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Stinky and Fudd


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"I'm getting your attention," Summer said, and tugged the bikini back into place. "You've been gawking at my boobs, so it seemed like the way to do it. Do I have your attention now?"

Stephen spread his towel beside Summer's lounge and sat down beside her. "You have my attention," he said. A lot of his attention was on his sister's legs, and the way she moved when she sat up to oil them.

"You have to break up with Frances," Summer said. She handed the lotion to Stephen and added, "I'll do your back when you're ready."

Stephen spread the lotion on his arms and chest while Summer watched his muscles move under his gleaming skin. "Why?" Stephen asked. "Even if I don't really know her, I know her well enough to try again."

"Then try again," Summer said, "but break up and start over from scratch. Don't even have sex with her until you know who she really is and what she really wants."

Stephen spread the lotion on his belly and his legs and set it beside him. "But that's the best part!" he said, turned over, and propped himself up on his elbows.

"See Fudd? You're an idiot." Summer said. She sat up on the edge of the lounge and picked up the lotion bottle. "You don't marry for sex. Sex is free."

Summer climbed off the lounge and knelt over her brother's thighs. She warmed some lotion in her hands, leaned over him, and worked the lotion slowly over his back. "You're still pretty-well toned," Summer said. "Despite Frances, I think."

Stephen took a deep breath and relaxed under Summer's touch. When her hands reached his hips, Stephen said, "I'll do your back if you want."

Summer inserted her finger under the waist band of Stephen's still-wet shorts, tugged up, and let them snap against his back. "Sounds good," she said. Summer climbed off and stretched out on the lounge.

"You know," Stephen said, "I've never found sex to be free. Well, not good sex, anyway." He sat down on the lounge beside Summer and tugged at the bow that held her bra tied across her back. He pushed the strings aside and warmed lotion in his hands. "Good sex seems to need an investment."

Stephen started at the back of Summer's neck. He smoothed the lotion across her shoulders. Her back felt supple and muscular, and her skin felt smooth. He didn't want to stop when he reached the graceful curve of her hips. Summer seemed to be in no hurry—maybe even asleep—so he pushed her bikini bottom down enough to slip his hand into the top of her butt crack and over the firm curve of her buns.

Summer rocked back and forth, laughed, and said, "Dammit, Fudd. Get your hand out of my pants."

They both heard the garage door rumble into action. "Mom and Dad are home," Stephen said. He slapped his sister's butt to make her squawk a protest, and he slipped off the lounge to sit on the towel beside her.

Summer reached behind her, tied her top on again, and sat up on the edge of the lounge. She looked over her shoulder to see if Karen and Alan were in sight then lifted her knee and dragged the crotch of her bikini to the side. "Look at this Fudd," she said. "All us girls? We all have one, and that's all you really need."

Stephen gawked at his sister's pussy. It was naked and smooth, and he had to tear his eyes away. "Mouth-watering," he said, with only a little sarcasm in his voice. "You already had my attention, you know."

"I know," Summer said and let the bikini snap back in place. "That was for fun. I like the stupid look you get." Karen passed the patio door and waved, so Summer stood and waved back. "I should go and get ready," she said. "Don't worry, I'm not going to wear a bikini tonight. Just a teeshirt and jeans. You'll come over about three?"

* * * *

Summer's idea of a teeshirt and jeans didn't agree with Stephen's. Anything she put into those jeans would make a bulge in her otherwise smooth presentation, so Stephen had a pocket in his cargo shorts dedicated to her apartment key, phone and ID. Her teeshirt hung on one shoulder and left the other bare, and her red bra showed through the shirt's open knit. At least she wore practical shoes.

Summer went downtown without money or her credit card. Paying was Stephen's job, so she stood beside him at the Greek food truck and tried to figure out what kind of souvlaki she wanted. He shelled out the money, and they leaned against a brick wall to eat. The heat of the day was fading and afternoon was turning to evening. Country music throbbed from a stage on a side street, and police on horseback guided their rides through the growing crowd.

"I need a beer," Stephen said. He dropped the remains of his dinner into the trash and waited for Summer to finish.

"There's a tap room across the street and around the corner," Summer said. There were tap rooms around every corner, but she picked that one for a reason. The sidewalk all the way to the taproom was lined with vendors. They sold scarves, purses, jewelry and—it seemed—anything else they could put on a table or hang on a board.

Stephen bought his sister a bracelet at a stand outside the taproom, and then he bought an ale for each of them. They took their beers to a tall table by the window and talked about people they saw on the street. The sky darkened as they talked, until the scene was lit only by street lights and shop signs.

Summer slid off her chair in a moment when Stephen didn't have anything to say, and she stood beside him. "I want to check my phone," she said. Stephen moved his leg so she could reach his pocket, and when she lifted the phone out she asked, "Why so quiet all-of-a-sudden?"

Stephen motioned to the scene outside the window and said, "I was thinking that Frances would have fun here."

"Are you just trying to get me mad?" Summer asked. She flipped through a couple screens on her phone and said, "Do you mean the Frances that doesn't do anything but sex and movies, or is there some other Frances?"

"She'd like the shopping," Stephen said, but then he shrugged and admitted, "For about ten minutes then she'd want to leave." He stopped and watched guys in the room behind Summer and added, "Your butt is getting a lot of attention."

"There's nothing wrong with that," Summer said. She waggled her phone between her thumb and forefinger while he slid his hand up the back of her leg. "I have a map of the festival," she said. "There's a hip-hop stage a couple blocks down. Let's go there."

Summer zipped the phone back into Stephen's pocket while his hand lingered under the curve of her butt. He pulled her against him and squeezed her bun. Summer squealed and jumped away while the guys behind her laughed.

Stephen caught his sister's wrist when she swung at him. He pulled her out the door and into the night. Stephen led Summer through the crowd past a mariachi band with a troupe of folkloric dancers. Their brightly colored skirts flew about them while they stamped and turned. They passed a stage where ballroom dancers lifted and swirled, and they weaved through the people who gathered to watch flamenco dancers on the sidewalk.

Summer was over being groped before they reached the stage. A small crowd jumped and wiggled in front of the band, and she dragged her brother into the fray. The band covered two songs back-to-back and Stephen danced with Summer until it was over. He pulled her to the bar beside the stage and said, "I want a drink. How about you?"

"A margarita?" Summer asked, and Stephen turned to get their drinks. He turned back with two margaritas, and he couldn't find his sister. Stephen worked his way through the crowd to get closer to the dancers and found her dancing with a guy who didn't look like he was in her league.

A girl in front of Stephen turned away from her friends and said, "You look like you lost your date." She was a pretty girl, shorter than Summer, with a soft body and a wide smile framed in dark hair.

"For now, anyway," Stephen said. He realized that Summer had spotted him, and she watched him ask, "Where's your date?"

"I'm still shopping," she said, stepped closer, and sipped her beer. "I'm Carmen. I don't think I've seen you before." They talked over the music until it stopped and by then Stephen was ready to ask Carmen to dance.

Summer's partner followed her to the bar before she could get rid of him. Stephen handed her both of their drinks without saying a word. He turned to Carmen and said, "Let's dance." She gave her beer to one of her friends, and they left Summer with Carmen's crowd.

Carmen liked to dance close and, when she brushed against him, Stephen noticed the way her boobs felt through her cowl-necked dress. She wasn't wearing a bra, and her tits bounced and swayed as she danced. Stephen was thrilled.

Summer watched too, and she drank. Her margarita was gone when Stephen brought Carmen back to the bar. She took a sip from his margarita before she handed it to him, then she tucked her hand around his arm. "Come with me," she said, and tugged him toward a row of portable toilets behind the stage.

Summer was mad, and Stephen was confused. "I didn't have much choice," Summer said. "That guy pulled me out there to dance, so I went along. What was your excuse?"

Stephen hesitated before he said, "You said this afternoon that every girl has one, and that's all I need. Carmen seemed willing."

Summer stopped and turned on her brother. "Was she mouth-watering, too?" she asked. Summer patted a pocket in his cargo shorts. "Is this empty?" She didn't wait for him to answer. "Wait here," she said and disappeared into one of the toilets.

A wad of red fabric showed in Summer's hand when she came back. She knelt in front of Stephen and stuffed it into his pocket before he realized that it was her bra. Summer stood, adjusted her shirt, and dropped her hands so her brother could see.

Stephen went stupid. Summer's breasts moved under her open-knit shirt, and her nipples showed clearly through it. "Stinky!" he said. "You know I can't let you get a step away from me now, right?"

"That's what I'm counting on," Summer said and stepped close.

Stephen gulped down the last of his margarita, wrapped his hand around Summer's arm and tugged her back toward the dancers. "Why?" he asked without explaining his question.

Summer stopped and made her brother look at her again. "I don't know," she said. "I'm trying to get you over one mistake, and trying to keep you from making another." The light from the front of the stage lit her from the side in colors and stark contrasts that made her expression hard to understand. "And maybe I need your attention."

Stephen kept his sister close and pulled her past the dancers to the food trucks and vendor's stalls. They hopped from stage, to bar, to food truck for the rest of the night. Summer enjoyed all of her brother's attention and never got out of his reach.

They were pressed together side-by-side on a bench when Summer found her phone in Stephen's pocket and sent a message. He raised his eyebrows to ask, and she answered, "I told Mom that I'm not going to let you drive home. We've had too much to drink. We got here on the bus, we can get back to my place on the bus, and you'll stay there."

"I don't feel all that buzzed," Stephen said, but he thought about it a moment longer and admitted, "Maybe I am."

Summer looked around to see if anyone was in earshot. She ran her hand down Stephen's thigh and asked, "Have you ever wondered how it would feel if we had sex?"

"You have a dirty mind," Stephen said and pushed his sister's shoulder.

Summer looked away, and if the light on the street were better Stephen could have seen her blush, but being a little embarrassed didn't stop her. When Summer turned back, she said, "No, for real. Do you think it would feel like regular sex?"

"I think it would be awkward," Stephen said and shrugged. "But maybe not much more awkward than being flashed by my sister." He slipped his arm around Summer's waist and pulled her closer. "How long have you been wondering?"

"I got mad when you were dancing with that girl," Summer said, "and that's when I started thinking about it. It seems like it could be really good. I mean, we're just made for each other, right?" She watched his reaction. "We should be a perfect fit, shouldn't we?" She nudged her brother with her shoulder. "Why don't we leave now?"

They found seats in the middle of the bus, and Stephen settled his arm around his sister's shoulders. People got off in pairs and groups until they were nearly alone. That's when Stephen said, "I can sleep on your couch tonight if you want, but I'd rather go to bed with you."

Summer didn't even pretend to be surprised. She said, "I hope there isn't too much sleep in your plan."

Stephen surrendered to a sudden urge. He bent over his sister, brushed her lips with his, and drew back to watch her response.

Summer laid her head back on his arm. Her eyelids relaxed, and her lips parted. Stephen bent over her again, and she met his tongue with hers. He lifted her head in the crook of his arm, and she clutched at his shirt to pull him close. They were hungry. Their mouths were warm and eager, and Summer's breath was ragged on Stephen's cheek.

They broke their kiss when the bus brakes squealed. Summer looked around while a couple climbed out. "Only two more stops," she said and focused again on her brother. "Did that feel awkward?" she asked.

"It feels awkward, but not the way I thought it would," Stephen said. He illustrated what he meant by shifting his weight and adjusting his cock, and Summer laughed at his explanation. The bus accelerated again, and he said. "I liked the way you smell, and now I like the way you taste."

"Not so stinky anymore?" Summer asked. She slid her hand over Stephen's thigh and across the front of his shorts. "I didn't get such a great look at you in the pool this afternoon, like I pretended." Summer satisfied some of her curiosity, but she pulled her hand back when the bus squealed to a stop again.

The doors closed, and the bus rumbled into motion again. "Next stop," Summer said and reached up to signal the driver.

It was a short walk across a parking lot to Summer's apartment. Stephen found her key in his pocket while she chatted with her neighbor. "We had a great time," she said. He opened the door and heard, "The music was good, the food was good, and we had a little too much to drink." He flicked on the lights by the sofa and in the kitchen, and he unloaded his pockets onto Summer's dining table.

Stephen heard, "The festival is going on tomorrow, too. You should find some friends and go," but that was the last that he heard of their conversation. He walked through Summer's bedroom, past her unkempt bed, and into the bathroom to pee.

Summer closed the front door and threw the bolt, then stroked her finger over Stephen's back while he zipped his shorts. "I didn't think she was ever going to stop talking," Summer said.

Stephen stepped back and let Summer have the toilet. She unzipped her jeans, pushed her jeans and her lace panties down her thighs and sat. She grinned at the curious look on her brother's face, straightened her back and pushed her knees apart.

To Stephen there was something fascinating about the stream that splashed into the toilet from between his sister's legs. He watched until Summer said, "Get out of here!" and pushed him toward the door.

Stephen dropped onto the couch, put his hands behind his head and studied the patterns of light and shadow on the ceiling. When Summer came out of the bathroom she wore just her teeshirt and those lace panties. She'd left her jeans behind.

Summer climbed over Stephen to straddle his lap, kissed his lips, and sat back to toss her pony tail behind her. Stephen had watched Summer's tits long enough. He slipped his hands up under her shirt, and Summer caught her breath. His fingers slipped around both of her breasts, and he held her in his hands.

"You have great tits," Stephen said. "They feel even better than they look."

Summer put her hands over her brother's hands and leaned into his touch. "This all feels really good," she said, "but I think Mom and Dad would be upset with us."

"That's a conversation I don't want to have," Stephen said. He tugged Summer's nipples between his thumb and the side of his forefinger, and when he let them go they still poked out against her shirt. He stroked his hands down her sides, settled them on her hips, and pushed her back a little. "You already have me stiff," he said.

"Should I be sorry?" Summer asked. She lifted herself off her brother's lap and sat down close beside him. Stephen started to open his shorts, and Summer pushed his hands away to do the work herself. She reached into his boxers, and she didn't look up until she had his throbbing cock in hand.

Summer pushed herself up, and Stephen asked, "Where are you going?"

"Right here," Summer said. She curled on the cushion, laid across her brother's lap, and studied the veins that bulged along the length of his shaft. Summer ran her fingertips over its smooth head. She kissed it, and she slipped her tongue around its sensitive edge.

Summer looked up at Stephen to make sure he was watching, and then she took him in her mouth. He felt her lips slip around the head and down his shaft. Her tongue slid around it's smooth curves, and it slipped over her tongue.

Stephen couldn't watch very long. He laid his head back on the couch and tried to catch his breath. Summer wrapped his shaft in her hand and pumped him. She sucked him and kissed him, and she took him to the back of her mouth again.

Summer laughed at her brother's excitement. He pitched and writhed under her, and she started over again.

Stephen pushed his hand into his sister's panties and, when he reached between her legs, she lifted her knee and rested it on his arm. He slipped his fingers into her, cupped her soft mound under his palm, and ground against her.

Summer let Stephen's cock slip out of her mouth just long enough to catch her breath, and she pushed back against his hand. His fingers were wet with her juice when he pulled his hand out of her panties. He sniffed her musky scent and sucked her off his fingers, and he realized almost too late that he was about to come in her mouth.

"Not yet!" Stephen said. He pushed Summer back and lifted her to sit beside him.

Summer was confused. "I thought I about had you." she said. "Isn't that what you want?"

"Yeah," Stephen said, and then he got confused, "I mean no. I mean, I want it inside you."

"Then let's do it in bed," Summer said and climbed off the couch. Stephen held onto his shorts to keep them on while she dragged him to his feet. She pulled him to her room and left him beside the bed while she sat and watched.

Light from the kitchen spilled through the door, and Stephen stood in front of his sister, half in shadow and half in light. He kicked off his shoes, dropped his shorts, and his boxers. Summer was still fascinated. She wrapped his cock in her hand, tickled his balls with her fingertips, and talked to herself while he peeled his shirt over his head.

Stephen watched Summer, and when she looked up, she said, "You have a perfect dick. Perfect for me, anyway."

"I'm glad you like it," he said. Stephen pulled up on Summer's shirt and tugged it over his head. He tucked his hand under her pony tail, and he bent to kiss her. She lifted her mouth to him, and he pushed her onto her back to climb over her. Their lips locked and their tongues tangled, soft and wet. He had her breast in his hands, and she had his cock in hers.

Summer pushed her brother, laughed, and rolled away. Stephen caught her. He held her belly-down and kissed her neck and her ears while he pulled her lace panties down, and she kicked them off.

Summer's pussy was barely visible by the shadowy light from the kitchen. Stephen touched her, caressed her firm buns, and tickled the dark star of her anus. That made her gasp and flinch, but then she pushed back against his touch. He pushed one finger, and then two fingers into her, and his touch followed the soft lips to her clit.

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