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Oh My God, Bro!

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A little trick creates a big problem for Tammy's brother
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Author' Note: Welcome to my latest story and entry in the Literotica 2022 April Fools Day Story Contest. Over the years I've written some stories with darker themes, or mixed serious conflict and situations in to add some realism into these taboo fantasies. But life's been hard for a lot of folks the last couple of years, and in lieu of that I decided to go with a tale low on the serious, but high on the fun. Enjoy. LC68

Chapter 1

"You sure you want to go home, Tammy?" Brenda glanced into the back seat while she waited at the red light. "It's only ten, we could hit Dusk, lot of boys there on a Friday night."

"No, I think I'm done," Tammy replied. "I did a few shots and shared a fat as fuck blunt with Jill and her sister, I've had enough."

"So, if Mitch's parents hadn't shown up unexpected, you were going to stop partying?" Donna asked from the passenger seat. "This is your first Friday night off in three months, and you said you don't have to work until tomorrow night, right?"

"Yeah, so?"

"You've been bitching about how bad you need to get laid for the last month." Brenda reminded her. "Before that party crashed you had more than one guy around you that would have been happy to help you out, but you said you wanted to come with us."

"I don't know them."

"Since when are you such a dud? I've seen you get down and dirty with guys you just met." Brenda looked to make sure no one had pulled up next to her, brought her pink and purple glass bowl to her lips and flicked her lighter, firing it up and inhaling deeply.

"That was before she met Rick and became a good girl," Donna giggled while accepting the bowl and lighter from Brenda "Six months with just one dick, never thought I'd see the day."

"Hey, I'm not a slut, you know," Tammy said defensively.

The word had come out "shhlut" causing both her friends to laugh, and driving home the fact she didn't need any more to drink.

"I didn't say slut," Brenda spoke while taking the right towards Tammy's neighborhood. "But don't act like you've never spread them after a party or after hitting the clubs."

"I'm still in single digits you know," Tammy said indignantly even as she reached for the bowl and lighter Donna had turned in her seat to hand to her. "Twenty and under ten guys makes me virgin material compared to half the girls at URI."

"Under ten since we started college, what was the high school tally?" Brenda smirked at her in the rear view mirror.

"Single digits," Tammy fired up the bowl and sucked the pungent smoke into her lungs.

"Single digits plus single digits equal double digits." Donna laughed so hard she snorted, which caused her to laugh harder, and the other two girls to join in.

"Look how much fun we're having!" Donna told her. "You've been working and hitting the books for three months after you caught Rick fucking that skank tutor of his. Come to the club, find a hot guy." She giggled. "You can start another single digit list, the after you were a good woman for six months list."

"You're not telling me you wouldn't have gone upstairs with someone." Donna circled back to the original topic.

"Maybe, but it would be in a house full of people. I'm not going to a place I don't know with a guy I don't know."

"You could have them take you back to your house, your folks are gone until Sunday, right?" Brenda was barely doing ten miles an hour, drifting down Tammy's street as she tried to convince her to stay out with them.

"I could, but Jimmy's home, and that would be weird."

"Jimmy's weird," Donna reached into the back seat, but Tammy fired the bowl up once more before handing it back.

"He's not, he's just kind of nerdy and shy."

"Really shy, kid's still a virgin at 18," Brenda whistled. "No wonder he's weird, got all that tension in his balls."

"Maybe you could help him with it," Donna suggested. "He checks you out when we're over. You could throw him a pity suck, I mean how long could it take?"

"Leave him alone, he's a good kid." Tammy defended her brother. "Just needs to meet the right girl."

"Send him to comic con, lot of nerdy girls there," Brenda quipped.

"Hey, I go to comic con!" Donna explaimed.

"Only so you can get guys to look at you in your slutty Poison Ivy costume." Tammy laughed.

"Your point?" Donna snickered.

"Anyway, I'm in charge this weekend, so even if I got lucky at the party, I was still coming home by midnight. I'm not bringing a guy home."

"Because Jimmy would rat you out?"

"Jimmy never rats me out, we're mad cool with each other," Tammy explained.

"Not doing it because it would be mean, right?" Donna asked. "He's never had sex so if he saw you bring someone or heard you it would make him feel worse?"

"Yeah," Tammy answered warily, waiting for the smart ass follow up comment.

"You're a good big sister." Donna surprised her by turning serious. "My big brother's a d-bag, gets me in trouble and we fight all the time."

"I'm an only child and proud of it." Brenda chimed in. "But I think its sweet you stick up for Jimmy, he is a nice kid, I'm busting you up, not him."

"Nice enough to give him that pity blowjob?" Donna giggled.

"Why don't you do it for practice, I heard you suck at sucking."

"Your dad just said that so your mom wouldn't feel bad."

Tammy rolled her eyes at the witty exchange in the front seat and blinked at the passing streetlights which seemed brighter than usual. Between drinking and smoking she had a strong buzz, and in general was feeling damn good.

It was a shame to cut the night short, but she wanted to be home to check on Jimmy, who if things went well, might be having a big night of his own. As if on cue, Brenda pulled up in front of Tammy's house and pointed to where just her silver Nissan sat in the driveway.

"Hey, where's your brother on a Friday night? Playing D&D with the other dorks?"

"So much for you two being nice." Tammy opened the door to the car. "He's at a party."

"A party? Donna asked. "A real one, like with girls there?"

"Yes, he was invited by a girl he tutors at school. Hoping it's because she likes him, maybe tonight can get him out of his shell."

"Maybe she'll put out for him!" Brenda clapped her hands. "Go get some, Jimmy."

"It's not all about sex," Tammy shook her head. "Just being out and around people and having fun will be good for him."

"Sex would be better, or at least some head." Donna pressed.

"But not from me," Brenda added.

"Night!" Tammy stepped out of the car and had to catch the door with her right hand when a sudden head rush made her dizzy.

"You okay, party girl?" Donna asked. "Want me to walk you in?"

"I'm good," Tammy took several deep breaths of the cool fall air. "Just stood up to fast."

"Last chance, sure you don't want to come to the club? If Jimmy is out you don't have to worry about him."

"I almost fell getting out of the car, think that's a reason not to." Tammy told her. "Thanks though, you guys have some fun for me."

"We will, what about you? Hitting the sack?"

"Maybe after some me time with the vibe," Tammy sighed. "I'm horny as fuck, but I don't have it in me to spend two hours at the club."

"Then I guess the only thing in you will be plastic." Donna laughed. "But hey, at least you can shut it off when you're done and not have to listen to them yap about how good they thought they were."

"Glass half full, right?" Tammy shut the door and tapped the top of the car. "Have fun, but be careful."

"I'll call you tomorrow," Donna shouted as Brenda pulled away. "Maybe we'll hang out."

Tammy waved then turned and walked up the path to the porch. She walked slowly, as her head swam from the combination of Jack Daniels and weed. The cool air helped clear her head somewhat, and by the time she reached the front door and let herself in, her head had cleared enough she was no longer worried about staying on her feet.

She turned the porch light on for Jimmy and sat down on the couch. She fished her phone out of her purse and sent him a text.

"Having a good time?"

"Jeez, what am I turning into, mom?" she asked herself.

No, just excited for him and hoping the party went well and her borderline recluse brother would make some new friends, hopefully a special female friend. Tammy leaned over and tugged on the ends of the strings tied behind her ankles, then slipped off the black fuck me shoes she'd worn to the party.

She lifted each leg in turn, rubbing her sore feet. The shoes were brand new, and the insane heels the highest she'd ever worn. She stared at them on the floor thinking they'd have looked damn good over a hot guys shoulders or in the air with her staring up at them while getting it good and hard.

Tammy really did need to get fucked. She'd broken up with Rick months ago and with work and school didn't have any time to go have some fun. Most likely she would have gotten some tonight if the party had kept going.

They'd partied at Mitch's huge house before and between the four bedrooms, spare room and finished basement there were several rooms couples could slip off to. She'd know, seeing she'd had a couple of hot encounters there over the last couple of years.

Tammy didn't see herself as a slut, but the girls were right, since her first time and up until she dated Rick, she'd had her share of guys. She just saw it as having fun, same as they did, and she got annoyed at the double standard a guy could screw anyone and it was cool, but girls who did one nighters were trashy.

Rick was the first guy she'd been serious with, even her first time had been with Ben, the boy who lived across the street. His family was relocating for his dad's job, and he'd come over to say goodbye.

They'd smoked a doob in her room, laughed, talked, then out of the blue he kissed her. Their goodbye had turned into not just her first time with sex, but sucking cock, and getting her pussy licked. It wasn't Ben's first time, and he'd been damn good between her legs, making her come three times during their two hour romp.

The seal broken; Tammy had never been shy about getting what she wanted. She wasn't stuck on herself in anyway, but knew she was a pretty girl and from the neck down, she had plenty to offer, especially her impressive tits which strained to burst from the form fitting black micro dress she'd worn to the party.

The 'girls' were one hell of an ice breaker at parties and the clubs, or anywhere else for that matter. Tammy wasn't shy about flaunting them anywhere there was a chance she could find someone worth taking for a ride.

"Mitch's goddamn parents," she muttered as she leaned back on the soft couch and stretched her long legs out in front of her. "Another half hour and a couple more shots these would have been wrapped around you, Kirk," she frowned. "Kenny? Kyle?"

She released a stoned giggle. "Guy with pretty green eyes who ground his cock into my ass when we were dancing."

Should have went to the club. She was sitting here close to squirming just thinking about what could have happened. After tomorrow, she had a Sunday shift at Appleby's then class every day this week, two yoga classes and Thursday she tutored the young girl across the street in English. Then her grandparents were visiting for the weekend so after work she'd have to be home.

At least another week of jilling off and killing batteries. Tammy stared down at her red painted toes thinking it was a shame they wouldn't be on what's his name's chest. Instead, they'd curl into her sheets when she got herself off.

That would be after Jimmy got home. Her self-pleasuring could wait until she heard how his night went. She really hoped it went well. Getting lucky would do wonders for his lack of self-confidence, but even some socializing, especially with the girl who invited him would be a big boost too.

Tammy leaned forward, picked the remote up from the coffee table, and then settled back into the couch as she searched Netflix for something to watch while she waited. Hopefully, her little brother's Friday night would end up being a lot more satisfying than hers.

Chapter 2

Tammy woke up with a start when the volume on the TV went up during an explosion. She sat up, holding her fingers to her temples as the motion caused her head to spin. She blinked several times to clear her blurry vision then picked up her phone to see it was 11:15.

She noted Jimmy hadn't replied to her, but she had a text from Brenda. She clicked on it to see it was a selfie she'd taken with Donna and two hot guys, "Should have come out to play!" was the message.

"Bitches," Tammy grunted, then shut the TV off and stretched.

Jimmy not being home yet was a good sign, he must be enjoying himself, maybe even someone else. Tammy scooped up her shoes and headed for her room, planning on changing into something more appropriate than a dress that pretty much declared "free lunch".

Not that Jimmy ever said anything about how he'd seen her dressed before, or her sneaking in late, reeking of pot and occasionally drunk on top of it, but she didn't need him to see how his big sister put herself out there if she could avoid it.

It was more than that, and she knew it. The last few months, Tammy had seen him looking at her, not as in casually looking, but looking. Tammy understood, he wasn't just a virgin, but had gone on maybe a total of a half dozen dates in his life and that included proms which he went to with a female friend whose boyfriend lived a state away and didn't go to the school.

Except for porn, the kid had never seen a woman naked, or even close to it except for when some of her friends came over to use their pool in the summer. Tammy had no worries he was being pervy in the sense he thought about her in a sick way, it was curiosity heightened by lack of experience.

But that didn't mean she had to encourage it and once she'd been sure she'd caught him staring at her boobs and her ass several times, and the fact she was missing a red and black lace bra, she'd tried to be more careful around the house.

She'd never confronted him about it, no sense in embarrassing him, and Brenda had once mentioned being pissed when she found one of her thongs under her brother's bed with nasty stains on it. She'd gone to her mother who had told her, "Boys will be boys, he'll be fine when he gets a girlfriend."

So Tammy wasn't too concerned about it. Of course had he already come home, he'd have seen her on the couch in her hey, ho, let's go, dress, but she'd been pretty fuzzy when she'd first gotten home.

She left the lamp on so he wouldn't be coming home in the dark, then went to pull down the blind Jimmy had left open. Tammy grabbed the string, then frowned when she spotted the 2015 VW Jetta their parents had bought Jimmy for his graduation.

He'd come home and hadn't woke her up to talk. Why wouldn't he? Tammy now shut the lamp off and headed down the hallway. She saw light from under his door and listened for a moment.

She swore she heard faint moaning coming from the room. Had he snuck someone in? If he had she'd be fine with it, but now she needed to know. She knocked softly, and when there was no response, banged louder.

"Hey, you little shit, open up, I know you're in there."

"I'm busy!" he called back to her.

"How was the party?"

"Great, tell you tomorrow, night, Tams!"

He sounded nervous and out of breath, he did have someone with him!

She knew she shouldn't, but couldn't help herself. This would be so damn priceless to catch him with a girl. Not to mention she wanted to see who she was and what she looked like. Tammy grasped the doorknob and turned it.


He never locked his door; that all but sealed it.

"Who you got in there?" she knocked as she spoke. "Hey, I'm Jimmy's awesome sister, come out and say hi!"

She heard footsteps and Jimmy opened the door, but only part way and he was standing behind it so she could only see his face.

"There's no one in here!" He sounded annoyed. "Go to bed!"

"Nice try, I heard moaning and you're," her red lips spread into a huge smile. "All red and sweaty, and your glasses are off." She lowered her voice. "Good for you, bro! Is she pretty? What's her name?"

"Molly Minx, okay?"

"Huh?" Tammy frowned. "That's not her real name."

"No, its her porn name, because I'm watching porn," Jimmy sounded more than annoyed, he seemed anxious.

"Really, you're alone?"

"Oh, for god's sake," Jimmy opened the door wider showing his bed. His laptop was on it, and Tammy could see it paused on the image of a woman being fucked doggy style. "You happy you made me show you I'm jerking off like a fucking loser as usual?"

"Hey, don't get mad at me, and you're not a loser, so stop talking like that." Tammy put her hand on his arm, the only part of him she could see other than his face. "You'll meet someone."

"You sound like mom, and you need to stop, I don't need pity from my sister." He went to shut the door, but she moved her hand, placing her palm on the door.

"Calm down, I'm just trying to talk to you."

"I know, but I don't feel like talking."

"How was the party?" She continued. Probably not good from the way he was acting, and now she wanted to know what happened that he seemed angry.

"It was fine, Tammy. Not as fine as yours judging by the way you smell, but fine."

"Then why are you pissed off."

"Don't worry about it, everything's cool."

"Except you," Tammy put her hand on his cheek. He flinched back, but not before she felt how warm his skin was.

"You okay, Jimmy? You're sweaty, and you're all flushed."

"I...yeah. I mean no, I feel kind of weird."

"You have anything to drink?"

"Yeah," he grunted in disgust. "I did, and that's the problem."

"It made you sick? What did you drink, how much?"

"Just leave me alone, okay?"

"I want to make sure you're alright," Tammy pressed the issue. "Someone slip you something funny?"

"Tammy, I know you care, but I just need to be alone."

"Can't be too sick seeing you were jacking off," Tammy pointed out. Something was off here. "Sure everything is cool? We can talk if you want."

"I don't want to talk, I just need to take care of something and get some sleep."

"Seems like you really need to take care of it," Tammy grinned, trying to lighten the mood. "She must have really got you worked up at that party."

"Yeah, that's it, I'm really worked up."

"You need to show me a picture of this little hottie."

"Tomorrow," Jimmy looked down, and his eyes narrowed. "You wore that to the party you went to?"

"I did, and I know, its kind of trashy."

"Its...something." His eyes were lingering on the abundance of cleavage she was showing off. "Dad would shit."

"Dad won't know, right?"

"Yeah, right." His eyes dropped to her long legs. "Not much of a dress that's for sure."

"Hence why they call it a micro dress."

"You put the girls at that party to shame," he was breathing hard as if he'd been really exerting himself and sweat dripped down the sides of his face. What had he drank, fireballs?

"Thanks, and Jimmy?"


"My eyes are up here." she put her finger under his clammy chin and lifted his head.

"Oh, shit, sorry. I mean I wasn't looking at anything just the dress, its..."

"Forget it," Tammy waved him off. "How about I go get you the Thera-flu? You can take a dose and go to sleep," she giggled. "You know, after you ease some tension."

"I said I'm fine."

"Fine, you're fine. Question is how fine is she, and you going to see her again?"

"I'll never see her again," Jimmy's normally mild brown eyes flashed with uncharacteristic anger. "I'll never see any of those people again."


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