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Naked at College 02 Pt. 01


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Harry protested. "Well, Joe can ask for one, can't he?" "Nope," he replied. Suzannah stood back up straight, grinning from ear to ear. It was perhaps odd to think that she had won that little battle of wits. After all, they had seen quite a bit that would go far for them for some time. Every time they would see her in the future, they would imagine her curtsying for them, naked, her little pussy opening up as she squatted down. But, they didn't get the big one, the one they apparently really wanted. "Only one pose at each time. You boys run along now and get to class. In fact, we're running a little short ourselves."

"Oh my, yes!" Suzannah squealed. She had never been late for a class before, and certainly had no intention in being late for a class while participating in The Program. Suzannah took off, dashing for the Health Sciences Building, Robert now trying to keep up with her. The eyes of the boys watched mournfully the sight of Suzannah's sweet naked tush as she scampered off. Harry though had his hand down his pants, squeezing his erection at the memory of finally seeing cute little Suzannah's luscious little cunnie and it turned out to be smooth as baby silk. It would be a sight, a memory, he would probably never forget.

Anatomy 250

The first class for Suzannah and Robert was Anatomy 250. Miss Stephanie Baker was the instructor and she was ecstatic to have Program participants attending. She had in fact enthusiastically volunteered to be among the first classes to include participants of The Program, but she had lost out to a number of other courses, including Human Figure Drawing 301, Nursing 532, Physical Education 101, and Political Science 450. She could understand losing out to a human figure drawing and a nursing class. The advantages of nudity for instruction in such courses were rather obvious. But, she felt that some of the selection had probably reflected campus politics. She figured Mr. Jennings in particular had possibly used his connections to be among the first to have Program participants attend his political science class. There was no apparent advantage or benefit of nudity for the study of political science. Miss Baker was there when Mr. Jennings argued passionately for the original hiring of Dr. Rayburn as President of Abberville, and she imagined that he cashed in some of the debt Dr. Rayburn owed him by being appointed among the first to participate in The Program.

The advantage of nudity for a course in anatomy was patently obvious, and Miss Baker could not be more pleased when the two students arrived. She greeted them warmly at the door. "My, my, my, it's so nice to have the two of you here. Isn't this wonderful?"

Suzannah gleefully affirmed her mutual zeal as she shook the instructor's hand. She did indeed find this to be quite thrilling and was so pleased to find that the instructor of her first class shared her enthusiasm. She would have expected no other reaction from a professor of hard science. "Well, I am just so happy myself to be participating." Her troubles with Harry were now only a memory, a passing setback to what would certainly be an invigorating and inspirational experience. "I do hope that we can be of some help to your class."

"Absolutely, my dear, absolutely." She turned her attention to the boy. "And, you must be Robert Williams, so very good to meet you as well," she said as she shook his hand.

Robert politely returned the greeting, but he neither shared her enthusiasm nor was he looking forward to being of any help to her class. It was perhaps rather obvious what they would probably be doing for an anatomy class, and he had so hoped that he could keep a low profile throughout the day, at least during the classes. It was perhaps unrealistic to expect that one could keep a low profile while being naked in a room of adolescent college students, but it wasn't a requirement of The Program for the participants to be used in some sort of class demonstration. It was just an option. If the instructor preferred, they could just sit quietly at a desk, in which case much of his nudity, and certainly the most important part, would be well hidden. But, it was clear that he would not be so lucky in this first class.

"Now, Suzannah and Robert, let's not waste any time. If you wouldn't mind, would you please take your places in the front of the room?"

Just as he had feared, they were being asked to present their nudity, their naked bodies, to the entire class. He could feel his heart accelerating and his penis shriveling as he stepped to the front of the room.

"Oh, but wait, I am getting ahead of myself. I'm just so excited." She gently laid a hand on Robert's arm. "Bobby, would you like to obtain some relief before class starts?"

Male participants in The Program were allowed to obtain relief from any sustained sexual tension within the first five minutes of a class. The administrators of The Program were concerned that maintaining an erection for a sustained period of time could be unhealthy, as well as uncomfortable, and they did not want to unnecessarily burden the male participants. Therefore, professors were instructed to allow relief at the beginning of each class (best to get it out of the way rather than disrupt instruction during the routine course of the class). Relief could be administered by the instructor, the student himself, or his partner; whatever the instructor felt would be most suitable.

Robert was not the least bit interested in obtaining relief. It was frankly his preference to avoid sexual tension as much as possible, and the last thing he wanted to do was to jerk off, or be jerked off, in front of fellow students. Fortunately, he could say quite sincerely,"No, no, ma'am, I'm fine," as this was the first class and he really did feel fine.

Miss Baker was relieved to hear that. She was open-minded and was delighted to have The Program participants within her class, but she had to admit that she did find it, personally, a bit much to actually have a boy masturbate in front of her students. Nudity was one thing. Nudity was fine. Pictures of nude male and female forms was a natural event within an anatomy class. But, ejaculations? Well, that would obviously be quite sexual in nature. This was a serious, academic course.

Perhaps such a thing might be acceptable for Dr. Hirschfeld's Human Sexuality course, but even then it still seemed to be a bit over the top. She laughed to herself at the thought of Dr. Hirschfeld having Robert masturbate in his class to demonstrate a male orgasm. The idea was simply ridiculous (see "Modeling for the Class" for a different perspective).

It was hard enough getting her students not to titter and giggle when they saw pictures of the naked body. Many a time she had caught students leafing ahead in the text to get to the pictures of a naked body, the close ups of the male and female forms. Some of them had even drawn in little doodles and cartoons in their books. Adolescents can behave so adolescently when it came to the nude form. It was a never-ending problem for her to maintain a proper decorum within her class. Why can't they behave more like adults? Well, that was clearly a stupid question. They were, after all, at best, just young adults, and some of their adolescent attitudes and behaviors will not have been entirely lost simply because they had turned eighteen, or for some even nineteen.

This was one reason that she had in fact been so enthusiastic about getting participants from The Program to attend her class. They would demonstrate for her students a more adult, healthy, attitude toward the nude form. They would certainly not giggle and titter, and she would assume her students would not do so as well, certainly not to their faces.

In any case, and fortunately, Robert had declined the offer. Thank goodness this was their first class of the day. She wondered if he might have accepted the offer if her class was their last one. Perhaps by then Robert would in fact be feeling some sexual tension. Well, be that as it may, he was not seeking any relief at the moment. "Excellent, well then, Robert, please, please, take your position standing next to Suzannah."

As Robert and Suzannah got into place, standing next to each other in front of the room, Miss Baker smiled. This was going to be one of her best classes. Robert and Suzannah were fine healthy young specimens. But, right away there was that tittering and giggling, particularly among the girls. It wasn't that the boys weren't also being reactive, but they largely just stared in stunned silence at the pretty form of Suzannah, with her cute perky titties and pure, white cunnie. For many, this was the first live cunnie they had seen and it was quite an attractive, evocative sight. It was such a nice little pouch, cut by the most enticing little slit. "Oh my, yes, well, students," Miss Baker exclaimed, tapping her yardstick on her desk. "Let's behave ourselves. Of course, today, we have the distinct pleasure of having Program participants here to serve as models. Are we going to behave like adults?"

"Yes, Miss Baker" they all said, largely in unison, albeit in doing so sounding more like children than adults.

"Yes, well, I hope so." It was not, however, getting off to a good start. "Alright then, first, let's get an appreciation of the entire gestalt. As you can see, Robert is taller than Suzannah but," one might have even heard a bit of disappointment in her voice, "not as big as the average male." It was Robert's turn to furrow his brow. What boy enjoys standing in front of a class of peers to be reminded of, to even display, a physical inadequacy? "Students, how tall is the average male?" Janie answered, "The average male, of the U.S., is five-nine, the woman five-four, Miss Baker."

"Very good, Janie. Yes, that's correct. Robert, here, is a bit, well, much shorter than that, and Suzannah, well, I'm not sure even she is even five feet."

"I'm four foot-11, Miss Baker," Suzannah offered, wondering though, as a model, if she should actually speak.

"Yes, yes, that appears to be true. Now, more importantly, though, notice the overall contrast in body shape. Do you see it class?"

They could indeed see it but their attention had to be drawn to it, as they were all focused on the more specific differences. "The typical female has what is often called an 'hour glass shape,' due to her relatively narrow waist," Miss Baker accented her point with her yardstick, tracing it along Suzannah's body as she spoke, "and wider hips. Whereas the male," shifting her yardstick now over to Robert, "has a 'V' shape due to his narrower hips, larger rib cage and wider, more muscular shoulders. You really do have quite broad shoulders now, don't you, Robert."

"I suppose ma'am." He was feeling such a strong urge to cover himself, to protect his modesty, with his hands, but he knew this was a clear violation of the rules of The Program and would quite obviously not be tolerated in a class such as this. But, it was so difficult to stand there, as so many of the girls' eyes were clearly focused on his genitalia rather than his shoulders, and by their smirks, smiles, and giggles, he could tell that they were certainly enjoying themselves at his expense

"The male, of course, tends towards being more muscular due to high levels of testosterone. On average, the adult male produces about twenty to thirty times the amount of testosterone than an adult female."

"Where does he produce it, Miss Baker," Beth asked, quite innocently.

"Good question, Beth. Well, uh, testosterone is primarily secreted in his testes."

"His what?"

"His testicles, Beth," Miss Baker instructed, propping Robert's up, or more accurately, bouncing them up with the tip of her yardstick, producing even more giggles. "Right here, in his scrotum." The girls openly laughed at that word and at the sight of Miss Baker bouncing Bobby's balls. "Now, now!" Miss Baker scolded. "We will have none of that."

"Oh yes, of course, I see," Beth meekly replied, a bit embarrassed herself, although clearly not as much as Robert.

"Testosterone is secreted as well by the ovaries of the female, although small amounts are secreted as well by the adrenal glands." There was really nothing to bounce there, and Miss Baker just pointed in the general direction of Suzannah's ovaries, which didn't really help clarify the matter for a number of the boys.

"The female tends to have less muscle mass and higher body fat due to the effects of estrogen. Estrogen, of course, also contributes to the development of her, um, her," she said a bit more quietly, "her breasts." She pointed her yardstick at Suzannah's titties, which she thrust out rather proudly for the class.

"They're a bit small, aren't they Miss Baker," Jennifer suggested. Jennifer had quite large breasts and, more importantly, she wasn't really appreciating the fact that Billy Norris, the boy sitting next to her, whom she was dating, was so clearly entranced by Suzannah's puny titties. She normally had Billy's full attention and never did like it when his eyes followed an attractive figure walking by. Perhaps she should expect him to be interested when this figure was not only attractive but also buck naked. But, still, she was quite annoyed, even jealous, and she wanted to bring Suzannah down at least a peg or two.

"Well, yes, yes, they are smaller than the average size. According to manufacturers of brassieres, the average breast size of the American female has grown from a 34B to a 36C, although I don't know if you can really trust this source. How large is your bosom, Suzannah?"

Suzannah didn't really like answering that question. It did seem like a rather personal question. How many girls are asked to announce their breast size in class? Besides, she knew they were small and she hardly wanted to provide the objective, quantified specifics. But, drawing on her courage as a participant, she thrust them out as boldly as she could and announced, "32B, ma'am."

Miss Baker could hear the dejection in her voice, and she regretted putting Suzannah on the spot like that. "Well, yes, a bit small, but class, aren't they terribly well shaped?"

"Oh yes, Miss Baker," they all agreed, particularly the boys, although they mostly just nodded. Their enthusiastic agreement was more fully expressed by the growth within their briefs and boxers.

"Yes, yes, they are really quite firm and perky. Believe me, dear, most any woman my age would trade." Her forthright admission and humor lightened the tension. Suzannah smiled in appreciation.

Jennifer, however, spoke up again. "Yes, well, much larger ones can also be just as nicely shaped," she said, turning to Billy to be sure he understood the intention of her remark.

"Would you like to show the class what you mean, Jennifer?"

The boys' eyes widened with delight. That would be a terribly good idea, as they could indeed tell that Jennifer had really big breasts. Instructors were allowed to have members of the class join the participants if it would further the classroom instruction. The students would be hard pressed not to participate as it was understood that if they were going to benefit from the presence of a participant they should be willing to contribute as well, at least within the privacy of a particular classroom experience. Jennifer, however, wasn't the least bit interested in doing so. "Uh, no ma'am, no, that's fine. I didn't really mean myself."

She didn't like implying that hers were not in fact well shaped, but that was better than having to take off her blouse and brassiere.

Miss Baker, in any case, hadn't expected her to do so. It was a bluff to get her to stop being so disruptive. "Well then, yes. Let's then turn our attention back to Suzannah." It was disappointing to the boys that they wouldn't get to see Jennifer's boobs, but turning their attention back to the perky titties of Suzannah was still very appealing, to say the least. "Females have wider hips due to the effect of female hormones during puberty. The widening of the pelvis provides the body with the space necessary for childbearing." Miss Baker again slid her yardstick along the curves of Suzannah's hips. She was, however, confused by one point.

"Suzannah, you have been through puberty, haven't you?" This was a rather odd question, given her age and breast development, albeit not particularly large development.

"Well, yes, ma'am, of course."

"I know, I know, it's just that, well, you haven't any pubic hair."

The boys had certainly noticed that already. Some of them frankly wondered if she hadn't yet grown any. Perhaps she was prepubertal? It seemed rather odd for someone 18 years old, to say the least, but eyes could not be deceiving.

"I shaved myself, Miss Baker, down there."

"You shaved your, um, your vagina?" She was incredulous. "I have never heard of such a thing."

Suzannah provided the explanation she had given to President Rayburn. "Well, I thought that it would be more consistent with the spirit of The Program. Not hiding anything from view, you know." She looked down at herself. "This way you can see everything better."

Miss Baker nodded but was still confused. She was a little unnerved by the bald pussy, although Suzannah was certainly right that it was actually helpful to her class, to her instruction.

"I think it even looks kind of pretty this way, don't you?" Many of the boys nodded in sincere agreement. It really did look nice all bare-ass, so to speak; as fresh and pure as when she was first born.

"Yes, well, um. Where was I? Oh yes, um, due to the action of testosterone, males also develop a more prominent brow bone across the center of the forehead, a squarer jaw, and larger ears and nose." A few of the students could not help chuckling as she pointed at Robert's "larger" ears.

"Because females do not have the same levels of testosterone, these features do not develop to the same extent. Female faces are generally more similar to that of a girl." Miss Baker hesitated after her last point. Suzannah was indeed looking quite young, with her diminutive height, feminine facial features, spectacles, and shaved cunnie. That was all quite fine, but when standing there naked, it was a little disconcerting.

Still, Suzannah did look awfully cute and she smiled proudly at Miss Baker, her hands clasped behind her bottom, swinging her hips as she enjoyed being so helpful to Miss Baker's class.

"Yes, well, now let us focus on some of the more specific anatomical differences between the man and the woman." Grins widened and heads leaned forward. This was what they were most interested in. "Do you see a quite distinct, specific difference?"

They all certainly did. Miss Baker saw where their eyes were glued and she sighed with exasperation. The kids today just seemed so much more unruly and undisciplined than she had remembered when she was their age. "No, no. We haven't gotten there yet, although we will be there shortly. No, I mean up here." She carefully touched Robert's neck with her yardstick. "Robert's Adam's Apple."

Many of the students had no idea what she was referring to, but when they looked, they could indeed see a distinct difference. "When boys go through puberty, the hormones also cause the larynx to grow rapidly, deepening their voices and causing this bulge to form. Girls' voices also deepen with puberty, but since their larynxes don't tend to grow as much, they don't usually develop an 'Eve's apple.'" She smiled at her little joke, although many of the girls had already heard this reference. In any case, they were much more interested in a different bulge.

Sally in fact spoke up. "What about his penis, Miss Baker?"

"In just a moment, Sally. We will get to his penis. Just be patient."

"Yes, ma'am," she dutifully replied. The girls smiled at Sally's indiscreet impatience, but they also knew that they were more than ready to get to the meat of the matter.

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