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Sadie's Inhibitions Run Free

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She always liked being nude, and finds out it's advantages.
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Nineteen-year-old Sadie walked around the empty house, looking in various cupboards and surveying each room, making a point of taking her time doing so. She knew the tall old man showing her around thought she was a time-waster, and he was showing his displeasure at being there despite the fake smile.

Sadie looked out of the bedroom window down across the garden. It was quite large but would need some work doing on it, there were quite a few weeds and the bushes were overgrown. She went into the front bedroom and looked down over the street, the house she was in part of two at the very end of a cul-de-sac, at the end of a turning circle. It was in a quiet part at the edge of the town which suited her. Sadie went back down to the kitchen and slowly looked around again, an audible gasp come from the old man.

"I'll take it," Sadie said finally.

The old man looked her up and down, his grin getting bigger.

"I'll be needing three months upfront then, one month rent and two months deposit," he told her.

His grin dropped as Sadie reached into her bag and pulled out a wad of notes, counted them out, and handed the cash to him, taking the keys from his other hand. She ushered him out after thanking him, looking around her new surroundings. She wouldn't need much, maybe just a tv for now as a bed and sofa were part of the furnishings already in there.

Sadie was looking forward to having her own space. She'd never been one for trying too hard to fit in, keeping herself to herself, even more so at home. She'd lived with her mum and her step-dad, who always seemed to be arguing about something or other, usually something trivial, Sadie getting dragged into it if she didn't take her mum's side. Things had got to a boiling point when Sadie's gran passed on, and rather than leave any money to her daughter, Sadie's mum, she'd left it to Sadie instead. It had been more than enough to be able to afford to rent somewhere and get away from all the quarrelling.

Sadie even more so was looking forward to walking around naked without the prying eyes of her step-dad trying to catch a glimpse of her, or her mum shouting that she was trying to tempt him away. Funny, considering how often Sadie had told her mum how horrible he was, how he lazed around the house sponging off her, how he was the one always knocking on her bedroom door hoping she'd invite him in so he could glimpse her uncovered breasts or more.

Sadie never labelled herself as a flasher or exhibitionist, she just didn't like the confines of clothes. She never wore tight clothes, usually buying them a size or two too big so they were very loose-fitting. She didn't own a bra, she hated wearing them and had thrown away any that her mum had bought her. She didn't need them she said, her 32B breasts pert and firm. That being said, she very rarely wore knickers either, depending on her outfit. She'd learnt from that mistake by going to an outdoor party in a white dress, which was fine until it rained heavily and clung to her body, showing parts of her off that she hadn't intended before making a sharp exit.

Her landlord, the tall old man who'd shown her around, would be handy too. He lived next door to the house with his brother, buying this house at auction and quickly putting it on the market to rent out. Sadie had viewed the property the day after its listing, and it was very close for her to get to her part-time job, just five minutes walk away. She worked each weekday afternoon doing some admin work for a local firm, she'd taken the job on to get her out of the house for a while, and enjoyed it so much she intended to stay even though she'd now become quite rich.

Although she was normally quiet, it worked to her advantage at times. Sadie had never had a steady boyfriend, but had already had a few one nights stands over the last year. This suited her, it was a way of meeting her needs, and she always gave out the wrong phone number if asked for it. She didn't make a habit of it, originally it was a way of losing her virginity, and she always travelled out of town. She always looked for someone like herself, someone quiet and alone, or someone part of a group who wished he could be anywhere else. She always enjoyed the pleasantly surprised look on their faces when she peeled off her clothes to reveal her nakedness, the firmness of her breasts and arse, and the reasonably toned body on her 5' 4" frame.

The last guy was so excited to be told to just go straight to fucking her arse, a tad too excited as he came in less than a minute. Sadie went home and gave her vast dildo selection a workout, they never disappointed her.

Sadie awoke the next morning and opened the curtains in the back bedroom, the only room with curtains in the whole house. She'd gone to bed not shutting them, but being woke up early with the morning sun pouring through the window, decided it better to close them. The front bedroom would be better, but putting curtains up elsewhere wasn't high on her list, she had plenty of time and other things to buy first. Sadie thought she saw movement from the garden next door, but couldn't see anything.

From this window, she couldn't see her neighbour's house. George and Eric, her landlords, lived in the other house that looked down the street but was angled a little further to the road. She could see into both gardens, down to gates at the bottom of both leading to a driveway that went around the cul-de-sac, each house having a garage at the bottom of the gardens. Fields and trees surrounded this, leading down towards a stream.

Although still Spring, Sadie had slept naked. She walked across the landing to her bathroom, looking down out of the landing window. From here she could see their house, in fact, George, the brother who'd shown her around the house, was sitting in a leather armchair next to the window. Sadie tried to work out the layout of their house, where he sat he'd be in her dining room, although only a breakfast bar separated that from the large kitchen. The other room downstairs was a large living room. Maybe their house was vice-versa to hers she thought.

She showered and then dried herself off, then headed to her bedroom to dry her hair with her hairdryer. Walking past the landing window she glanced out, seeing George and Eric both standing by the armchair looking up to the window where she was. Upon seeing her, Eric nudged George. The landing window was quite low, so they could see most of the way down her body, certainly being able to see she was topless at least. Sadie saw George had a camera in his hand, and wondered what he'd been taking pictures of.

She sat on her bed and dried her hair, then started to sort out what clothes she would reluctantly wear to go to work. She looked out of the window to see if it looked like it might rain, and saw George and Eric towards the bottom of their garden, looking up towards her window again. Sadie wondered if they were watching out for her, enjoying her state of undress, maybe enough to take pictures of her. Sadie was intrigued rather than angry. Being naked had always been about feeling free for her, she felt a familiar feeling in her stomach and pussy wondering if they were hoping to get further glimpses of her.

She didn't concentrate while at work, thinking of the feelings she felt that these men were deliberately trying to see her naked. She'd never had those kinds of advances, the loose clothes and quiet demeanour not attracting that kind of attention. Yes, they were quite old and not what she'd go out looking for if she wanted sex, but she enjoyed that they liked seeing her. The four hours went slower than ever, the clock seemed to have stopped. Eventually getting home after the short five-minute walk, she noticed both George and Eric in the window downstairs, watching for her return. She waved to them both, seeing Eric check the time on his watch.

Sadie couldn't wait to get inside and slip off her clothes, throwing them in her wash basket at the bottom of the stairs. She went into the kitchen and thought she could hear voices, so quietly opened the doors out to the garden. She could hear George and Eric down their garden, muttering to each other about how long she was going to be. Peeking out, they were at the bottom looking up at her bedroom window, George with his camera in hand ready and poised. That confirmed he had been taking photos of her.

Sadie felt her stomach flutter again. Were they really that interested in seeing her? Well, in that case, I'd better make it worth their while Sadie thought. She went upstairs and walked quickly towards the bedroom window, just enough to let them know she was up there. She'd picked up a large towel on the way up, and wrapped it around herself loosely, tucked in just above her breasts. She climbed up onto the bed, pretending to try to close the curtains, pulling and making out it was stuck. She reached up with one hand to the top, her other hand pulling the towel away.

Now fully naked for their viewing pleasure, she saw the camera flash go off several times quickly, knowing they probably had a decent view of between her legs too. She had to try her hardest not to look, to pretend she didn't know they were there but closed the curtains slowly. Once closed she collapsed down onto the bed, giggling to herself. That was mad, one of the most surreal experiences of her young life, showing herself off and enjoying it too.

She wanted to masturbate there and then, but knew she'd left pasta on to cook. She finished cooking her meal and settled down in front of the TV to eat it and relax, enjoying watching the sky get darker outside.

Later on, she needed the toilet and went upstairs. The toilet door was on the opposite side of the landing window from the bathroom, and she stopped dead in front of it. She hadn't put on the light, walking upstairs in the dark. She saw Eric through the window, curtains open but him in full view with their light on. He was sitting at a desk, with no top on. He was as wide as he was tall, but not overly fat, a big built man. Sadie stood looking, he looked like he was using a desktop PC. Suddenly he looked up at her, and she waved. Eric didn't wave back, and Sadie realised he couldn't see her in the dark. He pushed his chair back a little, and Sadie noticed the camera with a USB lead plugged into the PC. She also noticed his hand stroking what looked like a very big cock.

She watched him masturbate, fascinated and intrigued. He stared intently at the screen while Sadie watched his cock. Then a thought dawned on her. That was the camera George had been holding. Was he masturbating looking at pictures of her? No, he couldn't be she thought, but he did now and again keep glancing up at her window. Sadie's hand wandered between her legs, and she went to her bedroom and selected two dildos she guessed were about Eric's size.

Sadie came home from work the following day, George and Eric standing in the window again. Sadie waved, Eric, checking his watch again, and nodding to George. Sadie guessed they'd been discussing her comings and goings. Again she went in and undressed straight away, this time she quickly opened the doors and crept over to the fence between their gardens. She heard their door open and then them talking.

"Come on, she'll be up there shortly."

"I'm coming, I need to get the camera ready."

"Those shots yesterday were great, loved the close-up of her pussy."

"I'd love to see what her arse is like, you certainly can't tell with the clothes she wears."

Sadie heard them walk down the garden, trying hard not to let them hear her excited panting. She'd been right about Eric then, he had been masturbating over her pictures. They wanted arse shots, and Sadie intended to give them some. She'd already planned if they were in the window tonight, she intended to watch them too, no sneaking off to the bedroom she'd use the dildos there and then.

Her mind raced with how to give them what they wanted. She couldn't climb on her bed again, she had to make it look accidental. Then she saw an opportunity. There was some rubbish stuck to a rose bush, a crisp packet and what looked like tissue. Going over to her door, and pretending to open it, she stepped out into the garden.

"Rubbish in the garden again, I need to put it in the bin," she said to herself, loud enough for them to hear.

She looked about like she was making sure nobody was about, pretending she hadn't seen them, and walked over to the bush, on the opposite side of the garden. Sadie knelt and leaned forward, ignoring the clicks of the camera behind her. She made out the packet was stuck, and then took her time removing the tissue and stuffing it into the crisp packet. Practically on all fours now, she said out loud about the weeds being cleared and wondering if she could somehow persuade her landlords to clear it for her.

She got up and put the rubbish away in the bin, and went back into the house. Her heart was racing, she couldn't wait for it to get dark and to see through the window. That night it was George's turn, him being a similar build to Eric and with an equally nice looking cock. Sadie took the dildo into her mouth and then watched him stroke as she pushed the dildo into herself, matching his pace. As he quickened up he did too, her other hand rubbing at her clit, timing her orgasm to as close to seeing George cum as she could manage.

Sadie spent the next day thinking of things she could do. It being a Friday, she had tonight and all weekend to work on different scenarios. Her mind wandered from showing off to George and Eric while pretending she didn't know they were there, to being caught by other people in the street. Her heart raced as she thought about being caught by someone else who would be oblivious that she was doing it on purpose. Somehow she got her work finished and headed off home.

George and Eric were in the window again as she returned home, and this time she waved but went and knocked on their door.

"Hi, I was wondering if you could come around tomorrow and cut all the weeds down, I want to trim all the bushes back too. Once it's done I can spend more time in the garden sunbathing then," Sadie asked.

The brothers looked at each other and smiled.

"Sure, we can do that for you, but you'll need to keep on top of the gardening afterwards," Eric answered.

"Deal, don't come around too early though if you're going to be making a noise, but I'll leave the gate open for you to get into the garden," Sadie replied.

She went back around to her house and stripped off. Her pussy was still damp from work and knowing she'd have opportunities to show off to them both tomorrow. She pottered around for a while but her mind wouldn't let her concentrate on anything else. She sat on the sofa and her hand wandered between her legs, the TV on but not taking much notice of it, her hand getting quicker and quicker. She thought she heard a noise outside but looking out the window couldn't see anyone. Imagining seeing George and Eric staring through the window she came, squirting across her thighs and the floor.

Sadie went and showered, and returning downstairs checked the front window. The front garden was small, the wall only around ten feet from the house, anyone standing by the wall would be able to see into her room where her TV was. It wouldn't be hard to hop over the wall to be right by the window, but when dark anyone by the wall would be hard to see them. Sadie looked at the TV, then dragged the stand it was on over to the corner by the window, turning the sofa so it faced both the TV and the window. With no curtains up and her light on, she'd be on show for anyone who was in the street.

That night she wanted to try it out, once dark outside she turned on her main light and the TV and tried to see the road from her sofa. The windows dropped down quite low, but she couldn't quite see it, just about being able to make out the wall. Feeling a little brave, she opened her front door quietly and peeked out. Nobody about, she tiptoed over to the wall, slowly so she didn't tread on any bricks or pebbles. Getting to the wall she looked into her room. She'd be very visible to any would-be voyeurs. Her heart raced again as she went back inside.

She slipped on trainers to move about easier, then picked up her phone. Sadie intended to take some photos and video herself, if this was half as exciting as she thought it was going to be she wanted to enjoy the footage later too. She opened her door and pulled it shut behind her, not locking it in case she needed to get back in quickly. She walked over to her wall and took a selfie with her house behind her, her large erect nipples in the shot. Her heart raced and her breathing was heavy, nervous excitement building up.

Adrenaline took over, moving over to the wall in front of George and Eric's house. She could see them in their kitchen, holding the phone up she pinched her nipple with one hand while taking a photo with them in the background. The flash went off and Eric looked towards the window. Sadie had a moment of panic, but being in the dark Eric couldn't see her. She could feel her insides churning and slid a hand between her legs. She was wetter than she'd thought.

Putting the camera onto video mode she started to run a finger over her clit, keeping the view of them over her shoulder. Sadie closed her eyes and imagined them coming to the window and seeing her, her body shook. She moved her finger, wondering and daring herself how far down the street she would go. There were five houses on either side of the narrow short cul-de-sac, so she made her mind up to walk down one side and back up the other. If anyone did come out there were a few trees she could try to use for cover.

Leaving the phone on video mode for a while she moved down the street, now and again stopping to take selfies outside their houses. In each picture, she made sure to include her whole body, sometimes crouching to spread her legs. Getting to the end house on the first side she saw the young couple on their sofa watching tv. She didn't know much about them, apart from guessing they were about twenty-five and knowing they had recently married. Mr Jones was sitting, legs open, just wearing shorts, his toned upper half-open to Sadie's viewing pleasure. Mrs Jones was wearing a short nightie, lying along the sofa, her head in his lap, both looking towards the screen.

Sadie urged her to release his cock, to start sucking on him while she watched, almost wishing she was there to do so instead. She wondered if Mr Jones would be up for a one night stand with herself so soon after getting married, or maybe Mrs Jones would be happy to watch him with Sadie. She closed her eyes and put herself in her place, his cock released from his shorts and sliding into Sadie's mouth as she lay along the sofa.

Suddenly she jumped, at the same time as Mr Jones got up and walked towards the window. A dog barking loudly had startled them all. Sadie quickly ducked down behind the garden fence out of the line of sight. She gave it a few minutes, making sure nobody came out to see what the noise was, then walked back up the other side of the street. Her heart was still racing, and she had one last trick up her sleeve before going back into the house.

Getting back to her house, she lay on the floor in the turning circle, set the phone on the floor facing her, and started videoing. She plunged three fingers into herself, thrusting them in quickly as she rubbed at her clit with the other hand, so excited she made herself cum in less than a minute. She had to put a hand to her mouth as she came, to subdue the loud groans she was emitting. She relaxed a little, picked up her phone and went back inside. She looked at the time, it was a little after midnight. Next time, if she felt brave enough, was to do something in the daytime.


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