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Nails of Faith Twist a Little More Ch. 05

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Getting Bam to accept the new rules.
3.1k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/05/2020
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The night was short and restless for everyone but Bam, everyone thinking about what had to happen with the skater.

Silke woke up first, finding Bam and Ville entangled in each other, she sighed; sometimes she wondered if she should just let Ville go, let him be with Bam. She loved Bam too, but never as much as Ville seemed to.

So the girl carefully got out of bed, put some clothes on and walked down to the kitchen, where the smell of breakfast greeted her.

"Good Morning sweetie, up already?" April smiled as she gave her a glass of freshly pressed orange juice.

"I could say the same to you."

"Yes well I worry about my boy."

"I worry about my two boys, maybe I should just let Ville go." she stated her worries out loud, to the only person she knew she could trust to say her honest opinion.

April looked at her stunned "You really love them both don't you?"

"I do, but Ville loves Bam so much more. Maybe I should let them be, maybe it would solve things."

"Sweetie, it's very noble of you but Ville couldn't support Bam without you by his side, I'm sure if he knew you were thinking like this he would be on his knees begging for you not to leave him."

"Glad to hear you are so sure of that..." Silke trailed off.

"Be sure of what?" Ville walked in.

April hesitated, she didn't feel good about betraying Silke's trust, but she needed to know that Ville loved her more than anything.

"That you love your wife more then my son."

"April!" Silke exclaimed, glaring at the older woman.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but I can't let Bam mess your life up as well as his own."

"Silke are you really thinking I love Bam more then you?" Ville asked as he turned to Silke.

"I don't know, you love him more then I love him, and you always defend him, even after what happened yesterday. You invited him to our bed!" Silke ranted, scared of where this was going, wondering it was one thing, hearing Ville say it was true would be a whole different ball game.

As tears formed in Silke's eyes, Ville pulled her close, grabbed her face and made her look into his eyes.

"Kultaseni, I love you, you gave me back my life, I'm so sorry if I made you think I love Bam more, it is absolutely not true, I couldn't stand losing you, so please believe me." Ville pleaded, tears running over his cheeks.

"I love you Ville, I don't want to lose you either." Silke sobbed, falling into Ville's arms.

Ville wrapped his arms around his wife, "We'll try to talk to Bam today, and if he doesn't listen, we are moving out. How about that?"

"Would you do that?" Silke asked, surprised, looking up into Ville's eyes once again, what she saw there was fear and love.

"Anything to keep the love of my life and my children safe, kulta." Ville said lovingly.

They shared a soft kiss before they were interrupted by Bam.

"See Ape what I have to live with? They are constantly kissing but I can't have some fun with friends!" Bam exclaimed, instantly grabbing his head "ugh I hate hangovers, can I have a beer?"

"Brandon! Have you forgotten everything we told you last night?" April yelled.

"Ape don't scream! My head hurts! And I don't have to quit now or completely do I?"

April sighed, "Yes Brandon, you have to stop right now and completely, you are slowly killing yourself, and any relationship you have."

"Come on Ape, don't be a drama queen, I have Skinny and Monster for that." Bam laughed it off.

"Bam you get yourself checked into rehab today, or the kids, Silke AND I are moving out." Ville said.

"Ow come on Valo, I'm your soulmate, you said you could never leave me, Silke may take the kids and leave, but you will never leave me." Bam said with a cocky undertone.

"I'm serious Bam, I love you, but I can't keep supporting your downfall, so make a decision, your family or the alcohol?" Ville looked Bam straight in the eyes, pleading with him, but on the other hand making sure the skater realised he wasn't joking.

"You can't be serious?"

"Brandon please, just say you'll go to rehab and stop this madness." April begged.

"Ape stay out of this! Ville are you really breaking up with me? After everything we went through? I never dumped you when you were drinking, no matter how Missy begged me!" Bam yelled.

"Missy would never allow this! She would have been on your case a lot sooner! You don't realise how out of hand you are." Ville replied, hurt that Bam was even thinking about it.

"Bam decide now, alcohol or us and the kids?" Silke sighed, sick of the fighting, sick of going around and around.

"I hope you two will be happy but you aren't taking my daughter!" Bam made his decision clear.

"Hell will freeze over before I leave my daughter here with you Bam, never going to happen!" Silke yelled as she ran upstairs to her bedroom, tears running down, even though she hated Bam how he was now, she still had hope he would have chosen them instead of alcohol.

"Bammie please?" Ville begged as he was leaving the room.

"Ville go to your bitch, I'm going to the bar, I'll pick up my daughter from school and when I get home, you and your little bitch better not be here anymore! I'll have Ape pack the shit you can't get packed and send it to you."

Ville couldn't believe Bam was kicking them out, just cause they asked him to go to rehab, but he went up to Silke to comfort her and pack up.

April stayed with Bam trying to talk some sense into him about Rebecca. When Silke heard about Bam's threat she instantly called a lawyer to hear if Bam could keep Rebecca away from her.

They decided to ask for an emergency hearing about Bam being fit to be a parent so Silke would get full custody temporarily.

knock knock

Ville opened the door and saw April.

"Can I come in for a minute?"

"Sure April," Ville sighed relieved that it wasn't Bam.

"I'm sorry for how this went, you'll be staying at my place till Bam goes to rehab."

"April you should know we contacted a lawyer and asked for full custody of Rebecca, we can't let Bam ruin her life." Silke said.

"You did?" April asked, stunned "So quickly?"

"Yes I'm sorry." Silke said softly, scared that April was mad at her for taking away Rebecca from her son.

"Sweetie don't be sorry, I'm glad you did! Bam is in no state to take care of a girl!" April said reassuringly, "I'll even testify on your behalf!"

Silke fell into April's arms "Thanks that means a lot to me, to us."

"No thanks needed."

So Silke and Ville packed as much as they could, the school got notified that Bam wasn't to pick up the kids anymore, they got notice that the hearing would be tomorrow and that for now Rebecca was to stay at April's. Which was fine by them, if Bam would handle it so well was a different question.

They got their answer as they heard screaming downstairs.

"Fucking assholes get down here! How dare you do this? She is MY daughter! She is the last thing I have left of Missy and you are taking her away from me? I won't allow it!"

April ran downstairs, hoping to calm Bam down "Brandon please don't take it out on them! You are in no state to raise a kid now!"

"I will not let those two raise Rebecca! They will poison her against me! I'll never get to see her again!"

"It is just temporary Bam, till you get your act together, and I'm sure they won't poison her against you. They love you!" April kept her voice calm even though she wanted to scream at her son.

"Mum please don't let them do this to me?" Bam begged as he fell into his mum's arms, crying.

"They aren't doing it to you sweetie, you are doing it to yourself. Now go to your room, get some rest and I'll take Ville and Silke to my place."

"Stay with me? Please? I don't want to be alone tonight! Don't pick them over me!" Bam looked utterly lost and April's heart broke once more.

"Shh baby, I'll stay." April pulled Bam back into her arms, trying to calm him down again.

"Can we take the hummer to move our stuff to April's?" Ville asked carefully.

"Sure, you have no problem taking my daughter, why not the hummer too?" Bam said sarcastically.

"It's for your and her good Bam, clean up your act and she'll be back in your life." Silke sighed, very sick of repeating this over and over again.

So she and Ville packed up the hummer and left for April's, the kids were happy to see them again, although Rebecca looked at them weird when they said they were all staying at April's for a while without Bam.

Once the kids were in bed, the couple updated Phil on the situation, who was a little less happy with the court order but in the end saw that it was for Rebecca's best, and that once Bam was clean again he would get his daughter back.

Silke and Ville got into bed early, knowing sleep wouldn't come easy, talking about the court appearance, when Ville found it late enough he softly sang to Silke, relaxing her enough so she could sleep.

The next day was spent in a haze, the kids went to school, Ville, Silke and April met up with the lawyer before going to the court. They had no trouble convincing the judge to grant full custody to Silke, with the clause that April and Phil got to see their granddaughter and they could decide when Bam could see her too. Silke had also asked if they could take Rebecca with them outside of the states, with the tour coming and all. The judge was ok with that as long as they kept in touch with April.

Of Course Bam caused a huge scene when the judge said his daughter was not his anymore in the eyes of the law, he stormed off probably to get drunk. April tried to stop him, talk some sense into him but he just ran off.

Not an hour later they got a call from the school, Bam had turned up demanding to see his daughter.

Silke and Ville quickly drove to the school to help out.

Ville jumped out the car as soon as Silke slowed down on the parking lot, running towards Rebecca's classroom, Bam's voice echoing in the hallways, as soon as he faced Bam he took a deep breath.

"Bam what are you doing here?"

"Picking up my daughter, what does it look like!" Bam yelled.

"You know you can't take her Bam, not until you get sober." Ville sighed, Bam seemed mad, but he didn't seem too drunk.

"Then at least let me say goodbye to her and Timo?." Bam pleaded.

By that time Silke had arrived too but she just stormed into Rebecca's classroom to make sure the girl was ok.

"I'll go talk to Silke about that, but calm down first ok? She won't let you near the kids when you are this riled up." Ville said soothing, wanting to give Bam this chance, it would be better for the kids too.

When Ville walked into the classroom, Silke was talking to Rebecca, calming the girl down, who was asking why her dad was screaming in the hallway.

Ville explained everything to the teacher and asked to take over Rebecca from Silke so he could talk to his wife for a minute.

"Kulta, Bam wants to say goodbye to the kids, I think we should let him, not for him but for the kids, they are going to ask questions if we don't, and what if something bad happens to Bam? Rebecca might hold it against us later." Ville kind of rambled, afraid Silke would not see it like he did.

"Is he sober?" she asked calmly.

"I don't know, at least not wasted. He's just scared." Ville calmed down as he saw Silke was calm too.

"We'll ask the teacher if there is a room where we can take the kids and Bam to say goodbye, but I'm not leaving him alone with them."

"I love you kulta, so much." Ville said with tears in his eyes.

They asked the teacher, she said they could use the teacher's lounge, Silke wanted to talk to Bam beforehand so she took Bam to the lounge as Ville walked with Rebecca to Timo's class to pick him up.

"Bam I'm doing this for the kids, so please behave?" Silke asked him.

"I don't want anything bad to happen to the kids Monster, just say goodbye seeing I won't be seeing them much." Bam whispered.

Silke was stunned, it had been ages that Bam had used her nickname, and he was really calm.

"So you are going into rehab?" Silke asked carefully, not wanting to set Bam off.

"You know I would go crazy, I'll deal with it my own way." Bam replied calm, but a sad look in his eyes, who lifted up as soon as the kids walked in.

Rebecca instantly ran to her dad.

"You ok daddy?" the little girl asked worried.

"Yes baby, daddy was just being silly but daddy won't be around for a while, so you have to be a big girl and listen to mommy and Isä ok?"

"I always do daddy, where are you going? Can't I go too? So you aren't alone?"

"No sweetie, daddy is sick and needs to get better."

"I can take care of you!" the girl was getting worked up, and Bam just pulled her into a hug, trying to calm her down, but it only ended in tears with the girl.

Bam's heart really broke into pieces, like he finally realized what he was doing to his family.

Timo, who looked up to Rebecca, started crying too, Bam handed Rebecca to Silke, as he took Timo from Ville for a minute.

"Hei big boy, I'll miss you too, but I'll be back as soon as I can ok?" Bam whispered in the boy's ear.

Timo just nodded and wrapped his arms around Bam, they had a harder time getting Timo away from Bam than they had with Rebecca.

As Bam walked out, not wanting to upset the kids more, he said "I'm sorry for everything." Silke could see tears forming in Bam's eyes, and for the first time in ages felt actually sorry for Bam.

Ville walked to Silke with Timo in his arms, and hugged his wife and daughter. "How about we go home?"

"That sounds great." Silke sighed, totally drained after this little get together with Bam.

They let the teachers know they were taking the kids home and left for April's. By the time they arrived there, both kids had fallen asleep, so they carefully picked them up and put them to bed.

Silke, feeling pretty tired herself, asked Ville if he would take a nap with her. So they were soon curled up in bed.

"How about we go home?" Silke asked.

"What do you mean? Back to Bam?" Ville asked stunned, she couldn't be serious, not when they were finally getting through to him.

"No home to Finland, you have to prepare for the tour, so wouldn't it be easier for us to go over there to get ready than the boys to come over here?"

"So you and the kids would go with me? What about school?" Ville sat up straight.

"We could get a private tutor, that way they can go on tour too, please Ville think about it? I don't trust Bam, he might be fine with it now, but what if he is wasted?" Silke pleaded.

Ville sighed, his wife had a point, it seemed to be a bit too easy, Bam saying goodbye to the kids and leaving them alone? He didn't see it happen either. It had been a while since his parents saw the kids, or he spent some time in his tower.

"Maybe it would be a good idea, everyone would be happy to see us and like you say, it will be easier to get things organized and get some rehearsals in."

Silke smiled and gave Ville a soft kiss, Ville pulled his wife on top of him, and deepened the kiss.

"Skinny we can't." Silke moaned as their kiss got out of control.

"Why not?" Ville kissed his way towards Silke's neck, knowing she couldn't resist him then.

"We are in April's house, the kids are sleeping just next to us." Silke gasped, as Ville nibbled on her neck.

"That's just a reason to be quick and quiet, nothing more." Ville smiled against her flushed skin, letting his nails rake over her naked back.

Silke bit down on Ville's shoulder, and Ville knew he had won, he let his hands glide over his wife's back, slipping off her panties, then flipping them over, and kissing his way down to her wetness.

"Villeeee I thought we had to be quick!" Silke moaned as Ville's tongue flickered over her pleasure bud.

"mmm quiet is more important." Ville answered between licks, a smile on his face.

But Silke thought different, and grabbed Ville by the hair and pulled him up, "loose the boxers and fuck me Valo." she demanded.

"With pleasure Valo." he grinned as he slipped off his boxers and in one smooth move he slipped into his wife, his lips finding hers to make sure they both kept quiet.

Silke wrapped her legs around Ville, pulling him even closer to her, urging him deeper, working their way to their orgasm fast.

"Fuck!" Ville gasped as he came and slammed into Silke hard

"Yes please." Silke moaned, trying not to lose control, but so close to the edge.

"Come for me." Ville commanded into Silke's ear, those words were enough to drive the girl over the edge.

Ville turned them over again, Silke moved off him a little as Ville pulled the blanket over them.

"Now lets get some rest." Ville smiled.

"mmm I can now." Silke smiled back, still on cloud number seven, all worries forgotten for a bit.

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