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I thought her tongue was going to come out my ear the way she was wriggling it in my mouth. She pulled back, pulled a tissue out of her purse and gently dabbed my lips. "I ought to leave it on there just so everyone knew you were claimed. Come on, I'm suddenly famished."

She knew the restaurant, and between the French Toast, the omelets, and the three blood orange Mimosas we had, we were quite full. She went into full pout mode when I took her home. I laughed and kissed her cheek. "Rest. You have a big day tomorrow. Wear jeans or canvas if you own any, and a comfortable pair of shoes, and by comfortable I don't mean high heels or sandals. We'll be outdoors most of the day. I'll be by at seven. if you're not up or ready, I'll go without you. Understand, Sugar Pumpkin?"

She tried really hard not to smile, but failed. I waved to Monica as she made a beeline for the apartment, wondering how disappointed she would be that we didn't have a lust filled night of passion.

She was out front when I pulled up, surprised at the vehicle. I was using the Range Rover, the girls asked me to drive it from time to time to keep it functional. She got into the SUV without a word. Rob met me as I was pulling out. "Are you taking her where I think you're taking her? If you are, good luck. She's fought me tooth and nail over the years about it."

"Well then, I hope she keeps her claws retracted. If not, we'll be back early."

She eyed me as I pulled onto the highway. "What was that about?"

"Nothing, Sugar Dumpling."

She tried to stop the smile, but it came through. When we pulled through the gates of Holloway Mountain she tensed up. "Why are we here?"

"Well, I intend to do a little fishing and hoped to enjoy the pleasure of your company. If the thought is so appalling to you, they have a very nice spa here. I'm sure you'll enjoy it."

She thought for a minute before deciding. "I'll spend the morning with you, but if this sucks as bad as I think it's going to, then my afternoon will be spent enjoying the amenities. All of them."

"Good enough. Breakfast first."

The restaurant at the spa was rated at four Michelin stars, and I think they underrated it. Tempted as I was, I ate light and Pauline noticed, following my example.

Chastity was to be our guide today. I thought Pauline would be more receptive with a woman around. Her threat assessment radar clicked on, and it wasn't until I asked about her new baby that it shut down. Chas showed her how to don the waders and the basics of how to use the rod. She looked up and saw me filming with my phone. "What are you doing?"

"Recording this for your father. He made me promise under threat of immediate termination if I didn't. Try not to fall in the water."

We were on what the guides called Novice Creek, a medium stream with soft flowing curves with little overhang. Pauline was a very determined woman and she saw this as a test, so she really paid attention and concentrated. Chastity had to talk her into relaxing, telling her if she was too tense, she wouldn't be able to cast well.

I was very glad I was able to record her first fish, a little eight-inch rainbow trout. The way she laughed and whooped, you'd have thought she had landed Moby Dick in a rowboat. I had to take about ten pictures of her before Chastity showed her how to remove the hook and release her catch. I thought, if anything, this would break the deal, but she was very gentle with the fish. Of course, she whipped out some wet wipes and cleaned her hands afterwards.

She almost didn't want to break for lunch because she was having so much fun. "How many did you catch?"

"None, Honeybunch. I was here today for you to enjoy this. I may cast a few after lunch, but this morning was all about you."

I had to show her the highlights of the morning and she got excited all over again. Chastity came into the dining room ringing a bell. "Ladies and gentlemen, I present Pauline French, a virgin no more! She's one of us now."

There were television screens in the room because it doubled as a sports bar on the weekends, and they all lit up, showing her catch her first fish. Her smile as she posed was brighter than sunshine. There was a round of applause and many came by to congratulate her. She talked about it on the way to the new stream. "I think most of the important people in the state were in that room. Do you have any idea how gratifying it was to have a State Supreme Court Judge give you a fist bump and say, 'You go girl'?"

"So that's what he does. I always wondered about that."

"Those people don't awe you at all, do they?"

"Not really. When we're at the lodge, we try to leave our day jobs behind. I'm sure they network with people they meet here, but they keep it away as much as possible. They're here for the fish. And the spa. And the pool and tennis courts. Maybe the championship golf course. The state amateur championship was held here last year. Do you golf?"

She kind of swelled. "I was on the golf team with Rosie Chu at college. We won all the way through regionals before an Ivy League team killed us in the semis."

Rosie Chu was the hottest thing in women's golf this year, winning three tournaments so far, and the season wasn't half over. "We must play sometime. It's been a while."

"Where did you play last?"

"St. Andrews."

Pauline just rolled her eyes and changed the subject.

This stream was a little trickier, and she managed to hang up twice before she got the right rhythm down. We were almost done for the day when it happened. Pauline had hooked what could only be described as a lunker. The reel sang as both Chastity and I hovered and coached. Then she took a misstep and dropped into a pool about three and a half feet deep. She went all the way under, well, except for the hand that held the rod. It stuck straight up from the pool as Pauline popped up, shaking her head like a wet spaniel with the fish still on the line. It took another five minutes to get it in. It looked suspiciously like the fish her father caught, except it was three inches longer and four pounds heavier. It broke the club record and after we verified everything, she gently put it back in the water, after she insisted I take one more photo, of her kissing the fish.

The clubhouse had heard the news and they were roaring. I signaled the bartenders and the spirits flowed.

"What's going on?"

"Every time a record is set, the angler has to buy a round for the house, kind of like when a golfer gets a hole in one."

"I didn't bring my purse in."

"You couldn't buy anyway. You're a guest. In this case the sponsor pays, and that would be me. Between you and your father, these trips are costing me a fortune."

She downed two shots of brandy and disappeared into the back with Chastity, coming out thirty minutes later in a club polo and freshly dried jeans. Her catch was being played on a loop and she got to relive it one more time.

I tried to give Chastity the tip she deserved, but she smiled. "Miss French took care of it."

I gave her a generous tip anyway; she was a college girl with a small child trying to work her way through school. She surprised both of us by hugging me. Then she grinned. "I have no right to ask, but I want an invitation to the wedding."

"What wedding?"

"Why yours and Pauline's, of course. You make a very nice couple."

"It hasn't gotten that far. It might not. I do enjoy her company."

"If you say so. You have a good week, Mr. Halston."

We got back to her parents' and I didn't get in park before her father burst out of the house. "How did it go?"

Pauline giggled as she hugged her mother. "I have video."

We linked up to the monster television he had in the den and he watched openmouthed as the girl who fought him for years whooped and yelled as she caught fish. When he got to the end he couldn't get over the fish she had caught.

"I'm so angry with you right now. We could have been doing this together since you were young."

She hugged him, kissed his cheek and giggled. "I'll make it up to you. Don't plan anything for after work Monday. You're taking me to the sporting goods store to get me kitted up with everything I need. Next Saturday, we fish!"

He couldn't hide his emotions. "Shouldn't you get your boyfriend to take you?"

"No! This is a father/daughter trip twenty years in the coming."

I saw Monica tear up a little. "Monica, next week, you're with me."


"Let them have their playtime. I have something much better in mind for you. Saturday, eight AM on the dot. Be ready."

I turned to Rob. "You wouldn't mind if I entertained your wife for a little while, would you?"

Monica went bright red and it was all they could do to not laugh. "Only if you promise to be gentle."

"Not a hair out of place when she gets home, sir. I give you my word."

"Well, all right then."

We had a light dinner and Pauline stood. "We're going to go to my apartment, and if you knock on my door before noon tomorrow the place better be on fire, understand?"

I know I glowed, which made her parents smile. Pauline practically dragged me up the stairs. The apartment was easily eighteen hundred square feet and very tastefully decorated. I complimented her and she grinned. "Wait until you see the bedroom."

A month of built-up lust exploded like a nuclear device. I explored every square inch of her body from the top of her head to the bottoms of her feet. Pauline was a moaner until she got close, then she was a screamer. I'm happy to say I made her scream four times before dawn, and she got two massive eruptions out of me. We lay gasping for breath around three in the morning. When we recovered our breath, she asked me, "Where did you learn to do that?"

I smiled in the muted light. "You've heard the expression around the world? I have literally been around the world, Honey, and tried to pick up something new everywhere I went. I had a thought that when I do settle down, I want to be the best lover I can be so she never strays."

Her voice was soft on my shoulder. "A girl would be a fool to walk away from what you just did to me, and I'm proud to say my father didn't raise a fool. I know you don't love me right now, but you will before too much longer."

"I don't know. Maybe I need to play hard to get. That would keep you on your toes."

I thought she was going to snuggle deeper when the teeth came out. "Ow! Sorry, Honeybunch. I'll try to not let that happen again."

"Good. You wouldn't look nearly as handsome without those cute ears. Sleep, Honey, we'll continue this discussion in the morning."

She was asleep in a few seconds, and I discovered she was a snorer. Thankfully it was cute little rumblings and I fell to sleep listening to them.

Ten o'clock the next morning there was a knock at the door. Pauline came out of the bed like she was fired from a cannon.

"I'm going to kill them!"

Maybe storming to the door naked wasn't the most thought out course of action. Maybe me charging after her, naked as well, also wasn't a good idea. When she yanked the door open, Monica got a good look at both of us before she flamed red. Then she grinned and handed Pauline the tray she was carrying. "Here. I thought you might need some nutrition. Carry on, children. Pauline, Honey, it looks like you have a lot to work with."

I think I experienced my first body flush ever while Pauline giggled hysterically. "Thanks, Mom! I'll get back to work as soon as breakfast is over."

After she closed the door, we just grinned at each other.

"Well, that was embarrassing."

"It'll make a great story down the line. And how many future mothers-in-laws can tell her friends she knows everything to know about her son-in-law."

I froze up. The wheels had just come off the tracks and she could see it in my face. "Don't get upset, Honey. I should have said potential mother-in-law. Maybe I shouldn't have spoken so soon but you're everything I'm looking for in a man. Strong, confident, not scared of my father or his wealth. Somebody who can keep me in check when I start to do something stupid. And Honey, I've done a lot of stupid things in the past."

I was looking for my clothes as I talked. "We've known each other for a month. I don't even know how well I like you yet, much less if I could spend the rest of my life with you. I think power and affluence have gone to your head, Miss French. I'll be taking my leave now."

"No! Calm down. Please stay."

"I think not. Have a pleasant day, Miss French."


Rob called me to his office Monday morning. "I ought to fire you! my daughter cried all weekend over you!"

Then he grinned. "You never heard me say this, but good for you. Pauline has led men and boys around by their nose since she hit puberty. It's about time she experienced the feeling that you don't always get what you want. Aside from that, you've been really good for her. Even her mother had commented on the different attitude. I myself think you have definite potential as a son-in-law. I know I'd sleep better after I retire if I knew you were by her side. That is not up to me and I'll do my best to leave you two alone. I'll make sure Monica does the same, as hard as that will be. She's already thinking about redecorating a couple of bedrooms for children.

"Watch out for her son, she's coming for you with all guns blazing. I only ask if it doesn't work out that you be decent about it."

"Noted, sir."

"Well then. Carry on."

Marta noticed my mood instantly. "Trouble in Paradise?"

"If Miss French calls, take a message. Do not put her through. If she tells you she's coming down, give me enough warning that I can be out of the office. If you think I'm avoiding her, you are as perceptive as always. I'm not running from her, I'm just afraid if she pushes my buttons right now, she'll find the one that says 'Detonate' and she does not want to do that. I don't want to do that because there would be no going back. I need a little time and space before I talk to her again."

Her eyes widened. This was a side of me she'd never seen. I didn't raise my voice, didn't say disparaging things, but she knew I meant every word of what I was telling her. She grinned. "Yes sir, boss. Ain't love grand?"

"I wouldn't know. If I ever find out I'll describe it to you in excruciating detail. It may take days."

She was smiling as she went back into her office. I heard the phone ring several times and at lunch she poked her head in the office. "Lunch?"

" I've learned your language, Marta. What you mean is you're hungry and want me to take you to something better than a pizza place. Let's go."

She almost got into the car on the wrong side before remembering. "If she kills you, can I have your car?"

"Do you even know how to drive?"

"No. If I had this thing, I'd definitely learn." she was saying as she sank into the soft leather, fiddling with the controls until she had them just right.

I'd found a little Creole restaurant one day while I was out just driving, familiarizing myself with the streets of my new home. It was small, with no decor, no soft lighting or fawning waiters. You walked up to the counter, read the list of what was available that day, and ordered. If you were eating there, an ancient waitress led you to a table. Usually, the table had someone already there. The first time I looked at the waitress and she grinned.

"Ain't got the space to put one guy at a table. You eat where we set ya or ya'll gettin' it to go."

I came to enjoy the random tablemates. Some were in construction, some secretaries or cubicle drones, some were doctors, lawyers or other professional people. I played a game. If I was with the regular people, I'd let my Carolina accent come out. If it was a bunch of suits and ties, I sometimes used my English to impress them.

I almost got banned once for bringing Carmella and Leslie with me. They were dressed in jeans and cute tops and almost makeup free. They still turned heads, but no one recognized them. Not too many fashionistas in a place like that. They went on and on about the food, and mentioned it one day on one of those fluff television shows as one of their favorite restaurants in their home town.

Business picked up until there was a line out the door by noon every day. Somehow the owner found out I was responsible for their free advertising and she thanked me and chewed me out at the same time. Since then, most of the time I got it to go.

The owner grinned when she saw us and made a beeline to my table. "You show up with another beautiful woman, eh? Cher, you gonna kill me, yes you are."

She was laughing when she said it and Marta surprised her by speaking to her in French. or rather, in Haitian Creole. I spoke fluent French, but the dialect made it hard to keep up. I think they would have still been talking if we hadn't had to go back to work. She said a few more things to Marta as we left and Marta blushed a deep red.

"What did she say to you?"


"Seriously, what could she say to Miss Calm and Collected that could make her blush?"

Marta went quiet until we got to our parking lot. Just before we exited the car she spoke. "She says you're going to be my man. Said she had the sight and knew it to be true. Mona also said she was going to have her cousin work a spell and make me a potion to make it happen."

I thought about that for a second before I grinned. "Well then. I'll be making the tea and coffee from now on. Wouldn't want a little something special added to the cream, would we?"

Her spirit was back and she grinned "If I wanted you bad enough, I wouldn't need a potion. I'd have the keys to your heart before you knew there was a thief in the house."

With that, she flounced back into the building, putting a little extra sway in her tiny, but very well defined, ass. I followed, wondering if all this was really worth it.

A couple of days went by. I heard Marta in hushed conversations several times and on the third day, she walked into my office. "Lunch time. You're dining at Amaretto's. And you're dining with a companion. Please do this, and resolve things before it drives me crazy. I've talked to her three times and she says she'll behave. If she doesn't, walk out."

She turned and started out, stopping just before she went through the door. "Remember, you're to be mine. She's just a place holder until I can get your full attention. In case you're wondering, my love potion came. Did your coffee taste a little funny this morning?"

"It was fine, but tell me something. How come I've never noticed your halo of stars and bluebirds before now?"

Her laugh floated through the door with a parting shot. "Maybe you haven't been looking at me in the right light. Enjoy lunch."


It was, in a word, tense.

I stood when she came in, and seated her. I was drinking a really nice tea and she wanted wine. She started to talk and I stopped her. "Not now. After we're done with lunch we'll talk. Let's not ruin a good meal."

We ate in mostly silence and when we were through, we settled down with coffee and another decadent dessert. "Is it all right to talk now? If it is, let me apologize. I've always been intense, always gotten what I wanted, and it just never occurred to me you might object to the agenda."

"Therein lies the difference in us, Miss French. You've always gotten what you wanted until you didn't want it anymore. I'm well aware of your failed relationships, especially your two failed engagements. It may surprise you, but you're not as universally loved as you think. I had people lining up telling me to avoid you like the plague."

I really think no one had spoken to her like that before. The shock was plain on her face and tears were starting to trickle down her cheeks. The confusion when I took her hand and smiled was also evident.


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