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Our Memoir Ch. 01: Our First Meeting

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Audrey and Ben meet for the first time.
6k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/22/2020
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My wife Audrey and I retired not too long ago. To celebrate this new stage of our life together, we headed off on a bit of a bucket-list trip to some of the places around the world that we most wanted to visit. One night at dinner we encountered a couple much older than us who regaled us with the story of how they met and had lived such a fulfilling life together. Later that evening in bed, Audrey and I got to reminiscing about the good old days, how we had met and how our lives had led to where we are now. Sadly, we had also recently suffered the loss of a close family member which made the production of these memoirs even more poignant.

What follows is a true recollection of the experiences of Audrey and I. I know that the previous statement sounds like the opening sentence to just about every sordid letter ever sent to the editor of a men's magazine that I have ever read, however, it remains nonetheless true. The only details that were intentionally changed were people's names.

The highlighted events recounted occurred over the course of the many decades through which our relationship has lasted and indeed, grown stronger. Over the eight or so months that it took to adequately document these recollections, Audrey has reviewed them at least a dozen times, filled in innumerable gaps and provided countless clarifications. Our eldest (adult) daughter has also read the text from start to finish when it was somewhere between 80% and 90% complete. She also provided feedback and her recollections on the timing of certain events. Please be assured that she was much too young at the time to actually witness the events I'm about to recount.

Please note: Where events occurred in the distant past, some of the dialogue provided captures only the essence of what was said rather than being a verbatim account.

Both Audrey and I have both done a fair bit of technical writing in our professional lives, however, this is the first time that either of us have turned our attention to this this type of subject matter. We sincerely hope that you enjoy this account of our wonderful life together.

Ben & Audrey.


My wife Audrey and I are nudists. Consequently, when our children came along, we also raised them as nudists and spent most of our time together without the encumberments of clothing. Naturally, when we left the house we dressed the part and when non-nudist (we never liked the term "textile") friends and family came to visit, we covered up out of respect for their sensitivities.

Luckily, our property was some distance out of town and relatively secluded. This meant that when the weather was suitable, and it was suitable for most of the year, we also spent a lot of our outdoors time without clothing.

The story of how Audrey and I met is, in my opinion, a rather interesting one. Audrey and I actually met when we were both visiting a nudist resort for the first time. Back then, I was dating a lovely lady by the name of Jennifer who just so happened to be a naturist. She first got me accustomed to simply being naked around the house with her before graduating to nude beaches and then eventually some more adventuresome nudist hiking.

Seeing that my comfort level had increased, she suggested to me that we should visit a nudist resort that she was familiar with. She said that she knew a number of people that visited there frequently and that I should have a lot in common with many of them. Surprisingly to me, I agreed.

It took some time, but eventually we managed to get some time off work together and we booked ourselves in for a week of sunshine and no clothing.

Once we had settled into our cabin, I was busy studying the activities guide when Jennifer suggested that we venture outside and explore the resort in person. As it was a fairly warm day, she recommended that we start with the swimming pool. When we arrived at the swimming pool, we found that it was full of fairly vocal children running around, jumping into the pool and generally enjoying themselves.

This was clearly one of those times where words were unnecessary. Jennifer and I exchanged the briefest of glances and turned around in unison to leave. As we completed our about face, we encountered another couple standing right behind us, they must have entered the pool area just after us. They appeared to be approximately our age and in the process of making the same discovery that we had just made. Jennifer and I did not know it yet, but this couple were Audrey and her boyfriend Jason.

I'm not normally the superficial type, but Audrey left me gob-smacked, she was just so beautiful. It was more good luck than good management that I managed to remain flaccid during our first meeting. Audrey was tall, almost my height, just fractionally shorter. She was in magnificent physical condition. Her shoulders were fairly broad and well developed, like she had been a swimmer or gymnast or something. Her arms, legs and abdomen were lean and muscular, but in a very feminine way. Her breasts were spectacular, full, round and firm, yet not disproportional to the rest of her body. And then there was her bush, I could write chapters on her bush alone, it was full and one hundred percent natural.

Her thighs and calves were lean and pleasantly muscular. Perhaps she did some running or maybe some cycling. I got all of the way to her toes and noticed something quizzical. Her toenails were painted, that by itself was not really all that unusual, they were, however, all painted a different colour. Her big toes were red, the next toes were orange, followed by yellow, green and then blue.

As I started looking back up her body, I noticed that she had moved her hands to her hips and by the time I got back up to her head, her eyebrows were raised and her lips pushed together as if to say "Did you get a good enough look pervert?"

I smiled and met her eyes and said "I love your toenails".

Audrey stood motionless, disbelievingly scrunching up one side of her mouth slightly.

"Yes, they are a perfectly adequate representation of the refraction of white light considering the number of digits on the average human foot." I concluded with a smile.

"Well, thank you, most people either don't notice or understand. Do you like my fingers too?" she said as she held them up for me to inspect. Each nail had a different mathematical symbol, there was a sigma and a pi and delta and a square root as well as the traditional four operators.

"Very clever." I said nodding approvingly.

"We were planning on having a quick swim, but the pool is otherwise occupied." said Jennifer.

"Yes, that was our plan too." responded Jason despondently.

"There's lots of other things to do around here, surely we can come up with something." suggested Jennifer.

Audrey asked, "Do they have tennis courts?"

"Yes they do. Just over there." Jennifer replied pointing off to her right.

"How about some mixed doubles?" asked Audrey cheerfully.

Jennifer held out her hand saying "Sure. Hi I'm Jennifer and this is my boyfriend Ben."

Audrey took Jennifer's hand and shook it saying, "This is Jason and I'm Audrey."

Jason and I shook hands and nodded hello before swapping partners to shake hands with Jennifer and Audrey respectively.

"They have some racquets that you can borrow, but I'll have to stop off at our cabin to put on some shoes." said Jennifer as she pointed toward the exit.

"We had to walk from the other end of the resort, so we decided to wear shoes." replied Audrey.

"We're happy to wait while you get your shoes." added Jason helpfully.

"Nonsense, come with us. Our cabin is on the way to the tennis courts, it'll only take a minute." I responded.

With that, Jason stepped aside making a sweeping hand gesture and said, "Lead the way."

Jennifer and I lead them back to our cabin and invited them in. We made small talk as we dug through our luggage looking for suitable footwear. Once found and we were appropriately shod, we were out of our cabin and on the court within about five minutes.

The first thing that comes to the minds of many of people when they think of nudism is voyeurism. For me, it's about the freedom of not being constrained by clothing and prudish society. I can, however, understand why voyeuristic intent is a common misunderstanding among non-practitioners. When I first started, I admit, I did check out the ladies. As I became more settled and accustomed a mixed-company clothes-free lifestyle, I checked out the ladies less and less.

This tennis match tested my resolve, however. Not only was Audrey's skill level far beyond anything that Jennifer or I could muster, but I also found her toned athletic body to be an incredible distraction. The way her breasts bounced when she served or returned a shot was bad enough. The distraction of having to watch those arse cheeks flex as she walked back to the baseline to serve would certainly be the basis for a protest under any other conditions.

Whilst Jennifer and I were able to win a handful of games between us, Audrey and Jason simple wiped the floor with us. We shook hands over the net at the end of the game. As we passed the end of the net I noticed that Jason put his arm around Jennifer and gave her a kiss on the cheek, I didn't think much of it at the time. Audrey and Jason seemed like a nice enough couple and we ended up spending quite a bit of time together that week.

After a few days, Jennifer and I were laying in bed and she asked me what I thought about Audrey. I said that I though that she was intelligent, funny and had a great backhand, but that's not what Jennifer meant. Jennifer wanted to know if I was physically attracted to Audrey. At first, I did not know how to take the question, perhaps Jennifer was testing me and this was a trap. It turned out, however, that Jennifer was attracted to Jason and was interested in a little bit more than tennis and hiking.

Jennifer had previously told me that a number of her former relationships were "open" and I came to understand that what she was really asking is if I would like to swing with Audrey and Jason. Jennifer and I had previously invited a "guest" into our bed and I found this to be reasonable stimulating. As the guest had always been another woman, I was a little bit apprehensive about having another man in the bedroom as well as another woman. We talked it over for a while and I agreed to give it a shot.

Several more days passed with no further mention of getting together with Jason and Audrey so I thought little more of the conversation. This afternoon, Jennifer and I decided to split up for our activities. Jennifer wanted to lay by the pool reading a book and I was keen to hike the trail up to the waterfall and rock pools.

I returned from my hike to find Jennifer still lounging by the pool with a long cool drink by her side.

"Nice hike?" she asked when she saw me approach.

"Yes, thanks. It was wonderful. We stopped at a number of the rock pools along the way for a swim." I reported.

"We?" she asked quizzically.

"Yes. I encountered a woman with her teenage daughters along the way. We had a pleasant chat on the main trail as the kids explored off to the side from time to time.

"That's great." responded Jennifer.

"What about you. What did you get up to?" I asked.

"Luckily, the pools was relatively kid free this morning. Well I sat here and read my book, got a snack, had a bit of a nap. That kind of thing." she said.

"Sound delightful." I said.

"I also ran into Jason and we're on for tonight." she added.

"What do you mean 'on for tonight'?" I asked.

"Don't you remember? We talked about it a few days ago." she said.

Lowering her voice and motioning me to lean closer she continued.

"You know, we were going to 'hang out' with Jason and Audrey." she said giving me a wink.

"Oh, the swinging thing. I just thought that we'd forgotten about that." I said possibly a little too loudly.

"No, we will meet at their cabin at 9 tonight. And keep your voice down." she said admonishingly.

"They may all be running around stark naked here, but most frown on anything that appears to equate nudity with sexually. They prefer their naturism to be non-sexual." she finished.

"OK. I'm going to need a quick nap before we head out for dinner." I said.

I headed back to our cabin for a shower and a nap. After an hour so so, Jennifer came in with some food that she placed on the table. I looked up at her from the bed.

"Don't get up." she said, "I want to snuggle.

She walked around the bed and got in behind me. I could feel her breasts press against my back and her legs curled up under mine.

"Did you have a good nap?" she asked.

"A bit too short, but still refreshing." I responded.

"Good, you're going to need your strength for tonight." she said.

"Hmm." was all that I managed.

"What's wrong? Are you still interested in our little rendezvous tonight?" she asked.

"In theory, yes. I'm just not sure how I will react seeing you having sex with another man." I explained.

"I'm sure that once you and Audrey start getting busy, you won't even notice what Jason and I are up to." she replied.

"Besides, you've seen me have sex with plenty of other women right in front of your eyes. I've also watched you as you've kissed them, sucked their tits, licked their clits and pounded the living daylights out of their pussies. I think that you'll be just fine." she said reassuringly.

Jennifer moved away slightly and said, "Come on, we should eat before it gets cold."

With that, she flung the sheets off the bed and slapped me on the arse. She bounced over to the edge of the bed, walked across to the table and then started to unpack the food.

"Grab some bowls and cutlery on your way over. We're having pasta tonight." she said.

I got out of bed and did as she asked. We filled up our bowls with noodly goodness and made our way outside to watch the sunset. We ate our meal on the chairs just outside our door, revelling in the ever-changing hues of the sunset whilst waving at the occasional passing guest.

Once our bowls were empty and the sun had set, we went back inside our cabin to prepare for our big adventure tonight. I cleaned our dirty dishes in the sink and Jennifer put the leftovers in the refrigerator and cleaned off the table. Jennifer and I then had a shower each and dried ourselves off. Jennifer put on a little perfume, but I never use fragrances.

"Are you ready?" she turned to me and asked.

"I think so." I responded unconvincingly.

"Listen, just remember that you don't have to do anything that you are uncomfortable with. If you have had enough and just want to stop, say so and we can stop and come back here." Jennifer said reassuringly.

We left our cabin, walked along our short deck and then down a small flight of stairs to reach the meandering path that lead to all parts throughout the resort. Jason and Audrey's cabin was literally at the opposite end of the resort in the other accommodation zone.

Jennifer and I held hands as we walked in silence along the dimly lit paths that wound their way between the various facilities of the resort. The evening was warm with just the slightest hint of a breeze caressing our skin as we walked.

Even though we were in a nudist resort, I considered wearing clothes, or at least some shorts, just in case anything should 'arise' unexpectedly on our walk this evening. As it turned out, I was worried about nothing.

Searching for a way to break our prolonged silence, Jennifer said "You'll do fine. You know where all of the pieces go. You certainly know how to press my buttons!"

"It's not the mechanics that I am concerned about. What if I can't perform in front of others? Or, what if I get jealous when you and Jason get going?" I responded.

"These are all sensible and rational questions for someone doing this for the first time." Jennifer responded quite plainly.

"So," she continued, "with regards to the jealously: If that becomes an issue, tell us and we'll stop what we're doing and we can talk about it. Jason and I have both done this kind of thing before with other couples and we know that it is important to communicate."

She paused briefly to gather her thoughts.

"As for a 'failure to launch'" she said with air quotes, "I saw how you looked at Audrey the first time you met her. You and your little buddy down there will be just fine, trust me." she said with a little chuckle.

We walked the final few minutes in an amicable silence, just enjoying the evening. When we arrived at Jason and Audrey's cabin, we climbed their short set of stairs and stood in front of their door.

Jennifer looked at me and raised her eyebrows asking the unspoken question, "are you ready?" I looked back at her and nodded and then reached out to knock on their freshly painted door. I took in a breath and knocked.

It seemed like minutes, but it was probably only a few seconds before Jason opened the door and greeted us with a smile.

"We're so glad that you could make it," he started, "please come in."

Their cabin was roughly the same as ours, but mirror imaged. There was a small round table surrounded by four wicker chairs with comfy pillows. To the left with a small kitchenette and then a bathroom behind. Instead of our king bed, they had two double beds, but the rest of the décor was practically identical to ours.

Both Jason and Audrey were naked, as one would expect in such a resort.

Jason shook my hand and kissed Jennifer politely on one cheek.

Jennifer then stepped forward to Audrey, kissing her on each cheek in turn saying, "Your hair looks wonderful down like that."

"Thanks Jen. I've always wanted to try short hair like yours, but I don't think I'd look anywhere near as elegant as you do." Audrey responded.

"Hi Ben." said Audrey as she advanced towards me and planted a kiss on each cheek.

"Are you excited?" she asked me.

"Equal parts excitement and terror I think." I responded.

"Don't worry," said Jason, ",we're all friends here."

Jason approached Audrey and I and placed a reassuring hand on one shoulder each before continuing, "If either of you become uncomfortable at any time, just say so and we will stop and reassess the situation."

"OK, got it." responded Audrey.

"Fine by me." I said.

"So," Jason said rather formally, "before we start: Because this is our first time as a group and more importantly the first time experience for Audrey and Ben, I want to ensure that we are all happy to participate in sexual intimacy this evening. All activities will take place within sight of all partners and as both ladies are on the pill, rubbers are optional. If you feel the need to use a rubber, there is a pack on the bedside table."


"I agree." came her response.




"OK by me." I said.

"OK then." Jason said, "Let the fun begin.

Jason held out his hand towards Jennifer and she took it. He pulled her closer and put his arms around her waist. She put her arms around his neck and he leaned down just as she raised herself on her toes and they kissed gently and playfully.

They looked at each other, looked at Audrey and I, smiled and released their mutual embrace. Jason moved behind Audrey and Jennifer move behind me. I could see Jason kissing Audrey's neck and I could feel Jennifer playing with my chest.

"Ben, would you like to kiss Audrey?" Jennifer asked from behind me.

"That would be nice." I responded.

"Audrey, would you like to kiss Ben?" Jason asked.

"I think that I would," she said looking directly into my eyes.

"I believe that I would find that a most enjoyable experience." she said smiling.

Audrey took a step towards me and I put my hands on her waist. Being roughly the same height as me, Audrey kept looking straight into my eyes, raised her hands to my shoulders and closed the remaining gap. She used that position to her advantage and made sure that those wonderful breasts of hers were making firm contact with my chest.


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