I don't think they do, at least not generally," Moira called out, "Lisa! How did we forget about the lap dances!"

Handing me another beer, "What about lap dances?" Lisa asked, slightly confused.

"We completely forgot about them. How are we supposed to be World Class strippers—I mean, exotic dancers—if we don't know how to give an amazing lap dance?" Moira explained.

"Moi, how hard could lap dances be? Rub the bootie on the guy, shake the boobies in the guy's face and you're done. Right?" Lisa shrugged before sitting back down on the couch between ma and Moira again.

"That's why I keep saying that we, you and I, need to go to a strip club so that you can get a lap dance and see how they're done. Once you've had one you'll understand what I'm getting at," Moira explained patiently.

"Isn't that right, Adam?" she asked, trying to bring me back into the conversation, "You've had a lap dance, right?"

Before I could answer, Lisa interrupted, "Maybe Adam can tell me what a lap dance is like, since he's had one."

"Well, I've had maybe about half-a-dozen lap dances in my life, and honestly, I was drunk for all of them, so, Lisa, your description seems pretty accurate," I said.

"Or!" said Moira suddenly, "Or, Lisa, I could show you what I'm talking about with Adam's help."

"What do you have in mind, Moira?" I asked with some trepidation, and more than a bit of curiosity.

Getting off the couch, Moira walked across the room to a small stereo system with an iPod docked on its top.

"Go sit over on the settee and I'll give you a lap dance to show Lisa what I'm talking about," Moira told me before turning to scroll through the iPod for a song.

I looked at Lisa, raised an eyebrow and gave her sort of a half shrug; silently asking both what I should do and if she was okay with what seemed to be happening. "Why don't you give Lisa the lap dance? Nothing like the direct experience to learn something," I suggested.

"No, I want her to see everything that I'm doing, and she won't be able to see all of it if she's getting the dance," Moira responded.

"You might as well go with it," Lisa whispered, "She won't let it go otherwise, and besides—you might have fun. She might be good at it," Lisa said mirroring my own shrug and giving me her permission at the same time.

I still wasn't sure of the exact nature of the relationship between these two roommates. I had intuited that they were very close friends—inseparable by their own admission—but were they more than that? It seemed that they might be, but I really had no evidence either way. I certainly didn't want to be the cause of an argument or any jealousy.

I got off the couch and moved over to the settee, sitting down in the middle of it.

"Wait!" Moira said suddenly, pausing her search, "I'll be right back, I almost forgot something."

She jogged into the back of the apartment and came back out walking more slowly wearing four-inch, bright red high heels.

"These aren't stripper heels, but I feel like they're an important part of lap dancing. Every girl can use a little lift and pop, right?" she said, patting her ass a grinning at Lisa.

"You know you don't need any help there, Moi," Lisa chuckled.

"Thanks, babe! Now if you'd press play on the iPod when I say, I'll start my lesson."

"Sure," said Lisa crossing to the stereo, "I can't wait to see what you've got."

Moira walked over to where I was sitting, pushed my legs apart with her knees so tht she could stand between them while placing her hands on my shoulders.

"Okay, big boy, club rules. No touching—I can touch you, but keep your hands to yourself; sit on your hands. Also, no kissing, no licking, and no telling me what to do. Got all that? You behave and we'll both have a good time," she instructed me.

Moira then turned back toward Lisa slightly and said, "That's pretty much the speech I got when I got my first lap dance, so it stuck with me."

She turned back to face me fully, looked me directly in the eyes, took her hands off my shoulders, and quickly whipped her t-shirt off showing me, and Lisa, her lacy, white bra straining to contain her spectacular breasts, I'm wearing too much for a proper lap dance. Lisa press play, and watch carefully."

Between the instructions and the sight of Moira's breasts; soft, pale colored mounds obscured, but not hidden, by the lace cups of her bra—I could just make out the pale pink color and shape of her nipples—I was practically stunned into stillness. I could feel the blood rushing to my head and face in addition to my genitals. All I could do was stare as Moira sank into a squat between my knees and the music started.

As the music of the Eurhythmics and the voice of Annie Lennox spread through the room, Moira again locked eyes with me as she began to sway her hips from side-to-side, and ran her hands up my thighs.

"The first key, Lisa, is eye contact. That's how you communicate with your partner," she said.

AS her hands completed their travel up my thighs, Moira pushed her butt up into the air, arched her back and pressed breasts against my upper abs and rubbed up along my shirt toward my chest. This brought us face-to-face, just millimeters apart, as if she was moving in for a kiss. Moira was so close that I could smell the faint traces of the thieves' oil essential oils that she must have applied earlier in the day.

She never broke eye contact. Her hips never stopped moving. Her knees and thighs rubbed against my inner thighs in time to the music.

"The next key is the tease," Moira said, as she moved her mouth to my neck below my left ear and drew in a long, cool breath right against my skin causing instant goosebumps and a more rapid stirring in my penis.


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