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Naked Friday 02 - Tuesday


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Sammie sat down on her chair and said, "Gina, can I have another drink please, all of a sudden my mouth is quite dry."

Her hands were shaking and she gripped hold of the arms of the chair to try to hide it. Physically, she was showing all the signs of fear – wide eyes, trembling hands and a higher than normal colour to her skin; in her face though, that was a different matter.

Her face were saying, quite loud and clear, 'I'm enjoying this!'

I poured her a drink and she took it and greedily supped up half the glass.

"Better go easy on that love, we don't want you drunk do we – you know you get a little silly when you're tipsy!" Geraint said.

Sammie smiled back at him and said, "I'd better not I suppose, never know what might happen given my current state of undress!"

Martin still had his mouth open a little and I dug him the ribs and whispered "Stop staring!, you'll put her off."

A few seconds passed and he said to Sammie, "Well, now that you are similarly attired to Gina, how do you feel about being naked in company?"

It was 'similarly' only in the fact that I didn't have any shoes on.

Gina took a moment before answering, and the three of us were on bated breath.

"I had never even considered doing something like this – well I suppose most people don't; but now that I have, Gina, I have to agree with you – it feels awesome, and I feel surprisingly relaxed about it – horny as hell but relaxed and comfortable, so you better watch out later Geraint, you're going to need some energy boy!"

Everyone laughed and we had another glass of wine each.

Generally, we chatted about the issues surrounding this general and public nudity stuff. Geraint was still worried, as you can expect, and Martin tried to re-assure him which was proving difficult. Sammie didn't contribute very much, she just sat and listened with a kind of glassy stare in her gaze, which by the way flicked constantly from mine to Martin's crotch!

Suddenly, she jumped up and said, "I fancy a KFC, who's up for it?"

Geraint said he wouldn't mind and, while we don't often eat there, Martin and I said we would too. I was a little disappointed as this meant that I would have to get dressed I suppose, especially going with Sammie and Geraint – maybe I wouldn't have worried if it was just me and Martin going – it would certainly prove interesting and test my resolve not to dress if I don't have to.

"Hmmm, come on then" said Geraint.

"You got your wallet Geraint?" asked Sammie.

"No, but I will pick it while you Martin and Gina dress and we'll be ready to go." He stood up as he was answering her.

"But I'm not going to dress, I thought Gina and I could go in and get it while you and Martin watch over us from the car; only if it's not too busy though."

Geraint went white. There was a general silence for a few seconds and everyone stood stock still.

"When you suggested that, the thought that maybe Martin and I could try something like that on our own crossed my mind, but I didn't think you would be up for it – I mean, you've only been naked in company, and privately at that except for coming from your house to ours, for an hour; are you sure you want to try something like that so soon?" I asked.

Before she could answer, Geraint recovered and said, "Are you mad woman?"

For a moment he didn't say anything more expecting an answer from Sammie.

Martin just stood there smiling – now I knew he was up for it!

"Sammie," Geraint continued, "you can't possibly want to go out to town naked, can you? What about the police? Someone is bound to ring the law and get us all arrested!"

"Well, I don't mind much if they do. I just feel that I have to do something – this last hour or so seems to have opened my mind to something that must have been sitting there hiding, and now it's out in the open, no pun intended, I just feel that I have to test the waters so to speak to see what exactly has surfaced – come on Gina, don't you think it would be fun to try – Martin obviously thinks so!" responded Gina.

I looked at Martin and he still had a huge grin on his face. "Do I really need to ask what your thoughts on this matter are Martin?" He looked at me and I continued, "No, I can clearly see I don't!"

Geraint started pouring out a string of pertinent reasons why she (we) shouldn't do this.

Sammie let him continue and he eventually ran out of reasons, not receiving a response to those from anyone.

I must admit, I was worried by Geraint's reasoning, seeing them all as valid, but also wildly intrigued by the possibilities. My pussy was running with juices so much so that the top of my thighs were soaking wet, evidence of how turned on I was about it, along with my nipples being hard as rock and sticking out from my chest.

I don't know why, but I really wanted to do this – even though I had only been naked last night around the house, flashed to my workmates all day (and nobody complained) and then naked from leaving work tonight – I wasn't really any more engaged in this thing than Sammie, but I still wanted to go out full naked in public, despite acknowledging Geraint's reasoning.

Finally, outnumbered and admitting defeat, Geraint said he would come, but he wasn't getting out of the car.

Martin said, "I'll pay for this, Geraint won't have to go home for his wallet then. I'll get mine now when I go to dress. Geraint, since you haven't drunk as much as the rest of us, are you OK to drive?"

Geraint put his head in his hands and I thought he was going to sob. However, he just said, "OK, OK – I know when I'm beaten – but be warned all of you – I'm not going to be taking any responsibility for what happens – it's all down to you guys!"

"Ohhh, Martin; you're not going to dress are you?" I said, mockingly.

"Yes I bloody well am – I can't afford to get sacked by being pinched even if you two nutters can – so don't try to talk me out of it. Maybe, and only maybe, if this goes OK I may accompany you some time in the future – but not now so don't even think of arguing with me on this one. Someone has to be responsible here!"

I laughed as he made his way up the stairs to dress.

As we waited, I said I would just pop upstairs to clean myself up a little and wiped up the pussy juices running down my thighs to show them what I meant.

"Wait for me Gina, I could do with a wipe down too!" said Sammie.

We cleaned up and got a couple of towels out of the cupboard to put on the car seats, otherwise they would end up stained and soaking. Martin came downstairs just behind us so I opened the door and, stepped out followed by Sammie.

"Come on then you two – we're starving here!" I called.

I assumed that we would be travelling in Geraint's car, as he was driving, so I walked across the grass and stood next to the back door of his car, waiting for the others.

It is about 9:30 now and the last of the days light is still clinging onto the sky.

Me and Sammie were still quite visible in the fading light, but it wasn't too noticeable I suppose because the street lamps hadn't come on yet. All the same, a car came down the street and noticeably slowed as it passed.

I couldn't see who was in it, but they had obviously seen Sammie and I by the car.

"Well, I guess you know you've been seen naked in the street now Sammie, don't you?" I asked.

She shivered and leant on the car. I thought she was going to orgasm there in the street, but she held it together and eventually said, "Yes, and boy did it get my juices going. I nearly came then. What have you turned me into Gina?"

I laughed again and replied with a grin, "I suspect nothing that wasn't there before, however latent it was. And, I guess I know what you are talking about – I have been on the edge of orgasm since I left the house for work this morning. Martin is going to get a hammering later, I can promise you that."

I didn't get much of a chance to say any more about that as Martin and Geraint came out of our door and, locking it behind them, walked across the grass to the car.

Geraint clicked the locks and I opened the car door and put the towel I'd brought onto the seat before getting in, closely followed by Sammie. The boys sat in the front.

It was a 15 minute drive to KFC, by which time the last of the day's light had retreated leaving us in darkness, except for street lights and then the lighting around the KFC restaurant, which was plain white, unlike the street lighting which, in these parts, still utilised the orangey sodium bulbs. This meant that, on the drive and with us naked girls riding in the back, no-one saw us. It would be a different matter in just a few seconds though.

Geraint parked the car facing the floor to ceiling windows of the restaurant and Sammie and I both moved over to press our heads together to get a good look out the front window so that we could see how many people were in there.

There was a young couple, early twenty's I suppose, arm in arm at the counter perusing the menu before making their choices, a table with 4 girls and two boys, all university kids by the look of them and a middle aged couple sitting at a table – along with the staff of course, most of whom were in their late teens.

Sammie said, "This looks just fine to me – no kids to worry about or interfere with my plan."

Geraint, with a faint tremble in his voice, asked, "What is it exactly that you planning to do?"

Sammie replied with, "Gina and I are going to go in there, order us all a meal and come back to the car to either take it home or eat here – your choice on the last one, OK?"

"Well, I'm not comfortable with this, but if your so determined to get arrested, you better get on and do it, hadn't you." said Geraint stuffily.

"Sounds a good plan to me." said Martin.

"Ready then Gina", Sammie asked.

I took a deep breath, summoned up some nerve from somewhere and said, "OK then, let's do it!" and opened the car door.

Sammie followed me out of my door and we started heading across the car park to the restaurant. Sammie squeezed my hand tightly and I could feel the excitement in her.

I, on the other hand, felt suddenly really calm and comfortable; I did feel sexy as hell but I wasn't frightened as one would expect to be. I just felt happy to be here in all my naked glory and horny as fuck to go with it.

A teenage expression, 'Lush', fitted quite perfectly. No embarrassment, no fear, no nerves.

To be honest, as we walked across the car park I wondered if there might be something wrong with me that these things were missing. It was sort of fleeting, and I put the thought out of my mind.

Just as we reached the door, Sammie said, "God Gina, I've never even thought of doing something like this before – I'm usually so uptight and conservative – but what you said when you saw me naked first of all did something to me that I don't understand, and to be honest it's making me feel so good that I don't want to understand it either, just take advantage of it. Thank you so much for this."

"Thank me later if we don't get ourselves arrested tonight." I said.

We were noticed by the group of university kids who just stared at us in disbelief, but didn't make any sort of ruckus, and then Sammie opened the door and walked in, hips swaying like a model (and she looked like one), head held high and proud.

We walked directly over to the counter and just stood for a moment considering the menu.

While we did, the middle aged man said loud enough for everyone to hear, but not shouted out, 'Bloody Hell, Ros, look at that! There are two stark naked girls in here."

His wife, I presumed her to be, looked around and her jaw dropped open and eyes widened in disbelief.

One of the University girls said "Hey, that's way cool girls – do you come here often like that?"

I replied "Well thanks, but no, this is our first time dressed like this – hopefully it won't be our last though." I said with a wicked grin on my face.

She replied, "When you comin' again, I'd love to get my boyfriend here to watch too."

'Don't know", I said, "But keep an eye open for us in the future, yeah?"

"Sure will girl – that's awesome."

The others were watching us intently but didn't say anything. The couple in front of us turned around looked at us, the girl gave her man an dig in the ribs for the look on his face and dragged him away out the door. Guess they never did get their meal!

"What about we get the chicken dinner for four with cokes then?" I asked.

"Yeah, OK then. Listen, how about I order that and you go get the boys, d'you fancy eating it here, no-one seems to mind us being here at the minute, and I want more!"

I thought about this for a few seconds, and she was right.

Nobody had made a fuss, and the guy serving was just staring and grinning lustfully at us, so I didn't figure he would be a problem.

Given my not understandable level of comfort and lack of fear (why?) I said, "OK, I'll go get them – you order – here, take Martin's wallet."

I turned and walked out the door and across the car park. I felt like I was walking on air!

I walked up to the passenger side where Martin was and said through the now open window, "Come on then boys, Sammie has decided that we are eating here, so get your skates on and get in here."

Martin immediately started winding up the window and Geraint groaned and put his head in his hands again, shaking it back and forth as he did.

In resignation of his wife's determination in this, he just got out, locked up the car and followed me back across the car park. I showed off with a little shimmy and dance as I did.

Martin had a smile from ear to ear and even Geraint managed a grin.

By the time we got there, Sammie had our meal and had taken a seat at a table between the university kids and the middle aged couple.

As we ate, we were berated with questions from all sides, the middle aged woman continued to look pretty uncomfortable, but didn't complain. Maybe it was the acceptance of us by so many others that shut her up – on the other hand, maybe she wanted to join in too but was too scared? Yeah, I'll bet – not!

I was about finished with my meal and desperately needed a clean up, I was sticking to the chair!

I had a napkin spare and as I stood up to go to the toilet, I gave my pussy a quick wipe, trying not to be conspicuous about it.

"Just going for a pee, won't be a minute." I whispered to Martin and walked across the restaurant to the toilets.

I did what I had to do and when I came out the cubicle, one of the Uni girls was in there too.

"'Scuse me" she said, "Can you tell my why you and your friend are naked? I'm not causing trouble; honest, I'm just intrigued!"

I spent a few minutes explaining how it had all come about and how Sammie had joined in and then sort of taken the lead and dragged us all out here tonight.

I also said how surprised Sammie and I had been to find that it was much easier than we thought it would be and that now, apart from feeling constantly horny, I was quite comfortable with it.

"I don't think either of us could have done it without the support of our husband's though. They've been great. My friends' husband is a bit shell shocked at the minute, but Martin, my husband, is loving it. And I am reaping the rewards!"

She giggled and said, "Well, I think it's cool – maybe I'll see if my boyfriend would like it and try it at our digs if he does - who knows what will happen after that."

She turned to walk away and then added, "We'll all be back here Friday, if you fancy another naked night out, I'd love to see you do it again, could we?"

I laughed and said, "I'll see what I can do then – maybe see you Friday."

We walked out giggling together and went back to our respective tables.

The others had finished so I said, "All fit then, let's go home, yes?"

All agreed and they got up and we walked out, Sammie turning back to the counter and finger waved at the boy behind it, saying "Thanks for having us."

We got back in the car and Sammie sat in front with Geraint, which left Martin and me in the back.

Before we were out of the car park, Martin was all over me, kissing me, stroking my breasts and cupping my soaking wet pussy with his other hand. I noticed Geraint having to drive one-handed as Sammie had arrested his left hand and had it firmly planted in her lap, she was sitting with her head back and groaning.

It took Sammie about a minute to orgasm, and she made a hell of a noise about it too, and shortly after so did I!

Before we got home, I had the opportunity to take Martin's prick out of his trousers and made him come with my mouth, swallowing straight down all that he could produce.

Geraint eventually pulled up on his drive and we said our goodnights, saying we would catch up with each other tomorrow, and Martin and I walked arm in arm down his drive, along the footpath in front of our houses and up our own path to our front door.

The stairs took a pounding for the second time that day before we had a coffee before going to bed.

I didn't finally get to sleep until about 12:30 that night, by which time the bed was feeling decidedly wet and we were both, literally, shagged out.

What a day.

Last thought in my head before finally going to sleep was, 'I hope this continues – I love being naked, and especially in public. I hope Martin can keep (it) up!'

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Janice1939Janice1939almost 12 years ago
A pity that it is only a story.

Since we all part of the animal kingdom, its a pity that it is only a story. Told well! Personally I only have to dress for the cold while its winter on this side of the globe. For the last 30 years we have lived as nudists and often complained when it was necessary to dress to do some shopping.

An absolutely fabulous story make it real girl its the only way to live.

Love Janice

abc101abc101almost 12 years ago
great story

please write more

whispereyeswhispereyesalmost 12 years ago

Love the story. Can't wait to see what happens the rest of the week. Story does not seem to long. Just explains what happens through the day.

osamelyhrebicekosamelyhrebicekalmost 12 years ago
Very nice

Very nice story, maybe somehow long. I think story might level up a little slower, I can't wait until next day of their lives. However as they are already quite comfortable, I wonder what will happen until friday.

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