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Naked Attraction


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As we parted I wasn't sure what to do, shaking hands seemed weird as we'd already seen each other nude and held hands when we let the set. Instead, I was bold and leant forwards to give her a European style kiss on each cheek. Thankfully, she reciprocated in kind and it wasn't awkward at all. Her skin felt so soft under my lips and I again inhaled her scent.

"Can't wait to see you again!", I said and quickly turned to leave, hoping she hadn't noticed the growing bulge in my pants. Before turning a corner, I glanced back and saw her watching me with what I interpreted as a wistful expression.

I caught a tube to Oxford street and began to think about what I could buy to wear. Based on Jenny's clothing, I wouldn't go too formal. As I stepped into the first shop that looked like they might have things within my budget my mobile vibrated.

It was from Ben. I answered his call and his first words were, "HOW WAS IT?"

I smiled as I responded, "Um, OK I guess. Pretty embarrassing though."

"And, was she hot?"

"Hell yes!", I contemplated telling him it was Jenny from School but decided to save that bit of information.

"Tell me more! I don't suppose you saw her naked did you?"

"I did!"

"You're shitting me? Did you get into the final two?"

"Yup, in fact, I'm just buying clothes for our date tonight!"

"Bloody hell man, do you mean to tell me you won?"


"I don't believe it! What kind of losers were you up against?"

"Hey, I'll have you know they were all pretty normal."

"But how could you win if they were normal?"

I laughed but wasn't about to tell him that I was erect for most of the show, "You'll be able to see when they air the show."

"Fuck -- now I wish I'd lost the bloody bet! So, what was seeing a naked woman in the flesh like?"


"Tell me about her!"

"Well, you know the kind of girls I find attractive and if I could have created the perfect match it would be her!"

"So, small and Asian I'm guessing?"

"Right again!"

"You think things will go any further?"

"I'm praying they will."

"Well don't get your hopes up too much, you know what it's like on that show."

"I know but this time it might be different. Anyway, I've got to buy something to wear for the date, any recommendations?"

Ben made a few useless suggestions and we ended the call with a promise from me to let him know how the date went.

As I was browsing a salesgirl approached and asked if I needed any help. In the past, I would have said I was just looking but this time I nodded.

"Actually yes. I've got an unexpected date tonight and need something better to wear. Maybe you can give me some advice."

She smiled and stepped back to take a look at me. "What look are you going for, casual or formal?"

"Um, casual I think?"

"OK, well follow me."

As I did so I noticed she was rather attractive. Her bottom was nicely showcased in a pair of leggings and wiggled pleasingly as she walked ahead of me selecting a few pairs of trousers and a couple of shirts as she went.

"That'll do for a first try," she said as she led me to the changing rooms.

"Um, thanks!"

I took the proffered clothes and stepped into the cubicle.

They were not the sort of things I would usually wear but I thought I'd give them a try. I slipped on a beige pair of pants and a white shirt. I thought I looked quite smart as I checked out my reflection in the mirror.

"So, anything good?" she asked.

I hadn't expected her to wait for me but was glad for a second opinion.

Pulling back the curtain I presented myself.

"The sizes are OK and you look OK. What does your date like?"

I blushed slightly as I had no idea about Jenny's taste in clothes. "Um, I don't know. I only just met her today and didn't think we'd be going out together!"

The girl laughed, "that's so romantic, you buying new clothes and all."

"I suppose so, but I didn't have a choice."

She seemed confused so I elaborated a bit, "It was a TV dating show and I ended up being selected!"

"OMG! Was it 'First dates' or "Take me out?" she said excitedly.

My blush got deeper, and I now regretted having mentioned it. "Um, no not really. It's another one."

She looked at me closely and thought for a moment before saying, "I can only think of one other show that I watch... but..."

I gulped, which she noticed. "What were you wearing during the show and why don't you just wear the same thing?"

I was pretty sure she knew which show I was on and although I was embarrassed, I decided to tell her. In0 a few weeks thousands of people would see me naked anyway.

I smiled and said, "I think I might get arrested if I did that!"

Her jaw dropped in surprise before she exclaimed, "I knew it! OMG, that's so cool!"

She stepped back and took another look at me and I was sure she was imagining what I looked like naked. "Well I can see why she picked you, most of the guys on that show are kind of mangy!"

"Well, thanks."

"No really, I think it's so brave to do that. I don't think I could bear the thought of everyone seeing me naked on the telly."

I decided to return the compliment, "from what I can see you have nothing to be ashamed of!"

She smiled and it was her turn to blush. "Thanks, ah, are you really interested in this girl?"

"Oh yeah!" I said.

"Well, what was she wearing?"

I described Jenny's attire in detail.

"Golly, you really must like what you saw! From what you're saying I think you should go a bit bolder with your shirt. Maybe something matching the colours she was wearing."

It sounded like a sensible suggestion. "Yeah, that makes sense."

"Wait here, I'll grab a few things."

When the girl rushed off, I thought about our conversation and realised that I'd never spoken as much or as long with any female outside of my family! Somehow, being on the show had given me the confidence to interact normally with members of the opposite sex!

A few minutes later she returned and handed me two shirts. One a light shade of pink and the other a darker red. "Try these."

I took the shirts and quickly slipped into the red one first.

"What do you think?"

"Better, but maybe the pink would be best."

I would never have selected a pink shirt myself but after putting it on I was surprised to see how good it looked on me.

"YES! That's the one", she said, clapping her hands in excitement as I stepped out.

"Yeah, I thought it looked alright."

"Better than alright, you look very handsome and suave."

"Thanks! I'll just keep them on if that's OK, my date is in about an hour."

"OK, let me just get the off."

She reached into her pocket and extracted small scissors to cut off the price labels. I collected my old clothes from the cubicle and followed her to the till.

"That'll be 73 pounds 50."

I paid and she gave me a paper bag. As I turned to leave, she said, "Hang on, what's your name?"

"Um, Patrick."

"And your date?"


"Ok, I'll be sure to be watching for you. Buy her some flowers or something and good luck with your date!"

"Thanks a lot!"

I left the store with a spring in my step feeling more confident in myself than ever before. If things don't work out with Jenny, maybe I would return to this store and ask her out!

I came across a small flower shop as I wandered the streets, willing time to pass faster. They had red roses and I selected one, which was then wrapped nicely. Looking at my mobile I saw I had about 30 minutes left so I started to follow the directions given to me by my mapping app. I reached the café about 5 minutes early and was delighted to see Jenny waiting there already.

She smiled and waved as she saw me approaching. She looked incredible, dressed in a light pink figure-hugging dress that ended a couple of inches above her knees. It was like a second skin and so perfectly moulded to her body that I was sure she wasn't wearing any underwear. I could clearly see the shape of her tiny breasts and the twin bumps of her nipples. I felt my cock twitch as it began to grow.

"I hope you haven't been waiting long?" I asked after we again kissed each other on the cheeks.

"No, I was early."

I kicked myself for not being here sooner. "You look incredible!"

She blushed slightly, "You really think so?"


"I don't usually wear clothes like this!"

"Well, you should!"

She covered her giggle with her hand, a gesture I was quickly learning to love.

"You also look very nice, your shirt matches my skirt!"

I laughed, "This isn't my usual attire, but I wanted to make a good impression. A salesgirl helped me pick out my pants and shirt based on my description of what you were wearing earlier."

"Oh wow, that's impressive!"

Before we could continue, we were interrupted by Caroline and a camera crew.

"Good you're both here, we can get rolling right away. We'll find a table and then Patrick can be waiting for you when you arrive."

Things progressed from there and almost an hour later it was over. Only a few minutes of the entire event would make it into the show. It hadn't been a date at all, and I was relieved when Caroline and the crew finally left. In a few weeks, they would contact us for another brief interview on how things were going.

"God I'm glad that's over!" Jenny exclaimed.

I was hoping she only meant the filming and not our evening.

"Um, yeah. It wasn't a romantic date like I'd been expecting."

To my relief, she seemed to agree.

We sat in silence for a moment and then I said, "Um, would you like to go to have a meal or something?"

She smiled and my breathing returned to normal.

"I'm so glad you asked and I'm starving!"

I grinned like an idiot, "Um, do you know somewhere close by?"

"How do you feel about Chinese?"

For a moment I thought she was referring to the people and only narrowly avoided embarrassing myself. "Um, great, um, I love it."

She jumped to her feet making her breasts bounce under the tight fabric and reached for my hand, pulling me to my feet. Despite the atmosphere during the "date," my cock had remained rigid throughout and now formed a distinct bulge.

Jenny didn't fail to notice and gave me a big smile. I was glad she took it as a compliment and didn't care about the looks I got as we left the café. As I held the door for Jenny, I noticed that the lumps in her dress were far more pronounced than earlier and was thrilled by her reaction.

We held hands and walked close together as she led us to the restaurant that was only a few steps from the café. It was quite busy, and the smells were amazing. We were getting quite a few looks from the mainly Asian patrons when there was a loud squeal and one of the staff rushed towards us.

She was smaller than Jenny and had a very different figure. She gave Jenny a big hug then stepped back, looking her up and down before launching into a stream of mandarin. After a rapid conversation, she gave me a brief inspection, lingering slightly on my crotch before saying something else I didn't understand and leading us to a table.

It was a quiet spot near the back, and I pulled out a chair for Jenny to sit before taking my place opposite. The server left to get us our menus.

"Sorry about that!"

"No problem!"

"June is my best friend and she's so excited for me."

I smiled and nodded as June returned with our menus.

"What would you like to drink?" she asked.

Jenny said, "I'll have some green tea please."

"Same for me."

June nodded and disappeared again. I'd been waiting to ask Jenny if she remembered me from school and couldn't hold back any longer.

"Jenny, can I ask you something?"

"Of course," she said suddenly looking a bit worried.

"Do you remember me?"

Her brow wrinkled in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

It was clear she didn't. "We used to be in the same class at school!"

Her eyes widened and I could see her mind racing as she thought.

"OMG! Are you that Patrick?"

I gulped, fearing the worst. "Um yeah. Sorry."

"Don't be sorry! I used to have such a crush on you!"

My ears must be deceiving me! "WHAT?" I said too loudly, "I mean, how um, no, um, I had a crush on you!"

We stared at each other and then burst out laughing.

"I can't believe this!", she said. "All those years I was too shy to even say a word to you and now we meet like this!"

"Once the screen came up, I instantly recognized you. You haven't changed a bit, apart from being even more beautiful!"

She blushed and then, placing her hands under her breasts, cupping them and lifting them slightly, said, "I know, I'm just as well-endowed as I was when I was 12!"

I knew she meant it in a self-disparaging way, and I couldn't let that stand.

"No, you're just perfect!"

I saw a flicker of doubt in her eyes, so I added, "Before the show started Paul asked me about the type of girl I liked. I described you and even thought back to our time at school. When I heard your name, I thought it was an amazing coincidence!"

"Is that true?"

"Of course, anyway, after what happened to me during the show, I'd think you know I find you very attractive."

She giggled, "that was so amazing! One of the reasons I picked you was because you were so brave about it!"

I laughed, "I don't think bravery had anything to do with it. The one in a million chance that I might get to see you naked was enough to make me do anything!"

"Really? No one has ever said anything like that to me."

"Well, it was a dream coming true for me."

Our conversation was interrupted by June asking us if we'd decided on what to eat.

"I suppose we better choose something!" she said, picking up her menu.

"You decide, anything you like will be fine."

She smiled and spoke to June in Chinese. June grinned at us and after collecting the menus left.

"How long have you been single?" Jenny asked, taking a sip of her tea.

I blushed and hesitated before saying, "Um, I'd say probably, um, since about, um birth."

She spluttered and choked slightly as she laughed. "That can't be true!"

"I'm sorry but it is. I've never had a girlfriend or anything."

Jenny raised her eyebrows, "anything?"

I looked around to make sure we weren't being overheard and leaned closer to her as I whispered, "nothing, zero, null, nada."

She sat back looking incredibly surprised before also leaning forward, "so you're still a virgin?"

I sighed and my face must have been as red as the tablecloth. "Um, yes."

Instead of disgust or (even worse) pity, Jenny sat back and looked thrilled. "So what made a 20-year-old virgin get naked for a TV show?"

"It was a stupid bet I made with my best friend. I lost."

Jenny laughed and clapped her hands, "That's almost the same as what happened to me. June and I were playing truth or dare with some other friends and she dared me to apply for the show!"

It was my turn to laugh.

"I was so terrified I wasn't sure I could go through with it. I've never even been naked in front of anyone except my doctor!" she added.

After her words sunk in, I said, "You mean you're also..."

She smiled and nodded, "yup, pure as the winter snow and also single since birth!"

I couldn't believe it, "but how, why, I mean, you're so incredible..."

She shrugged, "I had such body issues and low confidence that I probably put anyone off. It's quite amazing what a difference being on that stupid show and your reaction to me has made. I would never in a million years have worn anything this revealing before."

I nodded in understanding. "The same is true for me. I mean, not even a doctor has seen me naked since I was a baby and I couldn't even talk to a girl without messing it up. But after the show things were different."

We paused as the first dish was served by June. She smiled at us, "You both look so cute together." Then, squeezed Jenny's shoulder and said something in Chinese before leaving.

"What was that about?"

"She just said I shouldn't let you get away."

I laughed, "The last thing you have to worry about is me getting away! If I could, I'd never leave your side."

Her expression suddenly changed, and I thought I'd gone too far. "I'm sorry Jenny. I didn't want to upset you or come across as some kind of creepy stalker. It's just hard for me to contain my feelings."

She shook her head. "You didn't upset me, I feel the same way!"

I reached over and took her hand, squeezing it. We stared into each other's eyes for what was probably a very long time before starting to eat. The food was delicious, but I can't even remember what it was. Time flew as we spoke about our lives past and present and we only noticed how late it was when June interrupted to apologize that they had to close up for the night.

It was past midnight and all the other guests had already left. After settling the bill we left and stood outside watching the still quite busy streets. I didn't want this night to end but I also didn't want to push Jenny into anything she wasn't comfortable with.

To my relief, she took the initiative. "Patrick, how would you feel about spending the night with me?"

I felt a rush of desire and love as I took her into my arms. "Oh god, Jenny, nothing would make me happier!"

She grinned and then placing her hands on either side of my head, we kissed for the first time.

I pulled her body closer and felt the bumps of her nipples as they pressed against me. Her mouth opened and our tongues began to explore each other's mouths. I could feel the heat of her small body as it pressed against mine and my cock prodded against her.

My hands slid down her body until I was cupping her firm cheeks and pulling her even closer, only breaking apart when we heard a passer-by mutter "Get a room!".

As I stared at the beautiful girl in my arms, I couldn't believe the sensations coursing through me. It wasn't just the physical aspects but also an unbelievably deep feeling of love.

We looked at each other and Jenny gasped, "Wow, look at you!"

I knew she was referring to the unmissable tenting of my pants and I reciprocated with "You're not much better!", referring to the inch-long bumps on her chest.

We both laughed. "Where shall we go?" Jenny asked.

"Um, we could go to my place, but I still live at home with my parents," I said.

"How would they feel about that?"

"I think they'd probably be relieved!" I said as I knew my father and mother worried about me.

"I share a single bedroom flat with a roommate, she'd probably be OK with it, but I don't know if I'd be comfortable having our first time with an audience!"

My heart stuttered as I realized this was actually happening. "Ok, so let's go to Guildford!"

We kissed again and then holding hands walked to the station. People were staring at the obvious displays of our arousal, but we didn't care. The thought of what was to come and friction of my boxer shorts on my boner was enough to keep me rock hard and I was worried it would be too much! Jenny mentioned that she was suffering from the same problem as the fabric rubbed against her extremely sensitive nipples.

After getting her a ticket we were able to board the largely deserted train. Ignoring the other passengers, we continued our make-out session and I placed my hands on her breasts for the first time. The thin fabric didn't hinder me much and I could feel the warmth and sponginess of her tits. The twin points of her nipples felt as hard as my cock and Jenny gasped as I gently squeezed and pulled them.

"Oh, Patrick..." she moaned. This encouraged me and I placed one hand on her knee before slowly sliding it higher. It was my first touch of skin and I was amazed by how soft and smooth it was. Jenny seemed to like what I was doing and kissed me with even more vigour. Her dress had bunched up somewhat when she sat and, by the time I reached the hem, I was almost halfway up her thigh.

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