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Requiem for a Heavyweight Ch. 05

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Ken and Roxanne continue their unofficial, first date.
9.1k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/26/2017
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Revised, Rewritten, and Continued from Chapter 04:

It had been an unseasonably mild, spring day and the Esplanade was filled with people sunbathing along the Charles River and trying to rush the season by squeezing in their activities in the late afternoon before darkness fell. With her gaze hypnotically transfixed on the dozens of docked sailboats bobbing with the roll of the water, a cool spring breeze from the quickly changing air chilled her. She wrapped her arms around herself with a shiver.

Permeating the air with a beating melody of clanging ropes chiming against metal masts without sails echoed an eerily, sad song. She looked out to the paths that ran along the length and width of esplanade while watching the steady stream of bicyclists, joggers, and rollerbladers enjoying the good weather. She scanned the sun worshipers rushing the season and enjoying the warm, sunny day practically naked. She watched the sailboats and college rowing teams that dotted the Charles River meander their way back to shore before the close of the boat house and the boat club.

"I hope he's for real," she said talking to herself. "It would be wonderful to finally meet someone special. It would be great to finally have a good, kind, sincere, and respectful man in my life again. I'm ready to fall in love again. I'm ready to get married and have children."

She looked over the Charles River again to watch the late afternoon sun begin its slow descent in the horizon.

"Only, I must take care not to ruin this by being too guarded to not allow myself to see Ken for who he truly is, a catch. I must take care not to ruin this by being too desperate to not allow myself to see him for who he truly is, a cad. I need to keep an open mind an open heart. I need to find a normalcy somewhere in the middle and not be so judgmental as I sometimes can be," she said giving herself the lecture that she obviously needed to be open, vulnerable, and ready for love.

Having had only one serious relationship several years ago that ended abruptly when a drunk driver took the life of John, her fiancé, she was still grieving over the loss of him. Like all women still single at her age, she wanted to find someone to love. More desperate with each passing year, she wanted to get married, have children, buy a house, and raise a family. At thirty-five-years-old, she was running out of time to have a baby of her own.

She was tired of being pressured by her mother, by her married sister, by her married friends, and by all the married women in her life who wanted to know when she was getting married and having a baby. No matter where she was or where she went, she saw mothers pushing their baby carriages. If the women who pressured her weren't enough, men wondered why someone who was as good looking as she obviously was, was still single. More than once she heard rumors that people thought there was something wrong with her or that she was lesbian. Only, she was as normal as any other woman being picky when wanting to find the right man. She wasn't lesbian.

Perhaps, if she told people that she was lesbian, even though she wasn't, they'd stop pressuring her long enough to mind their own business. Perhaps, if she told people to mind their own business, they'd leave her alone. Only, it was better if she smiled at their well-meaning intentions and just ignored them. It was better if she continued to allow them to vicariously live their lives as a single woman in the way that she sometimes vicariously lived her life as a married woman with children. With the grass always looking greener on the other side of the fence, no one is ever satisfied with what they have. Everyone wants what someone else has.

Suffice to say, before she met Ken, desperate enough to join a dating site, she was lonely. She was horny. She was sexually frustrated. She wanted someone to love and someone to love her. She wanted to get married. She wanted a baby. She wanted a house and a family. She wanted everything that she didn't have now.

Tired of meeting the wrong type of guys, men who were only after one thing, she had wasted enough of her time in bars and didn't want any more one night stands. She had it with guys who didn't call her the next day and who couldn't commit to a long-term, serious, and faithful relationship. For a while, she had summoned the belief that she was better off alone but, when her loneliness and horniness reared its ugly head, that belief of living life alone didn't last very long.

Chapter 05:

With love at first sight in the air, Ken and Roxanne continue their unofficial, first date.

Ken hurriedly showered, shaved, and dressed. Convinced his change in attitude was responsible for his luck in meeting Roxanne, he could not believe how his life had improved in such a short time. If it wasn't enough that he bought a car, not just any car, but a Lincoln Town Car, Executive L model, he had a chance of bagging Roxanne as his girlfriend too.

Often overlooked, he realized an obvious, self-evident truth, which was, how can anyone like him, if he doesn't like himself? Wrapped up in the politics of his job with grants, funding, and responsible to always turn a profit in his department pressuring him, he had wasted too much time feeling like a failure and not liking himself. Now not allowing his job to define him, instead, concentrating more on the type of man he was, a good man, a kind man, and a sensitive man, he liked who he was, now.

Daydreaming of Roxanne's beauty, thinking of her long, blonde hair, her captivating blue eyes, and her red, soft lips, he thought of her shapely and sexy body. Mindlessly lathering his body and washing his genitals while thinking of her full, firm breasts, the curve of her round hips, and her long, shapely legs, he was getting an erection. After kissing her and feeling her ass and breasts before cupping her pussy through her panties, he was horny. It had been a long time since he had been with someone, too long, and he didn't want to blow this by acting too desperate and too needy. Not rushing things, he needed to take his time to romance her and seduce her.

He looked down and his cock was sticking straight out with the thoughts of bedding her and having passionate sex with her. A waste of his cum, something that he sometimes does in the shower, he didn't want to masturbate now, especially now that he had her in his life. If only just a sexual fantasy, he hoped that they might have sex later. Instead of masturbating himself now, he wanted to save himself for her.

At this point in his lonely life, tired of being a bachelor and coming home to an empty condo, even though he just met her, she could be his special someone. She could be someone he'd consider marrying. She could be someone he'd settle down with, buy a house, have children, and raise a family together. She could be his death do they part partner and the love of his life someone. Everything was on the table for someone who was as beautiful, intelligent, fun, funny, and witty.

Amazed by her keen insight and obvious intelligence, he smiled as he thought about her quick wit and fun sense of humor. With the same speed and sensation of the rush he felt when descending freely from the top of a waterslide at the waterpark, he was falling in love with her. His strong feelings and emotional attachment for her happened that fast. If there was such a thing as love at first sight, this was it, she was the one, and he was already in love.

"Rox, Roxie, Roxanne, Anne, Annie," he loved saying her name while thinking of all the variations and nicknames that he could call her while in bed and naked together. "Roxanne Lunderry, Mrs. Roxanne Lunderry," he said. "Oh, my God, this is crazy. I need to take a breath, relax, and calm down," he said talking to himself in the shower. "Slow down, Ken. Slow down. She may not feel the same way about you as you already feel about her. Don't you ruin things by rushing things."

Taking as much time selecting which cologne to dab on as he did shaving, he decided to liberally splash on inspired amounts of his favorite fragrance, the original, green bottled Polo. Finally, ready to see his new girlfriend and, hopefully, his future wife, he stepped out on the balcony where she was. In the way that he first saw her at the restaurant, she took his breath away. She was so beautiful. She was so sexy. She was definitely out of his league. Yet, here she was with him.

He put his arm around her waist from behind and pressed his pelvis against her round, firm bottom. With him already wanting to have a deeper connection with her, the feel of her body made his cock react. As if he was already in bed naked with her, he imagined having sexual intercourse with her. He imagined making love to her slow and sweet before fucking her fast and hard, really pounding her pussy. As if this was meant to be, with his cock agreeing with his selection in a woman by throbbing and pulsating in his pants and against her fully clothed ass, she felt so good in his arms.

* * * * *

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

She laughed while turning her head to give him a sexy look.

"Which is beautiful?" She laughed. "The view from your balcony or your cock throbbing and pulsating against my ass?"

Embarrassed, but titillated that she called him on his bad, sexual behavior, Ken took a step back. He never met anyone like her. Not shy, ashamed, or sexually embarrassed, but boldly confident while still able to remain classy, witty, and funny, she was outspoken and sexy without being a whore. He liked that she wasn't afraid to play off him with sex innuendoes. All the women and some of the men that he knew weren't nearly as sexual as Roxanne. Too engrossed in their experiments and research, he doubted if any of them had a sexual life. Now that he hoped that he'd have a sexual relationship with her, he didn't want to be like them, cold, uninspired, and lonely.

"Sorry, I'll try and behave, but you are so beautiful and so sexy. This is the first that I've felt something this wonderful with a woman in a long time. Actually, you're the first woman who has been in my condo to enjoy the view," he said looking out over the esplanade and the Charles River. "With all the green against the water, the sailboats, and the colors, shapes, and textures of the buildings on the other side of the river in the background, the view looks more like a painting. It is spectacular this time of day?"

She turned around to face him. She gave him a serious look. As if she was reading his soul, and as if she was seeing who he truly was, a good man, the man, and her man, she looked deep in his hazel eyes with her blue eyes.

"Let's not burn and fizzle what we already have here like a shooting star, Ken. Let's take it slow and build on what we each obviously feel. I want to see where this goes. I feel a connection with you. Only, I don't want this if you're only looking for sex and to get laid." She looked him in the eyes again. "On the chance that I'll scare you away, I'm looking for something long term, Kenneth Lunderry. With my career always first and my personal life left simmering on the back burner, and with me not getting any younger, I'm looking for marriage. I'm looking to have children, buy a house, and a raise family before it's too late."

As if she was already his woman, as if he was already ready to propose, even though he had just met her, he gave her a warm smile while placing his hands on her waist.

"Fair enough, I have no problem with showing you how sincere I am and how I can commit. I'm looking for love, marriage, and children too. I'd love nothing more than to marry someone like you," he said getting down on one knee. "Roxanne Covelli," he said looking up at her. "Will you marry me, Kenneth Lunderry, and allow me be your husband, the father to your children, and the happiest man alive?"

She pushed her hand against his forehead.

"Don't be such a fool. Get up off your knee, you big goof," she said helping him up and putting her arms around his neck when he stood. "Yes, I'll marry you, but you're going to have to feed me first. I want to be wined and dined like a proper girlfriend before you enslave me to your brood of children." Then giving him a serious look, she pushed him away to wag a finger of warning in his face. "You gave me heart palpations. Don't you ever get down on your knee again unless you're serious about marrying me because I just may take you up on your offer," she said with a laugh.

They both started laughing over the foolishness of their antics and the fun they were having playing off one another. Reaching out, he pulled her closer, dropped his hands, and cupped her shapely ass through her short skirt. He reached up his right hand to stroke her blonde hair away from her face that glistened in the light and that the slightest breeze teased. He searched her blue eyes with a tender look. Slowly and tenderly, he slid his hand along the side of her face stopping at her cheek to caress her beauty. Then, he kissed her. It was a delicate and tender kiss before turning into a long and passionate one. He stopped when she didn't respond.

* * * * *

"What's wrong?"

As if rethinking what she was about to confess, she turned from him to look at the view.

"I'm afraid," she said turning again to look up at him. "I've been hurt before."

He placed his big hands on her shoulders and rubbed them in the way of slowly polishing something very valuable, a rare gemstone. Indeed, she had already grown valuable to him in such a short time. Paling in comparison, he couldn't think of any diamond, sapphire, ruby, or emerald that would be more valuable and beautiful to him than her.

"I've been hurt too, Roxanne. You are the only women I've been with since my divorce two years ago. I can't believe this is happening so fast. As if we were meant to be, you touch me deep inside. Yes, you are beautiful and obvious have a fabulous body, but it's more than just the outside appearance. It's who you are," he said touching the center of her chest with his index finger. "I love your intellect and your fun sense of humor. I love being with you. You excite me like I thought I could never be excited ever again. There is so much I don't know about you and I want to take the time to know you."

She looked at him with sadness while he looked at her with love.

"I know that we just met, but I've wasted so much time, Ken and—"

He put a finger to her lips.

"Don't. Don't ruin it," he whispered. "I know what you're going to say. I know what I feel is real and if you feel about me the way that I do about you, then let's not ruin it with a lot of analysis and negative thoughts. Let's think positive. Let's just enjoy the moment. Let's take this for what it is and let's build on that. We've already accomplished the two most difficult things when starting a relationship.

"And they are?"

He gave her a big smile.

"Well, the first thing is that we somehow found one another. Call it fate or kismet, but it was weird how I called Jeffrey and he asked me to meet him in that restaurant at the same time you were there. The second thing is that we're really connected. As if we've already been dating for months, we're comfortable with one another. Neither of us are playing head games and have any pretenses getting in the way of going forward in progressing this relationship."

She returned his smile with her smile.

"Yes, I agree with you. This has been a fabulous start to a new friendship and hopefully a long-lasting relationship," she said.

He made a face.

"I have plenty of friends," he said with a laugh. "I don't need any more friends. I need a lover, a partner in life, a wife, and the mother of my children," he said. "And I agree with you, I think we already have a fabulous start to something beautiful."

She touched his hand while looking up at him.

"Normally, it takes me dinner, a show, and a few drinks for me to allow a man to put his hand up my skirt and his fingers inside my panties." She looked at him smirking a smile. "Ken," she said pouting. "I'm serious. "I may tease you about sex but I'm not a whore," she said.

He moved his arms around her waist again to pull her close.

"I know that Rox," he said. "I'm glad that you're able to poke fun at sex, something that so many people can't even discuss. We're both on the same page with that."

She smiled.

"I like making fun at the ridiculous and sometimes, in the way that too many people are too serious about sex, it's ridiculous," she said. "It's just sex. It's not dirty or perverted by the physical expressions of love between two people. As much as it's a part of life, it's a beautiful part of life."

As if she didn't hear what he had said before but realized it now, she gave him a curious look.

"What?" Ken looked at her as if there was something wrong. "What's wrong?"

She smiled.

"You calling me Rox. It just occurred to me," she said with a laugh. "Everyone calls me Roxanne, Anne, or Annie. No one calls me Rox," she said. "I like that. From this moment on, Rox is your special name that no one else is allowed to use."

He returned her smile with his.

"Really?" He laughed. "Well, Rox. I like it when you call me Kenny. My Mom was the only one who called me Kenny. When you call me that it made me feel special to you." Then, as if he was thinking of a joke, he laughed. "From this moment on, you may call me Special K," he said with a laugh.

She laughed too.

"Like in the cereal, Special K?"

He laughed.

"No, as in Kryptonite, Superman's weakness," he said.

She laughed again.

"What if I just call you...Special," she said raising her hands to make quotation marks with her fingers and acting as if she was mentally challenged.

He laughed at her making fun on his Special K name.

"Why don't we stick with Kenny, Kenneth when your mad at me, and Ken when you're in bed naked with me and calling out my name in orgasmic bliss," he said with a laugh.

She gave him a smug look.

"You're getting a little ahead of yourself...Kenneth," she said laughing.

* * * * *

Ken sat in a chair on the balcony chair and pulled her down to him. She sat on his lap and he gently massaged her back with one hand while resting his other hand on her shapely, naked thigh. His hand rested inside her thigh and halfway inside and outside of her short skirt and she allowed him to touch, feel, and fondle her naked leg. If he moved his hand up only a few inches, he'd be fingering her pussy through her panties again. Yet, not wanting to rush his sexual seduction of her, he decided to take it slower.

"I feel something, too, Ken. I can't believe this is happening either. Is it love at first sight or is it two lonely people desperately trying to reestablish their lives after being hurt?" Obviously not expecting him to answer, she looked at him before speaking again. "I never believed in love at first sight, but now I do. Only, I'm afraid to fall in love. I don't want to be hurt, again."

She leaned to him and they kissed again. Then, they sat in silence holding one another. She rested her blonde, pretty head on his broad shoulder while they both looked out at the view. When they kissed, he moved his hand higher up her thigh. So close and yet so far to nirvana, he wanted to cup her panty clad pussy again. He wanted to finger her pussy through her panties. He wanted to push her panties aside and rub her clit while fingering her pussy. Only, he didn't dare. Not now. Not yet.

"Rox, isn't the possibility of finding true happiness with a special someone worth taking the risk of getting hurt? Besides, let's give it a chance. We only met a few hours ago and if we are already this far along in the relationship, we should be having a couple of kids by this time next week and celebrating our ten-year anniversary next month. I agree with what you said, let's take it slow," he said.

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