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Naked Attraction


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I paused, unsure if I should continue but our lips parted for a moment and she whispered, "Don't stop!".

I could feel the heat radiating from her body and it intensified the further up I got. Jenny shifted slightly and parted her legs to make it easier for me to proceed. I didn't wait for permission this time and boldly slid further until the tips of my fingers encountered the small tuft of pubic hair I'd seen earlier.

My cock throbbed and was sure it was harder than ever and on the brink of bursting. Our lips parted and we were both panting with lust. I couldn't believe I was actually touching her there and when I moved my hand just a bit lower, I felt a rigid protrusion about the size of the tip of my pinkie. Jenny cried out loudly and I froze looking around the wagon to see if anyone had noticed. It was then that I realised the train had already left the platform and we were on our way.

Jenny was wiggling about, breathing deeply, and making the most erotic sounds I'd ever heard. I gently stroked what was obviously her clitoris, amazed at how big it was. From all the sex manuals I'd read and from the porn, I'd seen I knew of its existence but had never thought it would be so big!

Not caring anymore if anyone knew what we were doing, I continued until Jenny suddenly went rigid and buried her face in my neck as she squealed in pleasure. Despite being muffled the sound was loud and I was sure everyone would know that she'd just had an orgasm. When her breathing returned to a more normal level and I felt her body relax I continued my probing. Just below her clit I encountered a pool of liquid heat.

She was soaked and it felt amazing as I ran my fingers through the slippery juices. I could feel those lips I'd admired when I first saw her naked. I ran my fingertips up and down their length going somewhat deeper each time until I felt her opening. Jenny groaned into my neck and I gently pushed a single-digit deeper into her.

She felt incredible as my finger was squeezed by a wall of warm and very wet flesh. I'd never imagined a pussy would feel this good and had to fight back my orgasm as I imagined what it would feel like to slide my cock into this tight tunnel. When my finger bumped into an obstruction, I stopped and began to make a come here gesture.

Jenny's body began to shake, and she moaned, again burying her face into my neck before screaming once more. At the same moment, I felt a gush of hot liquid cover my finger and force its way past before spraying my hand and wrist. It continued for a bit and I wondered if she'd lost control of her bladder.

Jenny was still clutching onto me tightly and her body spasmed a few more times before she once again relaxed and slumped against me. She was almost panting as she looked up at me and I saw her face covered by a sheen of sweat. The moisture continued down her neck and I saw the front of her dress was discoloured from the sweat it had absorbed.

Her breasts looked even more spectacular and were now even more visible with her areolas swollen and her nipples huge. I slowly extracted my finger from its silky gateway and felt the sodden fabric of her dress as I withdrew my hand. The most wonderful earthy scent hit my nose and intensified the further I moved my hand. Once back at the hem I lifted it and we both stared in amazement.

It was literally dripping, with strands of transparent fluids coating my fingers down to my wrist.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry!" Jenny whispered.

"Don't talk rubbish, you are just incredible!"

I couldn't resist any longer and moved my hand to my nose, deeply inhaling the heady fragrance before licking it.

Jenny gasped as I licked and sucked as much of her juices as I could. "God, you taste fantastic!"

As I was about to take my final lick, she grasped my arm and pulled it towards her face, licking the last remnants. I found it incredibly hot watching her do this and it seemed like she quite liked her flavour as she smiled at me and said, "It's true, I do taste good!"

We both laughed but the sound caught in my throat as her hand dropped to my crotch.

It was the first time anyone had ever touched me there and despite the layers of clothing, it felt wonderful.

"Looks like you also leaked!" she said happily.

I hadn't come in my pants, but it looked like it! The front was drenched in precum forming a large brown stain.

"Did you have an orgasm?"

I shook my head, "No, it was close but I managed to control myself!"

"Wow, I can't wait to see how much stuff you produce when you do!"

She squeezed my cock and I moaned in pleasure, "Don't do that anymore or you'll find out right now!"

She giggled and despite my pleading still squeezed and tugged a bit but then stopped, saying "Oh, that would be a waste!"

Instead, we resumed kissing and cuddling. "I can taste myself on you!" Jenny giggled during a break.

I was about to comment when the train slowed noticeably. I glanced out the window and recognized my station.

"We're here!"

I looked around the carriage, taking note of the other occupants for the first time. Two young couples also snogging and an elderly pair that did not look happy. I gave them a small smile in apology but only received an unfriendly look in response.

I stood up, helping Jenny to her feet and we both laughed as we looked at each other. Her dress had two very obvious stains, around her chest and crotch, her breasts still looked incredibly sexy. My situation wasn't much better with the large stain around the tent formed by my cock.

It looked like we were the only ones disembarking and I chose to go past the younger couples rather than the appalled oldies. Jenny went ahead and I saw that the back of her dress was equally soiled. It was rather thrilling to see the others stare at us and I even got a wink from one of the girls as we walked along the aisle.

The fresh air felt good as we stepped onto the platform. It was nearly one in the morning, so it was no surprise it was deserted.

I took Jenny's hand and led her through the station. "It's about a fifteen-minute walk, I hope you don't mind."

"No, the fresh air feels good and maybe my clothes will dry on the way!"

We walked in silence as I thought back to the events of this most monumental of days. OK, technically it was the next day but let's not get stuck in semantics! Here I was walking home with the girl of my dreams and about to have sex for the first time. I suddenly stopped, jerking Jenny to a halt.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"I've just bloody realised that I don't have any condoms, and everything is closed!"

Her response was not at all what I expected. She laughed loudly and said, "don't look so worried. We don't need any!"


"I'm on the pill silly and since we've both never been with anyone else there's no chance of catching any STD's!"

I was still somewhat in a daze as we continued walking and was wondering why she would be using contraceptives.

"If you're wondering why, my period is just very irregular, and the pill helps."

This was an area well outside my comfort zone, so I just nodded stupidly.

"Our house is just around this corner," I said.

We stopped before the wooden gate and Jenny pulled down her skirt slightly and adjusted her hair. "Do I still look like I've just been ravaged by a stud?"

I gazed at her amazing figure and noted that the fabric had dried but her breasts and nipples were still just as prominent.

"You look incredible, don't worry. Anyway, chances are my parents are asleep."

"I hope so, I wouldn't want them to get the wrong impression."

I looked down at my still straining cock and said, "Um, what about this!"

She giggled, "I'm sure they'll be proud of you! Anyway, in a few weeks, they're going to see everything when the show airs on TV."

"Oh god, don't remind me!"

I opened the gate a Jenny went ahead of me. Trying to be as quiet as possible, I unlocked the front door and ushered her inside.

"Do you want a drink or something before we go upstairs?", I whispered.

"Yes, maybe bring some water."

Without turning on the lights I used the illumination provided by streetlights to lead Jenny to the kitchen where I grabbed two glasses and a bottle of water.

"My room's upstairs."

We crept up the slightly creaking staircase and were suddenly blinded by bright lights.

I blinked rapidly until I could make out a figure at the top of the stairs. It was my father, wearing a pair of pyjamas and holding a golf club in a threatening way.

"It's me, dad!" I said.

"I can see that now! I heard some noises and thought we were being burgled!"

"Sorry about that."

"It's alright, but you should tell us when you're planning to come home so late."

He seemed to notice the figure behind me for the first time. "Who's that with you?"

I moved to the side and Jenny gave him a small wave. "Hello, I'm Jenny."

"She's an old classmate of mine", I added without thinking.

I saw my dad glance at my tented and stained pants before taking another good look at Jenny.

"I see, well I'm off to bed. Don't worry about your mum and me, we're both sound sleepers!"

"Um, thanks dad, um see you tomorrow."

He gave me a big grin a with a wave of the club walked towards his bedroom.

"Well that was awkward!", I said.

"Why, I thought he was very understanding! I doubt my parents would have been quite as cool."

"I suppose you're right."

We continued up the stairs and I led Jenny into my bedroom at the other end of the corridor from my parents' room.

Jenny took a look around my room before saying, "It's tidier than I expected."

I laughed, "You can thank my mother for that, she makes me give it a regular clean."

"That's good!"

I placed the glasses and water on my desk and took Jenny into my arms. We kissed and then moved towards the bed.

"Um, Patrick, I feel a bit sticky. Could I have a quick shower before we go to bed?"

"Of course, um I'm also not as fresh as I could be!"

"You can join me if you want?"

"I very much want to!"

She laughed, again and grabbed my hand. "Lead the way."

"We only have one proper bathroom; I hope that's OK?"

"Of course, it's the same at my parents' house."

The bathroom separated my room from my parents. I closed the door and hoped the noise of the water wouldn't disturb them too much.

Suddenly nervous we stood on the bathmat before the tub and stared at each other. I broke the ice by saying, "Um, can I help you get out of your dress?"

Jenny smiled and we both relaxed. "Please do." She said before turning around and lifting her incredible hair to allow me to get to her zip.

As I pulled it down slowly the dress parted, revealing more and more of her skin. It was incredibly sexy and when the zip reached her bottom, she shimmied her shoulders slightly and the dress dropped to her waist. I'd seen her naked back before, but it still took my breath away.

"God, you're beautiful!"

She turned to face me, and my eyes dropped to those gorgeous tits. My mouth went dry and I had to lick my lips which made her giggle. Without pausing she put her hands on her hips and pushed the tight skirt down until gravity took over and it pooled at her feet.

Here she was in all her naked glory once more. I drank in the sight of her as I began to unbutton my shirt. Jenny didn't remain inactive and quickly opened my pants and let them fall. She giggled as my sodden boxers twitched and my cock was able to expand further.

She grabbed the top of my boxers and slowly pulled them down, having to stretch the elastic to its maximum to allow my penis to escape. Going down onto her knees as she pulled my underwear down to my feet brought her face dangerously close to my pulsing organ.

She stayed where she was and moved her hands slowly up my legs. Staring up at me with those dark, exotic eyes she said, "Can I touch it?"

I nodded and she moved both her hands until they were grasping the root.

Her touch felt incredible and she slowly slid her fingers along the shaft, coming to a stop before my glans.

"It's so hard but soft at the same time!" she said in wonder.

I was still speechless as she moved closer until I could feel her breath on my tip. With her eyes locked on mine, she opened her mouth and extended her small tongue until it made contact. I gasped and felt a small squirt of precum dribble land on the pink surface. Her tongue disappeared back into her mouth and a moment later she engulfed my head.

The pleasure was intense, and I groaned loudly, forgetting that my parents were in the room next door. I felt her tongue swipe all around my glans as her head moved back and forth slightly. It was unbelievable and I felt the beginnings of an orgasm just as she stopped.

This time the groan was one of frustration but as Jenny slid her body up against mine when she stood all was forgotten. My cock left a slimy trail down her neck and chest and once she was fully upright it prodded and poked her abdomen.

"You better turn the water on if we're going to shower!"

I did as she asked and while we waited for the temperature to rise, I took the opportunity to get a taste of her breast. I bent forwards and began to lick and suck one of those nubs.

Jenny groaned and pulled my head even closer, forcing every last bit of her nipple into my mouth. I could feel it getting longer as I sucked and flicked it with my tongue.

"Oh god yes, Patrick! That's so good."

I could feel she was getting close to another release, so I pulled back, letting it pop from my lips. It was swollen and much bigger than its yet unstimulated twin. I latched onto that one and repeated the process until I felt Jenny was once again close.

We'd both teased each other enough and needed to get under the water. I helped her into the tub before following and pulling the curtain closed. I've always enjoyed the sensation of water hitting my naked body but this time the shower was better than ever. We couldn't keep our hands to ourselves and soon were washing each other while getting to know every inch of our bodies.

Jenny seemed fascinated by my cock and balls and I was equally intrigued by her nipples and her amazingly large clit. As I first cleaned and then took it into my mouth, sucking it like you would a tiny cock she exploded and covered my face and body with more of her juices. I was sure my parents could not have slept through those screams of pleasure, but I no longer cared.

A sudden drop in water temperature forced us to stop and it was then that I realised I didn't have a second towel. We dried each other as best we could, and I offered the towel to Jenny for the trip back to my room.

"You can use it if you want, I don't need it. Everyone is going to see my naked body soon so why bother!"

I liked this attitude and hung up the towel before we both left the bathroom and walked to my room. As I was closing the door behind us, I noticed that the door to my parent's room wasn't fully closed. I was sure it had been when we went into the bathroom earlier.

All thoughts about this flew from my mind as I turned around and found Jenny lying on my bed. I'd never expected a naked girl to grace these walls but there she was!

As I approached the bed, my cock leading the way, Jenny's legs moved further and further apart, exposing her swollen and moist pussy.

"I need you now Patrick!" she said with a lust-filled voice.

I crawled onto the bed and approached Jenny. Her eyes followed my every move and when my shoulders were between her knees, I slowly lowered my face towards her dripping sex. Her scent was intoxicating and when my lips met hers, I tasted her slightly salty but also sweet essence.

She moaned and her legs closed, trapping my head between them. I did my best to use my mouth and tongue to give her pleasure, not being sure about what I was doing. She seemed to be enjoying it and despite the soft flesh of her thighs covering my ears, I could hear her moaning loudly.

As I'd discovered on the journey home, Jenny was very vocal during sex and even though my parents were nearby she wasn't holding back in expressing her pleasure. I loved her attitude and strangely found myself hoping they were awake and could hear us!

I concentrated on the task at hand and moved my attention to her prominent clit. Jenny's body spasmed as I took the protruding and extremely sensitive organ between my lips and gently squeezed. When I added some tongue action she flipped out, and I was hit by a gush of fluids as she screamed loud enough to wake the neighbours!

Her legs flopped apart, and I felt her hands pushing me. I raised my head, looking into her eyes. She looked incredible as she said, "COCK. IN. NOW!"

I grinned and slid up over her sweat covered chest, taking a moment to give each huge nipple some attention before kissing her deeply. I felt her hand slide down my side until it gripped my penis and tugged it towards her entrance. My downward curve made it difficult and uncomfortable, so I raised my upper body.

We could both now see her tiny hand wrapped around my throbbing cock and as I watched she slid the tip up and down her well-prepared slit, gathering more fluid on each pass. It felt incredible and, when she was ready, she slotted my glans into her tunnel and let go. I could feel incredible heat and pulsing tissue as I gently probed further.

"Yes, that's it!" she panted and wrapped her legs around my waist, locking me into position. I had the strong urge to just thrust forwards but held back for fear of causing her any pain, so I pushed slowly, amazed at the sensations as my glans sank deeper into her.

"Oh, so good!" she moaned.

"You feel amazing Jenny!" I gasped, struggling to hold on.

"So do you!"

My tip was no longer visible as I looked at our joined bodies. Her lips were tightly stretched around my cock and it looked like we were one. As I pushed further, I nudged against a spongy wall and stopped.

"I'm afraid to hurt you!"

"It's OK, just go slowly. I'll tell you if it's too painful."

I gulped and felt bad that she had to endure this. Her legs tightened indicating I should proceed and with a mixture of trepidation and desire, I pushed. Nothing happened at first and then I felt a strange sensation at my tip before it suddenly slipped in another inch or so.

Jenny cried out and I saw tears leaking from her clenched eyes. I froze, not knowing if I should pull back or if that would make it worse. After what seemed like a long time, she slowly opened her eyes.

"It's OK Patrick, I think the worst is over."

Instinctively I pulled back slightly and then pushed forwards once more. Jenny winced slightly but I felt her legs pulling me closer again.

I felt guilty at how good my cock was feeling, enveloped in more and more wet heat. With each thrust, I felt myself sink deeper into her incredibly tight channel until I was all the way in. We stared in wonder as our pubic hair mingled.

"Well it's official now, we're no longer virgins!" she said.

I felt her squeeze my already tightly gripped cock with her pelvic muscles and groaned in response.

She smiled, "You like that do you?"

I could only nod.

"I've been doing Kegel exercises since I was a teen, finally I can see it was worth it!"

I groaned again as she gave me another powerful squeeze.

"Oh, Patrick, I'm getting close again, MOVE!"

It was the signal I was waiting for and I pulled back watching her nether lips grudgingly allowing my glistening shaft to withdraw until I could see the ridge below my glans. Lifting my eyes to watch Jenny's I then pushed forwards with more force than ever and sank all the way back inside. Her eyes widened, it looked like her pupils were rolling back into her skull as our pelvises collided and my balls slapped against her cheeks.

I couldn't wait for further instructions and repeated what I'd just done. I could feel her pussy loosening slightly as more and more lubrication was provided. Apart from Jenny's increasingly loud groans and cries, a wonderful wet sloshing sound and the slap of flesh on flesh filled the room.

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