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New Girl in Town Pt. 15


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"Point Carter! Injury Timeout!" the line judge calls out.

With the whistle, the entire Wildcat team drops down beside Tabitha.

"Tabby... Tabby what hurts?" Tonya asks hurriedly.

"My... back!" Tabitha gasps out.

"Make a hole!" Jake says as he and Coach Morrison hurry across the court.

"It's her back!" Tonya tells them as Coach Morrison kneels beside her prone player.

"The spasms again, Tab?" Coach Morrison asks concerned.

Tabitha nods as tears streak down her cheeks.

"This has happened before?" Jake asks.

Coach Morrison nods. "We need to get her to the bench, get some water in her and ice on her back."

"Jake, get mom to look at her," Jessica tells him then rubs Tabitha's arm. "Mom will look it over okay, Tab?"

Tabitha nods and tries to push herself up but her back spasms again.

"Jake, grab an arm and I'll grab the other one." Coach Morrison tells him as she hooks her arm under one of Tabitha's. Jake takes the other and they slowly get Tabitha to her feet. Once they are all three standing the crowd themselves stand and begin to applaud.

"We'll take this slow as you like, Tabby," Jake tells her as he puts her arm across his shoulders.

"Thanks, Jake." She whispers to him.

They start over to the bench as the Wildcat and Hawk players join in the applause. Tonya steps over, tears on her own face, and hugs her sister.

"You'll be all right?" Tonya asks.

Tabitha manages a nod and a slight reassuring smile before the trio begins to walk towards the bench. When they get there Dr. Golden is already there waiting for them.

"Tabitha, where are you hurt?" She asks as Jake and Coach Morrison sit

Tabitha on the bench.

"Lower back." Tabitha answers then winces. "It's spasms."

"They've happened before?" Dr. Golden asks.

"They developed last year." Coach Morrison tells Dr. Golden then sends in Tabitha's back up so play can resume. "Tab, lie on your stomach and while Dr. Golden checks you out, I'll grab the ice packs."

"Take a few sips on this water first, Tabby," Jake says handing her a bottle.

She squeezes a mouthful in then hands it back to him.

"Thanks, Jake." She says.

"Let me help you lie down." He says grabbing a towel for her to lay her head on than helping her stretch out.

"I've got her from here, Jake." Dr. Golden tells him. "Be ready with those hands of yours. We may need them."


Coming out of the break the Wildcat team is rattled and Harris takes advantage, reeling off a run of five straight points to bring them within one of tying the game.

"Heads back in the game, guys," Jessica calls out before the Hawks get ready to serve.

"For Tabby," Caitlyn responds.

Harris serves the ball and Tonya plays it to Jessica.

"Set!" Jessica shouts as she bumps the ball up.

Kenyetta jumps up as a feint to draw a defender or two giving Caitlyn an opening. She smashes a spike towards the Hawks backcourt that lands between two diving defenders.

"That was for you, Tab!" Caitlyn yells towards the sidelines.

Tabitha gives her a thumbs up as Dr. Golden places the ice packs onto her back.

"These should start helping calm the muscles, Tabitha." Dr. Golden tells her.

"Thank you, Dr. Golden." Tabitha answers. "It's feeling better with me stretched out already."

"I'm not surprised. You were cramped on that bus for almost two hours. Since this is an ongoing problem, I suggest that you do some extra stretching before each game to loosen up." Dr. Golden tells her. "I'll sit down here with you in case they get worse."

Tabitha nods and Jake gets to his feet nodding towards where he was just sitting.

"Take my seat, ma'am. I'll try and distract, Tabby." He states moving to sit by her head.

"Jake, what..." She begins to ask as Jake takes one of her hands in his and starts to rub her palm with his fingers.

"Healing hands and all that." Jake chuckles.

"Oh my, these are nice." She sighs as she closes her eyes and sinks her head into the towel. "Jess is going to kill me."

"Highly doubtful." Jake laughs and nods towards the court.

Tabitha looks over and sees Jessica giving her two thumbs up before Kenyetta serves the ball into play.

"I love her, Jake. She is so sweet to us." Tabitha tells him.

"She is that." He agrees.

While Tabitha is tended to the Wildcats get back on track and dominate the rest of the second game.

"I'm feeling better." Tabitha states as the team hover over her between games.

"With Jake rubbing on you, of course, you do." Tonya teases her sister. "I was thinking of faking an injury to get the same treatment if I wasn't deathly afraid of Jess spiking a ball into my head."

"Sorry, Jess." Tabitha apologizes pulling her hand from Jake's rubbing fingers. "His touch really is nice."

"Don't wear him out, Tab," Jessica says. "I'll need his rubbing tonight when we get to my grandma's house."

"You may want to hold off on those, Jess." Dr. Golden tells her as she removes the ice packs from Tabitha's back. "Jake, warm your hands and place them where the ice packs were."

"Just hold them there or should I massage?" Jake asks.

"I swear I didn't ask for this, Jessica." Tabitha quickly says.

"Try a bit of light massage and we'll see how Tabitha reacts to it." Dr. Golden tells him.

"I know how I'd respond." Tonya sighs lustfully.

"Sissy, shush!" Tabitha hisses at her as Jake places his hands on her lower back after rubbing them together to generate heat on his palms.

He places his hands on her back and gently probes her tense muscles. Tabitha's lower body stiffens and a low moan escapes her lips before she cuts it off.

"So... sorry... Jess." She gasps as Jake works his magic on her.

"I know the feeling, Tab. It's fine." Jessica assures her. "Why do I need to hold off on Jake's massages at Grammy's house?"

"She knows about that weekend." Dr. Golden answers.

"She what?" Jake asks.

"Oh shit," Jessica says.

"Jessica!" Dr. Golden scolds her daughter.

"Sorry mom, but seriously... Oh shit." Jessica repeats.

Dr. Golden sighs and nods. "Oh shit, indeed."


The third set becomes the deciding one as the Wildcats continue to hammer Harris until Jessica slams down the match-clinching kill. The traveling Wildcat students erupt in raucous cheers lead by the cheerleaders and an enthusiastic Sarah who proudly yells out, "That's my sister!"

Jessica shakes her head and smiles hearing her, but then she takes a moment to glance at the area of the stands where the Paladin players are seated. Madison is doing her best to stare down her former teammate until Jessica is pulled into a team hug and out of her sight. Tabitha meets the team in the group hug and announces that she is feeling better.

"That's good because I've got a very sore feeling creeping in," Tonya says. "My butt needs some of Jake's healing touch, I think."

"Tonya!" Tabitha shouts.

"You are going to kill her after tomorrow's game right, Jessica?" Caitlyn giggles. "I mean it's not like you need her around after we win."

"Oh thanks a lot, Caitlyn." Tonya states.

"I'm not killing anyone after the game," Jessica announces but then her eyes drift towards Madison. She sees the back of her and some guy walking out arm in arm. "Okay, maybe one person but it's not going to be our horny little Tonya here. And no, Jake is not rubbing on your butt. Sore or otherwise."

"Come on, Jess." Tonya playfully pleads. "He rubbed on my sister for most of the last game!"

"It was all above my waist, Jess. I swear it!" Tabitha tells her.

"I know it was, Tabby. My mom was right there the whole time." Jessica laughs.

"That and Jake loves you." Kenyetta chimes in. "Let's get over there and let him start rubbing on you so you're ready for tomorrow's showdown with your old squad."

At the bench, Jess is hugged first by her mom, then a line of Misfits form behind her to give her more hugs.

"Jess sure is popular." Mrs. Keifer says to Mr. Golden. "Does she really know all of these kids?"

"Some she's very good friends with. Those at the front of that line are her best friends while the rest are, at the very least, acquaintances." He answers. "I've been told by her teachers that they see Jake and Jessica stopping to say hey to nearly everyone they come across walking the hallways at school. Everyone likes them."

The pair rises and joins the others in congratulating the team on its win.

"I was cheering really, really loud for you," Sarah tells Caitlyn after being picked up by her. "Did you hear me?"

"I sure did, Sar-bear. You were our MVP tonight!" Caitlyn tells her.

Sarah turns to her sister with a big smile on her face.

"I was the MVP." She says proudly then turns to Jake. "Jake, what's an MVP?"

"Most Valuable Peanut," Jake answers with a grin.

"I'm not a peanut!" Sarah argues. "I'm a Wildcat like my sissy! Rrrrah!"

"Watch it with those claws, Sarah." Mrs. Keifer tells her with a laugh.

"Grammy!" Jessica calls out excitedly then hugs her. "Oops, sorry. I'm a bit sweaty."

"Well, it didn't seem to bother your friends so I'm not about to let it bother me, little Jessica." Mrs. Keifer assures her as she pulls her into her arms again. "I have to get my hugs when I can now with you being so far away."

"I've missed you, Grammy," Jessica tells her.

"With all these friends, whenever did you find the time?" She asks with a laugh.

Jessica laughs with her and steps back. "I'll tell you all about that after I shower and we get to your house. Deal?"

"Deal." Mrs. Keifer agrees.

Jessica stops at Jake and smiles at him.

"Best for last?" She asks him with a smile.

"More like, I don't want your grandmother to kill me in my sleep." He tells her.

"Grammy's not like that, Jake. She's the kind that wants you to see it coming when she kills you." Jessica tells him.

"Not funny, Jess." He states.

"It's a little funny." She giggles before giving him a hug then a kiss that goes on until her Grammy clears her throat. "See you in a few, sweetie."

"If I live that long."


"Dude, your phone is blowing up!" Antoine says to Ray as the pair are seated at their lockers, getting out of their practice gear before showers.

"It's Staci," Ray tells him as he reads the series of texts that had been sent all through their practice. "She's been giving me play by play of Jess's match."

"Well don't keep me in suspense," Antoine says.

"Yeah, Ray. How'd our Lady Cats do?" Des asks.

"They're in the championship match tomorrow night," Ray tells them. "They didn't lose a set. Tabitha went down but Jake... well, that can't be right."

"What?" Des asks.

"She wrote that Jake rode Tabitha and she's better now. Autocorrect strikes again I think." He laughs. "I'll assume she meant Jake rubbed Tabitha."

"Jake Gibson, sex god." Antoine laughs. "We're going down to their game tomorrow, right?"

"What about practice?" Ray asks. "Yates will sit all of us if we skip it."

"Man, he can't sit us all." Des comments.

"He's right about that, Ray," Antoine says. "I've got an idea on how we can go if you guys want to go along with it."

They hear Antoine's plan, both nodding as he lays it out for them.

"It'll work, right?" He asks them.

"I can't see why not," Des answers him.

"It's for Jess so I'm in," Ray tells them.

"I'm going to text Twanda and let her know the plan. Des, you better tell Marisha too."

"Marisha went tonight but I'll tell her for sure," Des answers as he heads towards the showers.

"I'll let Staci know," Ray tells them. "We're all on tomorrow to go out and support our friends."


Marybeth's raven locks are splayed out on Bobby's pillow as she pants out in pleasure. A beeping from the nightstand draws her attention.

"Your phone." She gasps as a shiver of pleasure causes her body to shake.

"Don't care," Bobby mumbles as he kisses his way up her smoothly shaved slit.

She giggles but reaches for his phone anyway, only fumbling it twice before she manages to open it and read his text.

"It's from Jake." She moans out as his tongue teases into her.

"Uh huh," Bobby mumbles as he flicks his tongue inside her.

"Oh shit, Bobby!" She cries out, dropping the phone beside her as she climaxes.

He smiles when her thighs tighten around his head and her hands grip his long black hair as she cries out. Once she loosens her grip he crawls up beside her and cuddles her to his side.

"You're getting better and better at that, baby." She whispers to him as she cuddles close.

He gives her a squeeze and smiles. "It's all you, Marybeth. I've gotten to know what you like and what sets you off."

"You certainly know that." She giggles then picks his phone back up and reads the text message to him. "Jake said that Jessica and the team won their set and he hopes we can make the championship game tomorrow. Want me to answer him?"

"Sure." Bobby answers.

As Marybeth begins to type up the response, Bobby lays her on her back and climbs between her legs.

"You aren't going to do that while I text Jake are you?" She asks looking at him over the top of the phone.

"Maybe." He laughs before penetrating her.

"Oh god!" She moans as he sinks into her warm wetness.

He begins to slowly thrust in and out of her as she tries to type out a response. Her fingers fumble to make words that make sense in her reply as Bobby continues to stroke into her. He hears the familiar ping that tells him the message was sent and smiles down at her.

"What did you type?" He asks.

"So good." She moans as he continues making love to her.

"Jake will love that." He laughs.

She reaches down and slaps his ass. "That's not what I typed!" She tells him. "I told him that was great. Congratulations to Jess and that we'd be there tomorrow."

"How many misspelled words?" He asks.

"All of them probably! Who cares! Just keep doing... that! Oh god, Bobby, I'm there!" she shouts as she comes again.

He nods and stiffens inside her with a grunt.

"Coming!" He says as he fills the condom. He leans back and pulls himself out of her then disposes of the condom when his phone chimes again. Marybeth picks it up and turns red when she reads it.

"Oh god." She mutters as she shakes her head.

"What did he say back?" Bobby asks.

She again shakes her head and hands him his phone.

He takes it and reads aloud. "Guess I caught you guys at a bad time or good time. LOL. I'll try with Jess but doubtful since we're at her G'ma's. Have fun! See you tomorrow." He scrolls up and starts to laugh. "Ejaculations to Jess! Oh god, Marybeth, that is too funny!"

"He's going to kill me!" She says but Bobby's laugh is contagious and soon she's laughing as well.

"You?" Bobby laughs. "You sent it from my phone! He's going to be giving me hell over this for the rest of the year."

Marybeth laughs harder then pats his shoulder.

"Poor baby." She giggles. "I guess I should make that up to you somehow."

He starts to ask her how but he gets his answer as she begins kissing her way down his chest. She smiles up at him then pulls down his foreskin to expose the head of his cock. She plants a tiny kiss on it then looks up at him.

"Think this will do it?" She teasingly asks.

"Definitely." He says nodding his head. "That will definitely do it. I love you, baby."

"Uh huh." She answers as she sucks him into her mouth. He drops his phone off the bed and concentrates on enjoying her oral talents.


"You have a lovely home, ma'am," Jake says after carrying in his, Jessica's and Sarah's bags from the car.

"Thank you for saying so, Jake." Mrs. Keifer acknowledges.

"Where am I headed with these?" He asks.

"Sarah and I will be upstairs on your right," Jessica says as she follows him inside. "You will be across the hall."

"Down the hall." Mrs. Keifer states. "Your mother and father will be across the hall from you two."

"Isn't that the smaller bed though?" Jessica asks.

"Jessica, it's fine." Dr. Golden says. "Tim and I will make do."

"I can sleep on the couch if that helps," Jake suggests to them before Sarah bounds into the house.

"Jake, will you set up my 'scope?" She asks him.

"You missed a P word there, little one," Jessica tells her.

"Peanut?" Sarah asks then giggles.

"I'll show you a peanut!" Jessica declares then proceeds to chase Sarah around the living room. "My tickle fingers are hungry for Sar-bear flesh!"

As the pair race around the lower floor of the two-story house, Mr. Golden dodges them as he brings his and his wife's bags inside.

"Do I even want to know what set off this chase?" He asks.

Dr. Golden shakes her head. "Jake, can you leave the bags here and go set up Sarah's telescope while we discuss room assignments, please?"

"Dr. Golden, I don't want to be the cause of any..." Jake begins to tell her but she stops him.

"Jake. Please." She tells him.

"Yes, ma'am." He answers and heads towards the door.

Jessica comes around the corner with Sarah squirming in her arms.

"Where's Jake going?" She asks.

"Out to set up Sarah's telescope. How about you take Sarah out and help him." Dr. Golden suggests. "Your Grammy and I need to have a chat."

Jessica recognizes her mom's tone and makes a beeline for the door with Sarah.

"Yay, my 'scope's going up!" Sarah shouts as they go out the door.

As soon as Jessica pulls the door closed behind her, Dr. Golden nods towards the dining room.

"Shall we talk in there?" She asks.

Mrs. Keifer follows her daughter towards the dining room when Mr. Golden descends the stairs.

"Where am I putting the kid's bags, Val?" He asks.

"Leave them there for now and come into the dining room. We're about to discuss that." She tells him.

"Oookay." He answers unsure. "Where are the kids?"

"Outside putting up the telescope." She answers. "Come on, we've got a lot of talking..."

"Explaining you mean." Mrs. Keifer interrupts. "You have a lot of explaining to do, Valerie. How could let Jessica spend a weekend with a boy? Have you forgotten everything I taught you?"

"I haven't forgotten anything, mom. I thought a lot about the decision and even had second thoughts after agreeing to it but things turned out fine. Better than fine if I'm going to be completely honest." Dr. Golden shares. "He loves her. She loves him. He earned my trust ages ago and they have been discreet around Sarah and safe about everything that's happened. I trust them and so should you. Give Jake a chance and you'll see just how lovable he is."

"We'll see." Mrs. Keifer states and folds her arms across her chest indicating that's her final word on the subject.

Dr. Golden nods pulls out her cell phone and turns towards her husband. "Do you think the kids will want a pizza from Henry's?" She asks then shakes her head. "Of course they will. Henry's Pizzeria is the best around."

"I'll let them know." Mr. Golden laughs as she dials the number.


Just under an hour later, the pizza is delivered and the kids are called in to eat.

"Did you see a lot of stars, Sarah?" Mrs. Keifer asks as Sarah takes a seat at the table.

"There's too much light here," Sarah tells her as Jessica places a drink in front of her. "Home and the drive-in are so much better, Grammy."

"The drive in?" She asks.

"Uh huh. Jake and Jess took me out there so I could see even more stars." Sarah answers. "They took me all the way to the top and you could see everything! It's so cool!"

"Sounds like it is." Mrs. Keifer agrees.

"Yay Pizza!" Sarah shouts as Jake places a slice on her plate. "Thank you, Jake."

"You're very welcome, Sar-bear." Jake nods and offers the box to Jessica.

"You get a slice or two too, Jake," Jessica tells him as she selects her slice then stops and pulls out two more slices.

"Hungry, Jess?" Mr. Golden asks.

Jessica shakes her head and places two slices on Jake's plate. "Jake looks out for me so I gotta look out for him, too." She answers with a grin.

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