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Talked into a Double Team

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I get a chance to please two cocks at once.
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Me and Derek have never been an exclusive couple, though we had been involved nearly five years. We could go stretches without even speaking—sometimes months at a time, and there were stretches where I pretty much lived at his apartment. We got along for the most part, and the sex was almost always good. But neither of us really wanted to be tied down; Derek was also hungry for young blonde women, and I've always thought that relationships take too much work than they were really worth. Derek and I had spent more than five years together, not letting commitment come between us. I honestly believe we would wind up hating each other if we were to give it a go. It just was not our thing. We've just been wise enough to realize this. We both realized that in each other we had nice pets to keep around.

Last Monday after work, I received a text message from Derek. The message was a single word: Hey. But I knew there was more behind that laconic greeting. Though I had not heard from Derek in nearly three months—our longest span without talking—I was pretty sure that he had wanted to play. I heard word that he had been involved with an eighteen-year old waitress, which explained his long absence. I had been busy with a lot of projects at work the last couple months (averaging ten hour days, and six per week), and had virtually no time to dedicate to my sex life. I had not had dick in more than a month. Seeing that message awoke something in me—something that wanted to play, too.

I shot Derek an equally laconic reply: Yes?

Derek's reply came nearly instantaneous: Hey, I know it's been a while, but would you like to come down sometime this afternoon?

I decided to play coy. Why? What do you have in mind?

Again, Derek's reply came quickly. You know exactly what I had in mind.

I smiled, and decided to jump in the shower. I had already made up my mind, but I wanted Derek to wait for my answer. On my way to the restroom, I texted: What's in it for me?

I placed my phone on the sink, and started to undress. I was pretty sure that his text would come within the next couple seconds. I turned the water on high, and waited until I saw steam rise before stepping into the tub. The second my foot touched the bottom of the tub, I heard my phone vibrate. I was still dry, so I stepped back out of the tub. The message again was from Derek. I opened it up, and it was a picture message of Derek's raging hardon. The tip was closest to the camera—the same view that I would have kneeling down to suck his dick. I sent him the smiling emoji with hearts over the eyes. I thought about sending him a close up picture of my open mouth, but that is not my style. Usually, I play subtle and vague.

Before stepping back in the shower, I texted: Be there in an hour.

I had not shaved my body in a month, and I spent the next fifteen minutes shaving. I like going in smooth. I scrubbed myself clean, and laid down in the tub until the hot water ran out. When I got out of the tub, I felt especially cold that my entire body was hairless. I grabbed the towel draped over the edge, and wrapped it around my body. I shivered, and stepped out of the tub. Knowing that it was going to be much colder outside the restroom, I regretted not taking a change of clothes in with me. I opened the restroom door, and felt the cold air creep around my ankles. I jogged into my bedroom, and started going through my drawers for something to wear. That I would likely be nude within minutes of entering Derek's apartment, I did not struggle with my clothing decision. I decided in going with my tight denim shorts, and white tee shirt. The shirt was a double X, and fit me loosely as though I was wearing a short dress. Beneath my shorts, I wore my pink silk panties I often wear when I know I'm getting fucked. While I'm no authority on the matter, men often comment on how nice my ass looks in these panties. Derek had bought them for me more than a year ago, and we hardly fuck without these panties. Derek says that they look even sexier slid down to my knees or ankles.

I texted Derek that I was on my way once I had my shoes on. Before leaving my apartment, I squirted a few puffs of vanilla-almond body spay on my chest and ass. With that, I nearly jogged to my car. I wanted to use that cock.

Derek's apartment was usually fifteen minutes away, but I made the drive in less than ten. I got favorable lights, and weaved my way speeding through traffic. I could literally feel the distance closing between Derek's cock and my ass.

Derek lived on the third floor, and though it was late in the evening, it was still more than a hundred out. I climbed the stairs with determination, stopping at the top landing for a few seconds while I caught my breath. I knew that I was going to need it in there.

I knocked on Derek's door, and listened for footsteps. I could hear the faint sound of Derek's television, and nothing more. The muffled sounds of gunfire and explosions came through the door. I could tell that Derek was playing video games, and I rolled my eyes. Derek lost a lot of time to video games, and last thing I wanted was to sit around and wait long minutes while he finished a level. One time, I started sucking his dick while he played; he came in my mouth without missing a beat. I lifted my hand to knock on the door a second time, and I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I read the message from Derek.

It read: Door's open. Come on in.

I sighed. Derek could not even get up to answer the door. Had I not been so horny, I would have taken off then and there. I turned the doorknob, and pushed the door open. I was about to take my first step into the apartment, but stopped before my foot touched the ground.

Derek sat on one side of the couch—video game controller in hand—and a man I had never laid eyes on was sitting on the other side. The man, too, had a controller in his hand. The man looked to be in his mid-twenties, and was in better shape than Derek. While not muscular, I could tell that he man took care of himself. He was clean shaven, and had short brown hair. I was not exactly disappointed in seeing the man, though I knew that me and Derek would not fuck until the man went home.

Derek motioned for me to come in. "Come on in. You can sit between us."

I knew I did not have much of a choice, there was no other seat in Derek's living room. It was either sit on the couch or on the floor—or at the table near the kitchen. But I did not come over to hang out in another room while Derek played video games. I walked over to the couch, and carefully sat down between them. I sat there, quietly—awkwardly watching them play their game with my hands on my knees. On the game, they were storming a beach—I could only guess was supposed to be Normandy. And while I could not tell for certain, I thought that Derek and the mystery man—I had still not been introduced—were good at the game. They killed quickly with precision, and adroitly dodged danger. I sat there for a minute before anyone spoke, and was surprised to hear words from Derek. He seemed too engrossed in his war to afford words.

"You smell good," he said. "What is that, cherry?"

"Thanks," I replied, feeling somewhat victorious that I had at least partially broke through the hold the game had on Derek. "It's actually vanilla almond."

"What about you, Chris?" Derek asked. "What do you think?"

At least I now had a name, I thought.

Chris dove for cover behind a small dune on the beach, and shrugged in the real world. "It's nice, I guess."

"Vagueness, huh?" I said sardonically. "I like that in a man."

Neither Derek nor Chris responded to me. There was a large explosion somewhere off screen that commanded their attention. No one spoke for another minute. I thought that this afternoon was going nowhere.

"Hey," Derek said, without taking his eyes from the screen. "You think you can get me and my man a coke from the fridge?"

I pushed myself up, and strongly considered walking out the door. I certainly did not come out to be their waitress for the afternoon. Instead of turning left to the door, I turned right toward the kitchen. I was still far too horny to give up so quickly. If it meant I had to sit through an hour or two of a war, so be it. While, I did not want to get them their drinks, I did not want to seem indecisive, and sit back down. It would have seemed ridiculous on my part to stand up for no reason. I went into the kitchen, and came back a minute later with two glasses of Coke and ice in hand. I did not bother trying to hand them their drinks, and placed them on the coffee table before them.

I sat back down, and continued to watch them play the game.

"What do you think about Chris?" Derek said. He played one-handed for a second, grabbing his coke, and taking a large sip.

"What do you mean, what do I think about him?" I asked.

Derek went back to playing the game with both hands. "Exactly what I said. What do you think about him?"

"I don't know anything about him," I replied. "I haven't even been introduced to the guy."

"He's one of my co-workers," Derek said. "He works at the lube station. We've worked together something like five years. He look okay to you?"

"Wait a minute," I said. "Why the hell are we talking about the guy like he's not here? And okay for what?"

Derek took a bullet in the leg, and sighed with frustration. I could not tell how much frustration was served to me, and how much was for the game.

"Jesus, you really want me to spell it out for you, don't you?" Derek said. "You know a long time ago, I told you that I wanted to see you with another man."

"No, no, no, no," I said. I made a feeble attempt to stand—the requisite amount of resistance for me to save face; just enough o keep the shame down.

Derek then put his hand on my knee, and although he put zero pressure on my leg, I acted as though he was pinning me to the couch.

"Derek," I said. "This is something that we really should have talked about. This isn't something that you just drop on me. I know I've done some crazy things in my time, but."

Derek paused the game. "Come on, don't be like this. Just give it a minute to think about. From what I hear, the guy we well equipped. And I know that you have a soft spot for well-equipped men."

Actually, I had a couple of soft spots for well-equipped men, but I was not going to agree with him on that point. While I was horny than hell, and I had wanted some dick, I was not ready for all of this. I had fucked a stranger or two in my day, but I was not sure whether I liked the idea of being passed around, and putting on a show. Up until this point, I had always either fucked or sucked in private, and had yet even considered the alternative.

"Come on," Derek said—not in a more persuasive tone than begging. "Why don't you sit back and have a little fun. I mean, why do you think Chris is here today? To play video games?"

"Well, you could have fooled me."

"Well, he didn't," Derek said. "I had told him about you, and said he was down to have some fun. He could have stayed at home, and we could have played together online."

The whole of this conversation, I did not look at Chris.

"And you and me are still going to get it on," Derek said. "Come on, I know you wouldn't be here if you didn't want some dick. Now, you have the choice to get two."

"I don't know," I replied—still trying to save face.

"Chris," Derek said. "Pull that thing out, and we'll see if that changes things."

Very quickly, I heard the sounds of Chris' belt, and pants button—and the splitting of his zipper. I turned my head even further away. I then heard the sounds of Chris standing and his footsteps, as he walked around me.

Suddenly, I was sitting with Chris jerking his cock inches from my face. I looked at his cock, and it took me a second to see what made him so well-equipped. He was not the largest in size—in fact he was only slightly larger than average. But everything about his cock was perfect. His cut was perfect, the mushroom head of his cock perfectly symmetrical. The color of his penis was tan, and the head was pink. If there ever was a need for a penis model, Chris would have been the guy to do it. There was no other way for me to classify it; his cock was beautiful.

"Well," Derek said, pulling out his own cock, and slowly stroking it. "Are you going to suck that thing, or what. You know you want to. I want you to. And Chris here, definitely wants you to."

This logic did the trick. I could no longer protest. I leaned forward, and deepthroated Chris on the first try. I held myself in place, and massaged his ball sack with the tip of my tongue. Above me, Chris hissed in pleasure, and started running his hands through my hair. I pulled all the way back, and started flicking my tongue in the slit of his cock. In my periphery, I could see Derek stand up, and undress.

"Suck that dick," Derek said.

And as though I needed the encouragement, I again dove forward, and deepthroated Chris for the second time. This time, I thrusted my face against his crotch, in essence, stroking his cock with my throat.

"Goddamn," Chris said. "That feels good."

"Mmm-hmm," I replied—unable to speak with all of his cock in my mouth. I continued to thrust my face into him—feeling his cock slide down the reaches of my tongue.

Derek walked behind me, knelt down, and grabbed my ass—hard. I moaned in both pleasure and pain. Chris pulled his shirt over his head, and tossed it in the blind reaches of the living room.

"I want you two to switch it up," Derek said. "I want to start working this ass."

Me and Chris made eye contact. Chris nodded, and I pulled off his cock. A thick stream of spit and precum stretched from the tip of his penis to my lips. I pursed my lips, and sucked in the stream. I pointed to the center cushion of the couch.

"Sit," I said.

Chris stepped out of his shoes, and slid out of his pants and boxers. He then sat down on the couch, and spread his knees—giving me full access to his cock and balls. I leaned forward lifting my ass, and Derek continued to reach and probe with his fingers.

"Unbutton your shorts," Derek said.

He was much more bossy than usual—taking more control. I always like when men take control, and are aggressive. I started bobbing on Chris' cock, jerking him off in my mouth. With my free hand, I unbuttoned my shorts. I did not slide them down. It always turns me on when a man undresses me—unwrapping my ass like a present. Derek hooked his fingertips in the waist line of my shorts, and slowly worked them down to my knees. I knew that he was taking care not bring my panties down with the shorts—unveiling my ass one layer at a time.

Derek smacked my ass hard, and dug his fingertips in painfully. "What do you think of this ass, Chris?" Derek shook my ass cheek in his grip for emphasis.

"It's fucking nice," Chris replied.

"It is," Derek said. "But don't get any ideas. This ass is mine. Take what you want of the mouth, but this fucking thing is mine."

Looking back, I feel reduced—passed around, treated like a piece of meat. But being enjoyed by two men, with two raging cocks, a part of me enjoyed it. A big part that remains unblemished by shame enjoyed it. I came into the apartment wanting dick, after all, and I was about to receive a double dose of it. It seemed like a good deal at the time, and still does.

I continued to bob on Chris' cock, and eventually felt Derek slowly peel the panties down from my ass. Derek then spread my cheeks, and started licking my asshole. I was not prepared for this, and jerked in reaction, and scraped the bottom of Chris' shaft with my teeth.

"Sorry," I said. "Just that Derek surprised me back there."

"It's okay," Chris panted. "I didn't even feel it. Don't stop."

I continued jerking him off in my mouth, while Derek started penetrating me with the tip of his tongue. After a couple more bobs, I decided to turn my attention to Chris' balls. I lifted his cock, and wrapped my lips around his left nut. I sucked on it hard, and Chris again hissed.

"I'm not going to last very much longer," Chris said.

I looked back over my shoulder to Derek—momentarily abrogating my actions on Chris' cock and balls.

"I want you to slide your cock in me," I said. "I want to feel you both at the same time. I want to service both of your cocks."

Derek pulled his tongue out from my ass, and replaced it with his middle finger—loosening me up with a little finger bang. I locked eyes with Chris, and winked at him, before deepthroating his cock again. I started to enjoy that cock. I again, started to lick his sack with the tip of my tongue, and bit down slightly as Derek slid in balls deep into me. My teeth merely grazed the base of Chris' cock. I found it had to concentrate on both cocks at once. I pulled off Chris' cock again, and plunged all the way back down. I was ready when Derek pulled out and slammed back into me. I was starting to get into a rhythm. I lifted up off Chris' cock as Derek pulled out. Plunged down as Derek slammed back in. I felt Derek's nuts his the backs of my legs with force that had to have been painful. But Derek kept slamming into me.

"So," Derek said, digging his fingers into my hips. "Chris, are you about ready to blow your load yet? You want to bust in his mouth?"

I pulled off Chris' cock long enough to speak. "Go ahead. You're kind of cute. I'm going to swallow it."

Chris looked up to the ceiling as though exasperated by pleasure, and he started nodding. More and more precum oozed from his cock, and I knew that Chris was close to cumming. Behind me, Derek began to grunt every time he slammed his cock into me—and I knew him well enough that I could tell he was close. I continued to stroke Chris' cock, and looked over my shoulder.

"What about you?" I asked. "Are you going to shoot, too?"

"Damn right I am," Derek said. "But not until Chris does. I want to see him jizz in your mouth. Then, I'm going to breed you. How's that sound."

"Sounds good," I replied. I returned to Chris' cock, and took him all the way down again.

I was close to cumming as well, but I wanted to hold off until Derek went. I'm really into swallowing, so it is not often that Derek empties his sack into my ass. But that I was about to receive—what I expected to be—a huge load from Chris, I knew I could afford to take a load in my ass. Besides that, I like carrying Derek's seed.

Chris started to run his hands through my hair again, and started bucking his hips. "Oh, shit," he said. "I'm going to cum. Get ready to take it in the mouth."

I got down low, and started stroking his cock inches from my mouth. The first shot of cum took me wholly by surprise. The first shot exploded out, and struck me above my upper lip. Half the load went up my nose, and half splattered on my shoulders. I did not want to waste another shot, and wrapped my lips around his cock, and took the rest of his cumshot in eight large spurts.

"Did he cum?" Derek asked.

"Mmm-mm," I replied. I again looked over my shoulder, and opened my mouth—showing Derek Chris' cum. I then tilted my head back, and swallowed—showing both men my empty mouth.

"Damn," Chris said. "He took it like a champ."

"Damn right he did," Derek said. "Now take this."

Derek then pulled out, and slammed back in me. He held me in place—arm locked around my chest as he pumped his cum into me. Derek grunted with every spasm. I too had had enough. I came with Derek—shooting onto the carpet, and front of the couch. I exhaled deeply.

"I think we all three needed that," I said.

Derek released his grip, and pulled out of me. He stood up, and collapsed onto the couch—cock still sticking in the air. "We sure did."


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