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Pussy Willow

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Couple enjoys a bit of nature.
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"What the hell is that?"

I asked Lisa as she came in the door holding a bundle of twigs. She looked at me like I was a moron and retorted they are pussy willows.

"Haven't you ever seen pussy willows before?"

"Well, yes, I've seen pussy willows before. But why did you bring them home?"

I looked a bit disdainfully at the woody things in her arms. She gave me an encore of the 'you're a moron' look.

"Pussy willows are a rite of passage between winter and spring. Doesn't it make you happy to know that when you see the pussy willows you know that spring is just around the corner?"

She looked quite content as she bustled off to put the twigs into a vase. I rolled my eyes.

This is what I got for becoming involved with a country girl. Lisa was a beautiful woman. She had beautiful long, soft, straight hair which was so dark brown it was almost black. Her eyes were a similar blackish-brown, framed by long, dark lashes. Her skin was quite fair, which made her features stand out even more. Her figure was delightfully curvaceous and she was tall, almost as tall as I was. For this beauty alone I would put up with any plant, animal, or mineral she chose to bring home. But that didn't mean I'd give in easily.

"That still doesn't tell me why you brought them home." I called to the kitchen from where I was working in the dining room.

"They're pretty!" She declared returning back into the room. "And they last a long time. Besides, since you won't come with me to enjoy nature, I brought nature to you."

She looked at me with a matter-of-fact smile and patted my shoulder. As she put the vase of pussy willows in front of me on the dining room table she continued speaking.

"I saw them the other day when I was walking the dog so today I brought some clippers with me and helped myself."

She bustled off again, her words trailing after her.


I looked at the branches, now arranged in a vase. Sticks of dark brown with gray fuzzy buds scattered intermittently along them. They did have a certain rustic attraction to them. But certainly nothing I would compare with hothouse tiger lilies or orchids. I chuckled to myself. All this time, I had been trying to impress my woman with beautifully arranged bouquets of luscious greens and a rainbow of colours, when all she wanted was a bouquet of brown and gray sticks. I fingered a gray tip. They were intriguing things, the soft pale gray fuzzy knobs. They reminded me of nipples. Long, fuzzy, gray nipples. Just as soft on the outside and as hard on the inside as real ones.

I stroked the fuzzy, gray softness. And then I got an idea...

"My, you're amorous this evening!"

Lisa commented as I suckled on her neck, distracting her from the book she was reading.

"Who me?"

I asked, between nibbles. I took the book from her hands and carelessly tossed it to the floor. Then my hands encircled the beautiful creature before me, and I resumed my amorous attention.

"John! Now you've lost my pla..."

I snipped off her words with my mouth, devouring them like I was devouring her lips, which tasted of toothpaste. Lisa wanted to fight, at least for a moment. And she tried to fight, at least for a moment. But it was just too easy to acquiesce. Her neck fell, into my hand, against the pillow as her muscles relaxed. She kissed me back and her fingers began to caress my forearm. I let my other hand trail down her throat, fingering the neckline of her cotton nightgown.

My finger ran down one side of the V neckline until it reached the point. From there it moved across the fabric to the plump breast that was hidden beneath the thin material. I cupped the breast gently, tenderly; enjoying the feel of it nestled in my palm. It had a nice heft to it, like a ripe grapefruit; but warm, and soft, and smooth to the touch. I rubbed my thumb across the nipple. It was a soft nub through the cotton, but with just that one swipe of my thumb, it jutted out and hardened even more.


My kisses were becoming distracted now. My mind was too occupied with where my hand was. So I released Lisa's lips and shuffled my body down the bed so that my face was at her breast, still concealed entirely by her demure nighty. My lips covered the nipple, fabric and all, and I began to suckle. A woman's breast was such an intriguing thing to a man. I'm sure we'd do anything to get near one, see one, touch one, taste one. And there I was, doing it all, through the fabric barrier of her nighty. I encircled the delightful pert bud of Lisa's nipple with my tongue.

It was interesting this way, tonguing her nipple through the fabric. The material was rough, and I loved the tactile sensations it created as I teased her with my tongue. My moist mouth had made a soggy mess out of the yellow cotton of Lisa's nightgown and as I peeled my mouth away, the fabric clung to her breast. The nipple protruded sharply outwards encased in dampened material, just the sight of it got me hard. I pinched the nipple of her other breast with my hand. I moved away and off the bed. Lisa looked at me with a hint of desperation in her eyes.

"Where are you going?"

She shivered as the air in the room chilled the moist spot on her nighty.

I went to the closet and pulled out a handful of Lisa's scarves. They had come in handy once before and now I knew they would come in handy again. I returned to the bed, extracting an opaque, navy blue scarf from the handful. This I began to tie snugly over Lisa's eyes, blinding her.

"What devious thing do you have planned now? "

Lisa asked as I secured the scarf in place and made sure she couldn't see.

"I was hoping to get to sleep early tonight." She protested.

"Do you want me to stop?"

I asked, my hands paused on her shoulders. I knew her too well. She wouldn't stop me. First of all, she hated missing anything good. And she knew me well enough to know I'd make it good. Secondly, she was just as sexual a creature as I. No, she didn't want me to stop.

"Well no, I don't want you to stop."

She sighed, and stretched out her limbs in a languid fashion. Her stretching fit along well with my plans as I grabbed one wrist and tied it to the bedpost. Her other three limbs were secured without argument. I looked at Lisa's body, sprawled out and secured, spread-eagle style. I had been quite generous in my tying. It was not my intent to restrict her movements overly or to cause her any discomfort.

The nighty still clung to her skin, especially at her breast where it was a darker, wet yellow. As far as the rest of her body was concerned, the nighty just clung along the contours of her body, swelling over her mountainous breasts, along her stomach and dipping just a bit so that the dark triangle of her womanhood was visible through the fabric. And there it dipped between her thighs and ended. Her creamy legs continued on down the bed, the space between them increasing down to her toes. Enough that I could easily move my own body head first of course, between them. However that wasn't my plan. At least not for now. Lisa squirmed impatiently.

"What are you doing?"

"Just admiring the scenery. But I'll be right back. Don't move now."

I tickled her right toes before leaving the room momentarily. She could hear when I returned because she spoke again.

"Where did you go? What are you doing?"

"We are going to play a little guessing game, sweetheart. Up for it?"

She pursed her lips pensively before replying.

"What kind of little guessing game?"

"If you can guess what I have in my hand, I'll release you."

"And if I can't guess?"

"I'll just keep torturing you with it until you do."

Lisa grinned. She had a feeling this was going to be the kind of torture she would want, preferably the, Oh-my-god-I can't-stand-it-but-don't-you-dare-stop, variety.

"Okay, I'm up for it!"

Unintentionally, she licked her top lip, an action that always gave me a twinge in my groin. A lazy smirk spread across my mouth. Now, where to begin? I surveyed Lisa's body. The feet, while ticklish, would be least sensitive and least likely to enable her to discover the object of her desire. I ran the end of the branch lightly across the sole of Lisa's foot. The twig was still damp from where it had been in the vase and I could see the trail of water it left behind on her foot. She giggled and squirmed.

"Is that your finger?"


I continued moving the twig along her foot, touching each toe. I kept my touch light for now. I didn't want her to guess right away and spoil my fun. I moved the willow branch to her other foot and tickled the sole there too.


Lisa grimaced.

"I don't know what that is! How can I tell down there? Move somewhere else." She ordered.

"Well, if you insist."

I began trailing the branch up her foot, over her ankle and along her leg. The water from the vase had dried from the branch and now no moisture was left to make a path on her skin. I made circles around her kneecap with the branch and then flipped it over and ran a soft pussy down her leg.

"Mmmmn!" Lisa moaned.

I trailed the branch up her thigh along the inside and flipped the yellow nighty out of the way of her womanhood, leaving her exposed to my view. Lisa had a beautiful mound. The dense hair was trimmed short into a tidy triangle. I trailed the branch across her puffy lips and down the inside of the other thigh. She squirmed and writhed on the bed, testing her binds.

"You KNOW that drives me nuts, John! Are you trying to drive me nuts?"

I pretended I didn't hear her and flipped the branch around to the hard, woody, snipped end again. I circled the kneecap of her other leg and then leisurely trailed back up her inner thighs again.


I couldn't help but grin, of course driving Lisa nuts was my goal. However, I preferred to look at it as driving her wild. Wild with desire, and hadn't she said she wanted me to enjoy nature with her? I was sure enjoying this!

"Mmmmmn! Is it a pencil you have?"


I flicked the willow branch against her thigh. Lisa gasped. I flicked the other thigh, a bit harder this time and I was a bit surprised to see a thin red welt appear on her creamy white thigh. Using the pussy end, I attempted to erase the redness, tracing along the mark with the soft gray bud. Then I flicked the willow branch again, this time more on her inner thigh. Flick, flick. First one side, then the other.


Lisa's cry turned into a moan and I again erased the red welts with the pussies.


I pushed the nighty up out of the way. With her arms tied, the best I could do was gather the fabric up by her collarbone. This left her delicious breasts bare. Lisa's breasts were round globes with small aureoles and pencil eraser nipples. Her aureoles and nipples were a dark berry colour, just ripe for tasting. I yearned to suckle them but that wasn't part of my plan. Instead, I ran the willow branch up her body, twiggy end against her skin. I twirled around her belly button and lazily drew squiggles and lines along her tummy. Turning the branch around, I ran the pussies in strips across her ribcage.

"You don't have a pussy willow, do you?"

"Is that your final answer? Keep in mind, if you are correct the guessing game ends after all."

"Hmmm.... maybe you'd better tease me a bit more until I'm sure."

I teasingly stroked the branch along her sides, from hip to armpit and Lisa writhed and squirmed.

"Oh my God! That tickles. I can't stand it!"

I gave an evil chuckle, my grin almost breaking my face. I tickled her sides with the willow branch again just to watch her shudder and twitch. Her breasts jiggled with her squirms. Her nipples, which always seemed to capture my attention, were taut and plump. I couldn't ignore them any longer. Leisurely, I stroked the branch towards her breasts, circling around them in figure eights. Then, flipping to the pussy end of the pussy willow branch, I flicked across one nipple with the soft end. Lisa moaned. What a delightful contrasts the two 'nipples' made.

The soft fuzzy gray hardness of the pussy willow teasing Lisa's peaked dark pink nipple. I flicked across the other nipple, causing Lisa to moan again.

"Feel good?"

I asked as I continued to tease her nipples with the soft pussy willow nub, twirling it around each nipple in turn. With an elongated moan, Lisa replied.

"Oh yeah! It's incredible! I don't understand. You're not even touching me. Just that small touch and I'm falling apart! I've got goose bumps over my whole body from one little touch!"

I flicked across one nipple, trailed through the valley of her breasts to flick across the other.

"Please! No more! I can't stand it!"

Lisa begged, beginning to writhe against her tied hands and legs. I was willing to oblige, mostly because my own arousal was becoming harder to contain. My cock throbbed almost painfully and pre-cum oozed steadily from the tip. Moving between Lisa's thighs, I could see her slit glistening with her own liquid arousal. Looking at the pussy willow with its soft bits, it seemed a shame to soak them with pussy juice. But then I thought that one little branch could be sacrificed for the greater good. Besides, it would become such a deliciously fragrant bit of flora with the tangy odour of Lisa's creamy nectar.

I ran the end of the branch along her slit, just along the crack, wetting the first pussy. Lisa moaned in response and gyrated her pelvis on the bed. She turned her knees outward, opening her thighs even more, and giving me greater access and a better view of her delectable snatch. Next, I dragged the length of the branch through her slick lips and as each soft gray knob passed through; the gray fuzz became soaked with her juices. Having reached the bottom of her slit, I turned the branch around and dragged it back up through the glistening lips of Lisa's sex. She shuddered as each gray bud rubbed against her clit.

I enjoyed watching Lisa shudder almost as much as she was enjoying the sensations being played upon her body by the object of nature. So, I ran the pussy willow along her slit again. And again. Using my fingers, I held open Lisa's labia so I could watch as the pussies rubbed over her clit. I moved the willow branch over her sensitive female flesh with smooth, swift strokes, ensuring her clit received all possible stimulation from the bits dispersed along the wand.


Lisa had begun a steady moan and from her spasmodic quivers, I knew she was very close to climax. I softly blew on her clit and her moan turned into a squeal.

"Oh please, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh yeah!"

Her words came in a breathless litany. I altered my movement of the willow branch so that one fuzzy gray knob, all slick with her pussy juice, flicked across her clit. Left to right, right to left. Flick, flick, and flick, and with that steady sweet torture upon the center of her sensuality, she began to come. Her pelvis arched up from the bed and all four limbs strained at the scarves that tied them to the bed. Her head slammed back into the pillows and I could see her cunt muscles begin to clench. I slipped my middle finger deep into her depths, wanting to share in her orgasm, wanting to feel her body suck and spasm on my finger.

Her panting litany turned into one long word. A four-letter word turned into twenty.


With the middle finger of one hand still buried in her depths, I used the other hand to circle the drenched gray nub of pussy willow around her clit. The last tremors of orgasm shuddered within her and she exhaled slowly. I couldn't wait any longer for my own release. I yearned to sink my cock into her. Slipping my finger from her moistness, and tossing the pussy willow aside, I moved to pull at the ties that held her bound to the bed. First her ankles, then her wrists I untied; finally removing the dark scarf from over her eyes.

Blinking at the sudden brightness of the room, she wrapped her arms and legs around me and fastened her lips to mine. She was as eager as I was for my cock to fill her. I slipped into her easily and we rutted like wild beasts. My strokes were hard and fast and with each entry she grunted against my mouth, our lips still frantically mating as well. With such an animalistic force behind our fucking, I couldn't hold back more than a few minutes.


"I'm gonna come!"

I said with a grunt. And with another deep plunge into Lisa's body, my cock shuddered and spurted. Feeling my climax rage within her, brought Lisa to another orgasm and she wailed, her head back, her arms and legs clutching me. I collapsed over her, spent, even as the tremors of orgasm pulsed within her. Several moments later, when I was coherent enough to realize I was crushing her, I rolled sideways to lie beside her.

"Remind me to enjoy nature with you more often."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
My fave!

My fave so far! I'm still reading though! Something I'll definitely have to try!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
my favourite

Just my kind of story... love to read it again and again, but you know that anyway

LoganberryLoganberryabout 19 years ago

had me panting. wonderful. will consider picking some pussy willow myslef next time im out in the woods.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

A very good story kept me pinned all the way keep writing and I will keep reading!!!!!!!!

NikkiDawnNikkiDawnover 19 years ago
Play on words ;)

hmmmmm :D Pussy willow on pussy what a fab idea! Another reason to look forward to spring

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