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Stinky and Fudd


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Stephen climbed over his sister, and Summer's anticipation made is impossible for her to be still under him. He pushed his lips to her ear and said, "I think you're right. You're perfect to me. It's like we were made for each other."

Stephen's hard-on rested for that moment in the crack of his sister's perfect ass. He rose to his knees between her legs with his aching cock in one hand. He rubbed its head down over Summer's asshole, and he pushed it into her slit.

His entry forced excited gasps from both of them. He paused to regain some control, and then watched in the dim light as his thick shaft disappeared into his sister. She clutched at the sheets and pushed back against him. Her pussy stretched tight around him, and he joined their bodies together.

Stephen held Summer with his arms around her shoulders and his lips against her ear. He wrapped her in his body, and he fucked her. Summer was where she wanted to be—engulfed in her brother's strength and heat. He kissed her ears and her neck, he covered her mouth with a hand to stifle her noises, and he fucked her. They were each the other's perfect lover, and their bodies moved together without word or even thought.

Summer's tension built, and her body went rigid in Stephen's arms. She groaned through clenched teeth. Her orgasm filled her center, and he felt it erupt through her. Her body pulsed around his cock, and Stephen groaned with his mouth tight against her neck. He pumped his essence into Summer's lithe body until he had nothing left.

Stephen rolled away when he was empty. He spread his arms and legs to cool off, and Summer struggled to catch her breath. When she could breathe again, she wrapped herself around him. She kissed his face, and she kissed his chest.

It had been a long day for Stephen, and he didn't have the energy for a long night. He put his arms around his sister. He stroked her hair and inhaled her scent, and he fell fast asleep.

* * * *

Summer groaned when her alarm went off. She pulled one arm out of the bedsheets and reached over Stephen to turn it off. He rolled to face her. "It's Saturday," he said. "Why did you have your alarm set?"

"Morning breath," Summer said, and put her hand over her brother's nose and mouth. "And stubble," she added.

"Frances didn't complain," Stephen said, "well, not much." He had a slightly offended tone in his voice.

"I'm your sister, not your girlfriend," Summer said. "I can complain.

"The alarm was set because I was going to get up early and go see you at Mom and Dad's. This is your last day here, remember?"

Stephen squirmed back away from Summer and lifted the bedsheets to look at her body. He didn't have long to enjoy the view before she pulled the sheets back around her and complained, "The air conditioner's on. It's cold out there."

Stephen rolled on his back. "I need coffee," he said, and he looked at Summer as if he expected service.

"Rock—paper—scissors," Summer said and sat up with the sheets wrapped around her. "Winner gets the shower. Loser makes the coffee."

Summer went paper. Stephen went rock. "Two out of three?" he asked, but Summer just laughed at him. The shower came on while he was still searching the cabinets for coffee filters, and he sat alone at the dining table to eat a breakfast of coffee and cold cereal.

Humid, scented air flooded the apartment when Summer opened the bathroom door. She went to the kitchen in a short bathrobe with a towel around her hair and pretended to be annoyed at the way her brother looked at her. She put toast in the toaster and dropped into the chair beside him.

Stephen stole a peek inside Summer's robe then asked, "Did you like it last night? I did."

Summer closed her robe and said, "I loved it, but we need to see Mom and Dad before we do it again. And you need to shave." She searched through a stack of folders at one end of the table and, when her toast popped up, she left a folder sitting on the table in front of Stephen. She spread peanut butter and poured coffee while he leafed through the folder, and when she sat down again, she asked, "What do you think?"

"That's a nice collection of acceptance letters, and to some great graduate schools," Stephen said. "I'm impressed. And two of the schools are in Chicago." He watched Summer and waited for an explanation.

"I thought Mom and Dad would like visiting us in one place," Summer said, "but where I go depends on financial help."

Stephen held his tongue for a moment. That was all he could stand. "God, Stinky!" he said. "I want you in Chicago. We could live together. It would cut your costs."

"Aren't you forgetting Frances?" Summer asked. She closed the folder and put it back on her stack.

Stephen bit his lip then said, "I am, I guess. I still want to give her a chance, but now I'm not sure I really want her."

"Fudd, you're still a fool," Summer said. "Are you going to shower here, or at Mom and Dad's?"

Stephen left Summer in her apartment and showered at Karen and Alan's. When he was done, he found Summer at the kitchen table in shorts and a polo shirt, trying to plan the day with Karen.

"We have to go close on that new car," Karen said, "and that could take all afternoon." She shrugged, "Or not. But we want to take both of you out to dinner tonight."

"I'm supposed to show up at a party tonight," Summer said, "I promised a friend, and I wanted Fudd to come with me."

"My flight is pretty early tomorrow," Stephen said. It was the first he heard of a party. He changed the subject and asked, "Where's Dad?"

Karen pointed to the garage, and since Stephen knew Summer wanted what he wanted, he went to the garage and let her work out the plans. He had to duck under bicycles hanging from the ceiling to reach Alan. "What are your plans, today?" he asked.

"Finishing this," Alan said and looked up from where he was draining oil from the compressor. "Then after lunch we're going to the dealership to close on that car."

Stephen squeezed the tire on one of the bikes and had an idea. "Can Summer and I borrow your bikes?" he asked. "Maybe we can get a ride in before it gets too hot, and we'll be here when you get back."

Summer liked that idea better than she liked sitting around the house all morning, so they planned a ride east to Foothills Park. It was an uphill climb all the way there. They'd eat lunch and coast back in the heat of the afternoon.

Karen and Alan were always in earshot until Summer and Stephen were adjusting their helmets in front of the house. Then Stephen asked, "There's a party?"

"Ginny—one of the girls at work—invited me, but then she found a date. Now she wants me to find a date. I don't really have to be there," Summer said, "but I bet it'll be fun." She stepped on the pedal to get her mom's bike moving, swung her leg over, and coasted while Stephen caught up.

Stephen led Summer through city streets until they reached the bike trail and pedaled east up the gradual slope to the foot of the mountains. The road into the park was steep. It climbed among granite knobs and giant boulders. Cul-de-sacs led off to picnic areas nestled into the rocks, piñons, and junipers.

Stephen's legs ached when they reached the top of the road, and his shirt was soaked with sweat. He stopped at a shaded picnic table where the asphalt ended, and Summer coasted up beside him. She pointed up a dirt trail that climbed to a rocky hilltop. "I'll beat you there," she said.

Summer got a head start. Stephen caught up with her, but he couldn't get past her on the narrow trail until they were close to the top. Her tire slipped on loose scree, and he hopped a boulder beside the trail. He reached the hilltop just half a bike length ahead of her.

Both of them dropped their bikes among the boulders at the top of the hill. Their backpacks and their helmets followed, and they doubled over with their hands on their knees and gasped for air. "Walk," Summer said. She straightened her back and started pacing around the gravelly clearing. "Walk it off or your legs are going to tighten up."

Stephen walked and stretched, and then he did a little victory dance that made Summer laugh. He found his pack, collapsed on a smooth boulder in the shade of a twisted piñon, and dug a water bottle out of his pack. He gestured to Summer with the bottle and asked, "What do I get for winning?"

Summer found her backpack and settled beside her brother. "You earned to right to brag to all your buddies that you beat your little sister at something," she said.

"That would only work if they knew you," Stephen said.

Summer drank half of one water bottle before she said, "Brace yourself," and squeezed the rest of the water onto the back of Stephen's neck and down his back.

"Oh God, that feels good!" Stephen said. "Lift your hair." When she did, he emptied the rest of his bottle on his sister's neck, then down the front of her shirt.

They lounged on the boulder to dry off in the shade and ate the lunch they brought with them. "It's a nice view from here," Stephen said.

Summer scanned the scene and agreed. "You can see the whole city, almost." She looked at Stephen and realized that he wasn't looking at the panorama.

"I was talking about you," he said.

An engine revved at the foot of the trail, and Summer climbed off the boulder to watch. Two women and their children climbed out of a car and carried bags and coolers to the picnic table. "We're not alone anymore," She said.

Summer went back to the shaded boulder, and climbed over her brother. "Those kids are probably going to come up the trail as soon as their mothers let them go, but you know, I bet I can get you off before then. That'll be your prize for beating me up the hill."

Summer pressed her body against Stephen, and pushed her tongue into his mouth. That stopped any protest. She shoved her hand down between their bodies to unsnap and unzip his shorts, and she loosened them enough to wrap both hands around his hardening cock.

Stephen felt overwhelmed. He inhaled his sister's sweaty scent, and he tasted the salt on her skin. He held her with one arm around her waist and the other under her polo shirt. Stephen squeezed her tit, and his breath blew hot and damp on her neck.

Summer stroked the length of her brother's cock. Her thumbs toyed with its smooth head—already slippery with his pre-cum—and she tumbled his balls in her fingers. "You're sweaty and gross," she told him, but it didn't stop her or slow her down.

"Yeah, well you stink," Stephen said. He inhaled his sister's scent again, and groaned in her ear. "You turn me on, and now you're getting me off," he said.

It wasn't much warning. Stephen instinctively thrust his cock into Summer's hands. She squealed and laughed when her brother's cream shot onto her belly and her hands. She kissed his face and pumped him until he was empty and his cock was going soft again.

"That was even quicker than I thought it would be," Summer said. She wiped Stephen off her belly and sucked him off her fingers, and she climbed off the rock to straighten her shirt. Summer looked down the trail and added, "It's wasn't too soon, either. The kids are on their way."

Stephen scrambled to pull his shorts on, and by the time the kids dragged themselves up the last few yards of the trail, he was sitting innocently in the shade with his sister.

Summer and Stephen stayed on top of the hill long enough to answer the kid's questions. When the questions slowed down they fit their helmets and walked—and sometimes skidded—down the steep trail with the bikes on their shoulders.

Summer checked her phone when they got to the asphalt and said, "You know how Mom is always late? I bet they're just leaving the house now."

"Then we'll have a lot of time when we get home," Stephen said. He pushed off, swung his leg over the bike and slowed it down until Summer caught up. They used more brake than pedal on the downhill ride home, and the air rushing around them made it easy to forget the heat.

"The pool is calling," Summer said when the bikes were once again hanging in the garage. Stephen stopped in the kitchen to pour a glass of ice water, and he found his sister on a shaded lounge by the pool, peeling off her shoes and socks.

"I didn't bring a swimsuit this time," she said. "I'm going in au naturel."

Just the thought made Stephen's cock stir. He sat down beside the lounge, and Summer fell back with a squawk when he lifted her foot. He kissed her toes and rubbed his thumbs into the sole of her foot. "I heard somewhere this was supposed to be a big turn-on," he said.

Summer mumbled something to answer, and spread her toes so that Stephen could slip his tongue between them. He switched from one foot to the other, and when he was done, Summer was sprawled on the lounge with one hand in her shorts.

"I guess whoever told me that wasn't lying," Stephen said. He kicked his shoes off and climbed onto the lounge beside Summer.

"Worked for me," Summer said. She pulled her hand out of her shorts and held her fingers up for Stephen to sniff and taste her fingers.

Stephen peeled his socks off then he tugged up on his sister's shirt. She lifted her arms and let him pull it over her head. Stephen unhooked her bra, and Summer let if fall beside the lounge. Stephen squeazed her breasts in his hands and his mouth watered for a taste.

"Hold your horses," Summer said. She pushed her brother's hands away and tugged his shirt off. She kissed his neck and tasted the drying sweat on his chest while she opened his shorts and pushed them down.

Stephen's cock jumped up to greet Summer, and she laughed. He tugged her shorts off, peeled her panties down more slowly, and bared her naked pussy. She glistened with sweat and excitement. He pinned Summer to the lounge with his lips over hers. He tasted her mouth and caressed her tongue with his, and she pushed her thighs apart to invite his touch.

It was Summer who broke their kiss. "This is going fast," she said and squirmed out from under her brother. "I'm only complaining because I'm still hot and sticky, and I want to get in the water."

Stephen sat down on the lounge and watched Summer dive into the pool. He followed more slowly and caught her in four feet of water. Stephen had to touch her. He couldn't stop, and she didn't want him to.

Summer swept her wet hair back from her face and laid her arms around her brother's shoulders while he ducked down to get his hands under her butt. He stood up with her in his arms, and she lifted her legs around his waist.

"You want to suck me, don't you, Fudd." Summer said. "I could see that hungry look on your face when you took my bra off." Stephen nodded his answer, and she wrapped her arms around his head. "Then suck me. Let me feed you."

Stephen looked around to get his bearings, then he stepped to the near side of the pool and pressed Summer against it. He hoisted her up to get her tit in his mouth, and he sucked her. She tasted a bit like chlorine at first, until he'd sucked the pool water off her skin. He filled his mouth with his sister. He squeezed his face between her tits, and he kissed her soft flesh.

Thrills flowed through Summer's body from her brother's lips, and she laughed in his ear. "I could just relax and slip down a little," she said, "and I bet your cock would go right up in me." She kissed his face when he looked up at her, "I'm that ready, but it's bad to do it in the water."

Summer made a show out of getting out of the pool. She pushed herself up to sit on the side and lifted her leg to show the water running down over her slick pussy. She turned into a squat and stood slowly with her legs apart while her brother watched her wet slit and asshole.

"Show-off," Stephen said, and splashed her with water.

"Tell me how much you hate it." Summer said. "I bet your cock is hard as a rock."

Stephen pulled himself out of the pool and stood. He proved his sister right. Summer backed up laughing while the pool water ran down her brother's chest and belly, around his straining hard-on, and over his balls.

Summer would have run if she wanted to get away. Instead, she squealed when Stephen grabbed her arm, and she gasped when he scooped her up in his arms.

Stephen carried his sister to the lounge and laid her down. She squirmed to the side when he tried to climb between her legs, and she pulled him down beside her.

"You were on top last night," Summer said. "Now it's my turn."

Stephen rolled on his back, and Summer mounted his hips. He squeezed her tits while she rubbed herself along his shaft, then she rose and lifted his cock to take him. She worked him into her, slowly at first, then lowered herself onto him. His cock slid deep into her in one smooth movement. Stephen arched his back at the sensation, and both of them caught their breath.

Summer paused after she had her brother inside her. "This feels really good," she said, and started a slow, undulating rise and fall. His shaft slipped into her and out again with each movement. Stephen could hardly breath. Even the cold water dripping onto his chest from Summer's hair didn't distract him.

They moved together faster as their excitement mounted. Just like the night before, each was the other's perfect lover. Stephen rested his hands on Summer's hips and watched. Her expression was empty until she realized he was watching, then she gave him a distracted smile and started grinding herself against him.

Summer's juice trickled down Stephen's shaft and around his balls. She uttered little grunts and gasps and worked herself hard against the firm spot above his cock. Stephen felt the tension building in her body. She gripped his sides and tossed her head back.

Summer's climax came suddenly, and it wracked her body. The spasms clinched around her brother's cock and broke over her like a wave. She collapsed on his chest when the spasms passed and tried to catch her breath.

Stephen stroked his sister's wet hair and her back. His hands stroked down her sides to her hips, and he pushed her down onto his cock again. "Do it again, Stinky," he said, and rocked her on his cock.

Summer pushed herself up to focus on Stephen's face, and she returned to her undulating grind. Stephen watched her nostrils flare. She closed her eyes to concentrate on the quickly-growing sensation between her legs, and Stephen pushed himself back against her.

The second time didn't take long at all. Summer's grind made her writhe on Stephen's body. He held her and pushed his cock up and into her tight cunt. He felt that tension building in her again, just as it was building in him. She groaned into his chest. He slammed himself up into her and let the sensations in his cock take over. He ground his teeth, and they gasped as they came. The spasms gripped both of them and, when they were gone, Stephen was empty, and Summer was full.

Their bodies slipped together in simple harmony and their movements gradually slowed. Stephen let his cock slip out of Summer, and his hands slip off her hips, and she slept with her head on his shoulder.

The heat got to Stephen first. He was, after all, on the bottom and blanketed by his sister's body. She woke when he pushed her up. "You feel good," he said, "but you're hot." He fumbled for his cell phone to check the time. "We need to pull things together before Mom and Dad get back."

"With their new Caddy," Summer said and sat up on the side of the lounge. "I'll use Mom's stuff, wash my hair here, and go home. I need something to wear to dinner and to the party. I still have to talk Mom into letting me take you away tonight, but that shouldn't be hard."

Summer reached down and slipped her fingers along her brother's cock. "You should pack your bag this afternoon and put it in your car. That way we can stay out all night, or you can come to my place."

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