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Netflix and Chill

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Karen is invited to a girls night.
7.5k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/07/2019
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Disclaimer: I do not own The Defenders, or anything to do with Marvel. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

Author's note: This fic takes place after Season 1 of The Defenders and contains a very minor spoiler, at least for that season.


Karen Page couldn't remember the last time she had female friends. Well, she could, but it felt like several lifetimes ago now. Even back then she preferred the company of men, and during most of her life her friends had been exclusively male, at least up until now. Hopefully that was about to change, because as much as she loved Foggy there were things she just wasn't comfortable discussing with him.

Although there was one thing she could only discuss with him, and Matt who was probably dead now, which was all things Daredevil. Thankfully she could discuss it with these women, as they were all in some way part of the vigilante team protecting New York that had been nicknamed The Defenders.

Most notably there was Jessica Jones, a private investigator with incredible super strength, and an intimidating attitude. Trish Walker, a radio host and former child star, who probably wouldn't be here if she wasn't Jessica's best friend, although Karen was very grateful she was as her presence seemed to soothe the super strong beast.

Then there was Misty Knight, a bad ass Detective with a robot arm and her best friend Colleen Wing, two women who weren't officially part of The Defenders, but they should have been, and Karen definitely wanted to get to know them better. Then there was a woman she knew the most, and ironically like her wouldn't be here it wasn't for her connection with other superheroes, that being Claire Temple.

As soon as she had arrived Claire had given her a big smile, a welcoming hug, and most importantly of all a beer which helped with Karen's nerves. Then after more greetings and small talk they settled down to watch Netflix, at which point Karen started noticing some strange behaviour.

For one thing the mighty Jessica Jones was sitting on her best friend's lap because allegedly there wasn't enough space, but there was another chair no one was sitting on. Almost as weirdly Colleen was sat in between Misty's legs, and about five minutes into the movie Misty started playing with her hair, which made Colleen preen happily. And Claire seemed to be watching her more than the movie, which suddenly made the couch feel very cramped.

So Karen finished her beer and made her excuses, "I'm going to get another drink. Anyone want anything."

There was a chorus of 'nos' and then Karen jumped up and headed for the kitchen. Once there she leaned against the nearest wall, took a deep sigh, and looked back into the room. Then she felt stupid. Everything seemed normal, and if anything she was the one being weird. She needed to turn her reporter brain off and stop seeing things that weren't there and just concentrate on having fun.

Nevertheless she finished the beer on her own in the kitchen, which of course prompted her thoughtful friend Clare to come check on her, making Karen feel really embarrassed about her behaviour. Although then she found out something which would change her life, or at least the rest of the night, dramatically.

"Hey, are you okay?" Claire asked softly.

"I'm fine." Karen lied, and when Claire gave a look like she knew it the reporter defensively asked, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, it's always weird being the fifth wheel." Claire pointed out, "But hopefully it'll be easier now we have each other."

"What do you mean?" Karen frowned.

For a few long seconds Claire just stared at her, before smiling, "Take a look in there. Tell me what you see."

Karen frowned, but did as she was told, "Erm, four women watching Netflix?"

"Yes." Claire nodded her head, "And?"

Another few long seconds pause, and then Karen shrugged, "Nothing."

"No, not nothing." Claire leaned in and whispered conspiratorially, "Four women, two couples."

Yet another long seconds pause, and then Karen looked at her friend wide eyed and said, "Oh my God, I'm so dumb."

"You're not dumb." Claire chuckled.

"I am!" Karen insisted, "I'm supposed to be a reporter! Oh my God!"

"Hey, you at least half expected something, right? Jessica is in Trish's lap when she doesn't have to be, for God sakes. You must have noticed that." Claire attempted to soothe.

"Yeah, but... I still didn't figure it out." Karen grumbled.

"I'm sure you would have done eventually." Claire reassured, before smiling, "Although I kind of wish I hadn't said something now, just to see how long it took you."

"Clearly not quickly enough." Karen whined, before frowning, "Wait, they were together before, weren't they?"

"Jessica and Trish were. They're just incredibly good at hiding it, at least in public." Claire explained, "Apparently they've been on and off since they were like 15, but had been off since that whole mess with the mind control guy started, and now he's finally dead Jessica trusts herself enough to be with Trish again."

"And the other two?" Karen asked out of curiosity.

"Oh, that's all thanks to me." Claire grinned proudly, "See, I hooked up with Misty, and then Colleen, and then spent like more than a minute with them so I knew they had feelings for each other. They just needed a little push in the right direction, so one threesome later, there we are."

"One threesome with who?" Karen asked without thinking, before blushing, "Oh."

"Well, it wasn't just the one." Claire admitted with another wide grin, "One definitely did the trick, but they were so grateful they invited me back a few times. We're not dating... but, every so often, we have a night like this."

"A night like this?" Karen parroted, becoming pale.

Claire nodded, "You know, to Netflix and Chill?"

"Oh..." Karen blushed.

"But only if that's something you're interested in." Claire added quickly, "We're happy just to drink a few beers and hang out for a while, and save the sex for after you've gone. Well, Jessica will probably whine and complain, but don't worry, we can handle her."

There was a long pause, then Karen asked, "What, what makes you think I'd be interested in that?"

"I don't know..." Claire sighed, "I just get the right kind of vibe from you, sometimes. Other times? I'm not sure, but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask, right?"

Another long pause, then Karen blushed, "Well, I'm flattered, but... I, I've never..."

"Never? Really?" Claire questioned, and then when Karen just nodded she reassured her, "Well of course you don't have to do anything you don't want to do, but... just think about it? Okay?"

"Okay." Karen promised, quickly finishing the beer she'd grabbed and then taking several more as she was confident that she wouldn't be able to think of anything else for the rest of the night.

Not that she was given a chance to do it, because as soon as they walked back into the living room Jessica blurted out, "So, is she in?"

"She just needs to think about it." Claire reassured.

"Well do yourself a favour honey, and think fast, because the answer should be simple."Jessica grinned wickedly, before looking at Trish, "It was for us."

"Jessica, honey, don't pressure her." Trish scolded her girlfriend, before turning to Karen, "Seriously, no pressure."

"Right." Karen grumbled, before asking out of curiosity, "So, how exactly did you guys get involved with this?"

"We were asked." Jessica grinned.

"It wasn't quite that simple." Trish protested, and then when everyone else was giving her a look she pushed, "What? It wasn't! We'd just got back together, and we weren't sure this was right for us."

"You weren't sure." Jessica corrected her.

"But we talked about it..." Trish continued.

"I talked you into it." Jessica butted in.

"And we've never been happier." Trish finished.

"Wow..." Karen mumbled.

"I already told her the rest." Claire told her friends, who nodded.

There was yet another long pause in which Karen just stood there awkwardly, making everybody else worried she was going to freak out, so Jessica tried something risky, "Do you wanna see us making out?"

Another pause, this one brief, and then Claire blushed and nodded, "Okay."

Which of course was all it took for Jessica Jones to turn to Trish Walker, grab her face and slam their lips together in a bruising kiss. Misty and Colleen were more reserved, but they fell into a fierce kiss of their own while Claire just continued looking at Karen nervously. Which Karen actually found sweet as it proved she had at least one female friend worried about how she was feeling.

Well, either that or Claire was just worried about scaring her off before she had the chance to fuck her. Honestly it was likely a bit of both, which Karen couldn't exactly blame her for. She would probably be doing something similar if the roles were reversed. Which didn't make this any less nerve wracking, but still.

This wasn't exactly a first for Karen. She had been to plenty of bars where drunken girls had attempted to make out with each other as a weird way of attracting men. Hell, she had even been one of those girls. But this was different. Now she was the man, and instead of just being the target of one of these ladies all of them wanted her, which was as flattering as it was scary.

Although perhaps it was more the latter, as Karen was feeling very scared right now. Although that was mostly because of what was happening to her body as a result of what she was watching, instead of what she was watching, somehow while she had never really paid attention to the girl on girl kissing before now she couldn't look away from it, and surprisingly it was having quite the effect on her.

It just looked so... beautiful, and the women were just so into each other. In a way it made Karen feel like she was intruding on a private moment, and yet she wasn't, because she had literally been invited to be there to watch, which was bizarrely thrilling. The only downside to it was that poor Claire was completely left out, becoming an unnecessary third wheel, or in this case fifth wheel, to the proceedings.

Of course, Karen could change that, if she was just brave enough to offer, but it took a while, and a lot of beer, to offer up the nerve to ask. That, and again she was just so lost in the sight of two pairs of amazing women, including at least one superhero, making out in front of her.

Finally though Karen walked over to Claire and timidly asked her, "Can I... I mean, can we... erm..."

"Absolutely." Claire grinned and pulled Karen down into her arms.

At first when she was grabbed Karen tensed up and prepared to argue, but then she remembered that Jessica was right, and she should embrace this unusual offer and just see where it went, because it wasn't the kind of offer she got every day. Besides, watching the kissing had done wonders to calm her nerves and replace them with almost overwhelming desire.

Of course when she found herself being pulled into Claire's arms her nervousness quickly returned and she almost protested, until their lips came together and she found herself relaxing again. Because God, Claire was so good at this. Ridiculously good, to the point where Claire found herself melting into a kiss in record time.

That kiss seemed to last an eternity, and when it was broken Karen suddenly realised she wasn't sitting on Claire's lap any more. No, somehow the positions had been reversed without her even noticing, and that was far from the only change, as while Claire moved down to gently kiss Karen's neck the blonde reporter became intensely aware of the rest of the women staring at her intensely.

It made her whimper with nervousness, which Claire took as an invitation to kiss her again, which was a wonderful way to distract her, even if it took a few long seconds again for Karen to get back into it. Then the pattern repeated until Karen seemed at ease with her audience, who very much wanted to be more than an audience.

"Do you want us to leave?" Trish suddenly spoke up, her words deafening in the mostly silent room.

Karen gulped, thought about it for a few long seconds, then hesitantly answered, "No."

This caused the other women to smile, Jessica even chuckling and looking like she was going to say something, before Trish cut her off with another question, "Do you know who I am?"

Awkwardly nodding Karen hesitantly replied, "Yes, I... I love your show."

"Thank you." Trish smiled softly.

"Your radio show! Not..." Karen tried to correct herself, before admitting, "Well, actually your old show too, but I know you hate it when people talk about that. But seriously, I listen to Trish talk all the time. Cl, Claire will tell you."

"I'm sure she will." Trish said, eyeing the woman currently worshipping Karen's neck, "But I'm also sure she'll tell you, people knowing about me and Jessica would be one thing. It's a poorly kept secret, which everybody knows, or at least suspects already. But this, well..."

"I won't say anything. I promise Ms Walker." Karen quickly promised.

"Thank you." Trish smiled again, briefly hesitating before moving closer and confessing, "Can I tell you a secret, Karen? Something else you have to promise not to repeat?"

"Yes." Karen replied hoarsely, then letting out a soft moan as Claire's teeth grazed her neck.

"My life would have been a whole lot better if I just been able to admit to myself that I like pretty girls, like you, more than any guy I forced myself to kiss." Trish admitted softly, "That the things I used to do with Jessica weren't just practice for the real thing. That it was the realist thing I ever felt, and I never wanted it to stop. Especially the kissing. Mmmmm, and kissing Jessica is wonderful. It's what I've always wanted from her, and she's so good at it, and we finally both admit that it means something. But we also really, really like kissing pretty girls like you, because it took us both so long to admit that's what we wanted to do. Which is why we are constantly kissing pretty girls now. Like Claire, and Colleen, and Misty, and it's why we'd like to kiss you now. So, can we? Please Karen, can I kiss you?"

There was a brief silence and then Karen nodded, even managing to squeeze out a soft, "Yes."

Which of course caused Trish to smile softly, leaning in and press her lips against Karen's. Patsy lean forward and kissed her! Patsy kissed her! And okay, this wasn't the character she had watched growing up, just the actress who played her, but it was still a total head rush and Karen was struggling not to freak out.

Which was extra hard, considering one woman was kissing her neck and the other kissing her lips at the exact same time her childhood girl crush was kissing her, because they were all doing it at the same time. Which might actually explain why this was happening to her, as Karen suddenly vaguely remembered admitting to Claire after a few drinks she'd had a childhood crush on Patsy. Yes, she had mostly dismissed it as hero worship, but now she wasn't so sure.

Her so-called friend was definitely using that information against her now, although Karen couldn't really complain when it felt this good, and she was getting to fulfil a certain fantasy in the process. Before she could get over that Karen found herself fulfilling another fantasy as the moment her kiss was done with Patsy her incredibly soft lips were replaced by another pair of lips which were almost as soft, yet tasted somehow more of alcohol than Karen did.

Which was because Jessica Jones was kissing her. THE Jessica Jones! Official member of The Defenders, and a total bad ass. And so, so freaking hot. And an amazing kisser. And just... fuck! How was this her life right now?

Instead of getting an answer to that question Karen just received another pair of soft lips to her own, followed by another as Colleen and Misty took their turns, before once again Claire was kissing her. The process was then repeated over and over again, albeit with the two couples sometimes pairing off to kiss each other when given half a chance, and then later different combinations pairing up.

Hell, a few times Karen was just left to watch, too far gone to complain or even think about leaving, or even remembering why she would ever want too. At least until a hand slid underneath her shirt, causing her to tense up and realise hands had been roaming her body for quite some time now. It also of course caused the groping and kissing to stop in favour of thankfully the other women checking in with her.

"Can we?" Claire asked softly, and then when her friend didn't immediately reply she quickly backtracked, "We, we don't have too, of course. Like I said, you can just watch."

Karen gulped, then after a long pause softly admitted, "It's okay... I... I want this."

"Oh?" Claire grinned.

"But, you first." Karen quickly added, "All of you."

Which of course caused Jessica to smirk and quickly reply, "Works for me."

It pretty much only took a few seconds for Jessica Jones to strip off her clothing, obviously eager to get started with the real fun. Everyone else was a little more slow and sensual about it, especially Trish Walker and Claire Temple, the two women that Karen easily wanted the most. Karen then tried to follow their lead, although she was clearly nervous and unsure of herself, and it didn't help that the other women chuckled at this.

Then, realising their mistake, they sat back down around in front of her on the couch. Surrounding her. Which should have been scary, but again Karen found herself welcoming it, especially as it felt like seconds later her clothing was gone and lips were once again on hers.

Then lips were on her neck and lips, then neck, lips and breasts, then just... everywhere. Well, not quite literally, but it felt like it, as while Misty worked on her neck and Claire worked on her tits Jessica and Colleen were kissing her feet, and Trish was kissing her hand. Which should have been too much, far too much, especially at this early stage, but it wasn't. It was wonderful, and Karen couldn't get enough.

Especially of Claire's lips, which went back and forth between already hard nipples where she could take them into her mouth and swirl her tongue around them, flick them, and just suck them, all of which just made her crying out with pure joy.

Karen was used to men spending the very minimum amount of time on her tits before moving on to more fun things, but Claire seemed to linger there for an eternity, bringing her hands into the mix along the way before finally kissing her way down Karen's stomach. Then just as Karen thought she was going to get some relief Claire ignored her pussy in favour of kissing her way up to and down her thighs, making Karen squirm under the attention.

Especially as her childhood crush Trish Walker took this opportunity to go after her boobs. Which was a bit of a squeeze, and an awkward position, but Karen was grateful for it. Although she was also annoyed by it, because it was more of a tease, and that was the last thing Karen wanted more of right now.

Things got so bad Karen actually found herself whimpering, "Please, fuck me! I need to be fucked. Please... Claire, eat my fucking pussy! Oh fuck, oh fuck, ohhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkk!"

Which of course made Karen blush as she couldn't believe she was actually saying that to another woman, but before she even had time to really think about it she felt something finally touching her pussy. Something she recognised as a tongue, only this was a woman's tongue. Claire's tongue. Claire pressed her tongue to the bottom of Karen's pussy and slowly slid all the way up, before lingering on her clit.

Which was mentally overwhelming, but only added to the physical pleasure she received from that first lick, so as a result Karen cried out in pure pleasure. Which was then quickly followed by a whimper of need, because one lick just wasn't enough. Thankfully, it wasn't long before she was receiving more.

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