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"That being said, I find you enjoyable to be around as long as the Princess is held in check. You're beautiful, mentally stimulating, and smoking hot in bed. All qualities I admire. Let me tell you about myself. First and foremost, I don't play games. You ask me what I think and I'll tell you, even if you don't like it. Up until I took this job, my life was one long example of dramatics and I'm happy to say it's behind me now.

"Now then, if you can stop planning the rest of my life and let things develop naturally, I would like to see you again. You've been warned, Miss French. Any game playing at all will result in a permanent split, and should we develop feelings and then you decide you'd like to take a better offer, you look me in the eye and tell me. BEFORE you act on it. Do you understand?"

She wrapped her arms around me and the smirk was back. "I think I can safely say that will never happen. Let's go dancing Friday. I'd say Saturday but thanks to what you did, I have to get up at 5 Sunday so we can be on the streams at daylight."

"Your father has had a grin on his face all week. I hope you give him the dream he's always wanted."

She got really quiet for a minute. "I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for not fishing with him when I was a child. Even if it doesn't live up to last week, we'll still have the memories."

"Good for you, then. I'm sure you'll tell me all about it Monday while we're 'in conference'."

"In mind-numbing detail. I'll probably have pictures."

"Even better."

I was smiling when I got back to the office. I think Marta frowned a bit, but soon the smile was back. Over afternoon tea she did a little teasing. "Jason Jr. and Maria."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Jason Jr. and Maria. That's to be the names of our first two children."

I had to wonder how serious she was taking this. "The first two? How many are we going to have?"

"We're going to have babies until you tell me to stop. I think four is a good number, but five is even better."

I looked at Marta and smiled. She was barely five feet tall and probably didn't weigh a hundred pounds. The vision of her nine months pregnant was very pleasant.

"I concede the two. We'll negotiate the others."

Her smile was dazzling. "No, we won't. The only way we would stop would be for us to stop making love. And I know for a fact after you sample this Island Goddess that will never happen. Back to work."

"Your halo is getting bigger!"

She looked over her shoulder, grinning. "I know. I gave you a second dose."


Pauline picked the venue, an old-time ballroom with an orchestra of at least twenty. The atmosphere was perfect, muted lighting with small lamps on the table. There was even a girl dressed in a short uniform walking around with a strap across her shoulders holding a large tray. I hadn't noticed anyone smoking, and grinned when she came to the table. Her tray was filled with fresh cut flowers.

I bought a red rose and put it in a vase that was on the table for just that purpose. I didn't ask the price. The place was upscale to the point that asking prices would have been bad form. I probably paid her twice what she would have normally gotten as a tip and asked a question. "Who came up with this?"

The girl couldn't be much past her teens and her outfit was both sexy and demure at the same time. "Mine," she said as she smiled. "My uncle owns the place and offered me a job as a waitress, but I pitched this idea and he loved it. He doesn't have to pay me and I keep all the profits. I work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and make more than many with regular jobs. It helps pay my college expenses."

"I hope you're pursuing a business degree," Pauline said as she held the rose.

"Marketing and Small Business," the girl replied as she moved away to another customer. By the end of the night there were half a dozen roses on our table and the young lady wrapped them for her to take home as we left.

We drank a little, one bottle of champagne between us. It was a good year. My mother was close friends with the owners. We spent most of the night dancing. The band had a good variety in their playbook, going from sedate waltzes to the jitterbug, the foxtrot, and other pieces. I knew most and we faked the rest, laughing as we made mistakes.

They had a vocalist I thought was woefully underutilized. Her range and depth were something you didn't run across every day, and she got everything she could out of every song.

At the end of the night, Pauline went home with me and we made love, a gentler coupling than our last encounter. It was just as good but different. She was responsive to everything we did. I learned her erogenous zones and surprised her when I licked her ankles. It seemed that really turned her on, as well as sliding my tongue down her spine, and lightly, very lightly, nibbling on her nipples, my tongue as soft and as feathery as I could make it.

When we were done, she snuggled into me crying lightly as she drifted off to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night the beast came roaring back, and I thought for a minute we might break the bed but it seemed made of sturdy stuff and resisted all our efforts. We woke up as daylight streamed in, snuggled for a minute, then decided to shower together. It took two showers before we were clean.

"What would you like to do tonight?"

"Sleep," I said as I grinned at her. "We both have to get up very early so we're going to have to go to bed early. I'd like you to stay again tonight. If that's all right, we'll have to run by your house sometime and get the stuff you'll need. And by going to bed early, I mean early to sleep."

"In that case, I vote we go to be extra early, and not for sleep."

"Eight o'clock bedtime for us, then."

"I was thinking maybe seven."


We managed to miss her parents while she picked up her gear. She sent her father a text telling him she'd be up and waiting by six, and we were off. We goofed off all day, going to a matinee movie and then window shopping at the high-end mall in which the theater was located.

She was looking through a window at something and smiling when the smile froze on her face. I looked around to see a man and woman with a small child, and the woman was very pregnant. Their eyes met and held for a second, and then they looked away. When I got closer it hit me who it was. Bob, her first fiancé, and his family.

Earlier in the week I had a visitor. It was Bob. I kind of remembered meeting him, but couldn't place him. He introduced himself as Bob. I looked at him and he laughed. "No nicknames, no titles, just plain Bob. Talk to you a minute?"

Marta got him a coffee and shut the door. He got right to the point. "I don't know if you remember me. I'm the Receiving Manager here, but I just got a promotion. Effective next week I'll be the Receiving Coordinator for all the plants."

He seemed really proud, so I congratulated him. He thanked me and got to the point of his visit. "I used to be engaged to your girlfriend. We were pretty close through the last of high school and most of college but she was kind of flighty, even back then. She'd be all over you for a week and then move on to someone else. The last time we were together I thought she had grown up and we were making all kinds of plans when she came back from a business trip, told me she had found her soulmate and moved away to be with him. I'm sure you've heard the story of what happened then.

"I wasn't particularly keen on talking to you, but her father asked me to. He's a good man and I'd do just about anything for him, but I'm uncomfortable with this."

He shrugged. "Maybe she's finally grown up. If you two get as serious as Rob seems to want, just be careful. She's a loving and wonderful woman when she wants to be. When she's not, well, she's just not. I wish you the best, but tread carefully and keep your eyes on her. That's probably the not the best way to start a relationship, but it is what it is and her track record is really not the greatest."

I sat and thought for a while after he left. Everyone from her father on down seemed to have faith that she was going to hurt me if we continued. And now he was in front of us.

"Jason, Pauline, how are you? Jason, I don't think you've met my wife." He introduced his wife and child as he fondly touched her stomach. "And this is Emma, when she decides to get here. I think it's going to be pretty soon."

His wife giggled. "He keeps saying that but in reality, I have another six to seven weeks to go. If she's like our first, the time will seem like a year."

They talked for just a second before leaving. Pauline had little to say and when we stopped for a coffee, I asked her about it. I was surprised at how honest she was.

"I was kind of in love with him for most of my teen years and college. When we finally got serious, I was the happiest woman in the world. We weren't that far from the wedding when I went on that business trip. When you get down to it, I think it was just pure lust taking over when I met Jamison. He was pretty, easy to talk to, and built like a Greek god. I have a feeling that some part of me realized all he wanted out of me was a roll in the hay, but I fell for it anyway. He was in my bed by the second day, and didn't leave until it was time for me to go home. It came out later that his pregnant wife was on a trip and that's how he had time to shack up with me."

She took a minute, a tear rolling down her cheek. "I'll never forget the look on Bob's face when I told him we were over. I think it was part sadness and part resignation. He once told me that deep down he knew it was never going to last. That hurt.

"Of course, when I got back and declared my love for Jamison, he panicked. Then he told me he was married and offered to put me in a love nest, so I'd be available whenever he could slip away.

"I was mortified and deeply ashamed. I couldn't face going home to my father and seeing Bob's face when the story got out, so I found a job a hundred miles farther north and stayed until Dad came and dragged me home. And there's the sad tale of what happened."

"What happened to Jamison?"

For the first time she smiled, and it was not a pleasant one. "When Daddy found out what I'd done with the man he was furious. If you're a company, it's financial suicide to piss off your biggest customer. When his boss found out why he lost his business, the guy was toast. Even though he lied to me, I asked Dad to show a little mercy; the guy had a wife and two small children. He didn't totally destroy him, but he did set back his career by years. The last I heard, and this has been years ago, the wife is the main breadwinner now. They stayed together, but she didn't trust him and life has been pretty miserable for him."

"We all pay for lapses of judgement." I saw her flinch and took her hand. "I wasn't speaking about you. There have been times in my past when I did things that on reflection weren't the most thought-out courses of action. Most normal people regret decisions they made in anger or pain, and there's a few instances when I would have loved to have a 'do over.' But in the real world you live with your actions, be they good or bad. Then you try not to make those mistakes again."

"That was very well put, Honey. There have been many, many times when I wished I'd done something different. But if we're smart, we try not to repeat the bad decisions we've made. I could be the poster child for bad decisions. I just want you to know that I HAVE learned and I don't want to look back on my mistakes. I prefer to look forward to my successes. And while I know you don't want to hear it yet, I'm going to count you as my greatest success, proof that I beat the odds. Don't dwell on it, but I speak the truth."

It was an impressive speech and almost had me convinced, but experience had taught me time was the best judge of promises.

We went home, and were naked within minutes and exhausted by nine, asleep before ten. I mused as I held her snuggled to me that life could be very pleasant with her.

The alarm went off at 4:45 and Pauline groaned, slapped her phone, and rolled back over. She would have gone right back to sleep but I jumped up, yanked the covers off her and swatted her very well-formed ass. She jumped up with fire in her eyes and then grinned. "Thanks, Honey. I'm guessing you'll be the official getter-upper in the family. Gotta fly."

She was showered and dressed in twenty minutes, her equipment gathered and in the boot of her car. "Wish me luck."

"You used up all your luck the first time you fished. People go their whole lives and never land a fish like you did your very first try. Have a good time."

She grabbed my ass, gave me a very nice kiss, and was gone. I showered and dressed, getting ready for my "date."


Monica was ready when I got there, we put her clubs in the boot beside mine and were off. We had an 9:00 tee time, which gave us just enough time for a light breakfast before we hit the course. She hadn't golfed in almost a year; she loved it but Rob would rather fish, and she thoroughly enjoyed the eighteen holes. We paired up with a Judge and his wife, and they were fast friends by the fourth green.

Bonnie laughed as I bent over for a putt. "I know who you're married to, Monica. Is this fine young man your boytoy?"

"I wish," she said, enjoying the flinch just as I struck the ball. "He looks absolutely delicious naked. Fortunately, I have hopes he'll end up as a son-in-law. I'm going to do everything in my power to make it so."

They giggled and then Bonnie looked at her husband. "Well, if it doesn't work out, call me. We'll share."

I missed my second putt and looked up grinning. "Hasn't anyone ever told you it's poor manners to talk while a person is concentrating on a putt?"

"Perhaps you'd like to come over here so I could make better use of my mouth." As she said it she licked her lips. Her husband was trying miserably not to laugh while Monica went red. Bonnie was 67, I found out later, but she was a very well preserved, very hot 67. I'd have guess she was close to Monica in age, and she was 51.

"So that's the way it's going to be. All right then."

At the next tee, when she bent over, I whispered to Monica who burst out laughing just as she swung. "What the hell was that?"

"Oh, Jason just observed as you bent over to put your ball on the tee that you have a very nice rump, and he wondered what it would look like with bite marks all over it?"

"That's not true, Monica. I said nice ass, not rump."

The Judge shanked his tee shot and pretended to glare at us. "Do I have to issue a gag order here? And Jason, I can tell you that her ass looks very nice with teeth marks across it. I think I have pictures if you're interested."

None of us scored particularly well, but we had more fun than anyone on the course. At the end of the round the ladies went to freshen up and the Judge grinned at me. "You know, I watched you play once, on television. It was that Pro-Am Invitational in the Caymans three years ago, some sort of tie in with a modeling event. If I remember correctly, you and your partner came in second, losing by two strokes to the best golfer in the world at the time. Care for a serious round after lunch?"

"You of all people know the course is booked months in advance, and it will be impossible to get an opportunity to play this afternoon. Besides, the only reason we came in second is because my partner was the number one female golfer at the time."

He just grinned and called a couple of men from two tables over, asking if they'd like to make it a foursome. Besides being a Judge, he was also the President of the Board Of Directors for the Club. There was absolutely zero chance they would refuse.

We enjoyed a nice lunch and I grinned at Monica. "This is where we part ways. If you would follow this nice young lady, she'll tell you what you're going to do for the next few hours. I'll be back to pick you up at 4:30."

I didn't give her a chance to say anything, getting up and leaving her in the hands of her personal attendant. She was to be given every service the spa offered while I golfed with the Judge. I managed to get his wife included at the last minute, warning her I better not hear about any fresh bite marks when she was through.

I could hear their voices getting louder and more animated as we left.

These guys were serious golfers, very low handicaps and completely immersed in the game. We chatted some on the first nine, but it got serious on the turn.

Jay and Derrick grinned. "Usual terms?"


He turned to me so they couldn't see the smirk on his face. "We play for a hundred a hole. Two teams, no Captain's choice, you play your ball where it falls. You in?"

They beat us the first two holes before we hit stride. Between us, we had three birdies, three pars, and a hole in one, winning six of the holes and three hundred apiece.

The last hole was a par three, 120 yards from the box to the hole, and the green had a 12 degree slant away from the box. It was very easy to overshoot. I took a wedge, just trying to get close. The ball hit the edge of the green and very, very slowly rolled to the hole, teetering a second before falling in. The other guys were giving the Judge grief for bringing in a ringer, but were grinning the whole time. In the history of the course, there had only been five before me to ace it.

I reflected as we sat in the clubhouse how much being a member here was costing me. I had to stand rounds over the fish, and now over the hole in one. The place was pretty loud, and then suddenly got quiet. Monica and Bonnie had returned from their afternoon and I reflected that they were worth every dime I'd spent. They may have been mature ladies, but they rocked!

Bonnie had gone pure white with her hair, washing out the color. It hung in shiny ropes on her shoulders, touching the light grey silk sheath she had on. Her shoes were a matching gray, her eyes done in a smoky hue that set them off.

Monica had on a wraparound dress that was a vivid red with tiny white polka dots. It just barely reached her knees and the style left the front a little open, giving glimpses of very impressive cleavage and a flash of thigh now and again as she walked towards us. Her hair was three shades lighter, with highlights that glimmered like reflected sun. Her makeup was perfect, as well.

She threw her arms around my neck and I had to try and stop her from crying so she wouldn't ruin her makeup. Bonnie just grinned, and when Monica let go, she jumped into my arms and the kiss she gave me wouldn't pass a grandmother test. The Judge laughed as she dabbed my face to get the lipstick off. Then she leaned in and whispered, "I got my very first wax today and for the first time in my life I'm wearing a thong. Bloody thing is as uncomfortable as hell, but it makes my ass look damn good. All I need is a couple of bite marks and it would be perfect."

"I'm sure the Judge will rectify that as soon as you show him what's under that dress."

"Damn right he will. He may have to take two little blue pills tonight. If Monica's daughter doesn't work out, I have two granddaughters. They're almost as hot as me. Say the word and I'll introduce you."

"Can I have them both?"

She giggled. "If you can handle them. They're twins."

I grinned, wondering what she'd think if she knew it wouldn't be the first time I'd had twins in my bed.


Monica smiled all the way to her house. "Thank you, Jason. I needed today. Things have been a little stale lately for me and Rob."

"Too much information, Monica. One look at you now should wake him up. Did you notice how many looks you got?"

She smiled. "Yes, I did. All from men like the Judge."


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