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Naked Friday 02 - Tuesday


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Metaphorically shrugging my shoulders, I left the toilets and walked across to the kitchen, knowing I was going to have all sorts of questions and quite likely disapproving accusations thrown at me. I quickly determined that I would simply answer them openly and honestly, keep on smiling and see what happens. It will be a reasonable gauge at least as to what to expect on Friday, if Friday actually happens, well it will, obviously, but what about the team building exercise; the nudie bit!

When I walked into the kitchen, silence descended on the room. They had obviously been talking about me and how I was dressed today.

Steeling myself against my nerves, I said, "Come on then you lot, don't stop talking now – please, feel free to make any comments or ask any question you like – I won't bite anyone's head off or get angry, I'll just answer you honestly. So, let's have all your queries now while I make my tea.

Dave and Phil complimented me on my outfit, but Phil added that it may be more appropriate for a dimly lit nightclub, and not work.

"I appreciate that, and in normal circumstances I wouldn't have dreamt of wearing this outfit anywhere else, and even then I would have worn at least a pair of knickers; I'm sure you all realise by now that I no other clothing on other that what you see. But this week, and especially Friday, is not going to fall into the category of 'normal circumstance'. Therefore, following discussion last night with my Husband who, by the way, is wholly supportive of my decision to agree in participating in Naked Friday, is suggesting a number of things that I should do this week to ensure that Friday is not going to be a disaster for me – and hopefully it will help you guys to figure out that, if done properly and without any sexual innuendo," I looked pointedly at the boys when I said that, "it will all be fine."

Phil thought about that for a second and said, "Well, if we got to do it, I suppose that easing oneself into it slowly would be the way to go."

Rachel said "Well, you've convinced me – all I have to do is convince my boyfriend. Maybe I'll try something a little different tomorrow."

"I think it's disgusting, and the most you'll get me to do is to strip down to my underwear, and substantial underwear it will be at that!" said Donna scornfully.

Various other comments and questions arose and I answered them as fully as I could.

Rachel said, "You look quite comfortable, and you seem to be cool about what you're wearing, but what is happening deep down inside that your not telling us. How do you actually feel being dressed, and very exposed, like that in front of your colleagues?"

I hadn't expected a question like this and had to think about the answer for minute.

Eventually, with everyone waiting expectantly in silence, I answered, "Well, imagine the Duck thing, all calm and collected on the surface and paddling like buggery under the water – well that is definitely me at the moment, but it's more excitement than the fear I originally thought it would be. I feel more of a woman than I have ever felt: I'm realising that I enjoy this, and the heightened sensitivity it brings with it. My heart is beating like I've just finished a two mile run, my nerves are jangling away right now, my hands are sweating and my mouth is dry – and not even my cup of tea is whetting it. But also, I feel so elated and sexy. I suddenly feel like I have been let out of my society imposed prison cell and that I am loving being free to express myself – so I'm letting the real me out. I can't explain it any better than that at the moment, but the whole thing is exciting me so much. I have worked away this morning and noticed that I am much more attentive to what I am doing, and that I am making less silly mistakes. Alive, is how I feel; very much alive!"

The room remained silent when I had finished speaking. I need to inject a little humour here somehow, to release the tension that had built up.

"There is one small problem at the minute though, I'm afraid that I am soaking wet, so please excuse me if I am glistening down there!" I said, pointing to my pussy.

Phil burst out laughing and everyone else grinned, to start with, but then they too began to laugh too. I had said just the right thing at just the right time, because even Donna was smiling.

Eventually, Rachel, still grinning like a Cheshire Cat, asked "What about the 'photos this afternoon, what are you going to do about those with no underwear to your name today?"

"I'll just do them nude and cover myself up with my hands." I paused just for a second and continued, "Maybe!"

They all laughed a bit more and then we made our way back to our desks.

Robert came over to me and very quietly asked if everything was OK.

"I heard you all laughing in the kitchen, I hope they were laughing with you and not at you. Were they?"

"Yes, they were laughing with me. I think we have all cleared up a lot in the last 15 minutes and they all seem to be relatively relaxed now. I realise it must have been quite a shock for them all this morning; I don't think I quite thought that one out properly, but they're all OK now, even Donna."

"That's OK then, just let me know if you have any problems with anyone. I must admit that, although very out of the ordinary, you have made an affect on the office this morning; the place seems to be much more intense and lively. Hopefully, that can be transferred to the work and improve our recently lagging performance, which is, of course, the reason for the exercise in the first place. Well done and thank you for entering into this program with so much energy and commitment. One thing that I do have to ask you though. You are normally the person who meets people in the reception office and accepts deliveries and deals with the couriers, will you be able to manage that dressed like you are? Indeed, can the business manage that, which is a question I can't answer at the moment – but that's for me to work out I suppose."

"Robert, to be honest with you, I'm looking forward to it. It will be fun, and I'll be OK with it on Friday too."

At that moment, I was sure that again a lot of bravado was in that statement that I wasn't entirely convinced I had – but I knew I was going to try it!

The rest of the day wore on, we all discussed various things at lunch time, mostly with regard to both my current attire and the forthcoming Friday in particular. Then, all too quickly it seemed, we started to be called into the conference room for our 'photos. I don't know if it was done purposely, but I was asked for first.

In the conference room a background screen had been set up and a number of large flash lights with umbrellas were stationed around the room. The tables had been pushed to one side and the room seemed somehow bigger for it. There were three people in the room, only Alison was familiar. She introduce Andrew, the Photographer and Lynn, his assistant and make up artist.

All of them just looked at me astounded at what I was wearing. Andrew was licking his lips and I immediately thought 'Pervert'.

Alison was the first to speak and she introduced me to Andrew and Lynn.

Then she said, "Are you going to change Gina, we need to have you in underwear to do the 'photos."

"No, I don't have any. I thought I would just do it naked and cover myself with my hands, if I have to; cover myself I mean."

"Well, we've had some strong reactions to the content of the program in the past, and some heavy persuading has had to be done to get people to understand what it is all about and to join in, so this is quite different, eye opening and unexpected. Thank you for making our lives easier. Andrew, that will be OK won't it?"

"Yes, that's fine, I don't have any problem with that. Lynn, can you just do Gina's make up for her please and we'll get started."

"Here, put this on please." Lynn asked.

She offered me a smock type thing that you use at the hairdressers. I put it on and she sat me down in front of one of the tables where she had her make-up and a mirror.

"Don't over-make me please, I want to appear as natural as possible, I normally wear very little make-up." Which, by the way is true. I have naturally good skin, so I don't spoil it by blocking up my pores with greasy horrible make-up.

When she was finished, I stood up and removed the smock, then facing the room, I put my hands on the hem of my camisole and lifted it straight up over my head, putting it down on the back of the chair. I unzipped my skirt and that followed my camisole. Now, except for my shoes, I am standing completely naked in front of three strangers, nothing to hide me, not even jewellery to embellish. My mouth once more was dry, my hands sweating, and my pussy tingling with excitement. Deep up into my belly I could feel my pussy squeezing and pulsating.

I closed my eyes for a moment and gripped hard onto myself. I was so close to cumming, I had to do something to stop myself. I thought quickly of Martin; that made things worse. I thought of being outside like this, trying to frighten myself out of the feelings I was having now, and that did it. I couldn't hold it any more. I shuddered with the strength of my orgasm and couldn't hide it. I had to hold on to the back of the chair as my legs buckled under me and for about a minute, I was completely caught up in my orgasm.

Slowly, I came back to reality, clearly blushing from the orgasm and embarrassment, and said, "God, sorry, I didn't mean to do that, I couldn't control it. What must you all think of me."

No-one said a word, they were all just transfixed with what had just happened and all of them were staring at me wide eyed and open-mouthed.

"Excuse me for a moment please, I'll just go clean up."

Well, what more could I say anyway – I just had to deal with it, there was nowhere to hide after all. Remaining naked, I walked out of the conference room and down the corridor to the toilets. I didn't pass anyone else in the corridor which, at the time, was a good thing. Now I'm disappointed that I didn't. In the toilets, I went into a cubicle and had to masturbate again, I felt so sexually high that I didn't think I could do the 'photo thing and not cum in front of them again. This time, though, I groaned out loud when my orgasm came, about 30 seconds after starting to play myself.

I got cleaned up and washed my face – tough if they have to do the make up again.

Making my way back to the Conference Room my legs got stronger and stopped wobbling, thankfully. When I went in, Lynn saw that I had washed off all the makeup she had put on me and tutted that she would have to do it all again.

Andrew said, "Never mind the makeup, you could work for a week and not get close to the glow she has on her face right now. Come, quickly, stand in front of the background and let's take this picture before you loose it."

I moved over to the screen and asked, "How would you like me to pose then?"

"If you can stand sort of 3/4s on to me, cover your breasts with your hands and push your right thigh and hip in front of your pussy, keeping your ankle and toes straight down."

I moved my position and put my hands on my breasts so that they barely covered my nipples. I let a little of my puffy areola showing and he didn't say anything, so I stayed like that. He did, however, come across and knelt down in front of me, moving my leg to where he wanted it and making sure that leg was stretched out on tip toe.

He was trying to ensure that my little landing strip wasn't visible. Once I got the idea of what he wanted, I was OK to set myself up. I did tease him a little though, pushing my leg back so that he had to tell me I was still showing too much. I ducked my chin into my chest a little and gave him, hopefully I thought, an 'alluring' (in other words, 'come fuck me big boy!' look)

CLICK went the camera. Andrew stood back and looked at the photo on the screen on the back of his camera. This one will be fine I think, but just wait while a do couple of insurance shots, don't move yet please, and definitely don't change that expression on your face.

Andrew took about 6 more photographs, having me move slightly for each one.

Eventually, he said "All done then Gina, and well done too. I hope that the others are as easy to do as you have been."

"Can I take a look at them please?" I asked.

"Yes, sure, come around the back here and you can see them on the screen."

Remaining naked, I walked across the room and stood next to him, his shirt sleeve was brushing against my arm. For something so innocuous, it felt sexy as hell, and I had to restrain myself, not from him, but from my heightened state or arousal. He flicked through the pictures and, even if I do say so myself, I looked pretty damned good.

"Do you think I could have a set of prints for my Husband?"

"Yes, that's no problem, I'll bring them with me when we come back on Thursday with your full sized cut-out. You could have that too, when were all done with the program."

"I'd like that very much." I said.

I turned and started walking out the door when Lynn called after me.

"Aren't you forgetting something Gina?"

I turned, a little puzzled. Then it dawned on me; I was still naked. I blushed and apologised and went back across the room. I pulled my camisole over my head and stepped into my skirt, doing it up as I went out the door, smiling a 'Thank you' over my shoulder as I went out.

I returned to my desk and just got on with my work for the rest of the day, feeling very comfortable, happy and strangely 'free'. My state of dress no longer worried me, in fact I was revelling in it, taking every opportunity I could find to get up from my chair and walk around the office. We did have one courier bring some plans in during the afternoon and I probably made his day – he certainly left with a big smile on his face and a noticeable bulge underneath his leather motorcycle clothes.

5 o'clock came around soon enough and people started to get ready to leave for the day. I shut down my computer, returned various items to cupboards and draws and went out to the foyer to wait for Martin. As he turned into the car park, on an impulse I undid my skirt and took it off, then pulled my camisole over my head and popped them into my handbag which was just big enough to hold them, but I couldn't do the zipper up on the bag. Purposely, I didn't look around at the Clerk at the desk, but I did hear a big intake of breath. I wondered what she was thinking as I walked straight out of the door and walked naked the 30 or so yards to the car. I got in and as I was putting my seat belt on.

"Firstly, put you eyeballs and tongue back in your head, and let me tell you all about the most amazing day I have ever experienced." I said before Martin had any chance to comment on what I had done.

Driving through the town on the way home, I know that I was seen quite clearly naked by a number of people, especially when stopped at traffic lights, and I told Martin all about our day. Just before we got home, I noticed the look in Martin's eyes and the huge smile on his face, so I reached over and put my hand in his lap to confirm my suspicions – and yes, he was hard as rock in the trouser department.

I smiled and said, "I hope that is all for me Martin?"

"And the sooner the better – it's starting to hurt!" he responded, his smile getting wider and the glint in his eye told me all I needed to know – it was going to be a good night again and I couldn't wait. This was turning me into some kind of truly exhibitionist monster!

We pulled up at the kerb outside our house and I un-clicked my seatbelt and reached for the door handle.

"Are you going to get out here like that?" Martin asked.

"Would it bother you?"

"Look, I told you last night that I love you being naked and would happily have you that way all the time, so I'm not going back on that – if you want to get out naked then do so and I will support you whatever happens. If you do though, you're going to have to deal with this as soon as we are inside the door."

He reached over, took my hand and put it back in his lap. I smiled at him and pulled my hand away quickly, opened the door and got out, now for the first time ever I was standing naked in a public street where I could be seen by anyone.

"Come on then," I said, "Don't keep me waiting."

I closed the car door, crossed the footpath and made my way, slowly, up the garden path, waiting for him outside the front door and, naked and proud of it, faced the street.

Martin nearly ran up the path and I stood back from the door to let him open it. I saw our next door neighbours curtains twitch and suddenly my mouth went dry and my hands began to shake slightly.

I steeled myself and gave a little finger wave to the window, I didn't know who was looking at me, Sammie or Geraint, and smiled.

Before I could get into the house, Sammie had opened her front door and with a sort of glazed looked in her eye.

"What's happened to you Gina, why are you naked?" she asked worriedly.

The urge to run now was very strong indeed, but I controlled that and I walked across the grass, the fronts of the houses being open plan and unfenced, to her door and started to explain why I was naked.

She grabbed my hand and started to pull me into her house saying "Quick, come in here and I'll find you something to wear."

I pulled back and, still standing in the full view of the street, feeling slightly nervous and just a little panicky, I continued my story of why I was naked. It was very condensed of course, so didn't take too long.

Even so, Martin was looking nervous too, as a car came down the street and slowed to a crawl when it passed, the driver, a man from a few houses down the road, stared at my nudity. I looked at him and my pussy seemed to explode and soak my thighs with pungent juices. I was so close to coming there on the street, seeing and acknowledging the effect my nakedness was having on the stranger in his car.

Again, I don't know where it came from, but I asked Sammie if she would like to pop around later and I would explain further about the 'project' and apologised if I had caused her any offence, making sure she understood I was not trying to cause offence.

"Will you be naked then too and, do you think I ought to tell Geraint why I am coming around?" she asked.

"Yes, of course, and fetch him with you too if you don't mind. The more people know of the project, the easier it will be for me to complete, so the help and tolerance of my neighbours would be greatly appreciated."

She smiled and said she would, but drew me to her a little and whispered, "What does Martin think of all this?"

I giggled a little and said, "Well, by the look on his face, he is clearly loving it but is concerned for my safety, which is quite cute, don't you think?"

She looked at Martin and laughed.

"You won't want us to be naked to will you? I don't think Geraint would like that – he is from the very religious Welsh valleys as you probably figured from his name."

"No, of course not", I smiled back at her, "It's just that your help would really be appreciated to get me acclimatised to being naked in front of other people ready for our task on Friday, if you wouldn't mind too much."

Sammie said, "I'm not too sure how much help we will be, you look pretty comfortable now considering you are standing in the street naked as the day you were born talking to your neighbour!"

I smiled, said "Thanks, I'll see you about 7:30ish then?" and turned to walk back across her front lawn to my own front door.

"I expect so." called after me.

As I got to the door and Martin, he grabbed my hand and dragged me into the house, slamming the door behind us.

"Martin, are you angry with me because I spoke to Sammie?"

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