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TCCS Pt. 02 Ch. 16: The Pool Party


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Susan was looking up from Uncle Tom's Cabin. Niggers! Niggers! Why'd she invite niggers? There's no way I'm getting in the pool now if it's gonna be full of niggers. She looked up and found her eyes locking on LD or at least she felt he was staring at her through his shades. LD of all people, the illegitimate son of a nigger porn star. He was what she called African nigger dark. LD was the tallest out of the bunch, maybe even the tallest boy in school. He was extremely fit and muscular though leaner then the rest. He had a baseball cap on sideways like an idiot, not forward to keep the sun out of his eyes, not backwards like a redneck, sideways! He wore baggy pants and a white tank top.

Miko watched Little Leroy pull his football jersey off over his head. He was a muscular giant built like Max, but with lighter brown skin. Sunlight glistened off a nipple piercing on his chest when he tossed the jersey aside. His bald head glistened in the sun too. Miko wasn't much for piercing outside of the ears and she tolerated Patty's bellybutton piercing. She didn't like piercing anywhere on men. She'd seen Little Leroy shirtless before and had stated how ridiculous it was to get your nipple pierced to the other cheerleaders. Stacy had laughed and claimed Little Leroy's cock head flare was pierced too and that it really stimulated her clit when he fucked her with his big cock. Then she held her hands a foot apart and Miko knew she was bull shitting them.

Pamela actually grinned while she watched Kitty kiss Samson. 'She dumped Todd for him?' she thought. Her eyes moved up scanning the rest of the blacks. The fitness obsesses Pamela had seen them before and was always impressed with their peak physical perfection so many of the local niggers possessed mostly without even trying. Blacks that did work out turned into massive hulking black beasts, sculpted to perfection. She wasn't the least bit attracted to them. She was just impressed with their bodies from a fitness obsessive's perspective. That is until her eyes fell on the last black man in the back row. Fat Deon! He was a cross between muscles and fat. He didn't move fast on the field, but then he couldn't be brought down either. Clenched, his fists were like sledge hammers. His biceps were huge and impressive. His weight problem was centered in his large gut and jowly cheeks. Even as she watched, Deon was finishing off a doughnut and his straining white tee shirt had orange stains from cheese puffs all over it. He disgusted her, but she also had a strong urge to want to train him and get him back into shape.

At least four sets of dark eyes were staring at Pamela and Patty. Pam reached out for her towel and wrapped it around her slim figure. Patty sat up and folded her legs under her, holding her arms against her massive bosom. "I hope our boyfriends get here soon," she whispered to Pamela who nodded in reply. Susan had set her book down and was sitting folded up in her deck chair, arms across her legs in the fetal position.

Kitty broke off the long kiss with her black boyfriend and watched as Samson stood up and pulled down his shorts to reveal his swimsuit. She wished he weren't wearing the swimsuit, so all her friends could see what she was talking about when she bragged on his cock. It should be a crime to cover up his beautiful black salami. Her loving gaze turned from her boyfriend to look on in curiosity as Anthony pulled the front of his jeans out and reached down into his pants. He appeared to struggle with something and then the long snake like bulge running down his jean's leg slid up to his crotch. He pulled his hand out of his pants and yanked his jeans down. He was wearing a tiny crotch hugging suit like bodybuilders wear at contests. She couldn't help being impressed by the massive coiled bulge barely contained by the small suit. He might even be thicker and bigger then Samson and Samson was so big, his cock head was sticking out under his shorts. Some of the other blacks were stripping too and some weren't. "What about you guys?" she asked to the blacks just standing around.

"We didn't bring suits," said one.

"Go in your underwear then," said Kitty with a smile.


Jenny was still staring in horror through her sliding glass door, hand still clutching her robe tight about her. Little Leroy and Max were stripping down to their white briefs. The girl's cheerleading coach couldn't stop staring at the bulges straining out the white briefs on the two black men. "They're as big as Coach Black," she mumbled.

Jenny slowly took a step back and then another unable to turn away from her pool. She spun around and raced up her stairs. 'I need to keep an eye on my girls,' she thought. The robe slid off her shoulders as she entered her bedroom, falling to the floor. She spread her legs and bent down to look in a lower drawer in her dresser. Clothes went flying left and right. Damn! Black had made her get rid of her old lady swimsuit and her modest two piece. Her hand reached into her drawer and came up with the skimpy string bikini that Coach Black had decided she should wear. It was too small to wear in front of her students, but it was all she had.


Susan reached out for Uncle Tom's Cabin. She had an ingrained dislike of blacks that stemmed from having two racist parents. She didn't want to hang out around the pool with one black man, let alone seven. She was going to make up an excuse to leave, studying always worked with her and truthfully that would be exactly what she would do when she left. Maybe some sit-ups first to work off some stress and then she'd hit the books. The noise level had just increased dramatically here when the blacks arrived. Max, Anthony, and Little Leroy had just jumped into the pool, splashing her legs and nearly reaching her book. Little Leroy was playfully splashing Miko who had a look of complete annoyance on her face. Max and Anthony were now splashing each other. Susan's eyes found Kitty and her entire face crinkled up in disgust. Kitty and Samson were embracing and kissing with a passion that Susan had never shown to a man before in any of her kisses. Deon and Stubby were still dressed standing over the mixed-race couple watching them make out. Deon was still eating and Stubby had his arms folded.

"S'up Susan."

Susan looked away from Samson and Kitty. "Hi Lorenzo," she replied to the black man while thinking, why is this nigger talking to me? LD had walked around the pool to greet her. He was still dressed.

"When is Brian getting here?" asked Pamela sitting by Patty on the edge of the pool. Susan looked at Pam and then out at Kitty, but Kitty ignored the question still caught up in kissing her black boyfriend. Samson even had his hands on Kitty's scantily covered ass.

"And Steve?" yelled Patty, but Kitty still refused to answer.

Finally, Kitty pulled back from Samson's lips. She looked over at her best friends. "Your boyfriends couldn't make it," she said before her pink lips returned to Samson's broad brown ones.


Miko waded quickly towards the edge of the pool. She hadn't wanted to get her hair wet, now she was soaked because of the black asshole splashing her. I have to get this black jerk to quit splashing me, she thought. Why'd Kitty have to go and invite all black guys?

Miko's body jerked when she felt strong hands grip her ankles. She looked down and watched as Little Leroy attempted to swim between her legs under water. Instead of pushing through, the grip on her ankles tightened and a frightened Miko found herself raising up out of the water and onto Leroy's shoulders. "Oh Shit!" she cried in alarm trying to keep her balance.


Susan watched as Max swam through the water towards her. He reached the nearest ladder and climbed out of the pool. His white briefs were soaked and clung to his enormous bulge. It looked like he had a coiled snake under his straining underwear. She couldn't take her eyes off it. He smiled cockily at her and then glanced over at Patty and Pamela. Their eyes were on it too. Max then turned and walked towards the diving board.

"I didn't know black guys had such big cocks," whispered Patty to Pam, loud enough that both Susan and LD heard.

"Me neither," replied Pam, "though I heard rumors. I guess Stacy wasn't lying."

Susan glanced up at LD. He acted like he didn't hear, but his lips curled up in a smirk. The racist studious cheerleader couldn't help herself and she let her eyes fall upon LD's crotch. The bulge beneath his pants was enormous!


Max hit the water near the three girls and LD. A huge wall of water hit Pam and Patty, soaked LD's pants and splashed into Susan's lap, soaking her book. Goddamn these black animals, she thought angrily. That's it. I have to get out of here.


Pam and Patty sat on the edge of the pool, feet dangling in the water. Pamela still had the towel wrapped around her body. Neither had been in a pool with blacks before. The town subsidized a pool as a cooling station during the hot summer months and that was entirely dominated by blacks from Westside. Susan called it the cocoa puff pool. Many of the middle-class whites had their own pools or their developments had pools. The races occasionally mingled down at Lake Cox's beach. Pamela only wore an athletic one piece when swimming with boys present. She only wore her bikini around the girls and was considering saying goodbye and heading home.

Patty and Kitty didn't mind showing off their well-endowed figures to the boys. They strutted around in their small bikinis during the Lake Cox summer boat parties. The blacks that were invited ogled them, but they were always surrounded by their boyfriends and female friends.

Kitty even liked boys checking her out, even the black ones, but then she had been safely hanging on Todd White's arm. Pam had thought that Kitty's bikini was small then, but this new one she wore today was downright out of the sluttish whore catalog.

Anthony stooped in the water and backed up towards Patty sitting on the edge. He grabbed her ankles and threw them over his broad shoulders. Patty giggled as she was raised up out of the water on Anthony's shoulders.

Pamela frowned at her. The buxom red head was actually smiling as Anthony carried her through the water towards Miko riding on Leroy's shoulders.

Max's head surfaced nearly between her legs. Pam looked down at the black man. "We should join them," he said. He turned around and slipped backwards. Pamela found the bare flesh on her legs sliding up over the strong black man's shoulders and then she was lifted into the air.

Pamela looked over at Patty and Miko. Anthony had charged Leroy. The two girls on their shoulders now had their hands clenched as each tried to knock the other down into the water. Both were now smiling as they began to have fun.

"Get ready," said Max, his hands clenching tight on Pam's knees. He waded towards the combatants, maneuvering himself behind Patty. The competitive athletic Pamela smiled. She was going to win this and be the last cheerleader standing. She was queen of the chicken fight, but normally the girls were battling on the shoulders of their white boyfriends. Miko and Patty were still battling it out, not noticing her coming in for the kill. Their hands were no longer clenched. Their grips had moved up to their elbows. Patty appeared to have the advantage with her extra weight over the smaller half Asian girl. Miko looked like she was about to fall until her grip on Patty's wet arm slipped and the two girls mashed into each other still struggling to win. Miko's hand had slipped right under Patty's bikini string around her neck catching in the knot. Her other arm wrapped around Patty's back, that hand too catching in the knot. When they pulled apart briefly, the over stretched bikini top popped off like a shooting rubber band and landed in the pool several feet away. Patty's pale freckled EE breasts bounced around with their new-found freedom. "Whoops! Sorry," apologized Miko.

Pamela watched her friend's breasts exposed to the sunlight, the eyes of the cheerleaders and the black football players, and the world. They were amazing and impressive even for Coxville. Patty's fat pink nipples were rock hard and sticking out from the areola nearly half an inch. She looked horrified as she tried to cover her oversize breasts with one arm, an impossible task. "You did that on purpose," she accused.

Pamela playfully grinned and decided she should help her friend out and get back at Miko. As Max carried her towards Miko's back. She reached out and untied the small dark-haired girl's bikini top also. "Hey!" shouted Miko as Pamela pulled it off.

"Fair's fair," said Pamela tossing the top back towards the house.

Leroy and Anthony were facing each other, looking up at the now topless girls on their shoulders. Patty was trying to hold an arm across her breasts, but either one or the other pale pinkish nipple kept popping out. Miko's pert C-cups were sticking out, her browner areola swollen and nipples hard as rocks before she quickly covered them with her hands. Anthony noticed Patty's bikini top floating nearby, grabbed it, and casually tossed it towards Miko's top, both now well out of reach.

Pamela grabbed Miko's shoulder and shoved. The poor girl couldn't stay on and fell off Leroy's shoulders. Her breasts were bared again as she hit the water. "One down," shouted Pamela in triumph as Max turned her towards Patty. Miko sprang up out of the water, sputtering and holding her breasts cupped in her hands again.

Patty looked in horror as her aggressive competitive friend approached her with every intention of knocking her into the water. "One to go," cried Pamela, Max charging forwards. Patty was forced to quit covering her breasts and to match Pamela head on. They struggled for over a minute each trying to knock the other girl off. Pamela pushed, and Patty nearly slid off until Anthony reached up and grabbed her waist. His fingers pinched the strings that held her bikini bottoms on. With one strong push, Pamela had her victory, Patty flew back off Anthony's shoulders, the knots on her panty pulling apart. He held on to the bikini bottom and tossed it away before she even surfaced. Pamela was raising her fist in triumph at her victory, when Max just moved his hands to her feet, pushing up and she flew off his back, flipping backwards, her look of triumph turning to surprise as she too hit the water.

Patty and Miko were standing, trying to cover their breasts as they looked for their bikini tops. The sliding glass door to the house opened and their Coach emerged. In horror, they both stooped into the water trying to hide their bare breasts from Kitty's mom. None of the black boys were even trying to stare at their breasts. All eyes had turned to Jenny Summers.


Jenny felt the eyes of seven black teenage boys taking in her body in the bikini and despite the inappropriateness of the situation, she felt her nipples harden. The miniscule bikini Coach Black had told her to buy did nothing to hide what was beneath the material. It clung to every little bump on her areola even as her nipples grew.

She carried a tray up to the pool, standing over Kitty and Samson, still embracing. "I thought you kids could use some iced tea," she announced. And some supervision. It looks like I got here just in time, she thought taking in the group arrayed around her pool.

Samson pulled away from Kitty's embrace. "Let me help you with that Mrs. Summers," he said, swimming to the edge and pulling his fit muscular body out of the water.

Kitty looked angrily after her boyfriend, then turned her gaze on her mom. "Mom, where did you get that bikini?" she asked, angry at her mom for interrupting her and her friend's fun. It was shameful for an old woman like her mom to wear such a small bikini.

The image of modeling various bikinis and lingerie for Coach Black during their trip to the mall popped into Jenny's mind. "Just something I bought for your father," she lied. She smiled warily at Samson as the dripping wet boy took the tray from her hands and set it down on a nearby table. Jenny slipped into the nearest cot and started oiling up her arms and legs. "I thought I'd join you kids," she announced getting different reactions from the group. None of the black boys seemed annoyed by her presence. They couldn't take their eyes off her. Unbeknownst to Jenny, she had been a favorite masturbatory fantasy of every black youth at her pool for years and unbeknownst to Jenny, everyone had recently jerked off multiple times to a video of her being taken anally by Coach Black. Every one of them had a copy of that tape on their cell phones and everyone had imagined it was their own cock pushing deep into their teacher's ass. Jenny Summers had been the subject of so many masturbatory fantasies, the males' sperm could have filled her swimming pool several times over.

"Let me get your back for you, Mrs. Summers," said Samson, snatching the lotion from her hand.

Jenny looked at him with suspicion again wondering why he was suddenly being so polite and grinned when she realized that Black must have told him to shape up and show her some respect. She was still grinning when she leaned forward, lifting her long blonde hair up for him. "Go ahead," she told him, watching him squirt lotion into his hands. He leaned over her and started rubbing her shoulders. It felt good and she fought to keep from moaning or purring in pleasure. Massages were one of the few things Harold was good for, but Samson's hands were bigger with stronger muscles and felt so much better. His shorts were right before her face and she couldn't take her eyes off the bulge straining under his swimsuit. He might be an obnoxious jerk, but he had a magnificent black cock. She'd seen it sticking from her wonderful daughter's ass and if she hadn't experienced her own giant black cock minutes earlier that day, she wouldn't have believed what she was seeing.

Then she'd watched him trying to pull a super-sized condom down over his shaft and the fat head of his cock had torn right through the latex defying captivity. She quickly took her eyes off Samson's crotch and she found herself staring at Leroy's obscene bulge. Jenny couldn't help wondering what his cock looked like. She turned her head again and frowned at the girls in the pool. It looked like Miko and Patty didn't have their bikini tops on. Deon and Stubby moved into her field of vision. "Why aren't you two enjoying the pool?" she asked, noticing they were still dressed. "Can't swim?"

"We don't gots suits," answered Deon.

"Or underwear," added Stubby.

"Ummmmm," moaned Jenny, sucking her lower lip into her mouth to keep from moaning any louder. Samson had one hand massaging the back of her neck and one hand down to her hip. She didn't feel his fingers slipping into the bows of her bikini strings. "Just strip and jump in really fast," she muttered, breathing heavily. Her eyes were lidded, but she stared at the boys, hoping for a glimpse of their huge black cocks.


Susan was fast losing all respect for Coach Summers. Her coach was in a borderline obscene bikini letting one of her students rub lotion on her back and a nigger student at that. How could she stand to let that black asshole touch her? Must run in the family, she thought thinking of Kitty's recent slutty behavior. Her lips turned into a sneer that made her lovely face turn ugly from her racist attitudes.

Susan was across the pool and hadn't heard Jenny tell the blacks to just strip and jump in the pool. She found herself looking on in horror as Deon and Stubby willingly complied with their teacher's permission.

The fat teen got his pants down quickly enough. At first, Susan couldn't believe her eyes. It had to be a trick or illusion of some kind. She leaned forwards as if moving a few feet could improve her view and wipe away the horror of seeing a racially inferior obese nigger with a penis twice the size of her boyfriend's. To make matters worse, Deon appeared to only have a SEMI! She'd heard rumors about the penis size of the black locals, but she'd never believed it was anything more than nonsense. Deon must be a freak of some kind. Fully hard that thing must be an inch or two past a foot in length. Now inch after inch of Stubby's cock was appearing as he pushed his pants down. She felt a little relieved that it didn't look like it could grow much more than ten inches, still almost twice the size of her boyfriend's, but Stubby looked little next to Deon except for the fact that Stubby had to be as thick as a coke can. His swinging penis looked like a fat black Polish sausage! Hoping no one was watching, her hands came up to tug the cups of her swimsuit out from squeezing her nipples. The material must have been chaffing her nipples. Both were so hard they were aching as they throbbed with blood.


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