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Neighbors Ch. 18

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Chris's first day in his new cage.
7.1k words

Part 18 of the 30 part series

Updated 05/02/2024
Created 05/07/2021
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****This is the 18th chapter in my story Neighbors, which includes financial domination, chastity, humiliation, femdom, and other things. If that doesn't interest you, please find a different story. I apologize for the long delay before uploading this chapter. I'll work hard to post future chapters at least every other week****

The ride back to my office was a bit of a blur. I tried to process the events of the last hour - meeting Gwen and Erika, being exposed to them, the piercing, and of course the new chastity device that was now even more securely locked than the previous cage. At least the new device lacked the cruel spikes that had made my life hell for the past few weeks as I was constantly teased by both Amber and Sarah.

Amber was grinning like a cheshire cat during the whole drive, and cranked up some dance music on the BMW's powerful stereo system. Her long brown hair was blowing across her face and out the driver's side window, and I was struck again by her incredible beauty, which was accentuated by her confident and carefree attitude.

She looked over at me and surprised me by affectionately patting my thigh.

"You did really well there, bank. I'm proud of you."

I flushed with the unaccustomed praise from my usually demanding neighbor.

"Uh...thanks? I guess I'm...well...I'm sorry I wasn't able to stay...I mean I'm sorry I got excited" I managed to stammer.

Amber laughed and flicked her hand as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Ah well it was probably inevitable, really, after three weeks locked up. Besides, you paid a steep price for your little...erection."

I blushed. It HAD cost me dearly, in the form of two five hundred dollar tips, one to Gwen and one to Erika.

"Anyways, I don't have anything going on tonight. Why don't you come over this evening and we can just hang out - maybe find a trashy movie or something to watch?"

I gulped. I couldn't believe my luck.

"YES! I mean...yes, miss. That would be amazing" I said, getting my voice under control.

Amber laughed again.

"What's your schedule today? Can we say around six or seven? You can bring me a nice bottle of wine and cook me some dinner and then we can find a movie."

Shit. I groaned. I ran through all the things I had to do today and just didn't see a way to make it work out.

"Ah...I'm not sure if I can be available by six, Miss."

Amber pouted prettily as she took a sharp left turn.

"Why? What do you have that's more important than hanging out with me?"

"Nothing!" I said quickly, rubbing my sweaty palms on my pants. "I mean..." I felt myself flush at what I was about to say. Amber glanced over at me inquisitively.

"I'm supposed to wash Justin's car today."

There was a few seconds of total silence in the car before Amber burst out laughing.

"What. The. Fuck!" She shouted, barely getting the words out around her laughter.

I knew that my face was bright red. It was humiliating - admitting that I had to wash Amber's current boyfriend's car.

"He...well..." I was having trouble explaining it. "I promised him last night, at your place. Before he got in the shower with you."

I shuddered as I remembered how he had locked me outside naked.

Amber finally controlled her laughter.

"Well, if you promised him you'd wash his car I guess you'd better wash his car. What else do you have to do?"

I quickly went through my schedule.

"I have a work meeting at four - should just take a few minutes- and of course I have to do my run for Sarah."

Amber shook her head ruefully.

"I suppose between Sarah and I we are working you pretty hard, aren't we?"

"Yes Miss. But it's ok."

She glanced over at me.

"You're sure? Still okay with everything I'm...what we're both...doing to you?"

I was touched again that she was being so considerate. I appreciated that she was checking in after all that she had done already to make sure I was fine with our...unusual arrangement.

"Yes Miss. Thank you for asking. I'm...more than ok with it."

I realized it was true. The last few weeks had been exceedingly difficult, frustrating and often painful. But I was also having experiences I never would have dreamed of in my normal "vanilla" and, I had to admit, boring life. I turned to face her more directly.

"Thank you, Miss. I mean it. Thank you for agreeing to be my...owner." I felt a flush as I said those words. "I want to be the best bank I can be for you."

She smiled and reached over to run her fingers through my hair possessively.

"A..that's so sweet of you. I want you to be the best bank you can be too."

I suppressed a shudder of pleasure at her touch.

"I'll...try to get all the things done quickly so I can cook you dinner and watch a movie with you, Miss." I glanced at the clock in the exquisite BMW dashboard. Only half past one.

"I'll ask if now is a convenient time to wash Justin's car, and then I can run right after my meeting, shower and be at your place by six, ok?"

Amber grinned, still playing with my hair as she drove. I felt my cock stirring in it's new cage, despite it's recent traumatic experience at Erika's.

"Good bank. And don't forget to pick up something to make me for dinner."

"Yes Miss, of course" I said just as Amber pulled up to a street parking spot right in front of my office.

I got out quickly and winced as a small ache came from my groin. Amber's touch had caused my cock to try to swell, testing the strength of the new device. I held my hands in front of my crotch self-consciously, worried that the blood flowing to that area might cause a small tent in my pants. Amber looked down at my waist and smirked before waving and pulling out in traffic, cranking up the volume even more as she drove off.

I pulled out my cell.

*Sir, is now a convenient time for me to come by to clean your car?*

I felt a fresh wave of humiliation at having to send this text. Amber had been clear that I was to address the college student as "sir".

*LOL haha I had forgotten about that. Sure come on by. I'm just hanging."

With another quick glance at the time, I jogged to my car and started the engine.

Thinking quickly, I stopped at a gas station to pick up some supplies. I doubted that people living in student housing would be likely to have a bucket and sponges and wipes to clean a car. A few minutes later I pulled up to the nondescript building that Justin shared with several other roommates. Justin's Honda was sitting in the driveway. From the street I heard the sounds of gaming accompanied by shouts and laughter from the apartment. Gathering my courage, I knocked on the door.

"Enter!" came the immediate shout from inside. I opened the door.

Just like last time I was here, Justin was stretched out on a couch in a long sleeve shirt and sweat pants surrounded by three other guys in lounge chairs, all engrossed in a video game on their big screen TV. There were two women here as well, sitting on another couch staring at their phones. They all looked to be in their early twenties.

"Uh...I'm here to..." my voice caught in my throat. All of the students simultaneously turned to look at me, curious. I noticed the two women glance at each other and smirk.

I coughed.

"Uh, Justin..." I stopped when Justin's eyebrows raised in a challenging manner.

"Uh...sir..." I continued. I winced as he saw the girls look at each other again and try to hide giggles behind their hands.

"I'm here to wash your car...sir" I managed to finish.

The male roommates just sat with their mouths hanging open. Justin sat back and grinned. Finally one of the roommates burst out laughing. I felt my face turn red. It seems like everything I did these days was humiliating in some way.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" Justin said, smirking at his friends. "Get to it!"

Grateful at being dismissed, I turned.

"Wait!" One of the girls - a pretty blond with sweat pants and a tight tank top - shouted.

"Why the fuck are you showing up out of the blue to wash Justin's car?"

The roommates all nodded and murmured to themselves, clearly curious.

I had dreaded this. I tried to rack my brains for a reasonable answer, panicking slightly under pressure.

"I..I lost a bet. Didn't I, Justin? Ah, sir?"

Justin sat back and crossed his arms, clearly enjoying my discomfort, as well as the astonishment of his friends.

"Yep" he said, slowly. "Why don't you tell them about the bet?"

My heart sank. I tried to think fast.

"Is it about that chick you've been seeing? Amber?" One of his roommates prompted. It made sense - the last time I showed up here I was bearing a message - and a pair of panties - from Amber. One of the girls - a brunette with a cute upturned nose - shot a jealous glare at Justin.

"Yeah" Justin said quickly. "It was about Amber, wasn't it?"

Shit. I was getting flustered with six pairs of eyes focused on me.

"Chris here bet that I wasn't the best lay Amber's ever had. Of course, he lost" Justin ejected into the silence.

The room immediately exploded with laughter from the guys, and a snicker from the blonde woman. The brunette directed a hateful glare at me.

I nodded, embarrassed but grateful to not have to come up with some sort of fake bet.

One of the roommates reached over and high-fived Justin. Another one shot an appraising look at me before flicking to the dirty kitchen to my left.

"Any chance that losing that bet also meant you'll do our dishes?"

The guys all laughed again. Justin cleared his throat.

"Actually, yeah - that was part of the bet too, wasn't it Chris?"

I groaned as I glanced over at the huge pile of dirty dishes in the kitchenette sink. Typical college guys.

"Yes sir. I'd be happy to wash the dishes when I finish your car."

Justin reached into his pocket and tossed me a set of car keys.

The room erupted in cheers and laughter again, and I took the opportunity to slink out of the apartment.

It seems like I had a fair amount of experience lately in washing and cleaning cars. Just a few days ago I had thoroughly cleaned and detailed Amber and Sarah's cars. Justin's car wasn't in bad shape - it only took a few minutes to clean out the interior and I quickly got to work with a large sponge and some soapy water to scrub the outside of the car. After a quick dry with a microfiber towel, I made his way inside and started on the dishes. I suffered through a few jokes from the roommates as I methodically scrubbed and dried the dishes. One of the guys sarcastically apologized that they didn't have a cute apron for me to wear. That started an argument between that guy and the blond woman, who told him that men could do dishes just as well as women.

I glanced up as the cute brunette girl walked into the kitchen. She had a large Starbucks cup filled with some sort of iced sweet drink she was sucking through a thick plastic straw. She stood there and watched me clean for a minute.

"So you know this Amber chick?"

I nodded.

"Yes ma'am." I wondered why I called her that - it just felt appropriate since I was basically here as a servant, cleaning Justin's car and doing dishes for all of his roommates. I dried a plate and carefully stacked it with the other dry dishes to the right of the sink. The roar of sound from the video game and the guys' shouting and the playful argument covered the clink of dishes as well as their conversation.

"Is she as hot as Justin and his friends say?"

I slowed, not sure where this was going. She clearly had a crush on Justin and seemed angry at me for some reason. I turned, wiping my damp hands on a dish towel.

"Amber is very beautiful, ma'am" I said politely, figuring my best play here was to be honest but to try not to antagonize this seemingly unpredictable college student.

She glared at me for a few seconds. I felt myself sweating slightly.

"Is she hotter than me?"

I paused, not sure what to say. I furrowed my brow and thought furiously.

The girl's glare turned into a murderous stare as I hesitated. She held up her Starbucks cup and deliberately let it fall to the ground. The flimsy plastic top immediately bounced off and creamy liquid splashed all over the floor and cabinets in the small kitchen.

"Oh, I'm sorry" the girl said in a sarcastic tone. "I guess you'll have to clean that up as well." She turned and stormed off, opening and slamming the door to the apartment behind her as she left. With a sigh, I got down on my knees and started to clean up her mess.

It took a while to get the sticky sweet coffee drink off the floor, and I was scrubbing the base boards under the lower cabinets when I heard someone step into the kitchen. I turned, and found myself staring directly at Justin's crotch. I glanced up and saw him looking down at me. I wasn't gay, but I was very aware of how handsome his face was, with his square jaw and piercing eyes. I knew his loose long sleeve t shirt covered muscular arms and abs. I realized he had a slightly concerned look.

"Hey Chris...you ok?"

I looked up at him, bewildered. I definitely didn't dislike the guy - I mean, other than the fact that he was fucking the girl of my dreams and she constantly rubbed my face in that fact. But he hadn't exactly been kind to me before.

"I mean..." he paused, searching for the right words. "I'm sorry about...embarrassing you like that. And last night - I shouldn't have locked you outside naked. It's just...when you showed up today and all my bros were around...well it just seemed like the thing to do to humiliate you and make myself look good in front of my friends. And when I'm around Amber I sort of feel the same - like it's just easy to mock you to look good in front of her too."

I cocked my head, taking this in. This was definitely a different side of Justin.

"Sir, thank you...I really appreciate it." I said, genuinely touched. I thought for a second. "But..." I trailed off, unsure what to say.

"But what?" he said, still looking down at me.

"Well sir...you're a college student, probably what - ten years younger than me? And I'm actually pretty successful. Not sure if you know but I run a lucrative business."

Justin grinned. There was a trace of that cocky person I had known up to this point in that smile.

"I know...Amber told me. Probably while I was at her house fucking her brains out."

I winced. Justin held up his hands.

"See? It just comes out of me - you make it too easy" he said with a chuckle.

"It's ok" I said. I noticed how his crotch was still right in front of my face. If I backed up at all I'd hit the cabinet behind me, and if Justin took a step back he'd be in the short hallway. I could clearly see the outline of his cock through the fabric of his grey sweatpants - a cylindrical bulge leading down his left leg. Even soft he was clearly larger than me when I was fully erect. Which was impossible now of course due to the steel prison my dick was locked in. I swallowed and looked up at him again.

"But...despite the...differences in age and the money I make and all that..." I gulped again as he looked at me, waiting for me to continue. "It seems...appropriate for you to make fun of me. Be my boss, I guess. My superior."

I felt my face burn with shame as I said those words, but I meant them. Kneeling before him just felt...right.

He laughed softly.

"Because I'm fucking Amber and you're just her servant, or whatever?"

I winced again.

"Yes..." I whispered. My cheeks felt hot.

"And because of something else, too?" He continued.

I glanced reflexively back down at his crotch for a split second. He was smiling broadly when I looked back up.

"It's ok. You can tell me. It's because of this, isn't it?"

I stared as he slowly slid his hand over his front, grabbing his cock through his pants right in front of me. I saw the massive bulge began to shift and grow. He continued to rub it slowly.

"Isn't it, Chris?"

My lips were suddenly dry. I licked them before I answered in a cracked voice.

"Yes sir."

"yes sir what?" he prompted.

My eyes seemed glued to the shape of the huge shaft directly in front of me.


"I'm your superior because of what I have in my pants, isn't that right?"

I nodded. I couldn't look away.

"Yes sir. You're my superior because of what you have in your pants. Because of your cock."

I heard him chuckle.

"Especially compared to that little thing you have, isn't that right?"

I groaned. He was absolutely right. The answer was literally right in front of my face. Amber had proudly shown me his fully erect cock, and I knew it was at least twice the size of my own. I knew I was small and my few fumbling attempts at sex had gone disastrously. I was clearly in a different category sexually from Justin.

"Yes sir. You're right. You're much bigger and better than I am."

I heard the grin in his voice.

"That's right. So I guess I don't need to worry about embarrassing you or humiliating you in front of my friends, do I?"

I could see the ridge forming the head of his dick pressed against the fabric. It was at least six or seven inches down his left leg.

"No sir."

"I think I see why Amber does this to you all the time. It helps you remember your place."

It was like I was in a trance, watching him slowly stroke himself. What was wrong with me? I wasn't gay but I felt hypnotized.

"Yes sir. It helps me remember my place."

"Do you want to see it?" He asked.

I looked up, shocked. He was serious. I instantly felt a mixture of doubt and excitement. I knew that, deep down, I wanted to see what was under his pants. In a twisted way, I realized I wanted to see again why Amber slept with him and not me. I wanted to see it so I could better imagine Amber's mouth and hands on it. Amber and Sarah had teased me mercilessly for weeks now, but didn't allow me to see them naked or even in underwear or revealing clothing. Amber was particularly careful to not let me look up her dress when I was rubbing her feet. She had also forbidden me from looking at porn on my phone or computer. Perhaps it was the combination of her puritanical restrictions along with chastity that had made me so desperate that I would beg to see a cock. Even a cock belonging to my nemesis.

I licked my lips again.

"Yes, sir. Please" I croaked. Incredibly, I felt my penis pulse in it's steel prison.

He laughed again, and glanced over the tall counter to make sure his roommates were still glued to their game. I was thankful that the din of their digital combat was covering up our conversation.

He slowly slid the waistband of his sweatpants down, hooking the top of his boxers with his thumb. His rock hard belly was exposed, and I could see a few strands of dark pubic hair. I stared, entranced again.

"But what do I get out of it?" He said, softly.

"Uh...I just washed your car. And did all of your roommate's dishes" I said. I felt the familiar ache from my dick as it tried to swell. The steel was as cruel and unyielding as ever. I never would have thought I would get excited by the prospect of seeing a cock. But it wasn't just any cock, I reminded myself. It was Justin's.

"True. Good point." he said, sliding his pants down another inch. I could see the base of his penis now. God- it was even bigger around than I remembered.

"So you'll do that again, whenever I want?"

I tore my eyes off his crotch to stare at him.

"What??" I said, louder than I wanted. Justin glanced at the living room again.

"I think you mean, what, Sir." He said, satisfied I hadn't aroused any suspicion.

I swallowed.

"Yes, sorry - what, Sir."

He chuckled.

"That's better. And I think I was perfectly clear."

Oh god.

I looked down again at the sliver of his cock I could see above his waistband. He waited. I felt my shoulders slump in defeat.

"Yes sir. I'll wash your car and do dishes whenever you ask."


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