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Grant tries to send his Aunt Karen a telepathic message.
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Up until around two o'clock on that Saturday afternoon it had been just another visit to my Aunt and Uncle's house. It was an annual event for my folks to make me take this pilgrimage to my Uncle Ralph and Aunt Karen's but as I reached my late teens I had stopped dreading it.

What was the reason for my change of heart? It sure as hell wasn't my Mom's brother Ralph, who was a buffoon who got louder with every beer. On hot days like today that meant my uncle was very loud very early.

The reason for liking the visitwas his wife, my Aunt Karen, who I really began to appreciate more and more over the years as girls became first an interest and then an obsession. That was mainly because while I wanted them, they didn't want me. I wasn't cool or good looking, and had a way of freezing up around them.

It wasn't easy to be a virgin in the 1980's but I had managed to stay pure at least physically. Mentally though, I was a pervert and a chronic masturbator, although in retrospect I think a lot of us were at some point in our youth.

It would have been nice if at least it was a girl's hand doing the jacking, but that had only happened once. It was an 18th birthday present from the neighborhood "easy" girl that a couple of friends had arranged for. I think the price was a couple of joints and a six-pack.

For that bounty I learned I was supposed to get laid but that didn't work out because she tried to put a rubber on me three times and all three ripped wide open.

"Maybe they're old," I suggested to Audrey.

"Maybe they're built for normal guys," she snapped. "What are you, half black?"

Those weren't her exact words because she was a bit rough around the edges and not exactly judicious in her language but you get the idea. The end result was that she sucked on the head of my dick while jerking me off. I spurted my load, she wiped her arm off, and that was it. How romantic.

Everybody makes a big deal about big dicks and how great it is to have one but I didn't see it. I got teased unmercifully in the locker room in school and stopped playing soccer early on so I didn't have to endure the teasing that took place in the showers.

Tripod. That was my nickname. They could have made fun of me for my freckles or my ears that stuck way out but no. Tripod I was, and whenever someone would call me that and somebody else (usually a girl) who was hearing that for the first time asked what that meant, they would get the reason whispered in their ear and then the giggling came. No girl ever panted, drooled or swooned and ran into my arms upon hearing of my endowment.

What was worse was having my mother accidentally see me naked after stepping out of the shower. She didn't swoon either. What she did was take me to the doctor, assuring me that it was our secret and no one would know, not even Dad, and whatever it would take to fix me she would make sure it was done.

The doctor took my mother's hysteria in stride along with the price of the office visit, and he even rolled his eyes and shook his head at me when my Mom wasn't looking.

"I haven't seen all that many mind you, but there's something wrong with Grant," Mom had said by way of introduction, but after a brief exam and a few questions about how my penis functioned for me he assured Mom that I was fine.

"They come in all shaped and sizes," the doctor explained, and he said that unlike Mom he had seen plenty.

"Maybe we should go to a specialist," Mom said on the ride home, but exactly what kind of specialist that would be I have no idea and thankfully she let it drop soon after.

Which brings me to that afternoon in the pool at Aunt Karen and Uncle Ralph's. This summer, like last summer my crafty old man had gotten out of the trip claiming he had business to attend to. He didn't of course. He just hated my Mom's brother, and you couldn't blame him for that.

Dad did give me a poke before we left for the journey, telling me to have fun with Uncle Ralph, and I pretended to be upset about having to drive Mom up to see her brother for the weekend but I wasn't. I was so hot for Aunt Karen that I would even endure Uncle Ralph for the chance to look at Aunt Karen in her bathing suit.

Even though she was nearly fifty, Aunt Karen still looked good to me, and this year she had finally given up the bikini that she used to wear. Aunt Karen had a voluptuous body and was in good shape but the bikini had showed the trace of a belly she was beginning to get along with her slightly thick waist.

The simple one piece yellow suit she now wore looked good on her though and there were still not only plenty of that cavernous cleavage to see but Aunt Karen bent down quite a lot it seemed, and that made me glad I was in the water because my trunks were getting crowded despite how baggy they were.

"Karen," Uncle Ralph had bellowed after a belch. "We're out of Bud."

"You don't expect me to go to the store and fetch it for you do you?" Aunt Karen responded. "I've been drinking too."

"Grant, how many beers have you had?" Mom asked, and while I had snuck one that wasn't the point.

"Gotta be 21 to buy beer Mom," I informed her as I climbed out of the pool to go to the bathroom.

"Well I haven't had anything but lemonade so I'll go," Mom said.

"We aren't going to have you going to buy things while you visit," Aunt Karen told Mom. "Why don't you drive Ralph down and he can buy it? You aren't too drunk to use your wallet, are you Ralph?"

"Grant can drive me - where did he go?" I heard Uncle Ralph say as I hustled inside and prepared to stay in the bathroom as long as it took for me to avoid driving that human fart machine to the store.

"Aunt Karen," I whispered to myself as I looked out the bathroom window and saw her reclining in the lounge chair with her hands behind her neck, those big tits trying to pop out of the top of her suit. "I want to fuck you so bad."

Given my lack of experience I figured it probably would indeed be bad, but that wasn't how it played out in my mind. As I pictured it Aunt Karen would drool over my cock and when I screwed her she would be screaming and beginning for more. It was my fantasy so that's the way I saw it.

Aunt Karen had a hairy pussy. This I had determined by my being very observant, noticing that a little hair had peeked out of the inside of the leg opening of her suit, the rich black hair stark against her lightly tanned skin.

I also based that on another theory, this one belonging to my friend Rob who unlike me had seen plenty of pussy. This made him an expert in my eyes so when he told me the ways you could tell whether a girl had a lot of hair between her legs I bought into it.

"Check for the fuzz around her ears and if she has a lot of hair on her arms that's also a good sign," Rob had educated me. "Check their pits too. Most of them shave but you can usually get a good idea by checking out how much 5 o'clock shadow they have."

If that indeed was true, while Aunt Karen didn't have much in the way for sideburns and her forearms only had a little dusting of hair on them, Aunt Karen's armpits were something else, I couldn't help noticing as I looked out at her.

Her pits had looked smooth this morning when we first got there but now I could see that the entire rounded hollow was coated with dense and very visible 5 o'clock shadow, and it was only 2 o'clock. My face wouldn't look that stubbly for a week, and while I looked at Aunt Karen's moist looking underarms I wondered what it would be like to run my tongue under there. Like sandpaper? Another of the many things I had no clue about but was more than willing to try.

"You know you want me," I telepathically told Aunt Karen, knowing that while I was no prize I wasn't Uncle Ralph.

I almost did what I sometimes did when seeing Karen posing out there, but I fought the urge to spank the monkey and went back outside figuring that Mom and her brother must be gone by now.

"Lucky you disappeared Grant," Aunt Karen said when I went out by the pool so I could drool closer. "They were trying to get you to drive. They're inside putting on clothes."

"I better get in the pool then," I said as Aunt Karen shielded her eyes from the sun with her hand.

"No, wait Grant," Aunt Karen said as she looked at me funny, and it wasn't until she finished her sentence that I realized where she was looking. "Uh - Grant. I need that cucumber for the salad."

"Huh?" I said before I realized that the damp swim trunks had become rather form-fitting and that combined with my state of semi-arousal had made my modest trunks much less so.

"That can't be all you," Aunt Karen said, and I shrugged my shoulders as from the distance we heard Uncle Ralph belch while yelling that they would be right back.

"Guess you didn't jerk off in there like you do all the time," Aunt Karen said as Mom's car started down at the end of the driveway.

"I - I don't do that," I said. "Not all the time. Uh - how did you know?"

"You just told me, Grant," Aunt Kathy said as she got up from the chair and faced me with the chaise in between us. "I've seen you looking out at me in the past and I know how young boys are too. Turns me on that I can still get a guy excited. You look at my tits more in one day that Ralph does the rest of the year combined."

"Sorry," I said, wondering where all my bathroom bravado had gone all of a sudden.

"I'm not. You must get a lot of pussy with that thing," Aunt Karen said. "You hard?"

"Kinda." I admitted.

"It gets bigger than that?" Aunt Karen asked and I gave a little nod this time with my shoulder shrug. "Let me see it."

"What? Here?" I said, because while there were no houses nearby there was always the chance that Mom and Uncle Ralph would come back having forgotten something.

"You can't be ashamed of that thing," Aunt Karen said, but I think I was although didn't admit it. "Tell you what Grant. I'll show you mine and you can show me yours. I know you like my tits but in case you haven't seen all of them - I doubt whether any of your schoolgirl friends wear double D cup bras. What do you think?"

I stared with a open mouth while Aunt Karen calmly reached behind her neck and undid the knot that kept the top of the suit up and then let it drop down in front of her.

"Like big ones?" Aunt Karen asked as I drooled over at what had to be the biggest tits in the world. "I know I do."

They weren't like the ladies in Playboy because they didn't stick straight out but instead eased gently down to her waist, looking even bigger than they did wrapped up. Aunt Kathy's breasts were kind of bell-shaped with fat crimson nipples on matching auroelas that were bigger than the women in any pictures I had even seen.

"Well?" Aunt Karen said as she hefted her tits and stared at me. "If you're trying to make me more horny save your time because that isn't possible."

I felt weird dropping my trunks in front of my Aunt Karen who was a married lady, even if she did start this. Seeing those massive jugs had changed my status from pretty hard to blue steel, so it was a bit tricky to maneuver my erection out from the netting on the insides of the trunks but when it sprang free it made an impression.

"Son of a fucking bitch," Aunt Karen said as he watched my boner bobbing around. "You're fucking John Holmes."

I had no idea what she was talking about because I hadn't had sex with anybody. Certainly not with some guy I never heard of.

"You want to make love to me Grant?"


"You want to fuck me? I bet you do. I'm not as much of a hard body like the teenyboppers you must nail with that thing, but you won't be disappointed."

"I don't. I mean I never," I babbled. "What about Uncle Ralph and Mom."

"Fuck Ralph!" Aunt Karen practically screamed. "That cheap bastard will have his sister drive all the way out to WalMart so he can save fifty cents on a case of beer. They'll be gone for at least another half hour. You tell me you can't fuck me in that time? I'm begging you Grant honey. I've seen the way you look at me. I need it so bad."

"But I don't know how. I never did it before."

"You're a virgin? With that thing between your legs?"

I nodded just before Aunt Karen grabbed my wrist, and while I don't know what the speed record is for two people running into a house, one trying to keep his trunks up high enough so he didn't trip over them and the other with her tits flying around while trying to get her bathing suit off en route to her bedroom, but whatever it is we shattered it.


In a way it was a blessing to be under the gun like that time-wise because after Aunt Karen got her bathing suit off and threw herself onto the bed with her legs wide open and her big jugs heaving I had no idea what to do, especially concerning what was well hidden under a jungle of hair that none of those girls in Playboy had.

"Hurry honey - no time for foreplay," Aunt Karen declared as she lifted her legs up and spread them further, showing me that the bush continued way down between her legs. "We'll play lovey-dovey another time. Today just give it to me. I'm already wet."

I climbed onto the bed and moved up between her thighs, my cock waving in front of me as I pointed it towards the middle of the bush and gave a few timid poked before Aunt Karen took over. Once she guided the head of my dick to her opening she told me, "put my skull through the headboard."

To do that I would have to get my cock inside of Aunt Karen, and despite her claims about being wet and ready - she was indeed wet - when I tried to push the head of my boner into that furry grotto it wasn't that easy.

After an extended period of trying I finally managed to push the head of my dick into what felt like a keyhole, and I guess it was a little tough to be on the receiving end because Aunt Karen stopped ranting at me to push harder when the knob popped in, letting out a scream that sent chills down my spine.

I stopped after lurching forward, and while Aunt Karen recovered and started ranting at me to keep going, something bad happened. I was cumming. The tightness of her pussy, seeing those huge breasts heaving under me and the way Aunt Karen was carrying on - all of it combined to send my orgasm roaring through my loins.

"Oh shit!" Aunt Karen practically yelled when she sensed what was going on, and as my dick started jerking inside of her, I impulsively began to hump her wildly.

Aunt Karen had wrapped her legs around my ass when I leaned down and I began to root at her like a wild boar even as my cock spat its load and was going soft inside of her. It was still tight, and I was hoping that I could somehow get hard again real fast.

I had done it plenty of times at home, continuing to jerk off after I had cum and I usually managed to cum again eventually. All I had to do was keep my deflated cock inside of her which meant my thrusts were short and brisk.

"Feeling good honey," Aunt Karen was saying as she figured out what I was doing, and the more I kept at it the harder my cock was getting, and while it wasn't going to get as stiff as it was before, it was working for Aunt Karen.

"Son of a bitch!" Aunt Karen was howling. "You're like a fucking animal with that horse cock of yours! That's it. Harder! Faster!"

The crazier looking Aunt Karen got underneath me, eyes bulging and snarling and scratching at me, the crazier I got as well. It wasn't pretty, that much I knew, and it wasn't lovemaking. All I knew that I had waited for 18 years to get laid, and I was determined that the first time was going to last more that 10 seconds.

Aunt Karen came at least once and probably more but it was hard to tell because she never stopped ranting and cursing and saying the most outrageous stuff into my ear while her pussy convulsed around my cock until I finally came.

What followed was a moment of sweetness, with me leaning over Aunt Karen while my sweat rained down on her tits as she told me that she hoped I liked it because she wanted more, and then we engaged in some Keystone Kops comedy as we heard her husband and my Mom come in the front door.

We got our swimwear on and flew out the back door, with Aunt Karen warning me to try and not let anybody see the scratches on my back or the bruise her teeth put on my collarbone.

I managed to hide my battle scars by putting on a t-shirt and claiming I didn't want to get a sunburn, and as I stayed in the pool most of the rest of the day, exchanging knowing glances with Aunt Karen, all I could think of was when I could have sex again.

The answer was in the middle of the night in the backyard with Aunt Karen bent over the picnic table. She had come down to the basement where my cot was set up, and she didn't have to drag me out there either. This time I had better self-control and I lasted so long that after Aunt Karen came a couple times she said she was getting too sore and promptly dropped to her knees and sucked my cock until I came.

After regretfully ending the best weekend of my life and going home the next day, Aunt Karen called our house. I picked up and after saying hello figured she wanted to talk to my Mom but I was wrong because she had called to talk to me.

She asked me if I was serious about being a virgin because I was the best she ever had. That made me feel good about myself for a change, and I enjoyed hearing her say that when I was fighting to get my cock inside of her it felt like, in Aunt Karen's delicate way of phrasing things, "like you had an apple in your fist and were sticking your arm in my cunt up to the elbow."

"Um, is that a good thing Aunt Karen?" I asked, and she thought that was funny although I was serious.

The reason she called was that she wanted to know if I could get away for a weekend before I went off to college. Not at her place but someplace between where we both lived.

"You know, where we can relax," Aunt Karen said. "Take our time. Give me a chance to really suck on that big beautiful dick of yours. Would you like that?"

"Yeah," I said eagerly, because unlike the first experience in the woods with that other girl, Aunt Karen knew how to give head and even managed to get half of my cock in her mouth.

"I never got to really play with your tits either," I chimed in, and after we whispered some dirty talk back and forth our conversation was having an effect.

"Yeah Grant, I'd love you to straddle me and that stick that horse cock between my boobs and fuck my tits until you came all over my face," Aunt Karen declared. "How does that sound? I'll bring some lube - in case you want to try to fuck me in the ass? What do you think?"

"When?" was all I wanted to know, and Aunt Karen said that the sooner the better so we made up excuses to go out of town - I claimed I was going to an imaginary concert - and meet at a motel halfway between us.

The "nice and relaxed" Saturday night ended up with us having sex practically non- stop until we had to check out the next morning. We ended up accidentally breaking the leg of one of the beds with our energetic humping, and I still chuckle to this day when I think about the people who got that room next because I had managed to get it propped back up so it looked okay until you got on it.

That wasn't the last time we met like that either. Every summer and during school breaks we managed to get together, and it was always good. I even spent several days at her place when Uncle Ralph was away on business.

Aunt Karen was the most passionate woman I would ever know, and had such a voracious appetite for sex that even I had trouble keeping up with her, and back then there was nobody more young, dumb and full of cum than me.

I eventually fell in love with my now-wife a few years later, and that ended our trysts, although Aunt Karen gave me "one for old times sake", going down on me while I stood behind a van in the restaurant's parking lot after the wedding rehearsal dinner.


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