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Paul and Karen

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Man and his lady boss get it on during a business trip.
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Paul pulled down the last of the cartons of literature from the van, and placed it on the luggage cart. He followed Karen into the Exhibits area where they would be busy for the next hour or so to set up the booth for their company. He was not very happy about having to make yet another trip in less than a month to do an exhibit at yet another trade show. He shrugged his shoulders as he watched his boss in the marketing department make her way through the clutter of half opened crates from other companies, who were also participating in this event. He was still thinking about the look on his son's face when he told the family that he had to be away for a few days at this trade show. Little Aaron was disappointed because he wanted his dad to be home for his birthday, which was only a couple of days away. Paul promised to make it up to him, and told him that he would get him a nice, surprise gift for the birthday.

They found the booth, and began unloading. Karen was experienced in this kind of work because she had done a few of these shows. She was the Marketing Director, and Paul's boss. She was a marketing whiz, a beautiful woman with a vivacious figure, and cool as a cat. She was in her mid-thirties, and was always very friendly with everyone without being flirtatious. Paul had recently joined the marketing department, and was secretly delighted that he would be working for her, even though they were pretty much equals in experience and knowledge of the markets. She just happened to be senior to him, but was not in the least bossy. He knew she was married, but she never discussed her personal life. Paul, on the other hand, was always talking about his family.

They worked quickly and set up the booth in about forty five minutes. Karen was visibly tired after the long road trip, and decided to rest. She sat down on one of the chairs, and watched Paul as he put up the display boards. She suggested the layout and alignment of the displays and talked about trade show tricks to use and so on. Paul was standing on a chair, putting up the boards. As he leaned forward to adjust the position of one of the large boards, the chair suddenly tilted and he lost his balance. He grabbed one of the panels for support, just as Karen jumped up to help him. The panel came loose and swung forward, hitting her squarely on the left shoulder, bounced off and fell on her as she stumbled backwards. The corner of the panel scraped her left arm as it slid across her chest, causing a small tear in her te-shirt. She was wearing shorts and tee-shirt, and flat-heeled shoes. As she fell back, the back of her leg rammed against the chair she was sitting in. The chair toppled over, and its leg got caught under her one of the legs of her shorts, as it flipped over. Karen landed on top of the upturned leg of the chair, and howled in pain, rolling over to avoid getting impaled on it. The fall knocked the wind out of her, and she lay on the carpet, gasping and grimacing, her hand pressed against her left breast, and legs pulled tightly together in the fetal position. She fought to control the tears, as her body throbbed with the pain in her left side and in her bottom. Paul quickly ran towards her and knelt down next to her.

"I'm terribly sorry, Karen. It's my fault. I should have used a step stool instead of reaching out so far. Are you hurt badly?"

"It's okay, Paul. I think the panel hit me on the side and on the shoulder. It hurts." She tried to get up with his help, but winced, as soon as she tried to rise on her right foot. "Ouch. The leg of that chair almost speared my bottom. God, it hurts even to walk."

"I feel so terrible. Should I call a doctor? Are you bleeding?"

"I don't know. I am sure the pain will subside in a few minutes. Let me just rest for a while. Why don't you put the panel back up. I am sorry I am not much help to you."

"No, that's okay. You take care of yourself. I'll fix up the display in no time, and then we'll head for the hotel. May be a warm bath will do you some good. You look tired."

"I am tired. Thanks. I will be fine in the morning, and then we'll finish laying out the boards before the show opens. I forgot to thank you for coming along at such a short notice, Paul. I feel bad that you will miss your son's birthday."

"It's okay. I told him I would bring him a nice gift. We'll celebrate after we get back. You have to come."

Karen nodded, and said, "I will. I have to thank him for letting you come on this trip."

They checked in at the hotel, and got adjacent rooms. Paul had to help her walk. Karen had difficulty walking, because of the sharp pain in her bottom where the leg of the chair had poked rather hard. She leaned on him for support, fighting to control her pain. Paul had strong arms, but he felt her weight on him, being acutely aware of the pressure of her breast, as he helped her down the hallway. He went back to retrieve their luggage. When he had brought her suitcase to her room, he asked if she needed any help with unpacking.

Karen declined, and said, "I need to check my shoulder and leg, to see if it looks bad. It is still hurting. I hope there is no swelling."

"Why don't I wait for a few minutes while you check yourself out? I can run out and get some medicine if you like. Do you have any pain killers with you?"

"No, I didn't bring any. Thanks for your help, Paul. But there is no need for you to wait here. You are also tired, and need to unpack. I'll call you if I need any help. I'm going to take a long, hot bath, and then we'll go out for dinner."

Paul shook his head. "You took a nasty fall, Karen. Just go to the bathroom and check out the bruises. I'll wait here."

"I should be okay. The hot bath should take care of it."

"Please. Do what I say. I'll feel better when I know you are okay."

"All right. Come on in, and make yourself comfortable. I'll check it out."

Karen closed the bathroom door behind her. In a few minutes, Paul heard her wail, and quickly got up.

"Are you okay, Karen?"

"No. The panel bruised my left side worse than I thought. The skin is all black and blue. But my butt is really hurting. It is extremely tender and feels like there is a lot of swelling. Unfortunately I can't see anything." Karen said from inside.

"Can I help in any way?"

"This is so embarrassing. I don't know how to explain."

"There is no need. I understand. I saw you fall, Karen. Look, I know this is very embarrassing for you. It is for me also. But it could be serious especially if the skin is punctured. Do you see any blood?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Check your underwear, Karen. This is no time to be modest."

"I know, Paul. Okay. There is some spotting on the panty. I guess I need to get a disinfectant. Could you get some aloe vera gel and some sprain medicine from the pharmacy? Don't get any other kind of disinfectant with alcohol in it. The damn thing really stings. Aloe vera is gentle and soothing."

"I'll be right back. You take it easy, Karen, and take a hot bath. I am sorry for all this. I was clumsy."

"Don't blame yourself, Paul. Thanks for helping."

Paul returned in about 20 minutes, and knocked on her door. Karen opened it and let him in. She had a towel wrapped around her, and was walking gingerly.

Paul looked at her, his eyes taking in her wet hair, the hint of a cleavage and her shapely legs. She noticed his gaze and blushed.

"Did you get the medicine?"

"Yes. Here's the aloe vera. I asked the pharmacist about the sprain, and he gave me this liniment, and said to gently rub it in the affected area for a few minutes. Oh, and he also gave these tablets to take before going to bed. They will help you sleep, even though there may be some low level pain."

"Thanks, Paul. I appreciate it. I have to ask you another favor."

"Anything, Karen."

"I can't reach the bruised area on my left shoulder. Do you mind applying this medicine on the shoulder? I didn't realize the panel hit me in the back. I only felt it on the side."

"Sure. Give me the tube. How do you want to do it? Do you prefer lying down or sitting up?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Then you better lie down. You will be more comfortable."

Karen stretched out on the bed and turned on her tummy. Paul gently loosened the towel around her shoulder and saw the swelling. It started just under the shoulder blade and seemed to spread towards her left side. He told her to turn on her right side, and said, "It looks like you have a nasty welt, Karen. You are going to have to push the towel down further so I can reach it. Do you mind?"

Karen loosened the towel. She took a deep breath, and braced herself for the liniment. She gasped as soon as Paul touched her bruise, and grimaced with pain when the liniment stung. She pushed the towel down, exposing her breast to him. He looked at her and their eyes locked for a brief moment.

Paul looked away, and said, "I am sorry, Karen."

Karen looked at him steadily, and said, "It's okay, Paul. I am not embarrassed anymore. I hope you are not. I know I have a good figure, and I don't mind you looking. So relax. This is more important."

Paul began to apply the lotion, gently rubbing it into the sensitive skin. His fingers worked the shoulder blade, and part of the side for a few minutes, and then he stopped.

Karen looked at him, and said, "You are not done yet, Paul."

"Are you sure you want me to continue? I mean, I would have to touch your breast. You can do it yourself now, I think."

"No, you do it, Paul. It's okay. Go ahead. I don't mind. You have a very firm and soothing touch."

Paul took a deep breath, and began applying lotion to the left side of the breast. Karen lifted her arm and turned slightly to face him, giving him an easier angle to work. The towel had dropped down to her waist, exposing both the breasts. Paul looked at the firm flesh, and the extended nipples, as he gently massaged the left breast. He looked at her, and found her smiling at him with amusement.

"Why are you looking at me like that?", he blurted out.

"Because you look so embarrassed," she replied, laughing.

"What do you expect me to do? You are so beautiful, and ..."

"And what? That I'm sitting here half-naked? You are a nice person, Paul. I know we are both married, and all that. And this is an unusual circumstance. Don't feel inhibited because we are colleagues. I am enjoying your massage very much. So please continue."

Paul looked at her breasts again, and reached out to rub the lotion on the side. Karen took his other hand in hers, and put it on the other breast. Instinctively, Paul's fingers curled around the firm flesh, and he gave it a gentle squeeze. Karen moaned softly, and said, "It feels so good, Paul. Please don't stop."

She put her arms around his neck, and pulled him down. She sought his lips, and soon they were locked in a deep kiss. Karen shifted slightly, and raising herself, pulled the towel off. Paul found himself staring at the curvaceous, naked body of his colleague and boss. His eyes wandered over the shapely figure, lingering at the plush mound at the top of her shapely legs, which was covered with soft, blonde hair. He felt a stirring in his loins.

Taking a deep breath, he said, "Karen, please don't. We'll both regret it later."

"It's all right, Paul. I know you have wanted to see me like this. I could see it in your eyes. Just concentrate on applying the medicine. You still have to take care of the other spot."

Paul's eyes went up in surprise. "You mean you want me to put the gel on your bottom? You can do it yourself, can't you?"

"I am afraid to touch it. I can't stand the pain. Besides, I can't see anything. You can. Please, I should be the one to feel embarrassed."

Paul took a deep breath, and said, "You don't realize what you are saying, Karen. We are both married. You are asking me to touch you in the most intimate places on your body. Don't you realize what that's doing to me?"

"Of course, I know. I am not blind," Karen said softly, her eyes full of tenderness. "I know you are aroused. That's natural. I would have been insulted if you had shown no reaction. So stop feeling so guilty. In fact, since I am lying here totally naked, I think you should be, too. Then you will feel less embarrassed. Trust me."

Paul looked at her in astonishment, trying to figure out what she had in mind. She looked at him steadily, watching his reaction. Her eyes were gentle, with a hint of amusement.

Karen opened her arms and said, "Paul, I want you to be comfortable with me. I like you very much. Yes, I know we are both happily married. Had it not been for this stupid accident, I would not have taken so much liberty with you. But I need your help with this right now. And I will be honest with you. Neither of us has cheated on our spouses, and so we are both uncomfortable with this situation. So I understand your reluctance. But I have no choice but to take your help. Where am I going to find a doctor in this strange town? Besides, this is not that serious. At least I hope not. So please be a sweetheart and go along. Let me see your body, too."

Paul watched her face for a few moments, and saw that she was not trying to trick him into anything. He could see her openness to the situation. He relaxed. With a tentative smile, he began undressing. He knew he was quite aroused by seeing her naked body. He wondered what she might think when she saw his arousal.

Karen watched him remove his shirt and pants. Her eyes were focused on his midriff as he lowered his underwear. His aroused organ sprang out when he pulled down the briefs and stood before her.

Karen ran her tongue over her lips, watching the gently throbbing penis, resting on the cushion of the balls. "It looks gorgeous, Paul."

"Thanks. You are not so bad yourself, Karen. Let's get this over with. What do you want me to do?"

Karen fell back on the bed, and pulled her legs up against her chest, exposing her genital area to him. "Can you see the damage? Tell me if it is bad."

Paul saw the black-and-blue welt between her anal and vaginal opening, where the tender skin looked badly scraped. There was no open wound. He described it to her. Karen heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Would you mind applying this lotion there? Be very gentle, Paul. I have a very low threshold of pain. At least I am glad there is no serious damage."

Paul took some lotion in his hand, and applied it to the scraped area. Karen gasped as the cold lotion touched the sensitive skin. She felt a slight sting as the lotion spread over the affected area. Paul gently rubbed it in, applying slight pressure with his fingers, and watching her face for a sign of grimace.

Karen's eyes were closed, partly due to embarrassment, which she did not want him to see, and partly to keep her mind focused on that area. Paul continued to apply some more lotion, his eyes taking in the delicate folds of her womanhood. He could see the pink moistness of her vulva, and the tip of the clitoris nestled in the upper folds. He felt his cock rising at the erotic sight. He stole a quick glance at her face.

Karen's eyes were still closed. He noticed that her nipples had become stiff, and she was breathing evenly. He bit his lips, and touched the folds of her labia. When she did not react, he bent forward and planted a kiss on them. Karen gasped, and opened her eyes.

Paul looked up at her, and said, "I couldn't help it. It's so beautiful and exciting. I am sorry."

Karen smiled, and said, "I am at your mercy, Paul. But I appreciate your kissing me there. Just remember, whatever you do to me down there, I am going to get even with you later. So go ahead and do what pleases you. Just be gentle."

Paul could not believe his ears. She was practically inviting him to have sex with her any way he pleased. His cock twitched in excitement. He was finished with the lotion. He got up and looked around for some paper napkins.

"You might as well wash your hands in the bathroom, Paul. Then come back here and continue what you had in mind. I want you to do it."

Paul cleaned his hands, and almost as an afterthought, washed his cock with warm water and soap. Then he returned, to find Karen lying in bed on her side, her head resting on the right hand.

"You look so beautiful, Karen, that it takes my breath away. So you have to forgive me if I react to you like this."

Karen looked at his tall, lean body, and his stiff cock. She nodded and said, "The same goes for me, too, Paul. You are some hunk yourself. And to put your mind at ease, I'll let you in on a secret. This is just between you and me. Tim, my husband, is not as big as you are. So if you decide to go all the way with me, I will really enjoy having that monster penetrate me all the way. Now do you understand how much you have aroused me?"

"Yes, I do. And thanks for the compliment. I want to make love to you so badly, Karen. But I am afraid that it will hurt you if we have intercourse."

"I didn't think of that. Darn. Well, may be another day. But I don't want to stop now after coming this far. Do you like oral sex?"

"Sure do. Let me do the honors first. Your pussy is so beautiful and looks so delicious, I want to eat you. Then you can suck me to your heart's content."

"Okay. I can't wait. Come, my lover. I am already on fire. This mishap turned out to be a blessing."

"Aren't you concerned about fidelity to your husband?" Paul asked as he got into bed with her.

"Don't talk so much. It's too late for that now anyway. We are past the point of restraint now. So let's us just enjoy it."

Karen pulled him in her arms and kissed him. Soon they were locked in a deep kiss, as his hands roamed all over her curvaceous body, exploring every bit of her firm, succulent flesh. Karen also sought out every part of his muscular torso, her fingers finally curling around his throbbing shaft.

Paul moved down to her breasts and began to suck the aroused nipples. Karen turned around, so that she could kiss his organ. She licked the tip, which was already moist with the secretions of his seminal glands. Her lips engulfed the taut bulb of his cock, and she pulled it in slowly, sucking on the flesh as her fist slowly pumped the shaft.

Paul had found his mark, and his tongue was beginning to duel with her aroused clitoris. He could feel it's stiffness, as it extended past the soft cover of the vaginal folds. He could see the moistness of her cunt, and his tongue darted out to taste the sweetness. Karen pulled his cock out of her mouth, and said, "Let me get on top, Paul. That way, I can control the penetration of your monster in my mouth."

They shifted positions, and soon Paul found his cock buried to the hilt in her warm mouth. Karen began to suck him in earnest, slurping and sucking as her head bobbed up and down. Her lips drove him wild, especially when she almost pulled his cock out, but clamped down on the rim of the bulb with her gums. He knew he would not last another minute if she kept it up, but he didn't care. He had never had such wonderful head before. He knew that the pleasure he was getting from Karen could not be matched by his wife Sonya. Sonya didn't like oral sex, and so she only did it reluctantly. Paul felt a wave of gratitude to Karen for the new experience. He stopped eating her pussy, and concentrated on Karen's sucking. He began to thrust his hips in sync with Karen's movements.

Karen felt the cock stiffening in her mouth, and knew he was close. She cupped his balls and began sucking with greater passion. She heard Paul grunt, and at the same time, his cock seemed to grow even more. Paul let out a loud grunt, and jerked upwards. Karen pulled the cock out of her mouth as it twitched. A sticky white blast of semen shot through the opening and splashed across her breasts. She quickly put the cock in her mouth, and sucked as more liquid spurted out, filling her mouth. She gulped it down eagerly, enjoying its exotic taste and heady aroma. Some more semen dribbled out of the cock as she pumped it, licking the tip and caressing the balls.

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