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Nuclear Muscled Erection Man Ch. 01

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Physicist travels to Chernobyl for the nuclear meltdown.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/02/2013
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American physicist travels to Russia to save Chernobyl just in time for the nuclear meltdown.

Unbelievably to some but not to most, there are some things that our government doesn't want us to know. Truth be told, our voted in office representatives don't even tell us half the things that should be public knowledge. Why is that? Shocking as it may be that our government would withhold information from us, I'm surprised too that our trusted, hardworking, public servants don't come clean and tell us everything. Why don't they?

Yet, no matter if it's a Republican or a Democrat in the White house or Republicans or Democrats who control the house and/or the senate, it's the same scenario. They don't tell us what we need to know to make informed decisions and to question why our representatives do the things that they do. Our politicians claim that all they do is for the public good when just the opposite is true. Instead all they do is for their personal benefit, power, influence, and wealth.

Why must it be like that with all of us having to read between the lines? Constantly, we're given half-truths that have been spun so many times and so tight until there is no truth to what they say at all. Why must it be like that for us, the people who elected them, empowered them, gave them the power of attorney, and put them in office? Has America become what Russia was in the 50's and 60's? Soon, if they haven't already, the United States government will be lying to the American citizens and covering up their lies by telling us that its classified information and something they're not allowed to discuss in public because of national security.

"Senator, can you confirm or deny that you had a hot dog for lunch today?"

"Classified information, I can't discuss what I ate for lunch do to national security. No more questions."

* * * * *

No way! My government lies to me? I can't believe it. Say it isn't so. Say it isn't so. Just like George Orwell's 1984, he predicted this would happen one day, our government taking total control of their people while covering it all up by lying to us about everything. Meanwhile, they expect us to give them full disclosure in all that we do and in all that we think. How dare they?

"Susan, do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth to this National Security panel?"

"I do."

"Isn't it true that you are wearing white bikini panties beneath your oh, so short skirt."

"I am."

"And isn't it truth that you removed said white bikini panties before getting aboard the bus to flash the man sitting across from you your pussy when you slowly crossed and seductively uncrossed your shapely legs."

"Objection, your honor. My client is not on trial. Whether she wears white bikini panties or doesn't wear white bikini panties is of no business to this court," said Susan's attorney.

"Objection overrule," said the Judge. "Answer the question."

"Yes, I did remove my panties but not to flash the man sitting across from me my pussy. If I flashed him, I flashed him by accident," she said with a naughty look.

Actually long before Orwell's 1984 was written in 1948, the United States government has a long history of lying to its citizens. I could go down a long, laundry list of lying with more lying to cover up their lying but we all know the dirty politics and history of the United States. Yet, this story isn't about the United States lying to its citizens and to people all over the world and/or cover ups, this story isn't even a political story, this story is about one man, Brock Steel.

* * * * *

Brock Steel was no regular guy. Oh no. One of a kind, Brock was special. I dare say, there may be other alien life forms like him in our vast universe but definitely, there was no other human like him in the world. Here on planet Earth, he was the one and the only superhero. Yet, he wasn't born a superhero. It just happened one day.

With a name that would befit a professional football player, a professional hockey player, and/or a professional cage fighter, unfortunately, he didn't live up to his name. Brock Steel was a nerd, a math and science major, a real computer geek who grew to be a mad scientist, perhaps in the way of Dr. Frankenstein but without the scary monster. In the way of the angry green Hulk, the really not so jolly giant, if there was any scary monster in this story, Brock Steel's big brain was the scary monster.

Yet, he wasn't always insane and it wasn't his fault that he became insane. He was just too smart for even himself. In the way that all Super Heroes are so myopically focused upon fighting crime and giving the good guys and good gals an even chance, so wasn't Brock Steel. That is, in the beginning he was so intent on saving the world and that is, until he decided to seek his revenge upon the United States of America for what they did to him. Instead of the United States creating a superhero crime fighter, they created a terrorist in the image of Superman's nemesis, Lex Luther, Batman's Joker, and Spiderman's too many to name enemies. Ah but even Al-Qaida, the Iranians, the Mexican drug cartel, and inner city gangs feared Brock Steel.

Alas, no doubt the reason why Brock Steel lost his mind, something happened to him that hasn't happened to anyone who lived to tell about it. Brock Steel was the first human to have survived a nuclear meltdown. In the way that the fictional character Kal-El, Superman's Kryptonian name, was recreated as Clark Kent, when his parents, Jor-El, his father, and Lara-El, his mother, sent him to Earth in the hopes of saving him just before his planet, Krypton, exploded, Brock was recreated by a nuclear explosion, implosion, or meltdown.

Whether referring to it as an explosion, an implosion, or a meltdown, however referred to, anything nuclear with humans in close proximity to a nuclear disaster is bad, very bad indeed, and always, if not immediately, eventually fatal. The good thing about nuclear reactors is that nuclear reactors can't explode, there is no way to bring the fissionable material to critical mass. Instead, they melt down and give off toxic levels of radiation. There may be related steam explosions that happen before the meltdown and that release radioactive particles over a vast landscape, but the reactor itself cannot and will not explode. Nonetheless, the area around a nuclear reactor that has melted is deadly and uninhabitable for miles and for millenniums.

Had Brock Steel not experienced and survived such a nuclear disaster, he'd be just another man, albeit a genius and, no doubt, the smartest man in the world. In the way that Bruce Wayne was recreated as Batman when he watched his parents being murdered before his eyes as a boy, Brock was recreated when being sent by the United States government to Chernobyl, Russia. In the way that Peter Parker, Spiderman, was recreated when bitten by a genetically engineered spider made from nuclear waste, Brock was recreated when he experienced his demise after a nuclear meltdown but didn't die.

The motto, what doesn't kill you will make you stronger, couldn't be any truer when applied to Brock Steel. First Superman, then Batman, then Spiderman, and now, Nuclear Muscled Erection Man, better known as NuME man. Only, just comic book characters, Superman, Batman, and Spiderman weren't real. Brock Steel, on the other hand, was the real deal, the manly man, the macho man, and the nuclear muscled man living among us now.

* * * * *

For those who never met him, for those who didn't know him, thinking that he was a tough guy if only from his name, he looked nothing like the image that his name called to mind. Matter of fact, even more nerdy than Bill Gates of Microsoft or Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, he was the most nerdy person on the planet, even more nerdy than Bill Nye the Science Guy. Yeah. Yet, he was smart, wicked smart, an understatement. Smarter than Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Gates, Zuckerberg, and Nye combined, without doubt, he was the most brilliantly intelligent person in the world by far.

With that written, Brock Steel was no professional football player, hockey player, or cage fighter. Of all things, he was a nuclear physicist, a real egg headed brainiac. Instead of being named Brock Steel, he should have been named Bart Water or Nomar Backbone. Yeah, Bartholomew Water would befit such a man who spent a lifetime looking through a microscope at microbes or peering through a telescope to examine the stars while wondering about the expanding universe that hasn't stopped expanding since the Big Bang.

A small breed of scientist, without doubt, who will one day forever change the world with their superior intellect, their unlimited wonderment, and their inherent knowledge needed to discover and to find the answers to the mysteries of life, Brock wasn't just any scientist. Oh no. He was the top scientist not only in the United States but in the world. Graduating top of his class from MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge Massachusetts and right down Massachusetts Avenue from Harvard University, when he was only 12-years-old, he earned his first doctorate in Physics at 14-years-old and his second doctorate in Mathematics by the time he was 16-years-old.

Able to recite the formula of Pi, all 67,000 digits, when he was 4-years-old, if that wasn't impressive enough, he could recite it backwards too. When he was only 5-years-old, he not only read the phone book in just a few minutes but, in the way that Dustin Hoffman played the character of Raymond Babbitt in Rain Man, he also memorized it too. He read the entire encyclopedia Britannica when he was six years old and memorized that too. A time before computers and Google, now he had the information that he needed at his fingertips to pepper all of his dialogue with answers to the questions that the average person could only find while exhaustedly searching through books at the public library. With his inherent ear for languages, especially Latin, he could speak all languages, even American Indian, Sioux, Apache, et al, and even Klingon, after only hearing just a few select phrases.

When he was 9-years-old, he applied to be a contestant on Jeopardy. A time before they had teen Jeopardy, they turned him down because he was too young but they were so impressed with him correctly answering all of the questions in the test that they give contestants before competing, they hired him to write the questions. Because of Brock Steel, Alex Trebek was a household name. Oh, yeah, definitely, indeed, Alex Trebek owes his career, his fame, and his fortune to Brock Steel. Brock Steel with his big, bad ass brain made Alex Trebek his ungrateful, little bitch.

Nonetheless his knowledge and with him having all of the answers, difficult for the average person to follow, having a conversation with Brock wasn't easy. Not only did he know all the answers to all the questions that he'd be asked, he knew the questions before they were even asked. Answering with the answers to questions that haven't yet been asked, trying to follow him was an impossible feat of concentration, speculation, and insightfulness that wasn't always easy for the average person of average intelligence.

Already familiar with his one-of-a-kind genius, the United States government already had their eyes on him when he stumbled upon and competed in a Rubik's Cube competition and won when he was only 3-years-old. Not only did he have the hand and eye coordination to solve the puzzle, something that most 3-year-olds don't yet have at that age and something that most adults never accomplish in solving the puzzle, he already had the intelligence to intuitively know how to solve the puzzle within just a few seconds. His first time trying to solve the puzzle, even at that age, he just knew things that others didn't.

Unlike the fictional character of Dr. Sheldon Cooper of the Big Bang Theory, played by 3 time Emmy award winner, Jim Parsons, Brock Steel was the real deal. Cooed, awed, and revered from the time he was three and solved the Rubik's cube, attending MIT for free and given his own lab and staff of scientists when he was 12-years-old, one of a kind, there was no one else like him in the world. With all eyes upon him to explain the secrets of the universe and solve the mysteries that plagued mankind and womankind, he was the one and the only science prodigy. For his work in nuclear fusion, he won the Nobel Prize in physics not once but three times.

Proud of and protected by the United States government, he spent the first part of his life attending college and later, experimenting in a lab. A man without an agenda, not in it for money, power, influence, and/or political gain, before he was a superhero, he was a brilliant mind. As if calling for Superman, shining the Bat light for Batman, or how Spiderman intuitively just appeared just in the nick of time whenever there was a troubling issue, the one to go to, Brock sat in on the discussion tables of think tanks to solve the world's problems.

The man behind the mask, so to speak, the man behind the curtain, and the man behind the two-way, bulletproof glass, Brook Steel was the secret weapon of the United States government. Called upon by Presidents to advise them and to give them his informed opinions, his superior intellect was not only highly regarded but also well received. Yet, not a Democrat or a Republican, not wanting to pick one side over the other, and not wanting his research to be a political football and tainted by money, he was an Independent voter as he was an independent thinker.

More liberal than conservative, no one was even smart enough to get a read on Brock Steel. Not wanting to complicate his research with his scientific discoveries being contingent on and tied to a budget, he turned down the newly created Secretary of Energy position not once but twice. First offered to him by President Clinton and offered to him again by President Obama, shying away from fame in the way that he shied away from fortune, he was no political statesman. He just wanted to be left alone to do his scientific study and his research.

Catering to him in the way that the Russians did with their Olympic athletes back in the 70's, the United States bought him a house to live and a car to drive, that is, once he turned 18-years-old. In the way that the Secret Service shadow the presidents and their families, not allowed to go anywhere without protection, he was free to go anywhere he wanted. Even though he was given a high security clearance, especially since he was given a high security clearance, the United States maintained a short leash on him. Before that, as if he was in protective custody and for all practical purposes he was, even though the United States bought him a house, he was safe housed, along with his parents and brother, to live at a secret location on a military base.

With an unmeasurable intelligence quotient, an IQ beyond our intelligence charts and our learned understanding of the brain's capacity, those in the know said of him that he was the second Albert Einstein, only smarter and more normal than any genius they've ever known. So beyond their grasps of things and their intelligence to understand what he already intuitively perceived, the second coming, other scientists looked to him as if he was God or an alien sent here from another planet to help us solve the mysteries of science and answer the questions of the universe. Surely with a brain capacity bigger than everyone else in the world, they already believed that he wasn't human. After that nuclear meltdown that he somehow survived, maybe he wasn't human after all. Maybe if he was human before the nuclear meltdown, he was something else now.

Beyond his time, how could he already know that or talk about this, when that hasn't been discovered or this hasn't yet even been invented? In the way that all of the great scientists have done in the past, it was as if he could glimpse into the future to see what living on Earth would be like centuries from now. A man with the gifted perception of Leonardo Da Vinci, Sir Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, and Stephen Hawking rolled into one, someone like him, in the way of the genius of Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Archimedes, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig Von Beethoven, and Shakespeare comes along every thousand years. A mystery to even those who believed he was human, there's never been anyone like him before and there may never be anyone like him again. With someone so super intelligent, the United States believed that he could figure out what would happen in the future by understanding what was happening now and by comparing it to what happened in the past.

With his every move monitored and with his life's work pre-planned not only by him but also by the United States government, even though Brock thought he was free to chart his own destiny and to run his own experiments, he wasn't. By all intents and purposes, as if he was a remotely controlled drone, observed, watched, monitored, and videotaped, he was just another a tool working for the betterment of the United States government. Only, something that even the United States didn't see happening, the life of Brock Steel thanks to his loser brother was about to change forever.

To be continued...

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JillParkerFanJillParkerFanover 10 years ago
Love your editorial on the state of Gov!!!

Thank you, Susan. Keep up the thoughts on how the gov.(notice the "small" g) is lying to the electors. Between the Fed. screwing the country over and the elected reps(both side of the isle) screwing us over I am beginning to think WE as a Republic are screwed. This started 100 years ago with Woodrow Wilson and has escalated thru the years. We almost reversed it in the Reagan years, but then we got the dumped into the bushes. Thanks again for a great story and comment.

sparty111sparty111over 10 years ago

perceptive of the Judge to notice the white bikini panties......how perceptive of him!! another chapter I hope?

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