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Naked at College 02 Pt. 01


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President Rayburn couldn't imagine being too big. Well, actually, he understood that there were some freakishly large males, some perhaps as big as two feet. Robert was of course quite obviously far from that, but still plenty large. "Well, if you ever want to trade, give me a call." This was perhaps a bit inappropriate for the President to say, but he felt that a little levity was helpful at times like this.

Robert couldn't help but be flattered by the thought that the President of Abberville would actually prefer his penis over his own. He smiled, albeit somewhat bashfully, "Well, I'll give it some thought, sir."

"Excellent," said President Rayburn. It seemed to him that the two students were now ready to begin their day. "Well, I think we're ready to start, don't you think?"

Suzannah felt a sudden chill sweep through her body. It was about to happen. The Program would now truly begin. She felt both thrilled and frightened. She was actually going to do this. She was going to walk out onto campus, naked as a jailbird, her little titties wiggling and bobbling, her shaved cunnie entirely exposed to view. Her friends had said that she was making a big mistake, that she would feel utterly and entirely humiliated. They might be right. She knew that there would be some difficult moments. But, still, she felt that she would be all the better for it afterwards, having faced, confronted, and overcome such moments, and having the results of the experiences as a basis for a publishable scientific study. She took a deep breath, noticing how her small breasts filled up and poked out, realizing that throughout the day everybody else would notice this as well. She headed for the office door.

Robert followed behind, his eyes focused on Suzannah's behind. He had to admit that it was a cute little fanny: very taught, very sweet. He could feel his cock swell even harder, the shaft swinging in the air like a heavy crane.

President Rayburn held the door for them, shook each of their hands, wished them well, and closed the door behind them, their clothes left behind.

On the Way to the First Class

They were now alone in the hall. Actually, not entirely alone. Mrs. Edwards, President Rayburn's personal assistant, was sitting behind her desk within her glass enclosed alcove. Once she heard them depart from President Rayburn's office she quickly came out to wish them good luck.

However, when Robert turned around she was greeted by the sight of the largest erection she had ever seen. She hadn't actually seen that many, of course. Mrs. Edwards had married fresh out of high school, after limited dating, and she was still quite happily married. Nevertheless, any woman with any sense could see that Robert was really very large. "Um, well, Bobby." Mrs. Edwards always spoke to the undergraduates as if they were just kids, like her own kids. "That is certainly a very handsome erection. Don't get me wrong, but, I'm wondering if you want to go out like that. There's in fact quite a crowd out there."

"A crowd?!" Robert exclaimed. He was hoping to be eased into this gradually. Having to begin by facing a large crowd was precisely the opposite of what he wanted, or needed, particularly when he was sporting such a rigid tool.

"Oh now don't let that bother you, kids. They're out there to give you support. But, I was just wondering, Bobby, if you might prefer to lose this, um, stiffness a bit before you go out?"

Robert certainly did. "Well, yes ma'am, perhaps if I just wait here," and, he thought, keep his eyes off Suzannah. Maybe wait for a couple of hours? Perhaps even miss the entire morning of classes?

Mrs. Edwards though didn't want them to miss class. "Oh my, Bobby, I don't know. You certainly don't want to be late for class. My, my, won't that be difficult to explain." It would indeed be a rough start of the day to explain to an instructor that you were late because you had an erection. "Here, just wait right here." Mrs. Edwards went to her desk and dipped a handkerchief into a pitcher of ice water that she kept for President Rayburn. She would have to get a fresh serving for the President, but this did appear to be the more important, immediate need. She returned to Robert and instructed, "Now, you just hold still Bobby," as she wrapped his erection in the cold wet cloth.

Robert jerked in response to the intensely cold wetness of the cloth, as well as the touch of Mrs. Edward's hands. He wasn't too sure which was more effective, the coldness of the ice water or the fact that it was the matronly Mrs. Edwards applying the rag. He felt like a little boy being treated by his mum for a sprain in his penis. He took a chance and glanced at Suzannah, feeling rather self-conscious about this. He could see a bit of a grin on her face which, upon catching his eye, she dropped her eyes and looked away. She did think it was a rather cute sight, but she kicked herself, figuratively, for finding amusement in the predicament of her partner, and they had hardly even just started.

But, Mrs. Edwards' ministration did at least work. His penis lost its glory, shrank down to a quite reasonable size, the head sliding back within the protection of his foreskin, and they set off for their class.

As they walked down the hall Suzannah whispered, "I'm sorry about that, Robert. I didn't mean to laugh or make fun or anything."

Robert turned to Suzannah. "Don't worry about it. I know it looked kind of silly, but I have to admit that it worked. I really didn't want to leave the building with a hard-on."

She squeezed his hand. "It was a very impressive hard-on though, Robert, really, it was." He didn't respond. He in fact used the excuse of opening the door to let go of her hand. He really felt he would need to avoid contact with this naked little girl if he was going to avoid getting another hard-on. They opened the door to be greeted by quite a large crowd of students.

However, it wasn't what they had feared. They had expected catcalls, whistling, jeers, and some immediate calls for poses. Instead, they got applause, cheers, shouts of encouragement, and even some signs and posters exclaiming support. This was very encouraging indeed! Hank Adams was there as well, the security guard that would accompany them to their classes, protect them if necessary, and enforce the rules of The Program.

"Isn't this great!" he exclaimed as they left the building. "This is really quite different from the experience of Chrissie and Michael. There was nobody there to give them moral support right out of the gate. You must feel pretty good about that."

Robert did indeed appreciate the support, although he immediately turned red as he saw the eyes of the girls fix on the swaying of his penis as he stepped down the stairs onto the sidewalk.

Suzannah though furrowed her brow. She did not like the suggestion that it was easier for her than it had been for Chrissie. It only reaffirmed her desire to have been the first participant. She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't even seem to notice the boys staring at her jiggling titties and shaved cunnie.

Mr. Adams added, "If the rest of the day is like this, well, it will be a cake walk. Let's get going. Your first class is within the Health Sciences Building. That's not too bad. It's only two buildings over."

They hurried to their first class. It was indeed an easier start than had been experienced by Chrissie and Michael. Robert and Suzannah were also better dressed for the quick walks to each class. Robert was wearing sneakers (in contrast to Michael's black dress shoes) and Suzannah was wearing flip flops, in contrast to Chrissie's high heels. They had come prepared, whereas Chrissie and Michael had been oblivious to their participation up until the moment it started.

However, the fact that it wasn't as bad wasn't enough to make it actually easy. It did not offset the compelling fact that they were stark naked, with just the exception of their foot ware. Robert could feel his limp dick swinging as he walked, like the trunk of an elephant as he traversed the plains. He wished he could at least hold onto it, so it wouldn't swing so much. He had to admit to enjoying the sight of a girl's large breasts swinging and jiggling as she jogged. He was now feeling more sympathetic with her annoyance when she would catch him ogling her bobbling. He was already learning some lessons from his experience of being a Program participant.

Suzannah's breasts were not nearly so wobbly as Chrissie's. They were as firm as they were petite. They only demonstrated a little wiggle or jiggle as she scampered in her flip flops to keep up with the quick strides of Robert.

Her heart was racing as she scurried along. It had finally begun! She was a Program participant, walking naked on campus. She quickly dismissed her jealous thoughts of Chrissie and smiled with pride and excitement. If only her parents could see her now! They would be so proud. Well, maybe not. They probably wouldn't understand. They were so old-fashioned. Progressive ideas though were the sustenance of the college experience. They must have themselves explored alternative lifestyles when they had been students. Suzannah smiled to herself as she imagined them swallowing goldfish or jamming into telephone booths. They weren't old enough for that, but she knew that whatever they did could hardly compare to going to a class naked.

She felt like she was leading the way toward a new tomorrow, a new future. Someday what she was doing would itself be considered the norm, and many would wonder why it had taken so long, and they would look back upon Suzannah, and, yes, Chrissie, as paving the way.

In fact, so far, it didn't even seem that difficult. Frankly, it felt rather free, invigorating, to be so comfortably walking along naked on campus. She knew it was those around her who were the insecure, the inhibited, the ashamed. She was, in stark contrast, the one who was so clearly comfortable and secure within her body. She felt so proud. She even stuck out her titties. They were quite small. She had never been very proud of them before, but she was certainly proud of them now. She smiled at some of the boys who were staring at them, even briefly turning her titties toward some of them, like they were saying good morning.

"Susie, it's so good to see you!"

It was Harry, along with Joe and Kent. She knew all three of them. Like herself, Harry, Joe, and Kent excelled academically. They were hard-working students. Some might even describe them as nerdy bookworms. Suzannah didn't mind that. She respected their studiousness. Harry though had asked her out a couple of times. She wasn't particularly interested in dating anyone at the moment. Her studies and career came first. Besides, she found Harry and his friends to be rather immature, if not downright childish at times. She stopped to return his salutation. "Yes, hello, Harry. It's good to see you." There was a big grin on his face, knowing that she understood the special meaning of that cliche today. She felt her brow furrow once again.

"You're looking rather nice today," he replied, with a very obviously self-satisfying smirk on his face.

Being naked in front of strangers is one thing. Being naked in front of persons you know does appear to be something altogether different. She made a note to herself to devote some of her article to precisely this point. At least with strangers it can feel impersonal, inconsequential. There is no history, no extra meaning, and no likelihood of consequences down the road. She was feeling significantly more uncomfortable exposing her nakedness to Harry and his friends. Quite a number of times they had made off-color jokes and sexual references about girls in her presence, enjoying her annoyance at their adolescent humor. She could only imagine how much the three of them were enjoying this, what jokes they would now share among themselves after she had left. For all she knew, Harry would be jerking off this evening to the memory. She blanched at the thought of that. There was no way she could enjoy her exposed naked body being the source of his jerk-off fantasy. 'Well Chrissie,' she thought, 'It's no cake walk for me after all.'

She instinctively crossed her arms over her breasts. She crossed them not only to cover herself but also to express her disapproval, as a mother would cross her arms when scolding a child. Harry though would have none of it.

"Aren't you supposed to keep them uncovered?"

Suzannah grimaced with annoyance, perhaps though as much with herself as with Harry. The first test of her will and commitment as a Program participant and she acted like a defensive, shy, little girl. But, still, why did the first one have to be Harry? She wondered if he had been waiting there since the sun came up, getting all excited just anticipating when she would arrive with her naked body.

She would never have exposed her breasts to Harry for any price, yet now she was doing it for free. She lowered her arms, allowing her sweet round bubbies to come into view. She kept her arms crossed, however, just beneath her breasts, to at least still demonstrate her discontent.

"You really do have nice ones, Susie, and I like the way you're holding them up for me."

They did look nicely shaped with her arms crossed beneath them. She was inadvertently pushing her breasts together and up, like some sort of wonder bra, making her round, white bubbies all the more tantalizing, and that was certainly not her intention.

With considerable effort and moral strength, she uncrossed her arms and lowered them to her sides. It was a gesture of resignation, of submission, no longer expressing any objection or defiance. If Harry had said yesterday that he liked her titties she would have stormed off. She might have even slapped him. But, here it was just the next day and rather than storming off, she was just standing there, helplessly, and not only taking it, she had to be polite about it. One of the rules of The Program was to be courteous and friendly to all appropriate queries, comments, and requests. Well, nobody said this would be easy. No scientific study is every easy, otherwise everyone would be scientists. "Well, thank you, Harry, I'm glad you like them."

That response did surprise Harry, putting him off his stride, at least for a moment. Suzannah was pleased with her success.

She went on the offensive. "Harry, I am a member of the second team of participants in The Program, and I am very proud of it." "I can see that. Your nipples are certainly standing up proud."

Suzannah could feel blood rushing to her face, and her embarrassment over that only made her feel even more embarrassed. She glanced down at her breasts. Yes, indeed, her nipples were poking out but, unlike Robert's earlier erection, they would not go down with a cold wash cloth. In fact, it was precisely the cool morning air that was stiffening them up. She wondered why cold air softened the male penis but stiffened the girl's nipple? She would have to study up on that when she prepared her report.

Hank stepped forward, as Harry was flirting with a rules violation. Students were not to insult or denigrate a participant. But, Harry was being careful to stay behind the line. "I also really love what you've done with your, um, vaginal area." He felt a little silly using such a clinical term, but he wasn't too sure whether any other word would in fact be considered insulting and cause Mr. Adams to intervene.

Suzannah felt such a strong urge to cover herself, but that would clearly be a violation. She now even had some regrets over shaving herself, down there. She knew though that Harry was only taunting her, and she had to stand her ground. There was no way she was going to fail as a participant right out of the gate. "President Rayburn liked it."

"I imagine he did!"

Suzannah scowled. Harry knew full well that she hadn't meant it that way or, more importantly, that President Rayburn hadn't meant it that way. Professor Rayburn wouldn't have meant it like that. Of course, he didn't. She shook off that thought. President Rayburn was a very well respected and well regarded pedagogical leader. He wouldn't be thinking of her that way. The stress of being naked in front of Harry was playing with her thoughts. She knew she had to gather herself. This was her first test and she wanted to demonstrate her spunk, her true grit. She said in a very sweet voice, "I hope you like it too, Harry. I think it looks rather cute this way."

That did silence him. Joe and Kent were punching and pulling at Harry, laughing away, although not entirely sure what was particularly funny, other than Suzannah showing off her smooth, naked cunnie, but it wasn't really clear whether that was funny or something else. It was perhaps a laughter of nervousness, at least that's how Suzannah wanted to consider it.

"Well, would you be willing to give me a pose, Susie?"

She knew that was coming. It was a requirement of all Program participants to provide poses throughout the day, as long as they were asked politely. You were also required to agree politely. "Yes, Harry, of course. How would you like me to pose for you?" She couldn't believe she was saying this. It was like she had been hypnotized or something. She wouldn't even go out on a date with this guy, and now she was agreeing to pose naked for him in whatever way he wished. This was clearly going to be one strange day.

"Well, if you wouldn't mind, of course." He was being ever so careful to be polite. He could feel the eyes of Mr. Adams bearing down on him. "I wonder if you would give me a curtsy, you know, like I'm some sort of a king and you're a princess vying for my approval."

"Well, I don't really have a skirt, you know," Suzannah pointed out.

"Yes, I kind of noticed that. But, pretend like you do."

Suzannah took a deep breath to control her annoyance and frustration, her elfish titties thrusting out a bit more, as best they could. She then smiled sweetly at Harry, pretended to be lifting out the edges of a skirt, and curtsied.

Robert looked away. There was no way he would not get an erection if he watched this.

Suzannah saw him turn away. On the one hand, she did appreciate that. He was being courteous. Although, she felt as true Program participants they should face each other's dilemmas together.

"Hold it there, for a minute, please, Susie. You look so cute that way, so sweet, so pretty."

Suzannah furrowed her brow again. She was no longer smiling sweetly. She just couldn't bring herself to continue to do that as she held the curtsy pose for Harry, Joe, and Kent. The symbolic implications of the pose were bad enough. It made her feel so submissive. It would even be bad if she had on clothes, but doubly worse naked. No, quadruply worse, particularly as the curtsying caused her slit to open up a bit, and she could see their eyes bugging out at the sight of her cunnie gaping open at them. These three nerdy, annoying, juvenile boys were getting a free peek into her cunnie, and all she could was to continue to let them enjoy it. She even noticed a very obvious bulge growing in Joe's slacks.

She wondered how long she would have to hold the pose. She knew most of the rules. She wasn't sure about this.

But, Harry solved the problem for her. "Excellent, Susie, really very, very revealing. I feel like I can see right into you, into the very heart of you. And, now, if you wouldn't mind, turn around and spread your cheeks open. I have always wanted to see that cute little rosebud of yours."

Suzannah smiled in triumph, what little triumph you can claim when you are curtsying naked for an annoying boy. Hank recognized the mistake as well, and quickly indicated, "Sorry, boys, only one pose at a time." One can ask for variations on the same pose, but not an entirely new one.

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