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Naked Attraction


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"Well if you must know it was at a TV studio."

This got their interest. "What? Why? Where?", mum blurted out.

"A while back I made a stupid bet with Ben and lost. The agreement had been that the loser would have to take part in a dating show."

Mum and dad laughed. "You must have been mortified!" mum exclaimed.

I frowned at her, "I was, but you don't know the half of it yet!"

Before I had a chance to elaborate, mum turned to Jenny and said, "So you were also taking part in the show?"

Jenny had just taken a bit of her toast and her mouth was full, so she just nodded.

"That's wonderful, isn't it funny how life works! You two shy kids not daring to express your feelings and then fate intervenes and brings you together. It's so romantic."

Jenny almost choked on her toast and mum frowned and looked slightly confused.

"Did I say something wrong?" she asked.

"No, no. It's just that the show we were on is not your usual dating show."

Her look of confusion remained. "So which show was it? I watch most of them!"

I glanced at Jenny and her face was red as she slowly chewed on her toast.

It was the moment of truth. I took a deep breath and said, "I don't think this is one of the ones you watch. It's different because the contestants are naked and chosen based on their physical attributes."

There -- I'd done it. Jenny stopped chewing and was watching my parents intently. I was doing the same and for a while, they didn't react and then both of them burst out laughing. It was the last reaction I'd expected, and Jenny and I looked at each other in surprise.

When mum and dad had regained control of themselves, dad said, "Good one Patrick -- but what's the truth?"

"That is the truth! Ben and I have been making bets for ages and the last time we decided we had to make it more interesting. I was so sure I'd win that I readily agreed to strip off on national television."

Mum and dad looked at each other in surprise. They were still grinning when mum said, "Are you talking about that show with Anne what's her name?"

I was stunned that mum knew the show and just nodded.

Mum looked at Dad and said, "You know dear, it's the one with those coloured boxes that reveal the naked contestant's bit by bit!"

Dad nodded and grinned. "Of course, I know it, it's the only one I bother to watch!"

"I just can't believe you were brave enough to take part, Patrick!"

"Neither can I!" I said.

Things were going far better than expected and I saw Jenny finally swallow her mouthful and wash it down with a sip of tea.

Attention turned to her, "What made you take part in that show?" mum asked.

"It's similar to Patrick's reason. My best friend June and I were playing truth-or-dare and I picked a dare."

Mum grinned, "This is just so wonderful! When will it be on TV?"

"Probably in a couple of weeks."

She clapped her hands in glee, "I can't wait to see it! Tell me, Patrick, how did you feel about being naked in a setting like that?"

"At first I was bloody terrified but when I saw glimpses of Jenny I relaxed and actually began to enjoy it."

"I'm just still trying to get my head around the fact that you of all people would even consider doing something like that!", dad said.

"As I said, I lost a bet and had no choice. Now I'm so glad it happened as it's changed my life."

I looked at Jenny and I hoped she could tell how much she meant to me. Mum was almost in tears as she watched the interaction between us. "How was it for you, Jenny?"

"At first I was terrified, and it was only when I saw Patrick that I began to relax a bit. I didn't recognize him and only found out later that we'd been in school together!"

"So you also didn't have any experience with public nudity?" dad asked.

She shook her head. "Absolutely not! I've always had issues with my body and no one except my doctor had seen me naked since I was a child."

"Well talk about jumping in at the deep end!" dad exclaimed.

We all laughed, and Jenny added, "It made me realise how foolish I'd been most of my life and that I should be happy with my body as it is."

"I agree with Jenny, and I feel very different about myself since then."

Mum clapped her hands in delight. "This is such a wonderful story! I can't wait to tell your aunt Judy and all my friends!"

"MUM!" I said.

"What? They are going to find out anyway once the show airs. You're the first one in our family that's ever been on TV, of course, I'm going to tell everyone!"

I pictured all my relatives and mum's acquaintances watching me naked with a boner and wondered if mum would still be as proud of me as she seemed to be now.

"Well I think it's fantastic that this show has let both of you break out of those self-imposed shells you were in." dad said.

"I agree!", mum said and then added "and from what we've seen, you both have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of."

I gave mum a surprised look although I already knew they'd seen us. She blushed slightly and said, "I'm sorry, but your door wasn't closed this morning and I went into your room to close the curtains. You were both still asleep and looked so beautiful."

Jenny and I both blushed and there was a moment of uncomfortable silence.

"From what've you've said, can I take it that you'd be OK if we loosened the dress code at home a bit?" dad asked.

Mum glanced at him, "John, maybe it's a bit soon for that?"

I stared at my parents in confusion. Then dad continued, "Look since we're all being honest, I think it's only right that we tell them, Beth."

Mum still looked slightly unsure but nodded in agreement.

"Patrick, what I'm trying to say is that your mother and I have been nudists for most of our lives. We never wanted to force our lifestyle on you. You were always extremely shy and body-conscious from a young age and things only got worse as you got older."

"But..., I..., you..., I mean, you never said anything!" I stammered.

"As your father said, we didn't want to pressure you and whenever there was an opportunity for you to see us undressed you would disappear."

What she said was true, but I was still trying to get my head around the fact that my parents were actual nudists. "So where, do you um, you know, get naked?"

Mum smiled, "Whenever we can. We both enjoy the freedom and we're usually naked at home whenever you're out."

I couldn't believe they'd managed to keep this from me!

"We're also members of a nudist association so we can visit clubs all around the country and abroad.", dad added.

I stared at Jenny to see how she was responding to my parent's revelations. She was sipping her tea and rather than looking shocked she looked intrigued.

Mum noticed me looking at Jenny and said, "I hope you don't mind all the family secrets being aired, dear."

"No! I think it's wonderful."

Both mum and dad beamed at her. "I wish my parents were as open-minded and relaxed as you."

Mum looked at me and said, "You've found a wonderful girlfriend and I hope you both plan on taking this relationship further."

I blushed slightly and noticed Jenny was looking at me expectantly. "I know, mum, and yes, I'm very serious about Jenny and if she'll have me, I want to make her a permanent part of my life."

All eyes moved to Jenny and she blushed slightly but smiled. "The same is true for me and I know it's soon, but I think I'm in love with Patrick."

Her words melted my heart and I couldn't help but stand and lean over to kiss her.

"This is so romantic", mum gushed, "and don't worry about it being too soon. I knew the moment I set eyes on John that he was the one for me."

Mum and dad also exchanged a kiss and then dad said, "Welcome to the family Jenny!"

Jenny was so overcome with emotion that she was almost crying. "Thank you all so much," she stammered.

"Look, if you two want to try your newly found freedom we could all go to one of the clubs this weekend. The closest one is about an hour by car and has a wonderful park and a pool."

I wasn't sure I was quite ready to go to a nudist resort with my parents but if Jenny wanted to go, I wouldn't object. She looked at me and I shrugged, "It's up to you."

She considered it for a moment and then said, "I think it's a bit too soon for that..."

I was relieved but also a bit disappointed by her answer and wondered if she hadn't yet fully overcome her fear of nudity, however, her next words proved me wrong.

"...but if we could be naked at home with you first to get used to it, maybe next weekend we could try the club."

"That's a wonderful idea Jenny!" mum exclaimed enthusiastically and then looked at me questioningly.

"How do you feel about that Patrick?"

"I..., um, yes, I suppose it's OK."

My parents both smiled. "Well you two finish up your breakfast and your father and I'll go upstairs and get ready."

I could tell they were really happy, and I felt good that they no longer had to keep their nudist activities hidden from me. Once they were out of earshot, Jenny said, "I hope you're not mad at me, but your parents are so nice, and I would like to give nudism a try."

"Of course I'm not mad at you and I'll do anything you want, I love you, Jenny!"

She looked so happy at my words that it made my heart melt. We quickly finished our meal and cleaned up the kitchen. I took every opportunity to grope and tease her and she did the same to me. By the time we headed upstairs we were very aroused and excited at the prospect of being naked with my parents. They'd already seen us naked but it would be different this time.

Once in the bedroom, we quickly stripped off the few clothes we were wearing. My penis was of course fully erect and throbbing in time with my heartbeat. Jenny's arousal was almost as obvious with her nipples fully extended and her lower lips moist.

As we stepped out of my bedroom holding hands, we found my parents doing the same. We froze and stood in the corridor looking at each other.

My eyes were first drawn to mum, which isn't surprising as she was only the second female, I'd ever seen naked. I was astonished by how sexy she looked. Her breasts were quite large and drooped slightly. They were capped with large areolas and a pair of pink nipples that only protruded slightly. She had a slight belly and wide hips that gave her very well-proportioned womanly curves. Interestingly she was fully shaved and unlike Jenny, her outer lips were barely visible. Her skin was lightly tanned without a tan line in sight.

My eyes moved to dad and took in his naked form. He had a typical dad-bod with a slightly large tummy and just like mum he was tanned all over. His pubes were also shaved and his cock hung over a good-sized set of balls. All in all, his equipment looked like mine apart from the fact that he was uncut. As I watched, his cock twitched slightly and I saw the tip begin to emerge from its cover. I glanced at his face and saw him staring at Jenny.

Mum broke the impasse by saying, "Now that we've all seen each other, let's go downstairs."

She gently tugged dad's hand and the two of them headed downstairs. I looked at Jenny. She was slightly flushed but smiled at me. "Let's go," I said.

We followed my parents and I got the first look at them from behind. Mum's bottom matched the rest of her body and wiggled nicely as she descended. Dad's rear was surprisingly tight and looked like that of a younger man.

At the foot of the stairs, they turned and went through into the living room. By the time we entered, mum was already sitting on the sofa and dad was standing.

"Would you like something to drink?" he asked.

We both declined as we'd only just had breakfast. He pointed to the second sofa as he sat down next to mum. "Make yourselves comfortable."

I let Jenny sit first and then lowered myself next to her. It was a scene I had never imagined I would see.

"You both look lovely!", mum said.

"So do you!" Jenny exclaimed. "I wish I had breasts like yours!"

Mum smiled, "Don't say that dear, they're more a burden than a pleasure!" she said as she used both hands to heft the mounds of flesh. "The older I get the lower they hang but John still seems to like them!"

Jenny giggled and copied mum, cupping her tiny bumps, and pushing them upwards. We all laughed, and mum said, "You're nipples look amazing! I don't think I've ever seen any that large."

"I used to hate them but after seeing how much Patrick likes them, I've changed my mind."

My parents both looked at me, both of them focusing on my erection. "I'd say he likes everything about you dear!" mum said.

Jenny giggled and hers were the third pair of eyes to focus on my cock. "How did you manage to keep things under control during the show?" dad asked.

I blushed as I replied. "Um, it started alright and whenever I felt a twitch I began to try and distract myself with things like reciting the alphabet backwards but the more of Jenny that I saw the fewer things worked and I ended up being erect for most of the programme!"

Dad laughed out loud, "I remember using the alphabet thing the first time I felt an oncoming erection at a nudist resort!"

Mum giggled, "If I remember correctly it didn't work for you either!"

Dad chuckled and then asked, "What did you do? I can't remember seeing an erection on the show before."

"The first time it happened they sent me off to take care of it, but it was no use and I was stiff again a few minutes later. They interrupted recording and had some internal discussions before saying it was OK as the contract states they only can't use the footage if the glans is pointing upwards."

"Goodness! So was that the first time someone had an erection on the show?"

"No, apparently it happens quite often but they stop filming and the guy takes care of things before they resume."

"But because of your penis shape they didn't do that?" mum queried.

"Well they tried that, but it didn't work! So now you might want to reconsider telling everyone to watch the show."

"Why would I do that? I think it is wonderful and you have a very nice penis. I've always hated the fact that they hardly ever show erections on TV and that some nudists think they should be covered up. An erection is something natural and no different than a woman having erect nipples, no one should ever be ashamed of it."

I was surprised by her attitude, but she made a valid point.

"What did you think of Patrick's arousal?" dad asked Jenny.

"I was shocked at first but then realised it was a real compliment. I'd never expected a man to find me attractive and the fact he couldn't stop it meant a lot. It's part of the reason I picked him."

"I can see why!", mum quipped.

"How about some drinks now?" dad asked again.

This time there were a few takers and he asked me to help him in the kitchen. We left mum and Jenny to chat. As I helped dad with the drinks he said, "She's a very lovely girl, you've done well."

"Thanks, and I know how lucky I am."

"So last night was the first time having sex for both of you?"

I blushed and nodded.

"From what I heard things went very well."

"Sorry about that, I didn't know girls were that loud."

Dad laughed, "Don't apologize, it was rather nice to hear you at it and your mother is just as vocal."

He looked at my erection and said, "That downward curve must run in the family. Your grandfather had the same bend and so do I!"

I looked at his cock which was still flaccid but with the tip somewhat exposed.

He saw me looking and said, "I've been using all my techniques to keep it down but don't be offended if it happens at some point. Jenny's a really beautiful girl and nudist Asians are a rarity."

"Dad, don't worry about it! I'm not going to be offended if you get a boner. In fact, I'm, surprised it hasn't happened yet."

"What about Jenny, won't she mind?"

"No, you heard her before, she'll take it as a compliment."

He nodded and smiled.

"But won't mum be upset?"

"She's fine with it, it's not like it hasn't happened before!"

I wanted to ask what he meant but the drinks were done, and dad seemed eager to return to the ladies. As we stepped into the living room, we both froze as we were presented with an exceptional view.

Mum and Jenny were both bent over and seemed to be looking for something at the bottom of a chest of draws. Two quite different but equally incredible arses were facing us and exposing the most intimate details of their owners. Mum's bigger bottom revealed a pink puckered opening above a very neat cleft that was now somewhat parted and revealing her tiny pink lips. As we had a slightly sideways view, I could also see her large breasts hanging down and swinging slightly as she moved.

I glanced at dad long enough to see he was also appreciating the display and that his penis was jerking as it swelled to a full erection. As he'd stated, it was just like mine in size and shape and now that his foreskin was fully retracted, looked almost identical!

My attention returned to the ladies, this time focusing on Jenny. Her surprisingly generous bottom was as pale as the rest of her skin and the two firm globes were smooth and flawless. Just like mum, her current position meant they were parted and showing her anus and pussy. Jenny's puckered opening was the same brownish shade as her longish pussy lips which had unfurled slightly, showing a glimpse of her moist pink insides.

The urge to drop my tray, rush up behind and bury my cock within her was almost too great to resist and I wondered if dad was feeling the same desires for mum.

I don't know how long we stood there and stared but it was probably less than a minute before mum found what she was looking for and straightened up. Jenny did the same and it was then that they became aware of our presence.

We must have made quite a spectacle! Father and son standing naked, holding trays of drinks below which near-identical cocks stood proudly erect.

The ladies looked at each other then broke into a fit of giggles.

"Now that's the proper way to serve drinks!", mum exclaimed in glee.

"Where do you want them?" dad asked.

Mum and Jenny looked at each other before bursting into another fit of laughter.

It took us a moment to get the joke before we also joined in laughing.

"Now, now, ladies! Let's try and keep this civilized." dad said as he struggled to keep a straight face.

Once everyone was back under control mum said, "How would you feel about taking this outside?"

Her question was addressed to Jenny and me. I knew our garden was quite private, with only one house overlooking the back garden so for me, there was no issue. Jenny surprised me by immediately agreeing without knowing this. She really did seem to be completely embracing nudism.

"Wonderful!" mum said, grabbing Jenny's hand and leading her outdoors.

Dad and I were happy to follow and once again enjoyed the view of their amazing asses. Both seemed to add an extra wiggle as they walked and it was very appreciated.

The garden furniture, consisting of two large loungers and a couple of chairs were all in the sun so mum and Jenny began to rearrange things to let us sit in the shade. It was a pleasure to watch them doing this and I would happily have stood here all day. Once everything was to their satisfaction, dad and I placed our trays on the small table between the loungers.

"I want to show Jenny some family snaps, so you two can sit over there.", mum said as she gestured towards one of the loungers.

She and Jenny sat next to each other as dad and I took our seats. The thing they'd been looking for earlier was a photo album. Dad and I sipped our drinks and watched them in silence.

"Oh, Patrick you look so sweet as a baby!", Jenny gushed.

They continued through the album until mum said, "Look, here he is at two years old. This was taken at a nudist resort in France."


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