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Silver Screen Express Ch. 10

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Britney Spears calls for a private fare.
9.7k words

Part 10 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/11/2017
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Author's Note: This story is completely fictional and did not happen. All characters and names are fictional and were made up.


Los Angeles, California

Another hot summer day dawned over the city, drying up the wetness in the grass early in the morning. By the time the afternoon ticked by on the clock, traffic had become much larger and the heat of the day was burning up. For David, it was nothing unusual for a day in his work week. Today was Wednesday, the day to go over the hump for most working people. Here he was, cruising around the streets in the Silver Screen taxi van as usual. The only thing special for the day was the job he had taken up for a private fare. The taxi van was rolling down the streets within the neighborhoods of Calabasas. David had to reach a specific mansion to pick up someone who had called in for a private fare.

A private fare was a special deal offered to clients from their homes. Through the arrangement, one could make a payment to call a Silver Screen van to their home with the additional charges handled over the phone. David had already been informed he was to pick up a woman who had made the payments over the phone. The destination would be across town music studio is downtown L.A. David was already speculating just who this person could be and what business they had across town with a studio. In his years of experience, he had taken fares that had jobs in the music industry, one time lucking into sharing a conversation with a high profile producer. His best guess was that maybe this mystery woman was a producer or manager.

Following the instructions he had received for arriving at the mansion, David stopped near the gate and put the vehicle into reverse. Just from the first view of the mansion, it was massive and clearly demonstrating the wealth of someone powerful. The gate was opened, clearly in anticipation for his arrival. He slowly backed the van through the gate, driving backwards over the drive way. He came to a stop next to a large white jeep. A few thoughts ran across David's mind. If someone had this kind of money to own such a massive house, why weren't they paying their own drivers or limousine service. He sat there, waiting patiently while gazing into the door mirror of the van. He pushed down on the horn slightly, remembering that one key detail he nearly had forgotten.

Brushing his hand over his black shirt, David continued to sit there while the engine was running. After a minute, the front doors of the mansion opened and a blonde haired woman stepped out. She wore a black zip up bustier top and blue jeans, stopping to run her hand through her hair before she approached the left side back door of the van. The door came open and the woman sat down among the seat before sliding it shut. David made one look at her through his rear view mirror, soon realizing that his assumption of her being a music business executive was completely wrong. She had the look of a pop star diva of some sort. With a smile, he was ready to strike a conversation with this lovely lady.

"Hello, you called for a ride, Miss?"

She nodded, smiling big.

"Yes! Are you my regular driver?"

"I don't think so, this is the first time I've set eyes on you."

"Alright, you know where to take me, right?"

"Yes, we've got a long trip through downtown L.A. I'll take you there, no problem."

David spoke while shifting gears and beginning to drive the car slowly out of the gateway. The woman adjusted herself in the back seat, sitting firmly in place. Given her answer to him, David had to assume that she must have been a recurring fare for the company. She spoke back up to him in her soft voice.

"Well, who are you? Brent is my usual driver."

"You can call me David, please. I guess Brent is off today, I haven't heard from him."

"Oh, he's usually the driver that comes and picks me up."

Taking a second glance into his rear-view mirror, David studied this adorable blonde woman. She appeared to have a heavy cleavage in the zip up bustier, an interesting choice of an outfit he thought. Something about her face looked so familiar to him. Her dark eyes were beautiful, even from the distance. While pulling the car into a street of traffic, he couldn't help but ask some details about her.

"What's your name, Miss? I can't help but think I've seen you some place before."

A smile appeared over her pink lips before she answered him back.

"I'm sure you have before! My name is Britney."



As he gripped the steering wheel and continued to drive, David took one more glance up into the rear-view mirror. 'Oh my fucking god, it can't be. No way, it can't really be her.' All it took was one more look into her face before he focused his eyes back onto the road ahead of him. It was just the Britney he thought of, no way that it couldn't be her.

"Holy shit, you're Britney Spears."

Her perfect white teeth flashed in a big smile before she cracked up laughing. David had one last look at her through the rear view mirror before focusing everything back on driving.

"Yes, you're my driver today!"

"I wish they would've told me before I came to pick you up, I would've stopped by and bought you some flowers."

Britney laughed at his flirting joke. David couldn't believe this goddess was his fare today. He remembered back in the day when Britney was a mega superstar, the 'pop princess' as she was always called. Though those days had long passed, she still had a unique beautiful look to herself. At thirty five years old and a mother of two, Britney was a certified MILF. He could clearly remember her 'prime' so to speak back in the early 2000's. While focusing on the road, he wasted no time to begin a conversation with her.

"So, I take it that you're heading down to the recording studios today?"

"Yeah, I thought I would drop in for a surprise to see one of the producers working on a song for me."

Gripping the steering wheel tighter between his fingers, David smiled to himself as he listened to her. Already his mind was made up when it came to trying his luck with a woman. How could he refuse making a move on her? She was Britney Spears of all women in the world. He would probably never get the opportunity again to test his luck with her. She was a goddess he had lusted over back in the day, often following her career at times during her peak of popularity. He had to come up with some way to try and smooth talk her, even if it was with a corny line to flirt. David thought back to the large size of her home, remembering the impression he had over her lack of a limousine driver.

"Do you mind if I ask you something, Britney?"

"No, not at all. What's on your mind, David?"

"How come you don't have your own driver? I saw how big that house is, I'd imagine you probably have an army of bodyguards and drivers at your feet."

"Well, Brent used to be my main driver. I usually call Silver Screen and ask for him, he gives me discounts for these rides."

The subtle words she spoke offered a chance, David thought. Britney had admitted to getting discounts for the van services. Could he get away with a lie and seducing her through that? He thought to himself, figuring he needed to word this in a proper way that didn't completely give away the motive he had at hand.

"He gives you discounts?"

"Yes! Since I'm a regular customer, he usually only charges me around five hundred dollars total. I get to pay over the phone."

"Oh, now I see. That explains something."

"What do you mean?"

She leaned up in the seat, a curious look ran across her face when David glanced back into the rear view mirror. He licked his lips, ready to begin his attempt at seducing the one and only Britney Spears.

"Before I made the stop, they told me that you didn't pay over the phone. Something about the money not going through?"

Britney leaned back and let out a sigh, rolling her eyes.

"Oh god, my credit card must have screwed up. I'm sorry, so it didn't go through?"

"No, not at all. They told me to inform you."

"Well, I wish you had let me know before we got far away from my house. I still find it kinda odd, I thought the payment went through."

"It happens sometimes, it gets messed up over the phone."

David lied to her with his answer. Glancing out the window, Britney sighed again and continued.

"I don't have any money in my pockets to pay you, I didn't even bring my purse."

"Well, that's fine. We'll figure out another way to make the payment. I'm sorry I'm not your regular driver, babe. I do have to say that Brent has it made to drive you around, you are still very beautiful."

With a soft smile, she leaned back and crossed her legs. David could see a tall pair of black high heels down below when he peered again from the rear view mirror.

"Thank you, that's nice of you to say."

For now, he figured it was best to change the subject. David knew better than to be up front about his intentions. This game was the art of seduction and he felt confident with his skills after two decades as a taxi driver working this charm on so many ladies before her.

"So, how are you with the kids? I know you're a mother with two boys."

Her face lit up into a big smile. Britney appeared to show great enthusiasm when she began to speak.

"They're doing great! They're ten and eleven, so they're getting close to the teen years. They kinda make me feel old, you know?"

David laughed.

"Trust me, babe. You aren't old yet but you're aging quite gracefully."

"That's kind of you to say."

The van turned in traffic, slipping through a few cars as David steered them through a back road. Britney leaned up from the seat, curiosity getting the better of her as she had a look at his face. She noticed his fading gray hair and then smiled before sitting back down.

"Wow, you're older than you sound. I take it that you have kids too?"

"No, babe! I probably should have a family given that I'm in my late forties now, but I don't."

"Oh I see, well it was sweet of you to ask. Brent never asks about my boys."

"Shame on him, then. You're Britney Spears after all. If I could drive you around as a regular fare, I'd be asking you all the time about life's details."

"Ohhhhh now, would you?"

Britney smirked, offering a mischievous grin to him. She knew he would look back at her from the rear view mirror and now she was teasing him.

"Yeah, why not? So, how's Vegas treating you? I've heard a lot of good things about your shows out there."

"Oh, it's going great! I just ended one residency and may renew for a new one at a different casino."

"I take it you enjoy performing there?"

She nodded, carrying on the conversation.

"Yeah, to be honest I love it out there! I don't have to constantly move from city to city with a long tour. I get a nice big penthouse suite at the top of the hotel too, it's very nice. You should come out and see one of my shows if you ever do go to Vegas."

"I would love to, babe. If I ever get a nice vacation fund from this business, I certainly will."

Turning the wheel, David moved the van through a street and crossed into more traffic. He was forced to slow down momentarily for a red light. Taking a deep breath, he watched the vehicle in front of him while awaiting the light to fade green. So far, he felt even more confident than before about seducing her. There was something about Britney's lovable personality that made him feel great about his chances.

"Would you mind if I ask you something personal, Britney?"

"Something personal?"

"Yeah, something along the lines of the love life."

"Sure, go ahead. Are you trying to ask me out or something?"

"No, I'm just curious to say the least. You are a very interesting woman, so I can't help but wonder. Are you dating anyone currently?"

Britney sighed before quickly turning a smile past her lips.

"It's kinda complicated, you know? I've been seeing a guy who I'd like to say is more or less a boy toy. He's younger than me, not really a serious relationship."

"Oh, so you're just seeing him cause he's good in bed?"

She couldn't help but to bust out laughing. David didn't mean to be so up front in his words, but he had let it slip.

"Well, I guess you could say that!"

By now they both were laughing. David was amazed how honest Britney was about such a trivial detail. She didn't blush at all, obviously not having any shame whatsoever. David was beginning to feel more confident now about offering her a deal for the payment of the fare, even though he was going to be lying. He had already moved the van along a scenic route for what would be a detour to a quiet place.

"I've got an idea how you can pay for this fare without cash, Britney."

"Oh yeah, you do?"

"You sound like a kinky woman, how about we have some fun back there? You can pay the fare getting naked with me."

Britney bust out laughing at his words. The van continued to roll through the traffic while she answered.

"Oh my god, you can't be serious!"

"Oh no, I am! Believe me, babe! I'm very serious!"

She was still laughing, almost rolling over the backseats. David felt a bit lucky that Britney wasn't offended by his offer like this. Her goofy personality had come out in full swing. He still couldn't help but to speak again of his offer.

"I'm serious! I'll let you pay for the fare if you let me fuck you, how about that? I bet I can fuck you better than Brent ever did."

"You think Brent fucks me!?"

"I had to take a guess!"

Finally, Britney had stopped laughing and had to catch her breath. The van was still driving all over the streets. As she caught her breath, David pushed his offer again.

"Is that a deal or not? Come on, I'll show you a good time."

"Oh my god...I've gotta give it to you, you're a funny man. Do you mind if I ask you something, David?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Why do you insist on wanting to fuck me? What is it about me that you're so fascinated with?"

He sighed, moving his hands over the steering wheel as he made another turn through traffic.

"What do you mean, by that? You're Britney Spears, I'd be a fool if I didn't want to fuck you. I know you're not the most famous woman in the music world anymore, but you're still sexy as hell. If you ask me, you've aged into a prime MILF."

She giggled while raising her left hand to rest under her chin.

"Thank you, I appreciate that."

"So, what do you say, babe? You and me in the back of the van? I'll take us out to a little spot I know. I won't charge you the fare at all with this."

Taking in a deep breath, Britney licked her lips while looking forward into the back of the front seats.

"Will you promise not to tell anybody? I'll do it, but only if you guarantee me that you aren't going to try and get in the tabloid papers or something. You are pretty handsome for an older man, I like that."

"Who the hell am I going to tell, babe? I don't have anyone to spill my guts out, unless you think I'm going to tell Brent."

"Oh, please! I don't sleep with him anyway if that's what you're thinking."

David laughed at her words. He slowed the van down through traffic to stop at another red light. A sigh could be heard from the back seat before Britney spoke up again. He moved the van once the light turned green.

"Okay! I'll tell you what, I'll agree to this but only as long as you don't tell anyone. I try to keep a low profile these days, I don't want the story to be in tabloid magazines."

"Like I said babe, who am I gonna tell? I'm just a taxi man, nothing else."

Stepping on the gas, David smiled to himself as he drove the van through a bit more traffic and took a turn. He was going to take Britney out to an old abandoned car wash he knew was close by on the outskirts of the Downtown area. He was already thinking about how he would record this special event in his diary tonight. She sat in the back seat, running her hands through her golden hair while David was focused on driving. He let out a deep breath, unable to prevent himself from bragging.

"Britney fucking Spears, what a day. Wish I had known about fifteen years ago that I would get this lucky in the future."

She giggled in that soft adorable voice she was famous for.

"You've had the hots for me quite a while, huh?"

"Oh, fuck yes! Who hasn't? You were the most sexy woman alive back then and if anyone asks me, you still are."

"I'm happy to hear someone still thinks so."

Her lips curled up into a mischievous little grin. Though David usually asked women to strip for him in the back seat, he didn't bother with Britney. For once, he felt that he truly would become distracted from driving if he did ask her to take her clothes off. This was a woman he had lusted over for so many years. It was like a dream to even have the possibility to drive her around, let alone fuck her. He still remembered the mega hits she had in the early 2000's, 'Toxic' was his favorite and the music video had caused him to masturbate so many times in the past. Moving the van around a block, David wasn't far from the abandoned old car wash place that he planned to take her. Britney looked out the windows momentarily, gazing around the surroundings that quickly passed by.

"I take it that you know this city well."

"Yes I do, babe. I've been making my living around this town for long enough, this place will be nice and quiet, I promise."

With one final turn, he slowed down as they approached the old car wash building. Around the back and through the main entrance would be a secluded area, David was confident about this location. He had used back in the past with women before Britney. After pulling around the back, David began to park near the back wall of the abandoned building. Britney looked out the window and bit her lower lip, a flirty grin shifted over her face.

"How about this for a spot?"

"Oh, this is fine. I doubt anyone is going to see us behind here."

"Great, I'll be with you soon babe."

He spoke before turning the key in the ignition to shut the engine down. With the car safely turned off, David opened the driver's door and placed his flip flops down over the pavement and began to walk towards the back passenger side door. Britney had adjusted herself to sitting in the middle of the back leather seats, patiently awaiting him to join her. The back door slid open and then David stepped in, coming face to face with Britney Spears before he slid the handle to close the door. He stood there, wearing only a pair of white shorts and his black shirt apart from the flip flops. She looked back at him, starring into his eyes for a moment. It was quite an experience, something David had always dreamed of looking back into the face of this beautiful famous singer.

"You're quite a handsome man, you know that?"

"I'm not as good looking as you are, babe."

She smirked at him, leaning forward to waste no time pushing their lips together. David had lowered herself down at level of seat. Their tongues moved back and forth, dancing a bit as David deepened the kiss into a passionate one. He had to lie just to create the possibility of this scenario, so he wanted to enjoy every minute of Britney's lust. Finally pulling the kiss back, he gazed into her eyes before she spoke.

"Mmmm, you're a pretty good kisser."

"I can say the same for you."

Still looking back at him, Britney moved her hand down to the zipper of her black bustier outfit. David had wondered just why she would wear such an outfit out to the recording studio, but it was none of his business to ask. It was time for the reveal of her beautiful body. While looking into his eyes, she slowly pulled the zipper down. Her large breasts bulged out, contained only in a silk white bra. Once the zipper reached the bottom, her little outfit broke into two and she was able to easily dispose it to the floor. Britney stood there, only in the silk bra, revealing her muscular stomach and a silver belly button piercing.

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