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Private Compartment Ch. 05

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Meeting old friends in the rain, will relations be renewed?
6.7k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/03/2016
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The wedding was a very happy occasion. The bride in white, though Paul knew that was not strictly appropriate, His knowledge, which he kept to himself, was not hearsay - he had seen the act himself on more than one occasion! The wedding breakfast was most enjoyable with even wine to drink. There was a little puzzlement amongst other guests as to how he fitted into the newly married couple's lives. Neither relation nor known friend but Paul was completely honest - to a point - he explained he was just someone they had travelled with on the train. And it was by train they set off on honeymoon. Everyone coming down to the railway station to see them off. The whistle going and the happy couple waving from the window as the carriages slipped down the platform and away as the train gathered speed. They had a compartment to themselves. Paul wondered whether... but thought it more than likely they would wait to consummate the marriage in bed despite the importance railway compartments had held in their courtship!

The new evening class started as the summer turned to Autumn but no longer did Paul have the pleasure of company in his railway compartment on the way home. Occasionally someone else might be there or get in. Once even the walrus moustached gentleman was his companion for the journey. He carefully set his hat next to him on the seat before unfolding 'The Times' but it was clear he did not recognise Paul.

Often enough Paul would sleep as he had done before but sometimes he just sat there thinking and remembering. It had been a wonderful time. If only he could find a girl or rather woman as lovely as Ann. If only they still journeyed and were happy to let him join in. If only.

Sometimes he thought of perhaps getting his handkerchief out and gently wanking on the journey: pleasantly stroking himself imagining and remembering and letting the semen flow - but he never did. He even thought of taking all his clothes off and standing as he had done more than a few times naked, almost painfully erect and holding the luggage rack remembering how soft Ann's hands and lips had been: but he never did. To do such things seemed to risk spoiling the memory.

It was a whole two years later when he saw Ann and Bill again. The weather had been atrocious and he had missed the last bus home. He had been visiting a friend right on the other side of town, not for an evening in the pub but an evening playing Bridge. It was not an impossible distance by any means to walk, a matter of a few miles only, but the night was dark and the rain had simply poured down. When he bent his head the water poured from the brim of his hat; his trousers flapped uncomfortably - they were totally drenched around his ankles; his socks were soaked and his shoes squelched and his overcoat was no longer keeping the rain out. Turning into a street he almost bumped into a couple hurrying the other way. It was Bill and Ann.


A firm handshake from Bill, a peck on the cheek - a very wet and cold cheek - from Ann.

It was not a time for talking but,"You're soaked! Come back to our place for a cup of tea and to dry out. We left the fire burning."

There was no chance of drying out, not the way he dripped on the tiled hall floor of their little terraced house. It was not a modern house with electric fires and the like but something from the last century. Normal enough but with all the Victorian fuss of panelled doors and the like. It was cosy, nonetheless, in the sitting room with the coals burning away in the fireplace. It was obvious to everyone, including himself, that he was soaked through.

Outside there was a flash of lightning, "Look," said Ann, "you can't go home in all that and you can't stay like that; you'll catch your death. Get those wet things off."


"Don't be silly, I've seen you without clothes before. Remember?"

Paul remembered. How could he forget!

"I'll get you a blanket."

And so Paul unbuttoned his sodden raincoat.

"You really caught it didn't you," said Bill.

By the time Ann returned with a blanket. Bill was standing without tie, socks, trousers or coat. He paused.

"Paul, that shirt is as wet as if I'd just lifted it out of the tub."

She began to hang his things on a clothes horse by the fire.

And when the shirt was off.

"You're being a bit shy, old man, come on, those as well," commented Bill.

Off came the vest leaving Paul in just his pants.

"They're wringing as well."

One moment Paul had been hurrying home: minutes later he was standing in Bill and Ann's front room without a stitch on with his two friends looking at him. There was not actually much to see. The cold and the rain had seen to that!

Being naked with Ann and Bill had more than a hint of the old times about it.

"Wrap this around you, and I'll get the tea."

And so Paul found himself sitting in front of a building fire wrapped in a blanket, but otherwise naked, drinking tea and catching up with his fully clothed friends. It was all about what they had been doing, how the honeymoon had gone and nothing at all about how Bill and Ann had found sleeping together and how sex had been. No mention, either, that the newlyweds had moved on from Bill wearing a condom but that was more than a little obvious to Paul. Under Ann's dress her tummy bulged. She was more than a little pregnant.

Half an hour later and Ann felt Paul's clothes. Steam had been rising but they were not at all dry. "You'll have to stay the night. We have a spare bed."

Paul would not have minded sharing theirs but that was not something he said. He felt a lot warmer now and could have stood putting on his wet things and heading home but it was so much pleasanter to accept their kind offer. It would be good seeing them in the morning and sharing breakfast. It was really good to see them again.

Ann showed him up to their spare room. It was a tiny little room but it did have a single bed neatly made up with a neatly folded towel upon it.

"You can borrow a pair of Bill's pyjamas if you like, but..." There was a pause, "I'll, I'll get you a glass of water."

The 'but' intrigued Paul. What had Ann been about to say?

The water was produced but oddly not the pyjamas. Washed and without pyjamas Paul got into bed and switched off the light. It was really nice being invited to stay. Nice to hear his friends moving about and getting ready for bed. Feet across the landing; the bathroom door opening and closing. He imagined Ann in the bathroom washing, perhaps in just her bra or even less.

He could not help it, he imagined her naked. He had thought her pretty enough before but, if anything, she looked even more so now pregnant. Her face had fattened a little and she looked simply 'blooming.' He thought her swollen stomach actually made her look just that bit more attractive. Was it the association with sex and what Bill had done? Lovely to imagine them together on a bed, perhaps Bill on top, making a baby, his bottom rising and falling as his penis - not this time clothed in latex - slid easily within her. Inside the bed clothes Paul's own penis firmed. He reached and held. A few strokes but, however much he wanted to come, he could not possibly do that. Could not do the thing Bill's penis had so evidently done within Ann. His clothes and importantly his handkerchief were downstairs drying in front of the fire. He could hardly leave Ann with somewhat 'starched' sheets to wash - even if she had washed his semen impregnated handkerchief before now. No, he could not do that though, given it was days since he had done that in his own bed, there was always the risk of a wet dream. They still happened sometimes. Rather nice to wake from some really erotic dream and find his penis spurting away all by itself.

There was a knock at his door and Bill put his head around. "You comfortable, mate?"

Comfortable certainly - and erect. A trifle embarrassing really. Not that Bill could see.

"Yes, snug as anything. You and Ann are very kind."

There was a pause.

Um, Paul, if you like. We're going to, um, have sex. Do you want to come and watch, just like you used to?"

It was astounding. There was another pause before he said, "Well I... if Ann doesn't mind. I mean..."

"She asked. She thought it would be nice. Old times and all that."

Nice? Paul could not think of anything nicer. It seemed as if they really liked an audience.

"I'd like that. I'd like that very much."

"Come on then."

"I haven't anything on."

"No, that was the idea. Nor will we soon. Come as you are!"

Paul had been a trifle embarrassed to be erect when Bill had put his head around the door. But that had been merely knowing about it. The feeling was going to be rather worse to reveal he was already tumescent. There seemed to be nothing of the same in Bill's pyjamas.

"Come on then."

There was nothing for it. Bill was insistent. Paul pulled back the covers and got to his feet There he was naked and with his erection standing, horn like, to his front and with its covering fully retracted - as erect as could be. He was sure his face had gone so red. "I, um, yes..."

Bill looked down at it. "I see you are still in good form. You like the idea then!"

There was a stirring in Bill's pyjamas and, as Paul watched, Bill's penis poked out of his fly and lifted itself up and into the air.

"I see yours has lost none of its 'vim' - indeed Ann shows that very clearly!"

They laughed together. Paul's embarrassment evaporating now his friend was erect with him. The two penes inches apart almost as if they were looking at each other and having a conversation. They were, after all, old friends and had shared adventures together - with Ann.

"I'll tell Ann. Come in when you are ready."

Paul watched Bill walk across the landing with his penis sticking out of his pyjamas. He looked back down at his bed. A minute or so ago he had been thinking he should not soil the sheets but how suddenly things had changed. He was about to step into Bill and Ann's bedroom and at the very least ejaculate over himself whilst watching copulation, perhaps even getting his semen on their sheets. At best he might come once again in Ann's mouth. The memory of the hot wetness and the sucking was still strong in his mind two year's on.

Naked and erect Paul followed Bill across the landing. At the couple's bedroom door Paul paused, savouring the moment. Perhaps he felt a trifle nervous at going into a married couple's bedroom. First he had been naked downstairs with Ann and Bill looking on but now he was about to walk not just naked but visibly sexually excited into their bedroom. He reached down and tugged his foreskin up over his knob. It felt a bit more decent, a bit less unclothed like that! He knocked - what a thing to be doing, knocking on a couple's bedroom door seeking admittance. Paul heard Ann say, 'come in,' and he turned the door knob and peered round.

And there she was! Ann lying back on the bed, head on the pillow, in an a la mode pink baby doll nightie made up of layers of semi transparent nylon, one knee up and most of her thighs revealed. Moreover, through the material Paul could make out interesting items. To him the girl looked fantastic. The pose quite clearly deliberate and designed to titillate. It was such a pleasure to just stare. Such a pleasure to know the pose was for his benefit. He would so like to let his hands roam and yes, get his penis inside her, really inside her.

"Well come on in!"

Paul stepped out from the door and into the room, just so aware of his penis sticking up.

"Oh that is nice. Is that for me? What's going through your mind, Paul?"

It was Ann speaking. Paul glanced at Bill next to her. His erection was still poking up through his pyjamas.

"Oh, um, things. You look very pretty, Ann."

A giggle, "What sort of things?"

"Oh, just things."

"Manly things?"

"Well, yes."

"Go on tell me." Her hand reached and held her husband's penis, "did it concern one of these?"

"Um, yes."

"Did it concern the one I can see sticking up in the air between your thighs."

"It did!" What a funny conversation!

"Bring it to me."

Just a step - it was not a very large room - and Paul's penis was standing over the bed. It had never felt so erect - it was almost vertical! As Paul presented himself his foreskin retracted of its own accord leaving his knob fully exposed. Ann reached and her fingers closed around it. An utter delight to feel her fingers upon him again.

"And what were you thinking of doing with this?"


"Come on Paul, tell Ann. Bill wants to know what you were thinking of doing to his wife." Her fingers were moving, very slowly pulling back his foreskin and completely exposing him.

"I was imagining," his eyes moved to the join of her thighs, "sort of pushing into you, but... but I'd really like to see Bill do that." He hoped they would not be cross.

"Without a condom?"

"Yes! I mean, Bill's already made you pregnant!"

"So he has - with this." Her hand was moving on Bill's erection too. "I've been using it a lot. Pregnancy has really made me so fruity. I think I tire poor Bill out."

"Rubbish!" said Bill. The strength of his erection seemed to belie Ann's statement. To Paul it looked 'bursting' with capability, as, actually, did his own.

"Bill looks fully up to the job! Shall I sit over there?"

"No, stay close on the bed and perhaps, just perhaps, if Bill isn't quite enough for me I might let you have your wish. That'd be all right Bill wouldn't it? You wouldn't mind?"

"No, if you'd like Paul to..."

Paul swallowed. Perhaps, just perhaps. He had not expected that!

"Come on, sit down and watch awhile."

The bedroom was warm. The three bar electric fire in the fireplace saw to that. Paul sat on the edge of the bed and did as he was bid and watched. A young couple embracing, a young couple kissing, a young couple gradually removing each other's night clothes. It was like in the compartment in many ways but Ann was very different. Her stomach really bulged. It was not just a little bump. She was not one of those ladies who can almost hide a pregnancy. There was absolutely no mistaking her state. Atop her bump her tummy button was pushed right out. Paul admired the smooth skin and the additional curves. The sight was not off-putting: if anything to him quite the reverse. He thought it really erotic. Amazing to think that one little act on Bill's part had caused such a change - such a happening. He would have liked to have watched the event - he was enjoying watching the repeat performance!

It was difficult to resist touching his penis. Difficult to resist giving it a few strokes as he watched Bill sucking on Ann's nipples. Naturally Paul thought about their real purpose. Would Bill be permitted to drink from lactating nipples sometime? The idea of himself being offered a nipple one day was perhaps a thought too far. But the idea so erotic. He had, of course, not so much touched, let alone sucked on Ann's nipples - or any other girl's for that matter.

Paul watched Bill's hand sliding over Ann's tummy and down past her curls and between her legs.

Fascinating to watch Bill bring his erection to Ann's mouth. Paul had seen it before, had watched Ann's lips on Bill's knob other times, had seen it withdrawn dripping with semen - indeed he was almost as familiar with Bill's penis as his own. But to see it brought up close and then Ann's lips closing over it was not exactly a sight to tire of! Wonderful to watch fellation - and so close too as well.

"You enjoying this, Paul?"

"Rather! Just lovely to see your young bodies together. You are kind." What else could he say! Enjoying himself - rather!

Another interesting sight. Ann lying back on the bed with her thighs apart. Not, as Paul had then expected, for the couple to embrace in the 'missionary' position but for Bill to use his lips and tongue. So nice to watch Ann's expressions as she lay there with her eyes closed. See her lips part and her tongue peek out and lick. Paul remembered back to when his penis had slipped between those lips. Might it again that night?

"Bill, now."

It was clear what 'now' meant! Paul was a little surprised to see Ann moving. Spread as she was she seemed all ready for sexual intercourse.

"Not comfortable like that," explained Ann with a smile as she got up on all fours and Bill moved around behind her. She was not facing the head or tail board but across the bed close to and facing Paul. "I think it will help if you stand."

"Sorry." He had not meant to be in their way. He backed off across the bedroom.

"No. Don't be silly. I didn't mean you were to go away. I mean... just bring your penis to my mouth.

All he had to do was step forward, his penis all a quiver, to the girl. Just wonderful to do such a thing. To move towards the girl, see his pointing erection come closer, not even holding it and just touch the end of his knob against her lips. They opened and, as Bill pushed into her from behind, her lips slid over him. It was bliss. From being an observer he had become a participant. As had happened once in the railway train compartment Bill's steady pushing at Ann caused her lips to move on him.

Silence in the bedroom apart from the sexual sounds, the squelching sound of penis in vagina and the occasional sucking sound of a girl fellating a penis. Outside, though, the sound of rain on glass. The rain had not abated.

Paul stepped backwards pulling himself from Ann, her lips seeking to hold him and prevent him leaving. He stood there breathing hard. Almost, almost he had come. Almost in her mouth and almost standing so hard in front of her just looking at her face. So nearly had he spurted.

"Would you like to swop around old man?"

"I'd come too quick Bill, really I would. I'm too on the edge. Please I'll just watch."

Stupid really. A chance to actually be inside a girl and he had not taken it. It did not though seem fair to Ann. He knew that no sooner in than he really would be coming. Best to let Bill carry on pleasuring her.

Bill had paused but he started again. It was sexual enough for Paul to just stand and watch. Stand in two senses - his penis so engorged, so enthused, just standing in front of Ann's face and she so obviously looking at it.

"Oooh, I'm getting all tingly. Bill... I mean Paul, can I suck again? Please?" Her lips were moving, seeking it.

Her tongue coming out but he was holding it just out of reach. Was he really teasing her?

"I'm coming. Paul, please."

Of course he relented. Of course he moved forward and Ann's lips closed. They were greedy, sucking and mobile. It was obvious to Paul what she wanted and it was hardly any time before she got it. Paul felt his balls rise and then his penis, sucked and played with by Ann's lips and tongue, was pulsing, pumping his stuff into Ann's mouth just as, it seemed, her orgasm came.

Again and again he spurted, his head back and his eyes tight shut, all his concentration on his penis and what it and Ann's lips and tongue were doing.

Breathing hard, Paul's eyes flicked open. There was his erection still in Ann's mouth and there was Bill still thrusting away. It seemed to Paul that his friend had a lot more 'staying power' than he did - but there again perhaps they had already done the act once or perhaps even twice that day. Ann said her pregnancy made her, what was the word? Fruity!

But there was a limit to Bill's staying power and Paul saw the limit. Hard thrusts at his wife as, with teeth barred, his friend very obviously ejaculated into Ann.

All movement stopped and silence descended on the room. Outside the rain battered even harder against the windows. Inside the only movement a very gentle massaging movement of Ann's tongue.

Paul felt so content. Just so lovely to rest like that - even if standing, It had all been so unexpected and so pleasurable. He was disappointed not to have taken up the offer of real intercourse but it had been such a lovely sharing together in sexual pleasure. Perhaps he might be invited around someday again.


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