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Press Start to Collect Ch. 05

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Fubuki from One-Punch Man meets her new 'biggest fan'.
9.1k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 04/05/2024
Created 12/28/2022
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WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the video games, characters, developers, etc depicted or referenced within. Fantasy is legal. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence. I do not own One-Punch Man or any of its characters etc referenced in this story. All characters are 18 years or older in this story.

Starring: Fubuki (One-Punch Man)

Press Start To Collect -- Chapter 5

An erotic anime/manga fan-fiction story.

by DaxG2001

Codes: Cons, MF, oral.

* * *

Having a growing collection of stunning women from various video games was one thing. Keeping the relationships between them all sweet, let alone making sure they were all satisfied, was another! Richard was finding that out as he walked down one of the steps of the sprawling, castle-like grounds of his residence in this world-between-world. Raising an eyebrow as he saw the devious and questionable Yun-Jin Lee from the Dead by Daylight series with her arms folded, sizing up Princess Rosalina from the Super Mario games.

"All I'm saying, my dear..." Lee had a clearly teasing tone to her voice. "Is that it's a little unfair for you to be hogging all these powers to yourself. Poor women like me have to drag our poor feet around this place! We can't just float around like you."

"That's not how it works..." Rosalina sighed as she hovered just off the ground thanks to her abilities. "I can't just 'loan' you my powers. And even if I could? I don't think I would! Not to you at least."

"Now that's just being selfish! We're all supposed to get along here after all." Yun-Jin claimed but she had that manipulative glint in her eyes to show her intentions were far from pure here. "I just need to test our special, floaty skills out, that's all. Just having one super-powered woman around here isn't fair after all."

"Hmmmm..." Hearing that gave Richard a thought as he stroked his chin for a moment. The women only now noticed he was there and had overheard him. "Actually... That's a great idea!" He said, snapping his fingers. "And thinking about it? I know exactly which powered-up woman to bring in!" He said, not even explaining his idea as he turned and headed off down a path towards another part of the estate.

"HEY!! That's not what I meant!!" Lee yelled, stomping her foot as Rosalina let out a giggle. "I meant to give me her fucking powers! Not bring in someone else with them!!" She called out in outrage but he was already heading off towards his 'Selection Room'.

* * *

A change of pace was always nice, especially when he could pick and choose from a whole range of forms of media and the fictional worlds within. And after a few trips in strictly video game-related worlds, why not branch out to a place that's far more known for being an anime and manga than perhaps the spin-off video games it's had?

Exactly why he'd selected to land himself into the universe of the One-Punch Man series. Knowing it would be a little bit of risk to plant himself into a world of powerful heroes and vicious monsters. He did feel slightly more confident now after managing to survive in a deadly world on his previous trip but still didn't want to take too huge a risk. So when the emerged out of the bright light, stepping onto what appeared to be a normal street in some form of a Japanese-like city, he sucked in some air in relief that he wasn't in the middle of a battle or similar.

"OK, OK..." Richard said, popping the controller-like device into his pocket that would be his ticket back out of this world to his 'home'. "Just need to ask for some directions or something and I can find where the Blizzard Gang's base is." He said, with his mind already made up about which heroine from this world he planned on 'convincing' to come back with him.

Best-laid plans of course often go a miss. Finding that out while he was pondering which was to head off to, he saw a large, looming shadow crossing over him from behind. Slowly looking around before his eyes widened when he saw the wide, scary, toothy grin of some large monster-like creature. Snarling and drooling some gunge as the beast might have been on two legs, but clearly wasn't human. "Fressssssssh meeeeeeat..." It growled, showing off jagged claws on its 'hands' as they flexed in anticipation for some food.

"NOPE NOPE NOPE!!" Smartly but rather cowardly, Richard turned and ran. Grabbing a trash can he saw and chucked it behind him without even looking back. Hearing a clatter of a slash and a guttural roar as the monster easily sliced the can in half with ease. Having run a few feet away before he heard another commotion behind him, with some grunting and the sound of strikes and thumping as well. Causing him to look back over his shoulder and he nearly stumbled over himself seeing a different, but welcome sight.

A group of men, all clad in matching black suits with white shirts and long black ties, but of different builds and heights. Even better that the monster was now down on the ground, suitably dealt with and pouring what seemed to be some sort of unnatural blood out onto the road from its skull.

"Never fear, citizen!" One of the suited men announced with pride as he had a club-like weapon of some sort in his hand. "Another evil creature has been stopped by The Blizzard Group!" He announced as the other gang members nodded in agreement.

"Blizzard Group??" Richard processed the words and put together the outfits as he started to smile. "That's perfect! Uh, I mean... That's great! What lucky timing!" He said, approaching the group. "I must thank your leader for saving me! You know, through putting together such a great team like this." He claimed.

"Well, thanks are always welcome... But you can tell the Hero Association what a good job we've all done on behalf of the Blizzard of Hell." Another of the suited men said. "The Boss doesn't have time to waste with regular citizens."

"Although, this guy is kind of suspicious..." A third man pointed out. "He's clearly from a different country... And those clothes are quite odd."

"Easy now, folks! I'm unarmed and harmless, as you could all see." Richard held his hands up. "I know Fub... I mean, I know Miss Blizzard is a very busy woman! But I'm a big fan... And it would, you know, make my life to finally meet her and thank her in person." He claimed.

"Well, the Boss did say we needed to get the good word about what we do out... Having a glowing review from a saved citizen might work." The first suited man mused. "Fine! But no funny business, you! You'll only get a couple of minutes of time with our Boss, so make them count!"

"Oh, believe me! I plan on it!" Richard said with a smile that masked his true intentions.

* * *

Minutes later, at the headquarters of the Blizzard Gang.

"Here to thank me?" The beautiful and powerful esper known as Fubuki, the Number One ranked B-Class Hero of the Hero Association, didn't seem to be too interested as she checked over her nails. Sitting back on the luxury seating of her private relaxing room in the base. Her stunning, curvy body was packed into a tight, long dark green dress that matched the colour of her short hair. An expensive, white fur coat hung on her shoulders and a couple of dazzling pearl necklaces rested just above her large tits. "Well, I appreciate the words. It's about time my Group did some good work around here after some recent incidents." She said with an arrogant tone to her voice.

"It was my honour, really!" Richard said as he stood with two of the Group members beside him acting as her bodyguards, despite how dangerous she was in her own right. "I mean, to be saved by the one and only, B-Class ranked Number One Hero? The leader of the Blizzard Group? The better half of the Psychic Sisters? This is a moment I'll never forget!" He said, glossing over the fact that it was her cronies and not her directly that saved him earlier on.

"Better half?" Hearing that actually caught her interest as she looked over at him. "Better than my sister?"

"I mean, of course! Better in every way!" He smiled, seeing the opening to pounce now that she was listening to him. "I mean, your style, your abilities, your leadership... And if you don't mind me saying? You have stunning good looks and, like, everything about you is too! You're miles ahead of the Terrible Tornado!"

"Well... I already knew that all of course." Fubuki claimed, stroking her hair back. "But it never hurts to hear it directly from someone else for a change... That is, hearing it out loud of course." She corrected herself but made it sound like she's never actually heard anyone else but herself say that she was the better sibling to her clearly more powerful, higher-ranked sister.

"OK, that's enough!" One of the guards said, gripping Richard by the shoulder. "The Boss already knows how good she is. You've wasted our time enough already!"

"Actually? Leave him be." Fubuki announced. Leaving Richard smiling while the guards blinked in confusion. "I'm flattered by the praise. It's been a long while since I've let a fan have the honour of speaking to me. Besides, it might make for some good publicity. Private time with the Hellish Blizzard? We could make some money out of some meet and greets." She mused.

"B-But Boss! This isn't what we do! And this guy seemingly came out of nowhere and..." The second guard protested.

"Oh come on, guys? What am I exactly going to do?" Richard said. "I'm just a regular guy. And even if I tried anything? You really think that Lady Fubuki here will break a sweat dealing with me?" He pointed out.

"Exactly. Leave us be." Fubuki instructed, pointing to the door leading out of the room. "You both can wait out there until

I summon you to escort my fan here from the building."

"Y-yes, Boss." The two guards nodded, even with a bit of reluctance, before turning to leave as they closed the door behind him. Giving less-than-thrilled glances back at Richard as they left.

"...So, you know my real name? Rather than just as the Blizzard from Hell?" Fubuki questioned as she sat back, looking him over.

"Uh, I guess that just slipped out!" Richard offered with a little gulp, worried his cover might be blown. "But I am super thankful that you, well, your Group saved me and all. And I mean it when I think you're the better sister! In every way!"

"Go on..." She said, adjusting her fur coat slightly.

"Well, I think to be blunt? You're the more interesting, the more appealing sibling. The better looking, with the hotter body!" And he didn't need to exaggerate his feelings about that.

"Well well... Someone's rather bold to be looking at me in that way!" Fubuki had a sly, amused smile on her pretty face. Not offended by the compliments about her figure. "And it is true... My sister might be the 'big' one to me. But she's not exactly blessed in being 'big' where it matters, right?"

"Absolutely not! You're miles better than she is." He confirmed.

"And yet, you eye me up like this but know that if you cross a line, I could basically wipe you from existence if I wanted to..." She pointed out. "I might not be as highly ranked or powerful as my sister, but there's more than my Group for the reason why I'm top of the B-Class rankings."

"Sounds like I might have offended you there..." Richard claimed, stepping forward. "Maybe I can offer an 'apology' to you?" He said with a smile, turning on the charm again with a clear suggestive tone to his voice. "And at the same time, really show you my thanks?"

"Now that's an offer I've... Well, never gotten before..." Fubuki admitted, knowing exactly what he was meaning from his words as she glanced over at him again. "You really are a confident one... Thinking you stand a chance against the Hellish Blizzard?"

"If that's a challenge, then I accept it!" He said with a nod.

"...You know, I have an eye for talent. As my Group clearly shows with all the top ranks below me." She claimed, clearly mulling over the lewd deal. "And there's something about you... Not so much special, but something that makes me think you might not be wasting my time..."

Richard watched as Fubuki raised up a hand and waved it. Making her hand glow green to show off her esper powers as the bottom of her signature dress began to float up. His smile grew as he got a full view of the smoothly shaved, tight-looking pussy she had as she spread her legs and exposed herself. Using her powers to open up the dress but hike up the top to roll it a bit, so she could still look down and see herself.

"Then perhaps you can put that mouth of yours to an even better use than just showering me with the compliments I finally deserve..." Fubuki said, clearly showing that his choice of words to butter her up had worked perfectly to play off her ego and the sibling envy she had. "Although, I'm not going to stop you if you keep reminding me about how we both know that I'm so much better than my sister..."

"Oh, it would be my pleasure... And not just to keep talking about how great you are!" Richard said as he moved to kneel down in front of the powerful heroine. Staring up to lock a gaze with her green eyes as he leaned down while placing his hands onto her smooth thighs. A gasp escaped her as he ran his tongue up her tight pussy, getting right to work as he explored the outer folds. A clearly delicious taste as he groaned a little as he slid his tongue along her slit. Allowing himself to smile into her as he felt a slight buck forward towards his mouth even just from the early performance. As expected with a woman with not just such high standards but quite the ego, she didn't let any regular guy get a taste of her. So being eaten out by a far-from-inexperienced tongue was already building the pleasure inside of her.

"Mmmmm... Now, this? Ahhhhh... This is a way of thanking me... Mmmm! I could get very used to! Mmmmm..." The esper said as she moaned out. Her glowing hand still kept her dress raised up for him to access her snatch, but her powers allowed the garment to be folded in so she still had a clear view as well of this stranger dining on her pussy. Not even caring that her moans were echoing a bit around the room as she leaned back. "Mmmm... And someone knows what they're doing it seems... Ahhhhh... I knew there was something about you I liked the look of..." She mused between groans like she sensed something was more than meets the eye about this man. A lot more focused on enjoying his tongue work as he explored her dampening folds. Feeling him probing around her entrance as she stared on. Already her nipples hardening and poking through her dress like already this is some of the best oral she's ever had, but even at that it was a short list of times she'd let her tasty twat be munched on.

Seizing the chance to dine on a woman who could easily use her powers to beat him up, let alone set her gang of B-Class Heroes onto him, he leaned further into her. Sliding his tongue into her pussy to get another moan out of her as her legs pulled in towards him, resting over his shoulders for yet another display of approval for his oral skills. Helping himself to squeeze of her thighs while he worked his tongue deep into her wet box. Exploring around to find the sweet spots and in general just enjoying the wonderful flavour of the anime and manga stunner in front of him. Juices already coating his mouth and lips as he lapped at her snatch. Not a damn bad view for him either to gaze up over her stunning, curvy body and saw the look of pleasure across that beautiful enough already face of hers.

"MMMM! You're very good, my new fan! MMMM!! This is... MMMM!! I'd say the best time I've had yet... MMMM... With someone going down on me! Ahhhhhhh..." She fuelled him on with her dirty talk, and it didn't sound like a bluff to just see what else he could do either. Moaning out as she worked her snatch up against his mouth. A light grind to keep her folds pressed to his lips and most of all ensure his tongue was stuffed right up into her slot. Her eyes narrowed with strong desire but even as she got pleasured, she wasn't losing control of her powers as she kept her dress held out and hiked up. "MMMMM... About time I got... MMMM! The respect I deserved around here! MMMMM... I doubt any of those... AHHHHH... Those Heroes of my Blizzard Gang could treat me to such a good time as you are!" She added with a brief lick of her top lip. Not exactly a glowing endorsement of her cronies and she didn't seem to mind or care if they heard that remark from the other side of the door. Groaning again as she bucked towards his mouth. Even tugging her expensive fur coat to the side a bit like she needed a bit of air into her from how good it felt to have this man going down on her.

"Mmmmmphh!! Mmmmmphh... Mmmmmm..." As much as he would have loved to respond to that glowing review of his licking skill, he was rather busy having that delicious, wet snatch smothering his mouth. Darting his tongue in and out to keep her groaning out as even her legs were sliding a little bit on his shoulders to squirm from how good he was eating her out. Needless to say, a big old tent was pitched in his pants from dining on the One-Punch Man beauty but smartly sticking to giving her some oral delights than risking ruining the mood by taking care of himself. Even sneaking in a break down there by just leaving his tongue pushed deep into her, so that her grinding against him did the work as she moaned out from the sensation.

Thankfully, it didn't seem that she was only interested in being eaten out. A wave of her free hand made a glow appear over him as his eyes widened, but it just caused him to lean back as she pushed him away with her powers as he scrambled to stand up. "Good... Very good, my new fan..." Fubuki complimented him as she brushed her fingers through her short locks. "What was your name again?"

"Uh, Richard, Miss Blizzard." He said as the glow left him.

"Well then, Richard... Let's see if the rest of you matches what your mouth can clearly deliver..." She decided with a confident smile as she performed another motion with her hand.

"W-Woah! Easy there!" Richard gasped again as this time her esper powers were used to shed his clothing for him. His belt was loosened without him touching it before his pants and boxers were lowered down. Nearly stumbling as his shoes got popped up too and he mumbled into his shirt as it got lifted up and over his head too. Leaving him naked as his clothing got dumped into quite a neat little folded pile on a corner table.

"Well well... You are quite a big fan of mine..." Her eyes were locked onto his more than impressively sized cock. "That's the biggest cock I think I've ever seen!" She added, and loud enough that even her guards out at the other side of the door would have heard it.

"You'll be glad to know that, not bragging or anything..." Richard smiled as he stepped forward towards her. "It's not just for show... I know how to use it as well."

"A confident one, aren't you?" Fubuki locked eyes with him as she kept her legs spread invitingly for him. "Don't start thinking I'm the kind of woman who is so easily won over... It takes more than just some good licking and a big cock to impress a leading Professional Hero like me!" She boasted with a hint of her signature arrogance.

"Oh, I think I'll impress you, Miss Blizzard..." He smiled, moving in and kneeling slightly as he lined up his fat cock with her wet entrance as he took a hold of her still dress-covered waist. "Besides... I think that you're far more built to take this size of cock. Your sister could never be able to handle all of this, right?" He said, knowing that the sibling rivalry was

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