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Nude Surprise Ch. 04

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How far will things go? Is incest out of the question?
17.1k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/07/2016
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As I stated in other chapters, this series is reader directed. Make a suggestion and I'll see what I can do. You asked that the kids convince their parents to become nudists - Done. For Brigid and Luke to grow closer – An ongoing part of our series. Swap wives – Done.

Incest – that's a tough one. I'll deal with it in this chapter.

I have no idea what happens in chapter 5. It's been suggested Brigid and Luke marry. Need more Ruth??


"Morning," Lisa announced. She was the last to arrive for breakfast. Her family greeted her with cheery calls of "Good Morning."

Her mother and brother were eating breakfast. Her father had just returned from a run.

Luke snickered and said, "Dad, taking up jogging again, huh? Any special woman . . . I mean reason?"

Defensively, Sam responded, "You know I like to exercise when I can."

Sarah said playfully, "Don't tease him. He just wants to be healthy and to look good . . . for his new girlfriend."

"You'd think a man would get praise instead of ridicule for doing the right thing," Sam protested.

Sarah turned toward her daughter and said, "You need to get a move on if we're going to get to church on time."

Lisa said, "I'm not feeling well. I just came down to get some hot tea."

"What is it?" her mother asked concerned.

"My tummy hurts bad. I don't think I can go to church today."

Sarah put her hand on the child's forehead and said, "You're warm and clammy. Go back to bed. I'll bring you some hot tea and honey before we leave.


The choir was not great that day. It wasn't because of Iris. She enthusiastically swung her arms about like a mad woman. It also wasn't because Lisa was absent. Truth be told, they were never that good. It was a small congregation pulling from an untalented pool.

After the service, Toby spoke to Sarah. "I don't see Lisa. Is she okay?"

"She wasn't feeling well. I don't think it's serious. Maybe some bug. It seems there is always something going around."

"Yes," he said. "Please tell her I asked about her."


"Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Fuck!" Ruth grunted as she methodically rode her husband woman-on-top. The curse occurred when he sat up and bit her pointy nipple. Her hand protectively went to her bosom.

Roger chuckled. Both parties were aroused, having fun, but neither was near a climax. He lay back down and decided to do something about that. He grabbed her hips, held her still and he began to rapidly fuck her hole. He stabbed her fast and deep. He found the friction he was craving. She got the stimulation she needed.

"Oh. OH!" she cried out and found bliss.

"Ugggg," he groaned as he got off.

They froze in place feeling the pleasure race to all parts of their body. Then they collapsed and crawled away from one another. Both were too hot and found their partner too sweaty to touch.

When he could speak, Roger said, "That was a good one."

"Thanks. You came through as always, babe."

"I think you screamed louder last night," he teased. Last night she was with another man.

"Probably," she answered unperturbed by his dig. They had an open married. They slept with their spouse regularly and anyone one else when the need or opportunity arose.

"Sam was a better fuck than I expected," Ruth said.

"Sarah surprised me too. She was in good shape for a forty something, mother of two," Roger said. The two were able to discuss their recent sex partners without upsetting the other or becoming jealous.

"I'd be glad to dip my wick in her again," Roger said.

"We'll have them over again," Ruth said. "Sam is worthy of another tumble."



Tuesday morning, Luke got a distressing call from Fiona. "Luke, I'm calling to let you know, Brigid is in the hospital."

"What! What happened?"

"She wasn't feeling well. She had some symptoms that concerned our mother. We took her to the emergency room late last night and they admitted her. Everything is okay. The doctors have it under control. I knew you'd want to know."

Luke's mind was reeling. He asked, "Can I visit?"

"Yes. Please do. She's been asking for you. We're at Mercy General. Room 304."

Luke raced downstairs. His sister was resting on the family room couch. He said, "Brigid is in the hospital."


"I don't know. Fiona says she's okay, but I'm leaving now to go visit."

Lisa didn't feel great, but she could see her brother was agitated. She said, "Give me a minute to get dressed, Luke. I'm going with you."

They rushed to the hospital and found Brigid resting comfortably in her bed with her family around her.

He greeted her anxiously, "Hello, Brigid."

"Luke! I'm glad you're here. Hi, Lisa."

Brigid looked okay. She played hostess and introduced her parents to her new guests. Then she said, "Luke, you must have been so scared to hear I was in the hospital. I'm okay. I'm a victim of my heritage." She giggled.

"I have a genetic anomaly that thousands of years ago benefited my forefathers, but today can cause problems. I have hereditary hemochromatosis. Otherwise known as the "Celtic Curse". It sounds worse than it is," she assured him.

"It's a condition that causes my body to over absorb and store iron. Years ago, when people in Ireland had iron-poor diets and routinely experienced famines, this ability was a lifesaver. Today, when we all have iron-rich diets, it can cause problems. The extra iron can damage organs, lead to cirrhosis of the liver, heart problems and a bunch of other stuff.

"It can also affect skin pigmentation. I thought I was a lucky redhead that could tan. Actually, it's a side effect of my condition. It made my skin a bronze color."

Luke came up to her bed and asked anxiously, "So you're okay?"

"Yes, the doctors caught it before it caused any serious damage. The treatment is really simple. I can get rid of the excess iron by periodic bloodletting."

"Oh. That's great," he said relieved.

He stepped aside as a nurse can into the room to check Brigid's vitals. Behind them, they heard a crash. Lisa had lost her balance and fallen. Everyone turned her way.

"Lisa!" Luke cried out concerned.

"How do you feel?" asked the nurse who rushed over to the fallen young woman.

"I felt a little woozy," Lisa said. "I'm okay. Take . . . take care of Brigid."

Luke said to the nurse, "She's been unwell for a couple of days."

The nurse said, "Brigid is being taken care of. She'll be fine. Listen since you're here, let's check you out."

Before Lisa could protest and with Luke's help, they got her into an exam room. He stayed with her.

"Play nice," Luke teased his sister when the doctor came in. He left the two women alone. Lisa was perched on the exam table. The doctor walked to her.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Greta Bauer. Tell me how you feel."

From the doctor's name and appearance, she deduced that she was of German ancestry. She looked German. Greta could have been the poster girl for Bavarian beer wenches. She had a square face, blonde hair and blue eyes. The doctor was an attractive, full-figured woman with broad hips and a full bosom.

Lisa said, "I've had a stomach ache for three days. I've been nauseous. Unable to eat. I got light-headed, lost my balance and fell."

The doctor took her vital signs. She looked into her eyes and mouth. "Lay back," she requested. "I'm going to palpitate your stomach."

Lisa reclined. The doctor flipped up Lisa's skirt. "Ouch," Lisa cried out immediately when the doctor pressed on her stomach.

"So your tummy is tender. Are you on your period?"


"Have you had rough sex recently?"

Lisa was embarrassed to discuss her sex life, but she said, "I haven't had rough sex, but Saturday night I had sex with a well-endowed man. He was bigger than any man I've been with before."

"I'd better take a look. Please undress including your panties. Then lie down on the exam table"

The doctor watched Lisa undress. She noted her fit body and the all-over tan. She smiled when she saw the wolf's head pubic design. Dr. Bauer pulled out the leg supports and positioned Lisa for a pelvic exam. She started with an external exam.

"I see some discoloration, slightly bruising."

"I'm going to check you internally now," the doctor said calmly. She put lubricant on her gloved finger and inserted it.

Lisa cried out in pain, "Ouch."

"Sorry. I'll be as quick and gentle as I can," the doctor reassured her patient.

She felt bad for causing Lisa pain but still gave her a thorough exam. Then she snapped off her gloves, looked up from Lisa's shaved vagina and said, "So he was a big guy? I don't see or feel any serious damage, but your vagina is bruised. Try to stay off your feet, nothing strenuous. Abstain from sex until the pain goes away.

"Your vagina is like a balloon or rubber band. It is capable of expanding, given time, for sex and childbirth. You say the sex wasn't rough. Were you ready?"

Lisa blushed. Her face turned red. She said, "I had had plenty of foreplay and I was wet. I thought I was ready. I know with an average guy; I wouldn't have had a problem. He stretched me more than normal."

The doctor's professional demeanor faded. She appeared more human to Lisa as she said, "It sounds like you were ready and willing, but it was beyond your body's ability to handle him comfortably. Do you plan on having sex with him again? We could talk about coping strategies."

"I don't know," Lisa said. She paused and thought about it and said,

"I like him. If he were a regular guy, we'd definitely have sex again. But now, I'm not sure. His dick is impressive to look at and to hold, but his size makes oral sex difficult for me and we'll never have wild, uninhibited sex.

"I'd have to settle for cautious sex and maybe limit myself to safer positions."

She continued to think about it and said, "I didn't enjoy sex with him and I've been in pain for days. Where's the romance in that? No, I won't sleep with him again."

Greta understood her concern. She said, "Sex, good sex, is an important component of any romantic relationship. The vast majority of women can comfortably have intercourse with ninety-five percent of men. There are quite a number of women who like you, experience pain when they have sex with an above average penis. Maybe you should look for a partner in the pool of normal size guys."

Lisa nodded.

Greta continued, "It is not as well known, but there is a female equivalent to a big penis. Some women have a large vagina. I'm not talking about a "loose vagina" where a woman has given birth to a couple of children and has lost her muscle tone or her tissue has been stretched so much her vagina cannot return to its previous size. Some women natural have a larger canal.

"For these women, a normal man with a five, six or even seven-inch penis is unsatisfying. Have you ever been with a man with a small penis?"

"Once," Lisa admitted.

"One chance is usually all they get," Greta said with a laugh.

Lisa also laughed remembering her encounter. "He was tall and handsome. We made out and everything was fine. He undressed me and gave me great oral sex. Then he climbed on top and started humping away. I thought it was a gag. I waited, expecting him to feel him slip inside me and finally, I said, 'I'm ready.' He said sheepishly, 'I'm in all the way.'"

"He pulled out and showed me a dick the size of a roll of Life Savers. I was embarrassed for him. I let him finish. Honestly, it did nothing for me."

"That is a typical story. At least you know nine out of ten times you can pull any man off the streets and have a satisfying evening. Women who have larger than average vaginas, suffer unsatisfying experiences with all, but those rare men who are well above average."

"Wow. That must be so frustrating," Lisa said.

The doctor nodded and asked, "Have you heard the story about Hawaiian women and flowers?"

Lisa answered, "No."

Greta told her the story.

"If a woman wears a flower behind her left ear, it means she's married, has a boyfriend, or maybe just doesn't want to be hit on. If a woman wears a flower behind her right ear, it means she's single, available and approachable."

"Oh, that's cute," Lisa said.

Greta laughed and said, "Maybe the women with bigger vaginas should wear a large flower behind their right ear to let the well-endowed men know who they are."

"Yes," Lisa laughed along. "If they hooked up, they could have fun and it would save all the vaginas of us regular girls who aren't built for a nine or ten-inch dick."

The whole time they were having this conversation, Lisa was nude, in stirrups, her pussy fully exposed. Greta commented on that. "I say, you seem very comfortable being naked. Many women snap their legs together and reach for their clothes as soon as the exam is over. You can get dress now."

Lisa laughed. She stood and began putting on her clothes. As she did, she said, "You might have noticed my tan. I'm a nudist. I am comfortable being naked around people. And you put me at ease. You are very easy to talk to."

"Thank you. I did notice your tan and your playful wolf design. We are told in medical school to treat the patient and to ignore and never comment on such personal attributes. Both are very attractive by the way."

"Thanks. I recently rediscovered naturalism. It was something I enjoyed when I was a kid visiting my grandparents. I needed a full body tan because of a dress I designed for school and I stumbled upon a great group of nudists. I got the tan and I made many new friends."

Greta was one of those people who are not above lying to get her way. She spun a tale for Lisa.

"My family is German (that was true) and they are big believers in the benefit of naturalism (that was a lie). I too used to be naked all the time when I was a child visiting my grandparents' farm in Bavaria (another lie). I spent many wonderful summers with them (true)."

"That is such a coincident!" Lisa gushed.

As Greta had hoped, her story made Lisa feel closer, more comfortable with her. She asked hesitantly,

"Do you think I could join you and your friends sometime? No, forget I asked."

Lisa liked this young woman. She said, "Oh, you have to! What are you doing this Saturday? My summer school program is ending. I have to present my dress at a fashion show. Then everyone is getting together for a party, a nudist party afterward."

"I'm not working that day, but I couldn't intrude."

"You must come."

"If you insist." Greta gave in because she had accomplished her goal. She was getting a chance to meet Lisa's well-endowed lover. The women exchanged phones and typed in their contact information.


Luke drove his sister home. She went to bed. She had her music and magazines. She planned to follow her doctor's advice and take it easy the rest of the day.

Toby came by later that afternoon to check on her. Sarah answered the door.

"Hello, Mrs. Wolfe. Can I see Lisa?"

"She sleeping in her room," Sarah said. She was upset and added in an accusatory manner, "You know she had to get check out at the hospital."

"Oh God!" he responded.

Sarah didn't let up. She tore into him. She slapped his chest and said, "How could you? You . . . you beast. You hurt my little girl."

He took it. He felt bad for injuring Lisa. He accepted the strikes and the harsh words as his penance. He said, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt her."

"But you did. You can't pound a woman with a dick your size. Don't you know better?"

He spoke contritely, "I don't know. I really don't know. I tried to be gentle, but . . ."

He was crying. She was crying. She realized he had no bad intent. He was unskilled and ignorant. She stopped her attack.

"I see you're sorry and you didn't mean to hurt Lisa. A guy your size has to do better."

Exasperated he said, "Where do I learn? I don't want to hurt anyone."

His statement made Sarah pause. She thought about it and said, "From someone older, wiser and more experience, I guess."

He looked at her in desperation and said, "I'll go anywhere and do anything. I don't want to hurt Lisa again."

Sarah saw he meant it. She thought, "They are likely to have sex again and she'll get hurt again unless something changes".

Sarah gave him a compassionate look and said, "I believe you. I don't see how you're going to solve this on your own so I'll help. For Lisa's sake."

"Thank you," he said not knowing what her plan was.

"Come with me." She led him to her bedroom and closed and locked the door.

"Get undressed," she ordered. She started to take her clothes off.

"Mrs. Wolfe!" he cried out in alarm.

"I can't think of another way than to show you. I'm open to other ideas if you have one."

He couldn't think of a better plan so he got undressed. The two climbed into bed naked. He with a massive hard-on. She with a growing sense of trepidation. She thought, "Oh God! What am I doing?".

She grabbed his penis. It was thick and hard and long. He was bigger than anyone she'd been with. She told herself, "I've birthed two babies. I can handle this."

She looked him in the eyes. "I'm guessing we don't need to go over the basics, but I will state the obvious. This is a very big penis and it can destroy a woman if used recklessly. Even when used nicely, it can hurt someone."

He nodded. Sarah took a deep breath and began the lesson by saying, "Look at you! All big and hard. Ready for action. Touch my pussy."

He hesitated. She repeated herself, "Do it. Touch me!"

He tentatively pressed his fingers against her sex.

"What do you feel?"

"Ah . . . It's warm. Soft . . ."

"Yes, but not wet in the least. You're ready for sex and I'm nowhere near being able to have intercourse. You've to get me ready. I'd suggest you give your partner an orgasm orally before even thinking about sticking that big dick in someone."

Toby leaned over to go down on her. Sarah smiled and thought, "He's coachable." She stopped him and said, "Sweetie, not yet. Let's touch all the bases. Start with a kiss."

He was afraid and slowly, gently kissed her. He pressed his lips to hers and pulled back. Sarah laughed and said, "This is totally weird isn't it?"

He nodded.

She pulled him to her. He could feel her breath on his face. "We're doing this for Lisa. Let's do it right."

They did. The kisses improved becoming longer and more passionate. She moved him along by placing his hand on her breasts and later on her pussy. Once she gave him permission, he was good to her. He was polite, respectful, gentle and competent.

He enjoyed her body. It was a fuller, more lush version of her daughter's. He was only able to enjoy her because she was nice and kind. He was able to relax, be in the moment and appreciate her charms.

She enjoyed his actions. She hadn't expected that. She had viewed this as a training exercise. She thought they would do things to each other, get the appropriate physical response and move on to the next required action. She expected that her nipples would get hard and that her pussy would get wet. She was surprised that she was aroused, engaged and enjoying the sex so much.

They were operating at a deeper level than either had expected. That explains why when she pushed him down to her crotch, he ate her pussy like his life depended on it and he savored her smell and the way she tasted. And why she responded like a hot-blooded lover instead of a cool, detached teacher.

"Oh. Emmm. Fuck! Yeah there. There! OHhhh!" She cried out and came thrusting her hips into his face and squeezing his head with her soft thighs. After a minute of enjoying her bliss, she said, "Wow! Well done. I'm ready for the main event. You couldn't get me any wetter."

"Do me like you did my daughter," she said.

Toby knelt between her open legs and rubbed the head of his penis up and down her pink gash. He found her opening and asked, "Are you ready?"

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