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Naive Teacher in Winston Ch. 08


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Authorizing the use of the obscene poster for the AV Club and letting them sell the salacious video of the photoshoot. She even agreed to cosplay at Sunday's booth at the Town Square!

During detention she showed the delinquents her pubes and even a portion of her coochie to prove a point. What was happening to her?

Well, afterwards she accepted to serve as the naked model for the female body depiction on the biology supplement. And as a thanks, she made out with the principal and let him feel up her butt. She secretly quite enjoyed that second bit.

Let's not even get into Benjamin saying he is in love with her and requesting a titfuck, that is not going to happen. Right?

And lastly, her being cast as the slutty role of a woman who cheats on her husband. She would have to perform intimate and naughty scenes with her colleagues and students. To rehearse, she even had to kiss Roger and pretend to give oral sex on the big blue dildo. Oh, my!

'This was a crazy day. Can't forget I need to arrive early for the Physical Exam at Gym Class and then in the afternoon I have the second part of the detention. Hopefully it is an uneventful day compared to today.' - she thinks.

What would Dennis say? What would Dennis say... well, I guess she would have to tell him some stuff. He would inevitably find out about the poster and the play, so that would make sense.

'It's not like I am doing anything wrong or that Dens disapproves of. He was very explicit about what he considers inappropriate: big penises in my vagina. Right? Yeah, I think I got that right.' - she reflects.

She would never tell him about the Sex Ed class, detention or her visit to the principal, after all, it was all for her job and for the students, their education.

'Yes, Dens doesn't need to know everything this time.' - she decides.



Lana tidies up the house and starts to prepare dinner for her loving betrothed. He arrives surprisingly early from work.

"Oh, hi Dens, wasn't expecting you so early!" - she says cheerily, giving him a welcome smooch.

"Hi babe! Yeah, Lucius gave us a break today. I'm still exhausted." - he says.

"Aw, poor thing. Go take a shower to relax, dinner will be ready in half an hour." - the busty fiancee says lovingly.

"In a minute, I want to talk to you before I do... erm... you see... hmm..." - he stammers, nervously.

"Spit it out, hun. Everything will be alright." - his betrothed assures him.

"Why did you purposefully send a selfie of your almost bare boobies to my coworkers!?!" - he asks, the words spilling out of his mouth.

"Ah! Sorry... I did it for you, I thought you would like it!" - she says, abandoning dinner and approaching him.

"I did, of course..." - he starts to say, frowning.

"So, what is the problem?" - she interrupts, slightly frustrated.

"Why did you send it to them and not to me?" - he questions. She could see he was upset.

"They said you wanted to see it! It was for you!" - she says gullible.

"I did. But I'd rather them not see it." - he explains with exasperation.

"But you said in the morning that it was not a big deal if they saw it!" - the pretty wife-to-be justifies.

"I said it was not ideal! I-de-al! Not that it wasn't a big deal." - he elaborates.

"Oh! But you let them keep the one from yesterday, you said they had seen it already!" - she says, turning the tables.

"Ah, right... nevertheless, I would rather you avoid sending boobie pics to my coworkers!" - Dennis requests.

"Okay, sorry, hun. Didn't mean to upset you." - she agrees, hugging her handsome fiancee. 'I guess Dens doesn't mind much, he just I rather avoid it. Also, he didn't say anything about sending photos of other parts of me... hmmm...' - the thought crosses her corrupted mind.

"It's okay babe, just be more careful." - he asks. "I love you."

"Love you too." - she kisses him. "And I will, I promise you that I will try to avoid sending pictures of my breasts to your friends!"

"Thanks..." - Dennis says. "Also... hmmm... I really loved the photo... erm... I got so worked up that I had to jerk off in the work's bathroom!" - he admits shamefully.

"Oh, my! Mr. Pervert!" - she teases him. He laughs and pinches her butt. "Ouchie!"

"Speaking of pervert, did you figure out what happened with the towel photo?" - he asks curiously.

"Yeah, Andrew Winston-Philips, Chloe's boyfriend, wanted to share it with you. But he didn't have his number, so he sent it to Noel." - she explains. "He never intended for anyone else to see it."

"Wow, thanks for finding out. I'll have a chat with Noel tomorrow." - her tall fiancee says gratefully.

"Let me know how that goes!" - she gives him another peck on the lips.

"Okay, I'll take a shower and join you for dinner soon." - he walks towards their bedroom.

During dinner, the loving couple talks more about their respective days at work.

"My day was pretty uneventful." - he says. Lana gives him a knowing smirk. "You know, besides the pic and the masturbation!" - he laughs.

"What am I going to do with you!" - she laughs too.

"Ah, actually, I ran into Jack when I was getting home." - Dennis says. Lana arches an eyebrow. "He invited us for dinner on Friday, apparently he wants to show us a slideshow of our photoshoot."

"Oh, no..." - she exclaims. "I mean... hopefully it's tasteful and not lascivious." - she adds. 'My goodness... hopefully Jack doesn't include the simulated oral pictures... ugh... what would Dens say...' - she reflects fearfully.

"Yeah, we'll see. I told him we would be there." - he says. "Anything interesting happened to you?" - he asks curiously, secretly hoping for more shenanigans.

"A couple things, I have to help Mary with the school play. I am one of the leads!" - she announces proudly.

"Wow, babe, congrats! I'm proud of you. I'm happy that you are helping Mary and becoming more of a part of the community." - he praises her.

"Thanks, hun. She is now officially my best friend! She called me bestie today!" - she beams.

"That is nice, I bet Lucius will also be happy. And what is this play about?" - he asks.

"The play is a little... erm... risqué... I guess it is a good word." - she mentions.

"Hm... how come?" - he asks with a raised eyebrow.

She proceeds to give him the summary of the story and what would her role be, as an unfaithful wife.

"(...) In the end, it is a beautiful narrative about how the suffering husband finds his long-lost love and rediscovers happiness." - she concludes.

"Wow... seems a bit too... adult. Is the school and the town okay with that?" - he asks.

"Mary told me this wasn't even the raunchiest one they did! They did explicit nudity in the past!" - she says, putting her hands over her mouth.

"Phew... at least there is no graphic nudity this time. But..." - he says unsure.

"What is worrying you, darling?" - she asks, concerned.

"I don't like that you have to touch and be intimate with your co-stars." - he admits.

"Ah, it's all acting, everything is simulated. You know, like in movies and TV?" - she explains.

"So, you don't have to kiss or anything?" - Dennis asks, slightly relieved.

"Well, kissing yes, but it's chaste, just a peck. You shouldn't have a problem with that." - she gives him a knowing stare. 'Next time it will be just a peck, no more making out using our tongues.'- she decides.

"I guess." - he says, remembering the events of the past days.

"You have to see it, even the fellatio is pretend!" - she says.

"FELLATIO?!? Do you have to perform oral sex on a peepee?!?" - he yells.

"Noooo, dear. Don't worry! It's a dildo, not a real penis." - she tries to explain.

"Still, do you have to do that in front of everyone?" - he asks, holding his temples.

"It's stupid Dens... It looks so goofy, I have to lick a bright blue dildo, looks like something from an alien!" - she says giggling.

"Blue? Haha..." - he laughs. "Yeah, that is probably funny. Is it all fake?" - he asks.

"Yeah, it's more about the symbolism of things. The audience needs to understand what my character is doing without me actually having to do it. It's easier if it at least resembles a penis." - she explains.

"I can see that, okay. As long as it's simulated then." - he accepts reluctantly.

"Thanks babe, I will invite you to some rehearsals and get you a good seat on opening night!" - she says with pride, jutting her chest out.

"That will be fun, looking forward to it. You said something else happened?" - he recalls.

"Ah yes, let's clean up dinner and get ready for bed, I have a surprise for you." - she says, referring to her vulgar Misty poster, currently rolled inside her purse.

"Deal, I can't wait!" - he says merrily.

They start to clean up dinner. Lana is doing the dishes and Dennis is putting some leftovers away when she remembers something.

"Dens, I heard today about 'post-nut clarity', is that real?" - the wife-to-be asks curiously.

Dennis laughs out loud at his fiancee's question.

"Hahaha... where did you hear that?" - he asks, mid laugh.

"At school... doesn't matter... is it a thing?" - she insists, blushing.

"Yeah, people talk about it on Reddit. It happened to me before." - he shrugs, wiping the tears of his eyes.

"Thanks, good to know." - she says, turning back to the dishes. 'So, BJ wasn't lying... hmm... a titty fuck, huh... I have a lot to think about now.' - she reflects.

He gives her a peck on cheek and a light slap on the bum, still laughing a little. She smiles back at him warmly.


After cleaning up, they get ready for sleep and lay on the bed to chat.

"So, what is the surprise?" - he asks excitedly.

"You know I am the supervisor of the AV Club, right?" - she asks shyly.

He nods his head. She starts to tell him about the photoshoot at a surface level, including the poster and the making-of.

"Misty?!? From Pok*mon?" - he asks. Lana nods timidly. "Damn, babe. I have a huge crush on her!" - he says, feeling frisky.

"You do?" - she asks surprised. "I barely remember the cartoon."

"Wa-wee... teenage me would flip... my fiancee did a cosplay of her!" - he says enthusiastically.

"Oh, dens... the poster is embarrassing..." - she says.

"Do you have it?" - he asks and she nods. "CAN I SEE?!?" - he shouts, almost jumping out of bed. She giggles at his boyish perviness.

"Sure, here..." - she says, rummaging through her purse and handing him the poster.

He unfolds it as if it was a precious treasure. His jaw falls and his eyes almost pop out of his socket.

"WOWZA!" - he exclaims. "You look so good, like a big-boobed version of her!" - he compliments.

"Aw, thanks... I look better with the full outfit!" - she says jolly.

"Those curves... holy... this is beyond my wildest dreams!" - he admits. She giggles at him.

"Glad you like it dear, it was very awkward to pose without the top..." - she admits.

"I bet... wait... did you pose like this in front of the members of the AV Club?" - he asks, finally dawning on him.

"Erm... yeah... but don't worry... it's only 3 members and they didn't see anything." - she excuses.

"Three boys from your school saw you barely naked, cosplaying as Misty? Why did you let them!?" - inquires Dennis with indignation.

"They have been trying hard for years to get the club going. Everyone calls them nerds and use them for events or tasks but never join the club. They are miserable and outcasts." - she says sadly.

That hits Dennis right in the gut. He was them at High School. He has always been the nerd, the social outcast that people made fun for being too smart. Yes, now his life is great, and he got a hot wife, but his school life was tough, something he will always carry with him.

"I understand that..." - he admits sadly. "I had a tough time in school too. But did you have to pose for them with almost no clothes?" - he asks, not sounding outraged anymore.

"Well, they want to attract more members to the club and become more popular as a result. They need it, Dens, they are so depressed." - she says.

"Okay but be careful." - he says. "Are you doing this just as the teacher responsible for them, right? Nothing else." - he gazes at her and she nods vehemently.

He rolls-up the poster carefully.

"Yes, this is just to help them become more confident and grow up. I do not want school to be a miserable experience for them." - she says with big eyes.

"You are a good person Lana, I'm proud of you. Teenage me would be so jealous of my banging wife!" - her betrothed laughs.

"Oh you!" - she slaps him playfully. "Also, the making-of will help them make money for future events!"

"Ah... right... so you'll be holding an event Sunday to sell this making-of?" - he asks concerned.

"Just to promote it. But yes, on the town square. They will start selling it on Monday." - she corrects.

"And what are the contents of this video?" - he asks with a preoccupied expression.

"Just some recordings from the photoshoot, I think the poster is the worst of them." - she says, trying to sound casual about it.

"They recorded you?" - he asks, dirty scenes flashing on his mind.

"Of course, that is how you do a making-of." - she says matter-of-factly. "Like I said, they need more budget for equipment and events! It's not like I can give them money." - she adds.

"Argh... I don't like this... all the men from town can own a video of you in a slutty costume." - he says, feeling a pit in his stomach at the idea.

"It's not slutty, it was tastefully done!" - she protests. "Nothing much is showing. It's not very different from going to the beach." - she says as an excuse.

"Sounds completely different to me. It's a sexy video of you!" - he says, trying to make her see his point.

"But it's not much different!" - she says. "Everyone saw me in a bikini already!"

"Can you show me the video? If I could see it beforehand, I can give them some tips." - he says, skirting around his real intentions.

"Why, so you can ask me to remove any parts you do not approve of?" - she says, catching on.

"Yeah! I don't want them to sell nudes of you to the pervy guys of Winston!" - he admits.

"Typical, you men and your need to control everything... you always think the worst of me, Dens." - she says, crossing her arms frustrated.

"It's not you, it's them!" - he tries to explain.

"You don't trust me to have proper judgment!" - the buxom fiancee says back.

"I am sorry babe... I didn't mean that... I..." - he stammers, not wanting to make her upset. He sighs. "I trust you completely. I will leave it at your discretion."

"Okay hun, thanks. I appreciate the vote of confidence. I love you!" - she says.

"Love you too, babe. I just want the best for you, for us." - he declares.

"Me too! Come with me Sunday and we can have fun together!" - she says, inviting him.

"Okay! But I want the first copy!" - he laughs, squeezing her boobs playfully.

She giggles at him and slaps his hand away.

"This poster made me so horny... can we fool around babe?" - Dennis pleads with puppy dog eyes.

"We are not even yet... you know that..." - she says, grabbing his peen through his pants.

"UGH... when..." - he says, wincing. His boner fully erect inside his pajamas.

"Soon... but if you really want, I'll let you take the poster to the bathroom... you know..." - she insinuates, making a jerking motion with her hand.

"Really? Well, I guess that'll do!" - he says getting up with the poster. "Thanks, babe! You are the best!"

He runs to the bathroom clutching the lewd poster of his semi-naked fiancee.

'I am glad he saw the boy's side, they need all the encouragement and help they can get. Besides, it's not a big deal, it was just some showing off... not even touching! - she justifies to herself.

She goes on her phone for a bit. Suddenly she receives a text from Mary.

Message -- 21:16 -- Mary Hunter

* Mary -- Hi bestie, thanks again for agreeing to help on the play. I owe you one!

* Lana -- Hi bff! You are welcome, anything I can do to help :)

* Mary -- Good to know. I've been meaning to ask you, did you read any more of Kim's stories?

Lana thinks back to the book 'Kim's Adventures by DonnerBBQ', she only read two stories so far, the curtains and the barbecue ones.

* Lana -- Not yet, was waiting for the right moment.

* Mary -- Do it tonight, I want to discuss the cabin one with you tomorrow!

* Lana -- Will do. Talk to you tomorrow! *kisses*

* Mary -- Have fun, girl. *kisses*

Dennis comes out of the bathroom with a satisfied grin.

"Whew, that was good. You look freaking steaming on that poster." - he says, yawning.

"Thanks, dear. Happy to please." - she says with a warm smile.

"Maybe we can fool around tomorrow? It's been so long since you touched my peepee..." - he pleads.

'I guess I'll have to let someone spurt cum on me tomorrow... sigh...' - she realizes. "Okay, I will see what I can do, hun. Have a good night." - she kisses him.

"You too, babe, please turn the light off when you sleep." - he says, turning to the other side.

The day had been harsh to the naive teacher, she was feeling hot and bothered, ready for some relief. It seems like every day was driving her more and more towards the edge. She was slightly worried where this road would take her.

'Ah, let's not worry about that for now, I need this, urgently.' - she decides.

Lana surreptitiously opens her bedside table drawer and pulls the book out. She hid it underneath a stupid gossip magazine, knowing her fiancee would never look there.

Quietly, she flips the pages until she finds the third tale, 'Kim Rents a Cabin with Coworkers'.

'Oh, my... this is going to be good!' - she thinks, starting to feel horny.

In this story, Kim continues to tease her coworkers, mostly in front of her husband. Things had already gotten out of hand at the barbecue, but now Kim and her hubby were in a cabin with five other people.

'This Kim, she's so naughty... teasing her coworkers in front of her husband... is she going to shower now? oh... wow... she is talking to them while naked, they can't see... but they know... maybe I can tease the guys Saturday... or my students, I will be almost naked at the beach... maybe I can change in front of them and pretend to not realize... Dens would be horrified... oh it's so hot... mmmm... I'm so wet...

Lana is discreetly rubbing her coochie above her panties. She didn't want Dens to wake up. In a few minutes, she was already on the border of a massive orgasm. That is how much she needed this.

Things start to heat up in the story, when Kim then starts to wear more revealing nightshirts and expose herself in front of everyone. Her husband was conflicted about it, he thought it was hot but at the same time didn't want anyone to see his wife being lewd.

When Kim flashed her breasts to her coworkers, Lana had to put her hand over her mouth so Dens would not hear her moan. The same thing happened when Kim flashed her bare pussy.

'This is so hot... mmmm... she is so lewd... but her hubby does not seem to mind much... oh my... Dens doesn't mind either... he allowed me to put a naked poster up, sell my naughty video and parade around in skimpy clothes at the town square... mmmm... yes... he was even okay with me licking that big dildo... that was so obscene.... Oh... Kim is naked in the shower now... they can see everything... oh her coworkers are joining her... and rubbing their big peckers on her bare body... mmm... yes.... I'm going to come... yes.... grind those peens on her ass... ngggggg... mmmm... yeeeeeeeees!'

The spicy educator moans deeply into her hands, her body shaking and trembling with the powerful climax. Her panties were drenched, and so were the sheets with a visible wet spot.

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