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The Blind Domme


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Kyra often played little games with Kevin--at seven, she'd inveigle him to come in her room at night.

The lights were always out, as she didn't need them, and she'd forbid Kevin to turn them on...

At seven, she'd begun playing little games with him, where she'd wrestle him in the dark.

Although Kevin was much stronger, and even better coordinated than his sightless sister, when the lights were gone, she was Master.

Or Mistress.

After she'd win, pinning him down, it was time to play doctor.

Once or twice, their father had found them, and heartlessly, she'd said

"Daddy, Kevin's doing this to me...I'm scared. He made me take my clothes off."

Kevin's memories of his police detective father...and his father's wide leather belt were still quite clear.

Though Kyra had given Kevin many a whipping far more vicious since then. Make the old man seem like a piker.

And she wouldn't even apologize for lying...she'd just talk Kevin into coming in again to wrestle...

And how could he have resisted his adorable sister?

He' d cried bitterly when she'd gone off to the Perkins School for the Blind, and awaited vacations with angst.

One vacation, Kyra had brought three other cute little blind girls home, was it seventh grade?

And they'd ambushed Kevin in the garage, and taken off his clothes and tied him to the floor, and whipped him with one of Daddy's discarded fan belts.

Then they'd all explored his body with their fingers, feeling all over.

Candis, the only one of them with a bit of residual vision, had informed Kyra that Kevin was not too cute.

"He's ugly from what I can see, Kyra...and you're so pretty.

Are you sure you're twins?" Kyra, her hand toying with Kevin's balls had smiled.

"So that's why they always talk about your great intelligence, Bubba...they say I'm pretty and you're smart!"

But she'd been sweet after that, kissing Kevin's neck and face and telling him what a nice guy he was.

"You're my bubba, and that's all that counts!" And that one time, Kyra had sucked Kevin off, quite enthusiastically!

By the time the twins were sixteen, the dynamic had completed.

Their father dead, and Mom at work all the time, Kyra had transferred from Perkins to Kevin's high school, where he'd taken all the notes for her, and she'd done most of the work.

She'd quiz Kevin just before tests, drilling him, and then giving him harsh whippings if he made more than two mistakes...

And she'd encouraged him in his creative writing efforts.

"If you want to write those stories all day, I demand you do a damn good job, and read 'em to me!"

Kevin had been too shy to send off his first Mike Fish novel, but Kyra had force-fed him a dildo until he'd obeyed her...

At this point she was at Wellesely, and he was at a nearby community college, and they were sharing a small apartment.

Kyra had already begun her dominant interests in other men...

By the time Kyra had graduated from Wellesely, she was a full time dominatrix, and Kevin had published two books!

Not that the fame got him laid, as he was his sister's slaveboy...

What a time it had been! "Kevin, stop daydreaming and bring us more beer!"

"Yes Miss Kyra" and Kevin shuffled off to the kitchen, as he didn't want to annoy Kyra, Simone or Sheila now.

Kyra wondered what Sheila looked like.

Kyra could generally get a feel for a person, just by standing close, she'd feel her space especially invaded if the person was fat.

And of course if Kyra gave the person an embrace, she'd know almost everything. But Kyra hadn't even really shaken hands with this girl yet, and she wanted to know if Sheila had a good figure.

If Ky could give this girl a hug or something,then Kyra could discover if Sheila had big boobs and some muscle tone, and what her figure was like.

Fucking Simone had told Kyra NOTHING about this girl at all.

Sheila could be a fat, ugly geek. God knows submissive men are desperate to get anyone to dominate them.

But Sheila sounded kind of pretty...let's see!

It was not for nothing that Kyra had taken a masseur's course while in her junior year at the Perkins School.

This had been another "safe" profession for a blind girl, but Kyra had preferred it to geometry, which was the only other class offered in her schedule.

As it had turned out, Kyra had found a much more lucrative profession in just being her bitchy self.

But the old massagelessons were still there, and she knew quite a bit about the human body.

"Sheila, come over here, would you?" Kyra called out.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to get to know you a little better."

Then, in a somewhat gruff voice, Kyra said: "Get off the couch, Simone, sit on the floor or something. So Sheila can sit here."

With satisfaction, Kyra had listened to Sheila's gasp as Simone had sighed with resignation, the mighty, dominant Simone, and obeyed.

Then, Kyra felt another body hesitantly plopping down beside her.

Kyra felt Simone's body crouched down on the floor, and could hear Simone cursing under her breath.

She knew that Simone had been terrified that Sheila would discover her submission to Ky, and certainly Simone could've told Kyra to go to hell.

She wasn't going to sit on the floor, and Kyra would've backed off...

But Simone couldn't disobey Kyra to save her life, for nearly eighteen years, whenever they'd met, the famous Domme Simone was Kyra's humble slave-girl.

Simone was steaming mad, but probably also a little bit wet, hee hee!

Let's take this just a little bit further, Kyra thought.

Who said the blind are powerless?

"Simone, while you're down there, why don't you rub my left foot, and you can wash it too...

Gareth, you tub of lard get out of the corner, and go get a little basin and some skin soap and you can wash my right foot, while Sadie washes my left!"

There, and Kyra had completely humiliated Simone...she called her by the old shame name, and demoted Simone to washing feet next to a clearly open slave.

But Kyra felt Simone humbly removing her left pump, and she began massaging.

Whether or not Simone was beside herself with anger, she was behaving, or obeying!

And Gareth was sitting down, and Kyra felt her other foot begin to get special attention.

"Yes this is great, my feet feel great having servants wash them!"

Was Simone gritting her teeth? Who cared?

Kyra was excited by all this submission, but even more aroused to meet this remarkable young woman, Sheila!

And Kyra would get to know her as well as she could...she'd "see" everything.

As a ten year old, Kyra was pitcher for the stickball team, just by requiring the batter to whistle...

And Kyra's remaining senses did the trick...and still did! Kyra smiled in Sheila's direction and leaned forward.

Sheila was so weirded out by Simone getting on the floor.

This was totally unlike the Simone that Sheila had been getting to know, the Simone who controlled Sheila's husband, Roger Malvern.

Where was the Simone who'd been taking Sheila across the country, teaching her about being a good dominant?

And now Simone's eyes were lowered and she was crouched on her knees, washing one of Kyra's feet, while the fat guy washed the other one.

But Sheila was quite drawn to Kyra, who was incredibly pretty...but why had Kyra asked her to come sit down?

This was weird! Kyra seemed to be staring at her, though this was impossible.

Kyra's four remaining senses had served her well in all this sightless life, and she'd learn a lot now! "Great to meet you!"

Kyra had said, and suddenly kissed Sheila on the lips.

She worried that the girl might be startled, but Sheila didn't back away, though of course Simone must be steaming.

"Sorry, I'm a little friendly, Sheila."

The little voice responded, "It's okay, you're really attractive."

The voice had a meld of New England flattened a's and a little bit of the South.

Perhaps she was a military brat.

From the kiss, Kyra had ascertained Peppermint Scope, Bubble Yum.

Aand the remains of what Ky was sure was a triple meatball sandwich from Maury's deli about three miles from here.

That cheap bitch Simone couldn't even feed this exsquisite creature well!

Kyra's nose detected a hint of Estee Lauder's Intuition perfume, and Maybelline something or other. And Secret underarm scent.

Estee is great stuff! Good, the girl had class.

She must be blonde, blondes always use Halsa shampoo, which Kyra's heightened sense of smell also perceived.

The hair was blonde, no doubt, and unfortunately processed...

As Sheila haltingly answered a few questions, Kyra made a joke or two, and the breath-puff of laughter revealed a combined scent of

Kyra leaned forward a bit and let her wrist brush Sheila's front. She seemed to be a thin girl...

Sheila must be quite insecure, Kyra thought, as Kyra's wrist felt the underwire triangle bra and the molded foam cups of the Venus Enhancer Bra, those famous push-up pads.

And of course it was a shelf bra "Oh, excuse me."Kyra smiled. "I didn't mean to collide my elbow with you.

Yes sir, some nice 36C boobs,from what Kyra was able to feel.

But Sheila was wearing all this underwire padding bullshit to look bigger...because she was sweet, and insecure.

Kyra smiled to herself as she wondered if Simone or anyone else was aware of it...

People who relied on their eyes were indeed handicapped!

They'd assume just by looking that little Sheila had cantaloupes under her shirt.

Kyra heard the scrape of denim against the couch. Tight jeans, Kyra wagered.

As Gareth washed Miss Kyra's left foot, he sneaked looks at the enraged but quite expensively dressed beauty kneeling next to him.

Simone, who was now filing the toenails on Miss Kyra's other foot.

This woman Simone was obviously quite in love with Miss Kyra, and seemed somewhat submissive, though Gareth could've sworn she had dominant overtones.

This was a new development, Gareth told himself.

It was interesting that Miss Kyra had clearly fallen for the young girl, Sheila, who was now sitting next to her on the couch.

Sheila was cute, there was no doubt about it, Gareth wondered though, whether Miss Kyra was gay, or bisexual or a heterosexual experimenter.

Miss Kyra had once told Gareth over dinner that she, having never seen another human being, was very interested in "touching others"

And clearly she enjoyed having sex with others.

Kevin had told Gareth once that Miss Kyra had made love to a pony as a girl, but this couldn't possibly be true.

Miss Kyra and her brother had lived in Gareth's house for several months now, and life had changed considerably for Gareth.

For one thing, not only was he subbing to Miss Kyra, but her brother Kevin, was Gareth's Master as well, though Kevin himself was his blind sister's slave.

When Gareth had been young, he'd come home sobbing from a schoolyard unpleasantness, and Gareth Sr. had said "Garry, take some comfort that all bullies are bullied by someone else.

Chester probably is beaten up by his daddy or something, and he's taking it out on you!"

And clearly, Kevin was severely dommed by his sister, and took it out on Gareth something terrible.

Yes, the old man was right.

At dawn this morning, Kevin had awoken Gareth in the cage where he lived down in the wine cellar.

Gareth had long since relinquished the master bedroom to Kyra, and the next best room to Kevin...

He'd assumed he'd be living in a maid's room at least, but he'd assumed wrong.

Still, the cage wasn't so bad, once you got used to it. In a way the cramped space was good for Gareth's back.

This, back which was beginning to act up now that Gareth was in his late forties.

Still, it had been quite unpleasant being awakened this morning.

Kevin had thrown ice cold water on Gareth, who had been dozing naked in his cage.

Then Kevin had rousted Gareth out of bed, and made Gareth run around his property naked.

God the memory! Kevin chasing Gareth with a South African police riot baton, made of a cruel rubber.

Gareth had started back into the house with red, raw bruises all over his poor body, and then Kevin had ordered Gareth to iron Kyra's miniskirts, all 39 of them.

Kevin had found a few wrinkles in Gareth's work, and he'd thrown Gareth across his knee for fifty blistering ones with a big thick wooden paddle.

Gareth had then had to kiss Kevin's hairy inner thighs and whisper "How I love you, Master" over and over again for half an hour.

He'd sucked Kevin's cock for a bit too, though Kevin was not allowed to cum, but stayed on the honor system, not using a chastity tube.

Gareth had then given Kevin an expert muscle rub all over his body.

He'd lent Kevin the keys to his Masterati as well, so Kevin could go out later on to wherever writers go for inspiration.

Whilst Kevin was at the local coffeehouse discussing Proust or whatever, Gareth spent the hours between nine and twelve on housework.

Washing windows, cleaning the attic, scrubbing the living and dining room walls, and typing Chapter Four of Master Kevin's latest manuscript.

This was entitled "Mike Fish's Fourth Amendment", which Gareth privately didn't think much of, though the books seemed to sell!

Then Gareth had clipped the edge of the lawn and waxed the kitchen floor.

Louder chores like mowing the lawn and vacuuming the rug would have to wait til Miss Kyra was up and out of the house as it would disturb her too sensitive hearing.

Finally at one, Kevin had returned home, and they'd gone to awaken Miss Kyra by bringing her and her latest lover Belgian waffles, nova lox and eggs Benedict in bed.

Under Kevin's direction, Gareth had blown the lover, swallowing a few loads of seed.

Gareth had then taken the fellow, a local drunk from Bailey's Tavern down the road home, and dropped him off.

The guy had spat at Gareth as he'd pulled the Maserati out, but what could he do?

When Gareth returned, he'd been ordered to lick the drunk's semen from Miss Kyra's glorious vagina, and bringing her to more orgasms.

This while Kevin had enjoyed the privilege of sucking his sister's beautiful creamy white 44DD breasts.

This was a privilege that Gareth might earn later on, he was told...

For more of a financial commitment. Gareth certainly dreamed of kissing those beautiful orbs, tipped by the most glorious pale pink nipples!

Until then, he would have to be satisfied drooling over his Mistress' chest, heaving usually in tight striped tube tops, teeny sleeveless tank shirts and little purple bikinis.

Sometimes Kyra would borrow one of Gareth's shirts and tie it just above her navel, and wasn't that exsquisite!

Kevin had looked over Gareth's work on his sister's pussy, and given Gareth another whipping as he'd seen a slight dribble of semen remaining.

But then Gareth had been allowed to bathe and rub Miss Kyra down, and to trim her wonderful pubic hair.

Another whipping had followed, this time from Kyra herself, as he'd left some ragged edges along the way.

Kyra was actually much stronger at the corporal process than her brother, and had nearly broken a bamboo cane across Gareth's poor bottom.

However, she'd heard Kev giggle as it was going on, and he'd had to bend over for a whipping also, as Kyra couldn't abide gloating and jealousy amongst the slaves.

Though of course constantly she was inciting it!

Then Miss Kyra had tied Gareth down and unlocked the horrible chastity tube and stroked and teased Gareth's cock for more than an hour.

Oh, and this was what made Gareth's life go round! Gareth had not cum in 49 days.

Ky's long nails and ultra-soft fingers had examined every vein, every wrinkle and crevice in Gareth's pulsating, bursting penis.

And how she'd laughed, listening to his gasps and smelling the scent of his sweat in the air..she'd gone as slowly as she'd liked.

It had been incredible for Gareth, he'd stared at her in her lingerie demibra, her tiny panties, as he'd strained against the ropes.

And the red nails had done their good work on his suffering cock and balls. He'd thought of all the times in the lonely hotel rooms, as he'd rubbed and stroked his chastity tube.

He'd stared at pictures of Miss Kyra and rubbed the tube, which of course just meant that his cock had strained against it.

Gareth had cried in misery as his penis had become more engorged and trapped in the cruel metal.

One night he'd had a hooker come up, and he had sucked her breasts, pretending they were Miss Kyra's and the whore had laughed at Gareth as he'd continually grabbed the metal prison his cock was in.

"What kinda fuckin' loser lets someone put that on his john, huh?" she'd asked.

Gareth had gasped and begged Miss Kyra earlier this afternoon as she'd been teasing him slowly, using just a bit of lubricant, and she'd just laughed.

"You poor thing, I know it's not easy being celibate, my Chastity Boy...

Stop squirming so much! I know I promised you an orgasm...two weeks ago I told you that you could have one today, perhaps."

Kyra had punctuated this comment with a quick finger in Gareth's anus that made him hop.

"But Kevin tells me you can't iron my miniskirts properly, and I think you need to focus on your duties more before you begin getting rewards."

Kyra had smiled, listening to Gareth's sobs as she'd locked him up again.

"We'll try again in two weeks, maybe Mummie will let you cum then, don't cry sweetheart."

But Gareth had not been able to stop sobbing. It had been nearly two fucking months since he'd last been allowed to cum on Master Kevin's boots and lick it up.

Oh, the need...it had been so long, and his cock was so full of backed up sperm!

He'd tried so hard to please Miss Kyra, he'd bought her gifts, licked every inch of her body whenever she liked...

Oh, and would take her to Paris whenever she liked, allowing her brother to treat him like a gay slave-pig...and he still couldn't cum!

And how many times had he made her cum, eh?

As Gareth continued to wash his Mistress's foot, he thought about how many times he'd gotten her off.

Oh, how many of her lovers Gareth had sucked off for her...and she'd lived here in the house for nearly eight months, and he'd had three orgasms.

Three! Gareth had always been a man of the world, bedding lots of young women here and there.

He recalled dating one "seriously" while having flings with a couple of others, and his Visa bill was always stacked with bills from prostitutes from around the world.

Even as a boy, Gareth had pounded his pud four or five times a day while looking at Gareth, Sr's collection of Playboy, Penthouse and Oui, those great mags of the seventies.

And now everything had changed! Gareth went through life staring with constant longing at Miss Kyra, his cock bound up in the cruel tube.

Kyra did her best to tease him to distraction a few times a week, laughing carelessly as he begged and pleaded for relief.

Kyra had a way of stroking Gareth's cock to great frustration, and at one point in her youth she'd been billed as "The Sightless Stripper" at a joint in Tennesee.

And so she greatly enjoyed lap-dancing poor Gareth, pouring her bosom out of a tiny top and rubbing Gareth's nose in the curves of her full breasts.

Gareth was in heaven/hell as his engorged cock helplessly rubbed against the smooth thighs.

Then she'd return to playing with his johnson, pulling it back and forth as if it were some sort of magic joystick that she'd found...and oh, how Kyra enjoyed a joke like that!

"Oh, how I'd love to see the expressions you have on your face when I tease you, honey" Ky would say.

She'd be pursing her full lips as she'd run a long nail across the underside of Gareth's straining organ, her sightless eyes wandering just above his head.

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