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Summer with Mr. Mackalay & Jimmie!

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First summer of college and I get my degree in sex ed!
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All characters are over eighteen years of age. There is bare backing in this fantasy story.

Part 1

A long time ago, in a place not very far away, I was working as a contractors assistant during one of my college summers. My name is Sweet. David Sweet. I know what you're thinking: a nice and meek little college kid with no experience; a young guy hoping to find his 'first' in his first year away at school. Okay, so you're right.

"David." Mr. Mackalay is calling me. I run all of his business errands for him; and he depends on me to be at his side during the workday.

"Yes Sir."

"David, please take the truck to Garbolt and Harley, they are the masonry suppliers down near the industrial park. There is an order waiting there for us. We need the supplies to finish the deck base before dark today." He hands me the keys. Mr. Mackalay is a nice man. He treats me with respect.

"Can I stop by the diner on the way back? will be after my lunchtime." There is a pause before he answers me.

"Fine. But do not be late! This job has a penalty clause if we go over budget or over the time allotted for completion."

"Yes, Sir...I understand." I understand how cool it is to be driving the new heavy duty top of the line pickup, owned by a very fastidious man who just happens to own the whole damn company - my employer, Mr. Tucker W. Mackalay!

It's only a ten minute ride to the supply house from this job-site. I crank the radio up; and relax in the cool air-conditioning, on this hot summer day. I am thinking of my first roommate back at school. He is a bit shorter than me, a bit more muscular, and way more masculine, that's for sure. He has a girlfriend back in his hometown; and is constantly telling me stories about how they fool around together. I wish he would fool around with me that way!

"Pull around to the back! Jimmy has the order ready to load." G&H is a fairly big place. It takes me a minute to figure out where the 'back' is, and when I do get there, Jimmy is waiting impatiently, sitting on a stack of cement bags.

"Dude! This is not a pleasure cruise! Get your ass and that truck over here and help me load this shit." I am speechless. I carefully back the truck up so as not to hit anything, while not taking my eyes off of Jimmy for even one second. He is magnificent.

"James." I take his outstretched hand and he squeezes it to death. His smile burns brighter than the hot summer sun roasting his skin to a perfect golden tan.

"David. Sorry about the delay. It's my first time. Here. My first time here for a pickup." I know my face is flushed. Can't hide that. Just hope the tent in my pants is not as obscene as I think it is.

"It's okay, dude. And call me Jimmy." Long pauses make me nervous. His eyes are taking me in. His smile is genuine and happy, so why do I feel a chill up my spine? I move to the tailgate and before I have it fully opened, Jimmy tosses a heavy bag of cement onto the floor, just about hitting the back of the cab.

"Damn! Easy, man! I am responsible for this baby, and Mr. Mackalay keeps her fresh and clean." As soon as I say this, I regret it. The toss of the heavy cement bag was so effortless as to be impossible - for me, at least. I lift up one of the bags, and have a hard time just reaching the floor of the truck. Jimmy nudges me to the side and easily lifts the bag, tossing it quickly on top of the first one.

"Fresh and clean, huh?" I wish the yard had a great big hole I could fall into. "It's a truck, Davey. Trucks, like some people (he pauses again - same way of checking me out) need to be handled just right. Most can take a hard pounding, if you know what I mean?!" Where's that fucking hole? He must see how embarrassed I am. Jimmy points to a place where I can sit, while he finishes loading the truck.

Part 2

I need to tell you some more about Jimmy. He is my height, right around 5' 10". He must weight at least 30 pounds more than I do. This man, probably in his mid twenties, looks like he lives in a gym. His job alone is a workout! He is wearing shorts and a cutoff tee, white and tan to help with the heat. If I tell you that his body is perfectly sculpted in every way, with every muscle bulging for attention, you must believe me. Jimmy is mesmerizing. His sandy blond hair is summer short; his deep blue eyes like pools of clear ocean water. White sneakers, made dirty by the dust in the yard, cap big feet. Sweat is beading on the skin that his clothing does not cover. His shirt is drenched. He pauses again and looks right at me, with only a few more things to load.

"Nice day, huh, Davey? Good for my tan." With that, Jimmy tugs at the bottom of the tee that, with his sweat, has become a second skin. He peels it upward, and over his head, not breaking eye contact with me at all. "How's the tan coming?" Jimmy slowly turns around, lifting his arms over his head, like he's posing on stage. His chest is gleaming with hot, sticky sweat. I see wispy clusters of blond pit hair, matted to hot, tanned skin, and I feel dizzy. I grab the side of a nearby column, and answer him.

"Sweet." Then I burst out in a nervous laugh. He quickly moves toward me, almost aggressively.

"What do you mean? What's funny?" His face is stern. No smile. His body is so close to mine that I can feel the heat he radiates out. His scent is intoxicating. It amazes me that a man can be so dirty and sweaty; and still give off a scent that I wish I could bottle and use as my cologne. My eyes leave his; and I slowly stand, glancing up from his thick legs, bulging crotch, past ripples of abs, around small protruding nipples and over mounds of heaving chest plates. I pause at his neck and think how lovely it would be to nuzzle there. Then I feel a large hand grab me by the shoulder. It hurts. I lock eyes with him.

"Your tan is amazing, Jimmy." My voice is confident, strong, and sure. "I only laughed because my last name is Sweet, and when I said you looked sweet..." He does not wait for me to finish before erupting in bellows of kid-like laughter. I join him.

"You're good people, Davey." He turns and loads the rest of the items. "Get this load back to your boss before he gives you a good pounding for being late." His smile is mischievous. I don't like the term 'boss'. Don't like people talking down to me, or treating me poorly. Never could stand feeling inferior. Yet I've lived my life exactly that way - pushing aside my strengths and being submissive. This guy is more than hot. I might take a chance and see if my intuition is on target. Talk of 'pounding'...of 'fresh and clean'...of his tan...the pauses...the display of his body...probably just my over imagination.

"Can you give me a lift on your way back? I'll help you unload. My place is only a short drive past your job-site." I nod yes, and we both hop into the cab. The air feels good to me.

"Let me know if it's too cold for you." I glance over at the hunk of temptation as he puts on his seat belt.

"I'm hot, Davey." Pause. His eyes drill into mine. My eyes drop to his crotch where the wet fabric of his tight shorts is bulging beyond its capacity. I grab the wheel, turn it a bit, and take the truck away from the loading dock area. Now I have to back up. I always do this with my left hand, and my right one goes to the passenger seat-back, with my head straining to look behind, where I have to go. I have absentmindedly just done so, and my arm is now over Jimmy's thickly muscled back and shoulders.

"This is too sudden, we've only just met." I think he says this in mock seriousness, but I'm not certain. I am certain that his big hand is grabbing my arm, and lifting it off his shoulder, and moving his tight skinned hot as hell muscle heavy thigh!

"That's better, Davey. You can take us there now." I give him a quick look in the eyes. My mouth is open, I am breathing like a trapped animal. He knows this. He smiles. I drive with one hand to the job-site, pull my hand off his hot thigh - not an easy thing to do - and park. We get out and are met by Mr. Mackalay.

"Jimmy! Good to see you." I stand there dumbfounded as the two men hug. No, more like embrace, for just a bit more time than is comfortable to watch. "What do you think of my new number one man here?" I catch my breath. I wait while Jimmy scans me from head to toe.

"Sweet!" They both burst out laughing. I want to cry.

Part 3

"Tucker. Can Davey drive me to my place and take me back to work? I need a midday shower real bad." Tuc...Mr. Mackalay puts his hand on Jimmy's chest, then moves it slowly to his shoulder, and keeps it there.

"Whatever you want, Jimmy." Mr Mackalay looks like he means what he just said. I am standing frozen still while Jimmy slowly turns his head my way; and his slow motion smile illuminates his golden face. His eyes are plunging way past mine, and looking deeply into my very soul. I manage a small sheepish smile.

"Thanks, Tucker. We'll do this quickly."

"Take your time, Jimmy. We have our supplies now. You show David here just how friendly a Southern boy can be." Southern boy? He has no accent. I look at Jimmy quizzically as we get into the truck again.

"South Philly!" He has read my mind. This will not be the first time. Maybe this is not even the first time!

"Oh. I was wondering. Can I ask you something, Jimmy?" His hand moves to my forearm. It grazes there, and slowly moves up to my shoulder.

"Sure." His hand is at the back of my neck. I want to melt.

"How old are you. I mean, I'm eighteen, and I guess...I mean if we were to...It would be okay with me..." That's all Jimmy needs to hear. His hand grips my neck with more firmness now, his head is moving close to mine. I am mouth breathing - always do when I am nervous. Our heads are rotating toward each other. I catch a glimpse of those luscious blue eyes; and as his face dips slightly to allow his lips to connect with mine, I swear my heart has stopped beating! He is pulling me into him, with a pressure that is all masculine, and dominant. His tongue is probing mine and he takes full control of me. I can barely manage to move my hand to his thigh. His heat is still radiant and comforting.

"Let's get going." His tone is supportive, yet without doubt, commanding. We arrive at his place quickly. I follow Jimmy to his apartment door. He opens it; and motions for me to enter first.

"Wait here." I wait. His place is sparsely furnished, yet comfy. Jimmy looks like the type to 'hit and run', yet his place sends a different vibe. I feel like he is also searching for permanence. I hear the shower water splashing on the tub. The curtain soon draws aside over the metal rod that holds it up. Jimmy will be out of the shower soon, He will dry himself off. He will wrap that towel snugly around his squeaky clean body...he will...

"Come over here!" I snap out of my haze to see a naked and erect Adonis of a man beckoning me to him. My feet will not move. I have been ogling his body since I first saw him; and could only imagine him in the nude. Now I need not wonder what his crotch looks like. He is on full and glorious display for me. I am six inches of cut cock, nice and thick when full. Jimmy is easily seven; and shares my other attributes. His pubes are golden like the rest of his body hair, but a bit darker in color. He is neatly trimmed, yet retains enough bush for my needs.

I finally find my legs able to walk, and he grabs me by the arms when I am close to him, gently pressing his lips to mine. Jimmy takes his time invading my mouth with his. I hear Mr. Mackalay's voice in my head: "Take your time, Jimmy." His hands move to the small of my back; and bulging arms hold me tight to his warm and naked body.

"Strip for me." He pulls back a bit. I hesitate. He fold his arms at his chest.

"Jimmy. I haven't...I mean..."

"I can tell, Davey. I can tell. It's okay. You need a strong man to take you where you want to go. You have found that man in me, haven't you, Davey?" I nod my head.

"Then strip for me. I promise I will like what I see, because so far, I like everything about you. I like your shyness. I like your attitude. I like your kisses." I have unbuttoned my shirt before he finishes talking. His smile is beaming.

"That's it. Let me see you. Now, Davey. All of you!" It is a friendly command; and I obey. I unbuckle my belt and zip down. My eyes do not leave his as I bend to take off my pants. I kick them to the side. Jimmy moves to me once again. He takes my hands in his as I am about to touch the waistband of my briefs.

"Let Me." He gathers up both of my hands in one of his big ones, and pulls them over my head as he backs me into the wall. Our lips and tongues are going at it full on now. His free hand dips between the waistband and the skin of my belly. Jimmy moves to caress me there, his hand brushing over my sensitive skin like a teasing feather. He is so gentle, so...

"MMuhhnn! His mouth is pressing too hard on mine. His strong hand is gripping my cock at its base, nuts included, like a vise grip does on wood. My wood. And it hurts!

"Pain before pleasure, Davey. Just a bit. Just enough to settle who the...who is more dominant here. You want me to continue with you, right?" I nod, a tear forming in my eyes, as his grip retains its tightness on my junk. Then Jimmy lets go of my arms. He loosens his grip on my crotch and his other hand pulls my briefs down to my ankles. His tight hand has not left me, but it has eased up. I am surprised to see him get on his knees before me.

"Very nice equipment, Davey! Ever gotten a blow job before?" He goes down on me even before I shake my head that I have not. Jimmy kisses like all gay men wish to be kissed. He is now licking and sucking on me like I have imagined it could be. Then he suddenly bolts upright, takes my hand, and pulls me into his bedroom

Part 4

I have always tortured myself with thoughts of being with a man like Jimmy, only to find my shyness block all such possibilities.

"Your shyness turns me on something fierce, Davey. I get it that you want to be treated well. I can do that. I need something too. I need to dominate, to control, to take you with me for a mind slashing romp that tears us both away from reality for a while. You with me, Davey?" I nod. He smiles. Jimmy lifts me off the floor, and places me gently on his bed. I want him to take me. Anywhere. Everywhere.

"I have to get you back to Tucker real soon. We only have time for one more thing. Our first time needs to have a fuck in it. Can I fuck you Davey?" Once more I nod. I must look a little apprehensive, because Jimmy is smiling, and he is leaning in to me for a quick and reassuring kiss.

"Just open to me. You'll see. It'll be okay." He grabs a lube tube and presses it right at my pucker. I feel the cool slime ooze into me; and he rubs some on his shaft, as well. I want this. I want this man inside of me. I need to feel his body penetrate into mine; to fill me up with himself, to bond and bind into me. Jimmy has moved to the foot of the bed, and he is standing on the floor, as he drags my body by my legs, until my ass is also at the foot of the bed. Perfect. I will get to see him take me; to watch his every move as his body maneuvers into mine.

"Deep breath. Exhale and push out when I start to push in. Don't fight me. It may hurt a bit. Talk to me and let me know, okay?" I nod.

"Oh, yeah." We both say it at the same time! His cockhead is rubbing on my hole. It feels wonderful. I breathe in deeply.

"Here goes." I am exhaling and pushing out like he told me to. His body is moving slowly into mine. His crotch hair is almost out of sight, as his cock invades into my tunnel, his body inching closer and closer to mine.

"Okay. Okay. You good?" His eyes are closed now. I feel his pubes on my skin; there is no pain. A flush of joy is rushing through my body...drowning my mind in the most sensual way possible. I am over the moon happy! My entire body is relaxed, and has yielded to Jimmy, to his strength, and to the mastery of his manhood.

"Jimmy." I sound breathless.

"What?" His eyes are open. He looks pensive.

"Fuck me good, Jimmy. Real good!" I am all smiles now; and so is Jimmy! We have come to terms, in a way. We understand each others needs, and are okay with that. Before I know it, I see Jimmy start on his short slide into orgasm. Maybe he is overdue to nut? Whatever, I share his needs, because I have not creamed in over a week.

"Close, Davey. You?" I nod. He reaches down and starts to stroke me. I harden quickly in his hand. Thus far, my joy has been wrapped up in feeling him fuck me; and my penis has been flaccid. Now it jumps to attention, and I am filled with the need to ejaculate. His trusts are more forceful now. I bounce and moan with each and every movement of his cock within me.

"Oh, God!" I have imagined my man emoting - the silent type is not for me - and Jimmy is sure filling the bill right now! I rise up on my elbows for the best view of us locked together. His fuck feels amazing. Jimmy is moaning, too. He is a virile and muscular stud animal and I am his mate. He has taken me like a prize; and is imprinting himself on my very soul. I am his.

"Fuck. Fuck. CRAP! Oh. OH! AaHhhh!!..." I see his glistening body lurch backward, his neck all tight and reddened, his head is moaning face up to the ceiling. Jimmy's cock is swelling inside of me. My own cock is spewing gobs of white ropes onto my belly. I see it; and as Jimmy unloads his nut deep into my body, his screams are drowned out by my own. This orgasm is beyond belief. The muscles of my crotch are stretched with Jimmy's cock in me; and they are straining to contract and pump my own seed at the same time The feeling is too doubly powerful. I pass out.

"Hey. Davey. Look at me!" Jimmy is all over me, his body on top of mine. He is panting heavily. I open my eyes and see him smiling. I close my eyes as we kiss.


"Here you are. Not bad timing. It's starting to rain - you two load Davey's stuff in the cab, and get out of here. I'm sure you can fill the rest of the afternoon somehow?"

"Thanks, Mr. Mackalay. We'll do our best." I grab my stuff, and Jimmy just smiles.

"I know you will, boys, I know you will!" Jimmy has his arm around my shoulders. He's taken possession of me, and I love it. Everything is good. Just one thing nags at me though. He called him 'Tucker'. And that hug? The way they looked at each other. All the innuendo? I wonder...

May Be Continued...

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TeenTopTeenTopalmost 5 years ago
Please continue!!!

Davey gets initiated by a virile stud named Jimmy, who displays his sweaty muscular physique in front of the shy boy, like he was posing on a bodybuilding stage. Jimmy declares: "Our first time needs to have a fuck in it". He fucks Davey like an animal, and they both cum at the same time. What a beautiful story! Needs to be continued.

DevonCowboyDevonCowboyalmost 5 years ago

Jimmy's body built on physical work is so much hotter than the false muscle on the gym bunnies. I call it honest work muscle, and it looks so hot when under exertion & tension complimented by raw masculine aromas.

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