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Naive Teacher in Winston Ch. 08


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But alas, like always, she was too naive.

"Caham..." - Andrew clears his throat out loud. "Miss Cox, we might need another demonstration, like in the last class." - he affirms.

"Last time not everyone understood, that is why we did it." - she tries to come up with an excuse.

"Miss Lana..." - asks Chloe. The teacher looks at her. "I really need some visual references this time around. I... erm... haven't interacted with balls at all, and I would like to understand them better." - says the blonde beauty, notably embarrassed.

The TTT trio snicker at her, but they immediately shut up when Andrew shoots them a look.

"Me too... I need to be prepared." - requests Evie, blushing furiously. The naughty girl glances back at Wyatt, who sends her a kiss.

"There you have it, the girls are asking for it this time." - says Drew.

"I guess if everyone wants it again. We already did it once, so it's probably acceptable." - Lana rationalizes out loud.

"Miss Lana, I volunteer to have my balls groped!" - says BJ out loud.

Everyone laughs. The boy has fallen madly in love with his teacher. In his mind, he can't let an opportunity like this slide, as there is a possibility that the buxom instructor ends up touching him. That would be worth being naked in front of his classmates.

"Erm... sure Benjamin. Seems fair. Wyatt and Lukas went last time." - the teacher agrees.

Pumping his fists, the southeast Asian boy makes his way to the whiteboard and stands next to the buxom educator.

She gives him a nod and, after taking a deep breath, he starts to remove his clothes. He gets rid of everything except his tighty-whities, pressed tightly against his package.

Lana can't help but admire her student's fit young body, with well-defined and toned muscles. She blushes remembering how nice his penis was when she saw it on the weekend.

'Control yourself... don't think about your student's peen or his body... it's not appropriate to get horny in front of your class. Besides, you are engaged.' - she tells herself.

"Miss Cox, since we'll be covering female vs male differences today, it would make sense for you to remove your blouse, like last time." - adds Andrew nonchalantly.

"What? No!" - she exclaims, surprised.

"We already saw you in your bra, and even less, so no big deal!" - exclaims Lukas, winking at her.

"Besides, it will definitely help me understand the next topic better." - agrees Wyatt.

"Sorry, Miss Lana, but I agree with them." - says Jim timidly.

"I can't!" - the busty teacher protests.

"Why not? I hate to agree with Wyatt and limp-peepee Lukas here, but they are right. It will help us get better grades." - says Chloe, teasing Lukas again.

"Watch your mouth, if I recall you loved ogling my dick last time!" - the Hunter spits back at her.

"Hah, no way my pussy would get wet for you! Keep dreaming, baby peen!" - she retorts.

"Quiet, both of you." - orders Andrew, secretly worried about the two. "Miss Cox, everyone agrees it will help the class. We have been through this multiple times. I am not sure what changed today."

"Ah... but I can't... I am wearing a dress!" - Lana says embarrassed.

"What does that mean?" - asks Benjamin next to her.

"I cannot remove my top without removing the whole thing." - she says, breathing heavily.

"That should not be a problem for you, it is just educational." - says Andrew seriously.

"Right! We are going to the beach Saturday, so we'll see you in a bikini, teach!" - agrees Lukas.

"A bikini will probably show more than your underwear!" - pushes Chloe. "We saw them before, and they are always conservative. You don't have to worry!"

"Exactly, you will parade in front of us in a swimsuit this weekend." - concurs Drew.

"Parade? But today..." - the teacher starts to protest again.

"Miss Lana, you told me to always be yourself! You are setting a great example for us. Be open!" - pleads Evie, with big eyes and an adoring smile. She had a deep admiration for her teacher.

"Yeah, Miss Lana is top!" - agrees Wyatt.

"She is the most beautiful and smartest!" - adds Jim, blushing slightly.

"Best teacher we ever had." - says BJ, giving her a big grin and googly eyes.

"Ahh... fine y'all win. But don't complain if my underwear is too inappropriate for school. I wasn't planning for anyone to see it today." - the naive fiancee says.

"We would never complain about that!" - laughs the tanned boy next to her.

He slaps Lana softly on the tush, the sound reverberating obscenely through the room.

With a sigh of resignation, the teacher starts to unbutton her pink sundress. Everyone has their eyes glued to her every movement. She unbuttons the last button, right at her navel and lets the dress fall. It bunches up around her ankles.

Lana stands in just her black lace underwear in front of the class.

'Oh, goodness... What am I doing? No, this is for their education. They need to understand and get great marks. This will help them. Ah, my panties and bra are a bit sheer... oh... well, can't be helped now. They really want this, so it's not a big deal. And Principal Bill asked me to do this. It's harmless! Even Dens thinks so...' - the barely dressed educator debates.

Next to her, Benjamin's mouth is fully agape, as he has a prime view of the teacher's supple tits.

"Wow, I can see your pink areolas, Miss Lana. Amazing." - he tells her. She covers them modestly.

"And her trimmed pubes, they look nice." - says Chloe from the front row.

She uses one hand to cover it, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"Miss Lana, you are perfect!" - blurts Jim. Evie and Wyatt laugh at his enthusiasm.

"Erm... thanks y'all. I told you it was inappropriate." - she says, blushing red.

Lana can feel her chest start to tighten, getting excited with the indecent exposure. She lets her hands fall to her side, letting them ogle her body freely.

"Nonsense, Miss Cox. You look great and this will be very helpful to us." - says Andrew.

"You think she looks nice?" - Chloe slaps him playfully.

"I am just saying, Chlo. It is not every day you have a busty and lewd teacher parading around like a tart in front of her students!" - he defends himself.

"Don't say that about Miss Lana. She is doing this for us!" - argues his girlfriend.

'Oh, my... he called me a tart... the students are calling me all sorts of names, but I don't mind it much, I'm sure they mean well.' - she reflects

"Teach, can we start? Ignore the blonde bimbo." - says Lukas from his seat.

"Shut up child dick!" - yells Chloe.

Lukas makes a V with his fingers and pretends to lick it suggestively. Chloe blushes and doesn't say anything.

"Okay, BJ, can you remove your briefs, please?" - asks the teacher.

The pretty fiancee kneels at penis' height, obstructing the student's view of her sex and pubic hair, but emphasizing her succulent and thick thighs.

She lets out a slight gasp when she glances at it and notices that it looks fully hard in his underpants.

"Yes, Miss Lana. Anything for you." - says the tanned Asian boy with a grin.

"Maybe it's better not, I didn't expect it to be like this, erect." - she says, pointing at the bump.

"Ah, right... couldn't help it, you are too sexy.' - BJ explains to her.

"Can we start? We are wasting precious time." - says Andrew in a commanding voice.

"I guess..." - says Lana, looking Benjamin in the eyes, avoiding peeking at his hard peen.

He smiles at her and pulls his tighty-whities down, in one quick swoop. His tanned erect penis bounces and hits him in the belly with a loud slapping sound. It stands proudly at its full 7''.

The teachers let out a small gasp, she's still not used to seeing hard dicks, especially one that is pulsating less than a foot away from her pretty face.

'Goodness... it's so big... almost as big as Jack's, but not as thick. Oh, my... it's so close... what am I doing, this penis belongs to my student... I should not salivate over it... looks so nice, all dark and veiny... control yourself Lana, this is for the lesson only.' - she thinks.

"Look at that, she is practically drooling over his big cock." - whispers Chloe to Andrew, who frowns.

The wife-to-be is brought back to her senses hearing her students whispering about the hard member in front of them and their busty teacher's reaction.

"So, Miss Lana, you like it? I know you saw it on the weekend, but it wasn't as hard!" - asks Benjamin, grinning arrogantly.

"Sure, yes, it's so dark and big." - she answers absent-mindedly. "I mean, it's irrelevant if I like it or not, let's start the demonstration." - she corrects herself.

She stops for a second, and looks at it, as if trying to figure something out.

"Something wrong, Miss Lana?" - asks Jim, noticing her confusion.

"Just trying to figure out a way to explain without touching his testicles." - she answers honestly.

"I can't see another way. I guess you'll have to touch them." - says Evie quietly.

"Touch those balls, Miss Lana!" - Wyatt shouts, agreeing with his new girlfriend.

"Quickest way for us to learn, teach." - adds Lukas.

"Fine, fine. What don't I do for y'all." - Lana says reluctantly. "BJ, can you lift it up?"

"Lift what up, Miss Lana?" - Wyatt teases her.

"Tell us word for word, Miss Cox. Do not spare any detail." - orders Andrew.

"Ugh... your big peen... Benjamin, please lift your large penis upwards so I can have full access to your testes." - she says. "Happy?" - she barks, turning towards Andrew. He nods and smiles.

"Sure thing, Miss Lana!" - he answers, his dick twitching lewdly at her naughty words.

He lifts it and holds it against his belly. She notices he is completely smooth down there, having shaved as recently as this morning.

"There, you can touch my swollen balls now." - the tanned boy grins.

'What am I doing... I am about to touch my student's balls in front of everyone... and his penis is right there... almost next to my face... if I stretched my tongue out, I bet I could lick it... no, what am I thinking. Touching the testes is enough, this is for the class, for their education, it's perfectly acceptable.' - she says.

Her hand approaches his smooth scrotum, softly making contact. She gasps, it was the first set of balls she ever touched on purpose. Of course, she accidentally grazed Dennis' before, but this was a whole new level. A naughty level more like it.

"Go on, they don't bite." - smirks Benjamin at his teacher.

She starts to touch his sack and balls more firmly, almost as if exploring them. She 'oohs' and 'aaahs' at every new sensation. Her hard nipples are evident to all, poking through her sheer bra. No doubt in everyone's mind, she is enjoying this.

BJ closes his eyes, he is in heaven, the teacher who he is in love with is basically massaging and playing with his ballsack, and she is doing it willingly.

"Miss Lana are you going to explain what's happening?" - asks Jim, waking her up from her enthrallment.

"Ah, right. Sorry, BJ, I got carried away." - Lana says, looking into his eyes.

"No worries, my pleasure." - he laughs at his joke. The other TTT members laugh along.

Lana explains again the testicles and their function, pointing at the different areas with the other hands.

"(...) and then, the semen full of sperm comes out from the glans, from the urethra, right here." - she says, approaching the penis and absentmindedly touching it. "Oops, sorry, it was an accident."

After being massaged for almost an hour by his favorite teacher, the boy couldn't take it anymore. Here she was, the woman he loved, massaging his balls in front of his classmates. He was ready to explode. He decides to go for broke and try one last thing.

"No problemo... ah, cramp!" - BJ yells, wincing and recoiling the hand that was holding his penis.

The result is that his hard member falls, hitting Lana square in the face. She can feel the warmth of it against her skin, the musky smell against her nostrils and the masculine taste on her lips.

"Eeek!" - she yelps, moving backwards to stop the contact with her student's penis.

"Ah, sorry, my bad." - Benjamin says. "My wrist is hurting!"

'I just touched his penis... and then it hit me across the face... wow, it tasted and smelled so intoxicating... no wonder women like it, I do like Dens' peepee, makes sense... ngg... I am so wet... I have been touching his big swollen balls for almost an hour... can't be helped, this is my body's natural reaction. Getting hit on the face by his member took me over the edge... so wrong... maybe I can continue for a little bit...' - she thinks, biting her lip.

"It's okay, accidents can't be helped." - the teacher agrees lustily. "Can you lift your big pecker again? I am almost done massag... I mean, explaining."

"I don't think I can, my hand is cramping so bad..." - the southeast Asian teen complains.

"Just lift his big manly dick up, Miss Lana!" - shouts Chloe, secretly comparing BJ to her boyfriend.

Drew frowns again and 'tsks', not enjoying hearing his girlfriend talk about another guys' penis.

"Do it!" - says Lukas. "Do it, do it..." - he starts to chant.

"Do it, do it, do it..." - everyone starts to chant.

"Okay, just for your education...." - agrees Lana too quickly, secretly hoping to do this.

Instead of just gingerly using a finger or the back of her hand to lift the member, Lana wraps her whole hand around the base of his shaft and pulls it up, almost as if she was going to jerk him off.

The teacher's fair hand, with her engagement ring sparkling naughtily, wrapped around a tanned large cock was an obscene enough scene to make even the Prince of Darkness blush.

Benjamin lets out a loud moan, he is dangerously close to the edge.

'It's so thick and warm... and big... way larger than Dens... oh my... this is so naughty... I mean, it's for their education only... I'm not enjoying holding my student's big fat dick... no... my coochie is just gushing as a natural instinct... yeah... it's all proper...' - thinks the teacher.

Instinctively, she moves her hand up and down his erection a couple times, squeezing slightly. That is enough to set the teenager off.

"Ung... I'm coming... Miss Lana... I'm coming... fuuuuuckkkk...." - BJ grunts, climaxing hard.

Lana is caught by surprise as the boy's tanned penis starts to suddenly jerk in her hand and cum spurts out of his cock in long thick white ropes, splashing lewdly on the classroom floor.

The pretty brunette teacher was already at her peak due to the combination of ogling and touching her student's swollen balls for the last hour and standing in front of everyone with her hard nipples poking the slightly see-through material of her sexy underwear.

Add to the fact that she just jerked her student off and made him come in front of the whole class, and that was enough to tip the scales over.

"Ahhhhh... mmmmm..." - the teacher moans, having a small orgasm herself.

"Miss Lana... I think I'm in love with you..." - whispers BJ to his teacher, who doesn't acknowledge what the boy said, as she is too far into her own head.

Everyone applauds the sexual display, it was borderline surreal, but it really happened.

Lana and BJ are panting hard, still blissfully riding the post-climax wave.

"Erm... Miss Lana, how about you sit down, I'll clean his thick cum." - offers Chloe with a gleam in her eyes.

"Yeah, and we can do self-study for the rest of the period." - agrees Evie.

"Jim, help Miss Lana sit down, I'll take this idiot to his seat." - says Wyatt, trying to help his girlfriend get the class back in some sort of order.

In a span of a couple minutes, everything seems back to normal. BJ is dressed, sitting on his seat with a dreamy look on his face and the sperm is completely gone, having been wiped clean by the class-rep. Everyone seems to be concentrating on their study books.

I mean, almost everything is normal. Their buxom teacher was sitting at her desk wearing only black panties and a matching bra.

The teacher has an absent look on her face, as if fighting a war in her mind. She doesn't make a single sound, just shifts about every now and then.

'Oh, my... what have I done... that was amazing... but wrong... they asked for it... did I just cheat on Dens? No, it was not cheating, Dens said touching like this was okay... besides, now we are almost even... aren't we? Well... mine was an accident, I didn't mean to jerk his big penis... so I guess it doesn't count... darn... does that mean I need to do this with someone else? I guess so. Dens asked me to do it this week, so I only have a couple more days. I shouldn't do this... that was fun though... Did BJ say he loved me? Nah, I must have heard it wrong, I'm his teacher. Ah... his balls and his peen were so manly... hmmm...' - that and much more passed through the newbie teacher's brain.

The students leave her alone, trying to concentrate on the chapter for 'Differences between Male and Females'. Eventually the bell rings.

Evie is the first one to get up, she approaches Miss Lana, gives her a peck on the lips and leaves, giggling excitedly. Andrew and Chloe do the same, not spending too much time exchanging goodbyes.

"Hey, teach. Feeling better now? So, what do we do about detention?" - asks Lukas.

"Ah, right... hmm... grab your lunches and meet me here in 15 minutes." - she answers quickly.

"Sounds good, can I have a hug?" - he grins deviously.

Lana sighs and stands up. He embraces her and squeezes her butt. She yelps, having forgotten she still wasn't wearing any clothes. He slaps her ass and leaves, laughing. She turns red.

The naive young teacher didn't realize, but she was getting used to (and even enjoying) being submissive to her students.

Wyatt approaches her and does the same. BJ just follows behind his friends with a shit-eating grin, still a bit aloof. Jim is the last one, besides an innocent hug, he also asks for a kiss. She obeys, he was her favorite student after all.

"Want to come with me to check out the poster before the detention?" - asks Jim.

"Sure, I almost forgot." - Lana agrees.

Lana puts her dress back on and they both make their way to the AV Club.


Lunch -- AV Club

They walk quietly to the club room. Lana feels a few hands touch her butt as she passes, but decides it's not a big deal, just letting it go.

When they enter, both Herb and Simon are there.

"Hey, good timing! The poster is ready!" - announces Simon holding a rolled-up poster in the air.

"Dude, don't keep us in suspense, show us already!" - says Herb exasperated.

"This will be good!" - comments Jim in anticipation.

"Ta-da!" - says Simon as he unrolls the poster.

Lana gasps, shocked by seeing her almost naked body stamping a real-life poster.

The poster was using the Misty cosplay photo that they had decided yesterday, of the teacher sitting down facing away from the camera, with her backside fully naked except for red straps and the denim shorts. Lana had hoped that in the real poster her sideboobs wouldn't be as visible, but she was wrong, they were clear as day.

"Fucking awesome, Fabio!" - says Herb.

"You outdone yourself dude. And you too, Miss Lana." - Jim compliments.

"It helps when we have a beautiful and smoking hot model." - Simon replies.

"Should w-we g-get clearance to use this?" - asks Lana nervously.

"You are our supervisor; your authorization is all we need." - explains Jim.

"And I assume we got it." - grins Simon. "What do you think of the rest?"

Besides the giant image of the scantily dressed teacher, there was some nice lettering saying "~ AV Club ~ RECRUITING NOW". The club location and their names and positions were on the left side. Lana was listed as "Supervisor / Cosplayer".

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