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The Blind Domme


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"I've drank gallons of your urine, Mistress, knelt on broken glass and sometimes your childhood jacks, I've rimmed diahrea from your gorgeous buttocks.

I've allowed you to push needles through my nipples...I've had you lash my breasts with stinging nettles...

You've scorched cigars out on my tender tongue..." "You have to do it, if you are my slave" Miss Kyra had replied back then.

Simone had continued her protests "I've deep-throated your dildos and licked your muddy boots clean...

I serviced your pet Shetland pony... but please don't make me perform fellatio on a slave, much less one as pathetic as your brother."

Kyra had caned Simone viciously for her sauciness, and Simone had swallowed two or three loads from Kevin's sorry little cock.

Not just when she'd been in the Castle but even after Kyra had left to become a free-lance dominatrix again, was Simone commanded to come and service Kevin on his birthday.

Kyra had found the Castle too "Safe" and stifling.

Explaining why she was leaving to the sobbing Simone Kyra had said "As a blind girl, I was always encouraged to get a 'safe' job in a workshop deal making brooms...

When I got the full academic scholarship to Welleslley, and there was no doubt of my intelligence, I was still advised to get a job teaching blind kids at a school, or doing something where I'd be sheltered."

Simone had begged her with tears in her eyes. "But this isn't a sheltered workshop! This is one of the most exciting places in the world, Tease Island!

My whole life has changed...I'm happier as your slave than I ever was as a domme, and you want to leave me and this exciting place?"

Kyra had replied,"No, the Castle is especially sheltered, because there's always a constant flow of slaves coming, and you don't have any uncertainty about clients...

As well as how easy it is for me to get around here. I miss the city streets, having to feel the vibrations of telephone poles, and tapping about...

Independence is everything to me! Not to mention that my old clients miss me, and have been writing...

And I can't ski here...really, Kevin and I are going home."Kyra had paused, feeling the tears under Simone's eyes as Simone had laid her head on Kyra's lap.

But don't cry so much, Simone, honey...if you want to continue being my slave occasionally..."

Simone had nodded her head, begging "yes, yes...I'll even pay you, Miss Kyra!"

Kyra had shook her head, smiling. "You can come here for a month every year and get a full month of whippings, beatings...hours of me tormenting your clit lips with a pencil...on the one conclusion that you service Kevin.

Kevin was a geeky guy even before he became a slaveboy...it was beyond his wildest dreams to get head from a girl as hot as you are.

He serves me so well 364 days a year, that one day he deserves to have a hot woman do him, and he chooses you, and you'll do it in return for coming to see me. Got it?"

Simone had assented, and in the twelve years plus since Ky had left, Simone would come to see her for one month of the year, October.

This was the month of Kevin's birthday, and get the privilege of serving Miss Kyra for thirty glorious days, in return for sucking -ugh! Slave Kevin's cock on his birthday.

Simone's slavery was a secret from everyone except Kyra, and Dawn, Fulbright's girlfriend and Simone's best friend...

Simone didn't want anyone, especially her slave husband Stuart to know she submitted to another!

Now, sitting and chatting, Simone tried to keep her voice level as she laughed at Kyra's sallies.

She knew, Simone did, that this was not a regular October visit, that she was ostensibly bringing Sheila here to meet Kyra just so the girl could see different aspects of female domination.

But there was another side, and Simone and Kyra both knew it...Simone was hoping for a little session or two.

Possibly, since it wasn't Kevin's birthday, they could have a clandestine session without Sheila knowing it-Simone hoped that, and Kyra knew that this was what Simone hoped.

Kevin had brought everyone a nice lunch and was standing by, idly rubbing his crotch, which must've hurt considerably from the various punishments that Kyra had inflicted.

Simone, looking over at Kevin was just revolted by him. It was true that Kyra, born totally blind, had never seen anyone's looks, physically...

But Simone had often wished Kyra could just once see her homely brother's face, with all the gorgeous men and women that Kyra had slept with.

So to even socialize with this dork, even if he was her blood kin..how could they have been twins, even fraternal?

During Kyra's time working at the Castle, when Kevin wasn't writing his novels or cleaning the room, he was almost always in a corner, crouching naked, during most of Simones' visits.

Kyra had never ordered Kevin to leave during the sessions she'd put Simone through, but Kevin was not going to tell any secrets...still, Simone hated him.

Why couldn't Simone stop focusing on Kyra sexually? This was supposed to be an educational weekend for Sheila, for God's sake.

But here in the living room, Simone couldn't keep her eyes off Kyra's magnificent breasts, heavy in the light violet T-shirt.

"My breasts are so off limits to you, you worthless old whore." Kyra had said to Simone so many times, heartlessly.

Simone was only a year or so older than Kyra, but Kyra treated her as if she was a dirty old man with fleas.

"Get back! Scumbag!" Kyra would kick Simone in the stomach as she'd stare at Kyra's areolas with streaming eyes...but that was then!

Now Simone was an equal, at least on this visit. She had to see Kyra as a peer dominatrix.

Still, Simone couldn't stop looking at those proud mama's poking through the hot violet ends-above-the-belly deals, that showed the navel.

Kyra was still doing her 100 sit ups a day, evidently. What a flat stomach. What beautiful full breasts!

Simone breathed heavily, and felt a stream soaking her panties.

Her memories of Kyra were legion!

Kyra whipping Simone's bare ass while Ky herself was encased in a curve-hugging black dress with an incredibly sexy halter neckline..

Kyra's breasts jiggling in a cream colored knit top as she pulled Simone across a floor through rings in Simone's nipples.

.Kyra in her black string bikini with the string-tie bottom, known as "Camel toes" by many lustful men...

Simone had been naked that day at a NON-nude beach in Delaware, receiving a vicious swishing with a cut thorn branch! Oh, Simone was wet thinking of it, soaking wet.

And the horrible, humiliating week she'd spent with Kyra and a dominant boyfriend of Kyra's, Max.

Max, also blind, had suggested they blindfold Simone and Kevin and keep them on their knees, serving...all week.

Simone had bumped into things repeatedly trying to bring Max and Kyra their meals, and of course was punished viciously

"We get around fine like this, what the hell's wrong with you, Toilet-Girl?" Kyra had asked Simone that weekend mockingly.

Simone had been called that because she'd nearly stumbled in the bathroom and doused her hair in the toilet.

Then Max had held Simone's face underwater in a shit filled bowl, beautiful formerly dominant Simone, who had nearly three million dollars from having dommed so many rich men and women...

But now just Toilet-girl...or Toilet-Pig. And Simone had loved it!

Just watching Kyra leaning back and bantering with herself and Sheila made Simone very wet, remembering just nine months before when Kyra had sat on this same couch.

This while Simone herself had been the naked, quivering slave, kneeling at her feet, nipples clamped with mousetraps as Kyra, fully dressed-what was she wearing back then?

She'd been in a one-shoulder crop-top in a provocative bright yellow, and tiny shorts with stockings and heels, idly pushing one heel in Simone's clit, shaved bare for the occasion by Kevin.

There had been other dommes also fully dressed sitting with Kyra laughing and discussing Simone as if she were some sort of dog. Oh, the delicious humiliation!

Simone remembered when Kyra had first come to work at the Castle, a new recruit.

It had been quite unusual for the Castle Director to bring in a disabled Mistress.

They did have Anna Myers, who had one leg shorter than the other, but most of the time Anna wore boots, one with a higher heel, and no one could really tell.

Still, Anna had always been a bit insecure about this defect, though she was incredibly pretty, and she'd married a client and left, a client who didn't mind the limp at all.

"Are you joking?" Simone had asked M . Fulbright.

Simone herself had just been promoted to a Castle Ladyship, she was Lady Bissell now, and was quite egocentric about it.

"I found her in a Chicago cat-o-nine tails newspaper...she had her own house, Mistress Kyra did, and five girls working for her. She's quite good."

"Trust us" said Lady Ipswich,the Director's girlfriend at that time .

"Kyra's remarkable" said Lady Esplinger, who looked so glamourous herself in a scoop top...today Esplinger was obese and living in Vermont.

"Kyra may be blind, buty she's been a professional domme for seven years..and she's only twenty-six!" said Lady Parkinson, now ten years dead of leukemia.

"Oh, sure...the Director's has been impressed by a set of tits or something." Simone had said skeptically.

But Kyra had been really something! The Director had asked Simone and some other seasoned Castle Mistresses to watch Kyra handling a sub from behind a two way mirror.

"This is impossible" Simone had chuckled to herself. She knew the submissive being used, Owen, and she knew at the first lash of a whip, he would squeal in pain and then run and hide.

Several Mistresses had been criticized for losing Owen, as he'd go anywhere to escape a lashing.

Kyra had walked easily into the room where Owen knelt, naked. Her cane tapped the shag rug in front of her. "I hear you breathing, Owen, honey"

Ky had said, as her sightless eyes gazed just above his balding head. "Don't you want to say hello to your Mistress,?

But Lady Ipswich warned me that you were a shy little thing."

Simone had of course been completely blown away by Kyra.

At that time, Kyra's hair had been cropped close to her head, but there was no doubt to her feminity.

Kyra had full lips and a delicate nose and high cheekbones.

She wasn't wearing a little leather or lingerie outfit, either, her breasts instead were poking the tip of a turquoise knit top, the cleavage prominent.

Her long legs poured out of a twill mini skirt, and moved easily in high heels.

As Kyra's hadtongue moved across her lips, Simone had felt a twinge between her legs.

What's this? I'm not gay, she thought.

Sure, Simone had had her share of girl-girl experiences, especially in the tenements with other teenyboppers in her days as the shy Sadie Mulvaney who Simone had once been.

Yes, but she'd always preferred dick, she thought, anyway. But this young girl had seemed to beckon her.

Owen had bitten his lip. Simone and the others watched him shiver. "He's always like that" Lady Ipswich had whispered.

"You wonder why he comes to the Castle to be dominated at all...he's like a prisoner-of war or something...how will she find him." As Kyra strode in the room she called lightly,

"Owen? Where are you, dear?" Owen was breathing very carefully through his nose now, kneeling naked on the rug, and hoping against hope that she would think he wasn't there.

It had been a big room, and as Kyra moved towards Owen, he'd moved back, as silently as possible.

Simone at the time was contemptuous of this very pretty, but quite inept girl...

How was someone who couldn't see going to capture the elusive Owen?

"Owen, honey, I can't see you, but my nostrils are filled with information." Kyra had said lightly.

"You apparently don't bathe much, and of course your perspiration is quite evident...

And then you try to mask the fact that you don't bathe by sloshing your face and shoulders with Aqua Velva...

It's quite revolting, but I think I'll find you."

Kyra moved about a foot from Owen, her cane swaying back and forth. Owen moved back a bit.

"I hear you moving around, Owen." Kyra giggled. "And I smell a roast beefy horseradish odor in the air...don't you brush after lunch, babe?"

Kyra had walked another couple of steps.

He had edged slightly over to the bed, still on his knees, in a sort of silent crab-walk.

"Ah, I hear your rustle, honey." Kyra had announced.

She'd stepped forward tapping until her long white cane had hit Owen's wrist.

Kyra had bent over slightly, and touched Owen's head, and then raised her cane and slashed it hard on Owen's right shoulder, and he'd screamed.

Kyra had listened to the yelp carefully, and reached down in the direction of the voice, pulling Owen up by the scalp.

After Owen stood up, Kyra had hauled off and slapped him hard across the face, and he'd begun crying.

"You will learn that when I say hello, you respond to me, a hello Miss Kyra would be nice now."

Owen had sniffed. "Hello (sob) Miss Kyra." Simone and the others had watched in wonder as Kyra had produced a pair of handcuffs from her purse.

Kyra had expertly cuffed Owen's wrists behind his head, and then spent two hours alternately toying with Owen's cock and nipples, her expert fingers more than compensating for her useless eyes.

And then slashing the same with her cane...whacking his knees and stomach, and laughing as he fell, and bending down to caress and slash again.

At one point, Kyra had brought a fountain pen out, and written her name, holding the pen with her toes.

Scribbled her name "Love Kyra Swanson" on Owen's chest in calligraphy!

Kyra's fingers had moved across Owen's cock for a good half hour, pulling him to the point of complete orgasm.

"Oh, I think I feel your hips wiggling, let me pull away my hands!"

Kyra would laugh, and pull away, and Owen would sob in frustration.

At the end of the session, Owen, who'd been avoiding Ky in the beginning, begged her not to go, she was the best he'd ever had, he said.

Later, when Simone had become Kyra's submissive, she'd learned the true extent of the sightless top's abilities.

The blind girl's fingers could wander across Simone's breasts, finding little veins that aroused Simone, that Simone had never heard about!

Cruelly binding Simone to a hassock, Kyra would run her fingers through Simone's vulva, her clitoris, sometimes adding a doctor's tongue depresser where she'd find spots that no man, slave or normal had ever discovered in Simone's pussy.

Kyra would expertly tie strands of licorice to Simone's clitoris, and then eat her way in, biting harshly just as her slave was about to cum.

Or, she'd massage Simone's tender bresats and then BANG! Kyra'd tweak a nipple hard, or scratch the underside of Simone's tender breasts until the older woman was sobbing.

And how Kyra would laugh!

Did it matter that Simone was an exotic and intense Castle Tease Therapist, feared and desired by most Island slaveboys, and more than a few submissive men in the States and in Europe?

Absolutely not. When Simone was in Kyra's room, she was no better than an irrelevant kitten.

Everyone on the Island thought Simone was mentoring Kyra with her frequent visits, and Kyra pushed this falsehood quite cheerily.

But then she'd run sandpaper on the inside of Simone's mouth when she got sassy, and cruelly shove a straightened coat hanger up Simone's cunt as if to perform an impromptu abortion.

Now, Kyra realized that she was doing most of the talking. It was natural that Sheila wouldn't have a lot to say.

But Simone had always been the chatterbox, but she could hear Simone's haggard breathing, and as she casually ran her fingers across Simone's neck, she felt a few drops of perspiration.

Oooh, my sometime slave-girl is horny, Kyra thought with a smile.

Simone just wishes that she were here alone so I could strip her naked and give her a good whaling with my thick leather scourge, eh? The one that I made Kevin put spurs on the ends?

Kyra remembered many a whipping...making Simone scream in pain as she landed the scourge again and again.

Then feeling down to Simone's blistered cheeks running her fingers deliciously across the hot, scorched skin, and eventually taking Simone, weeping into her arms, and whispering "But honey, isn't this what you like doing to all the guys?"

Now, Kyra dropped her hand to Simone's wrist,listening to her chatter on about Sheila's husband, Congressman Roger Malvern and his slavery...

She pinched the inside of Simone's wrist, and Simone gasped, and turned away, and Kyra smiled inwardly, running her tongue inside her teeth.

Kyra wondered what Sheila, the young girl was thinking.

She must be able to see that Simone is looking a little weird.

Kyra had no idea what faces looked like, but she'd learned from the sighted, that it was easy to take in a lot about a person from the so-called expression on their faces.

Kyra had "brailled" Simone's face several times, and knew how different her friend's face could be.

Kyra had felt Simone-with-a-smirk, and then also felt her friend's face during a session, and she knew, more than anyone how Simone "looked" when she was uneasy.

For beneath that dominatrix scorn, there was a scared little tenement girl, little Sadie Mulvaney.

Kyra had heard the whole story, and was merely amused by Simone's various facades, the tough domme, the haughty lady, it was too cute.

Sheila watched Simone and Kyra with curiosity. Simone's face was weird, man.

Sheila had never seen Simone as anything but self-assured and regal; and it almost looked as if Simone wanted Kyra to make out with her or something!

Sheila remembered that Simone had gone into several reveries in the car, thinking of visiting Kyra.

Kevin, who was ensuring a steady supply of beers in his twin sister's hand was excited and annoyed by Simone's presence.

He loved the blowjobs that he got from this striking woman every year.

And there was a chance that he might get a second one on this visit, though his birthday was 3 months away...

But Kevin always hated Simone at the same time, for he knew that Kyra was quite fond of her, and there was much more interested focus on Simone than on a secondary male slave like Gareth.

Or all the different guys who Ky had sessions with, the ones who brought her money.

Earlier that morning, Kyra had spent several hours with Kevin, she'd tied him down, naked on the kitchen table-how humiliating!

Who couldn't have seen through the window, but of course Kyra always said "Seeing doesn't mean anything to me, Bubba."

Kyra had rubbed her marvelous supersensitive fingers up and down Kev's thrusting organ, as he'd stared into her cleavage.

"Don't you look forward to Miss Simone coming, Kevin?" Kyra had cooed, as her long nails had felt around his swollen scrotum.

"Sissy hasn't let you have a squirtie in weeks and weeks and weeks...maybe there's a treat for little Kay-bo."

This had been her name for him when Kyra had been a toddler.

Even then she'd been imperious, giving orders and waving her little fist.

"Kevvie, buy me candy! Kevvie, give me a piggyback!" and Kevin had done whatever he could to make his sister happy.

Pulling her around in the wagon, ensuring she was included in all the games with the sighted children.

Their parents had felt that Kevin was a little saint, to help his blind twin this way, but little Kevin had just worshipped Kyra.

She was beautiful, and funny...and far more intelligent than Kevin himself was, though everyone had thought of him as being a "gifted" child.

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