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Patty's 18th Birthday Ch. 01

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Bratty virgin finds forceful guys.
3.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/27/2022
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Patty's 18th Birthday

Chapter 1 of 3

Warning: This work of erotic fiction contains filthy language and forced sex. I write stories like this for self-gratification. If the idea of a young woman being used for others' sexual pleasure bothers you, then you shouldn't be reading the "non-consensual/forced sex" category. Or, as some of the other authors have said, "What are you doing here?" All characters are aged 18 and over.


"I don't care what you think," Patty said, flouncing across the room. "This is the way everybody dresses!" She was wearing a denim mini-skirt that she'd made herself, from an old pair of cutoffs. Her bare legs went on forever under it. She was still young and coltish with her long slender legs, and for footwear she had on tall black boots with high spiky heels. Even with 4" heels she was only 5' 2" and her curly blond hair reached to her tight little butt. There was a strip of bare belly above the waistband of the skirt and a tight white knit cami molded her big round boobs. Picking up her leather jacket, she was almost to the door before her father spoke.

"Patty, I only want to protect you! That's all I've ever wanted. It's your 18th birthday and I thought we'd go out for dinner to celebrate tonight."

"Oh, I'm gonna celebrate, all right," she said. "At a club for 18 and over where I can dance and flirt with guys older than me! I don't want to go to some boring restaurant with you"

"But the way you're dressed! You're asking for trouble, going out like that! And it's cold out! You're going to freeze your hind end off. Do you at least have enough money for a taxi?" He brought out his wallet and gave her a fifty-dollar bill. "There. Take it. Please be safe."

"Thanks, Daddy," she said brightly with an impudent smile. "I'll see you later!" Closing the apartment door behind her, she said to herself, "Much later." The elevator from the penthouse level didn't stop at any other floors but it still felt like forever before she reached the opulent lobby and whisked out the door. The doorman looked after her as she sashayed down the sidewalk and thought to himself, "I'd sure like to get some of that..."

Patty walked quickly, practically skipping, the four Chicago blocks between the skyscraper apartment building and Rockets, the club where she was going to dance the night away. At the door she got a pink wristband that identified her as less than 21 and thus not legal to drink. She didn't care. She'd had alcohol a few times with kids at parties and she didn't really care for it. All she wanted to do was dance. Shake her booty! She looked around the enormous room, through the people dancing, trying to see if her two friends were already there but she didn't see them.

"Hey!" said a masculine voice right next to her ear, "What's your name?"

"Patty!" she said, "What's yours?" He was devilishly handsome in a scruffy kind of way: broadshouldered, blue eyes, long dark hair and long dark eyelashes. "God! You're good-lookin!" she finished.

He laughed and waved a hand dismissively. "Robert, but you can call me Bobby. And you're pretty good-looking yourself. How old are you? I see from your wrist that you're not 21" ' And Goddamn, what a body!' he thought, 'Big round titties and legs long enough to wrap around a man. A blond beauty!'

"18 today!" she declared saucily. Fluttering her lashes, she added, "Bobby."

"Where's your date?" he asked. At the shake of her head, he went on incredulously, "No date!? You gotta be kiddin' me!" Looking around, he said, "Then where are your girlfriends?" She shook her head again and said, "I don't see them. Maybe they're not here yet. I walked over from my apartment."

"Nobody to celebrate with?" he asked, not believing his good fortune. 'I should have checked my horoscope this morning. Would have had this to look forward to all day long.' "Do you want to dance? They'll find you when they get here, right?" With his hand at her waist he nudged her toward the dance floor.

"It's what I came for!" she laughed. "I love to dance!!!" and she moved out into the crowd which swallowed them up. Bobby followed, observing that the hem of her little skirt curved under the cheeks of her ass which she was already shaking.

She was a good dancer, moving her feet with the beat, rotating her hips and shoulders, snapping her fingers and throwing her long hair around. He wasn't the only man noticing her.

'She can't be as innocent as she's coming off,' he thought, 'It's gotta be an act!' But what the hell! Act or not, he'd be a fool to ignore the obvious invitation so he settled into a rhythm and enjoyed watching the little sprite prance around joyfully. When the band took a break he said, "Wow! You're so good! I'm thirsty! Do you want a drink? A coke or something?" His hand again at the small of her back, pressing against that strip of warm bare skin, he moved her along toward the bar. "What do you want? Here, grab a table."

"Diet Coke would be great!" she smiled. "Lots of ice, please." She sat down and crossed her legs. Robert was sure he caught a glimpse of a panty-covered crotch and felt his cock stir. "I'll be right back," he said.

He went to the end of the bar farthest from her and ordered her Diet Coke and a rum and coke for himself. He used the stir-straw from his own drink to stir a packet of Ecstasy into her glass. When he got back to the table he found Patty on her cell phone apparently answering a text message. She looked up when he set her drink down, and said, "They're not coming!" she said with a pout and a flounce. "Bummer!" and looked around.

Robert picked her free hand up off her thigh and held it between both of his. Looking into her big brown eyes he leaned closer and closer until he could smell her hair and said huskily into her ear, "Well it's my lucky night, isn't it? Will you stay and dance with me?" He nudged her glass over. "Drink your coke while you think about it," he said with a winning grin.

'Great teeth,' she thought and took a big gulp of her coke. "Man, I'm thirsty!" she exclaimed. "So Bobby, what do you do? Are you in college?"

He knew she had no idea how old he was, not that it would matter in the long run, since there wouldn't BE a long run. He said only, "Yeah," and steered the conversation back to her, asking questions about her life. He found out that her father was a doctor. "Oh, he's such an ass!" she said. "He doesn't want me to have any fun!" and which Gold Coast highrise she lived in. "He cares more about his artwork and the penthouse than he does about me!" she pouted and took another gulp. Her drink was almost gone and he thought she was beginning to feel the X.

The band took the stage again and Patty shook her shoulders, her big hooters swaying side to side. Robert took her hand again and said, "Wanna dance some more?" They moved out onto the floor and this time Robert stayed closer to her, brushing against her body, and from behind her he bumped her hips forward by shoving his crotch against her ass. When she didn't resist his physical attention he stepped it up. From behind her he slid his hands downward from her waist and tucked his fingers into the pockets of her skirt. His body moved with hers, matching her steps and rubbing against her with his chest, crotch and legs. He said into her ear, "Oh baby, you're so good! I like the feel of you against me!" She tilted her head back into his shoulder and draped her raised arms around the back of his neck. He could look into her white cami and see both the swell of her titflesh and the lacy edges of a dainty bra. He pulled her back against him and groaned into her ear, letting her believe that she was the one in control of the situation.

After one more X-Coke she was encouraging his hands to roam as they danced and he'd had both hands under her shirt weighing those magnificent mammaries. "32DD?' he thought disbelievingly. "Christ!" He attempted to pinch a nipple but the bra was so tight that he couldn't get hold of it. When he inched her skirt up and used his hands there to pull her back into him as he dry-humped her he caressed her pussy through the material of her panties.

"Hey!" she said suddenly and pulled away. "Stop that!"

"You can't blame a guy for trying!" he laughed, his hands out in front of him. "You're too hot to leave alone!" That made her smile as she twitched her skirt down.

"Hey, Bobby! My man!" came another voice nearby. "Que pasa, man!"

"Lupo!" Bobby exclaimed, and they did a complicated handshake as Patty looked on. She was feeling a little lightheaded and her pussy felt swollen. She pulled her legs in close together and felt them squeeze the cunt lips. "Hey! This is Patty! She came to dance! Patty, this is Lupo. He's a great dancer. Hey, while I go get us some fresh drinks, why don't you dance with him for a while." He backed away into the crowd and Lupo moved in close to Patty, dancing and stroking, kissing and sucking on her neck. He danced her off the floor and to the table where Bobby sat with their drinks.

"Hey, baby," Lupo said over the top of his Long Island Iced Tea, " what's that? A coke??? You want a drink of mine? It's iced tea!"

"Yeah, I'm too young to drink, but yeah, I'd like a drink of your tea!" She finished putting fresh lipstick on her pouty mouth then made a point of making a kissing motion towards him before taking a slug of his drink. "Wow! That's good! Thanks!" She drank half of the glass before giving it back. Lupo and Bobby exchanged a glance. "Let's dance a little more, sweetheart," Lupo said and pulled her up off the chair. She teetered a little on her high-heeled boots. "Oops!" she laughed, tipping over into his chest, smiling up at him. He took advantage of the moment, moved his hands up into her hair and held her face so he could give her a kiss, which deepened quickly to a battle of tongues. She'd obviously had experience with kissing, and enjoyed it.

"Hey, what gives?" Bobby protested next to her. "What am I? Chopped liver?" His fingers found her belt loops and pulled her hips toward him even as Lupo was holding her upper half against HIM. They were all dancing, but humping would be a better description. Patty's arms were raised, her arms looped around first one, then the other man, her enormous boobs lifted up in invitation to their wandering hands. Lupo, especially, was a tit man, and he soon kept one of his hands busy rubbing and pushing her titflesh around, watching them jiggle, wobble and sway.

The two men had worked together before and they knew each other's moves. They also were excellent judges of the condition of their prey. They exchanged a look then moved closer to each other, with Patty in the middle. "I feel like the meat in a sandwich!" she giggled and wiggled.

"And you're tasty meat, too, baby," Lupo said, licking and biting at her bare shoulder. "Let's get out of here. I know another dance club we can go to. They've got a better band!" He was urging her toward the door from the back and Robert was pulling her from the front. He picked her leather jacket up from the table and quickly checked the pockets. Cell phone, key, credit card, I.D. and a fifty dollar bill. The girl travelled light. From his own pocket he took a tin containing putty and pressed the key into it twice, then returned both items to the pockets they belonged in.

Outside it was bitterly cold and windy. Patty was shivering and dancing around on the toes of her boots. "Brrr! Which way? Is it very far?" Robert had flagged a taxi down and put the jacket around her shoulders. "Get in," he said, holding the door for her.

"Such a gentleman!" Patty giggled. Lupo ran around the taxi and got in the other door, and Robert followed Patty in. He shoved a fifty toward the driver and said, "Just drive around, dude, ok?" The taxi driver nodded and took off.

Lupo had his mouth pressed down on Patty's, thrusting his tongue in and out. Patty's tongue was slowly getting into the act, and her hips were squirming around. The X was having the desired effects. Robert slid in close on her other side, ran his hand up the side of her neck and pulled her face away from Lupo's. "My turn," he growled. He gripped her jaw and said, "Kiss me, you cunt." A startled look on Patty's face was the only reaction she had time for before his mouth crushed her lips against her teeth. Lupo went to sucking on her throat, leaving hickeys behind, and descended to her shoulder. He pulled the cami strap off her shoulder, yanked the jacket sleeve down her arm and savagely bit her before sucking hard on her tender, bruised flesh.

"We gotta lose this jacket, sweetheart," he grumbled and pulled her forward in the seat. Robert sat back and pulled her right arm out of the jacket quickly, before she knew what was happening. She sputtered, and Bobby put a doctored Coke bottle to her swollen lips. "Here, baby," he said. "Have a drink." She swallowed in self-defense before her mouth was assaulted again, this time by Lupo, who attacked her mouth with his, sucking and pulling on her bottom lip for a while before tongue-fucking her mouth some more. He brought his left hand up to her giant knockers and mashed into them. They were so huge that the swelled titflesh reached his arm and he groaned and grabbed a handful, which he shook so he could feel the mass of mams rub on his arm.

"Hey, man," Bobby said, "You got her mouth. I get her titties!" He yanked at the front of the cami, breaking the straps with a pop, stuck his big hand down into the lacy bra and pulled out the biggest tit he'd ever seen. "Oh, JESUS! Would you look at THIS????" he exclaimed. "It takes two hands to hold it!" The globe bobbled and wobbled in his eager hands.

Patty struggled to sit up, trying to protest against Lupo's mouth, but the men held her in place easily. Lupo put his left leg over hers, and Bobby flung his right over the other one. That's all it took to keep her where she was. Her struggles only made them hotter and her tits to swing around more. Bobby had his hands full, cupping her meaty mammary and bouncing it up and down, back and forth, squeezing and mauling. He was literally drooling, letting slobber fall from his mouth onto her skin. He started pulling and twisting on the incongruously small nipple, pulling it hard enough to make her squeal into Lupo's mouth. He thrust his hand into the bra, yanked out the other tit and pinched its nipple hard. "Shut up, twat!" he ordered. "Keep goin', man. I think she's likin' it." Turning back to Patty, the nipple still between his fingers, he asked, "Aren't you likin' it, you baby cunt?" Squeeze. Squeeze. "Nod if you understand me."

The girl, eyes wide, nodded furiously. "Please, please don't hurt me," she begged. Bobby stuck the Coke bottle into her mouth and she swallowed reflexively. "You're scaring me," she mewed when the bottle was removed from her mouth. "I want to go hommmmmmmmmmmm," she finished with a groan as both of her tiny nipples were sucked and nibbled on by the men. "Argh" The men, in a move they'd practiced several times, easily pulled the girls long legs apart. The girl squealed again and Lupo cursed and slapped her melons back and forth, making them bounce and sway. "Shut up! We're gonna do what we wanta do! EVERYTHING we wanta do, and you're gonna TAKE IT, YA FUCKING CUNT!" He stuck a balled-up handkerchief into her open mouth and kept slapping her tits, making them red and even more swollen. He saw the driver checking them out in the rear-view mirror. "Just keep drivin', dude. You'll get some too."

Bobby took over at the titflesh, squeezing them together so the nipples brushed at each other, grabbing the nipples and pulling the entire melon out from her ribcage, stretching the titty into a cone-shaped fun-bag. He waggled it, watching it shake like a blob of jello, then went to work with his mouth. Lupo slid his hand up her thigh, into the hot space under the tiny skirt and encountered the crotch of her panties. He rubbed his hand up and down on her pussy before yanking the panties to the side only to find a totally hairless pussy. He grunted in satisfaction and said to Bobby. "The pussy's bald, man! I told you it would be. You owe me a twenty!"

Patty was getting delirious. Between the X, alcohol and the attentions of the two men, she didn't know what was happening to her. She'd let a couple of boys see and play with her tits before, and she'd given one a handjob but that was far as she'd gone. She talked big, but she was inexperienced, to say the least. But she was feeling warm all over and had a vague sense of wanting more. Whatever it was.

Bobby started kissing on her again while pushing her funbags around on her chest. "Ya like that, don'tcha baby," he muttered against her lips. "I knew as soon as I started dancin' with ya that you'd be a good playtoy. Now gimme that tongue!" Meanwhile Lupo was stroking her puffy pussy lips, pulling on them then letting them snap back then sliding into the slit of her snatch. Patty nearly leapt off the seat of the taxi when Lupo stuck his middle finger into her twat.

"OhmyGod" he said. "OH MY EVERFUCKIN' GOD! She's a fuckin' virgin!" he cried. "She's never been plowed!" To the taxi driver he said, "Man, we'll cut you in on this if you know somewhere we can go. It's gotta be somewhere private, so we can all have some fun."

The taxi driver sped up for six blocks then took a right, a left, and another right before pulling up short and suddenly behind a dark building. "Come on!" he called, throwing open his door. "I've got a spot inside!"

As he went to the door, Lupo pulled Patty out of the back seat and threw her over his shoulder. Bobby jumped out of his side, slapped a cheek of Patty's bare ass and said "All right!"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

To the guy with the hymen comment, that's not how hymens work omg

Iamarock700Iamarock700about 2 years ago

Love it looking forward to part 2, i hope the 3 guys get a virginity each

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Plot twist her hymen covers the vagina making sex impossible. It is the only case where it is physically possible to tell if a woman is a virgin or not.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great story! more please

LooneyLooneyabout 2 years ago

Very good. More please. Will be interesting to see where this goes. Not too much x at once or she will OD ;)

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