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The Empty Chair Pt. 03

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The Conclusion.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/07/2019
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What happened next was a blur, for I knew I couldn't stay there. Mumbling something about needing some time to think, I bolted for the door. I had no idea where I was heading; I was just lost in an inner turmoil of hate and despair. Everything I ever knew to be true, had turned out to be false.

I was a broken man.

Wise words:

It was dark before I even knew it.

I had walked aimlessly around for hours trying to comprehend just what I had been told! I said trying, for I was failing miserably. Just how could my happy little world turn to shit, so quickly?

The pub emerged through the gloom and I realized that I was starving. What little food I had tried to consume had been thrown back up by Beth's revelations. Gallows' humor stared me in the face as I entered the pub. It was called The Hanging man and was depicted by a bedraggled creature hanging from the end of a rope. I had a similar feeling.

The warmth of a fire and friendly hospitality was my reward.

My merry server turned out to be the owner. A large homely woman, probably I thought unkindly a lot younger than she looked. Worn down by life disappointments, but at least the burger and fries and a couple of hearty pints washed my troubles away.

At what point I couldn't be sure, however she quickly sensed in that magical way that only a bartender can tell when a patron is in trouble or in dire need to unburden his soul. Without even realizing it, she had me talking, warts and all. She had a willing ear for the next couple of hours I exposed all my inner demons to her.

She barely spoke but every time she did, she gave me pause for thought.

Alex had been Beth's first love, only she had chosen to be with me, to have a family with me. She could have left me any time and gone back to him! Why had she stayed with me, why, because she loved me!!

What do I owe you?

She had just given me her final part of wisdom and brought everything over the last couple of days to one crashing conclusion. The taxi appeared as if by magic to spirit me back to the real world, but not before I gave this amazing woman a heartfelt embrace. I didn't even know her name and yet in those short few hours, she had refocused my world. Tomorrow, as I left the building, was the first day of the rest of my life.

Beth had been eager to receive my call and although I'm always early, she had beaten me to the restaurant. She looked good. It was an act, partly for my part but she was determined to put up a good front. She wore light blue jeans and a simple white blouse. It was her smile that captivated me, just like when we first met. Without even realizing it, deep emotions began to stir.

I started with an apology for running out on her yesterday.

This time I had a plan, I had run through it half of last night. In truth though I knew it meant nothing and I was right. All the roleplay in my head went out of the window when I was sat in front of her. So, to cover up my embarrassment, I simply blurted out.

Where do we go from here?

I could see that I had surprised her, for it took her a couple of seconds to recover and understand what I was asking her.

I want my husband back. The girls want their daddy back...

I want the opportunity to show you how much I love you. I want the opportunity to make up for all the hurt and pain that has been caused.

I could see she was closed to tears as she spoke.

Years ago, I made the best and worst decision I have ever made. However, it brought you and the girls into my life. I know that I will have to work hard to regain your love and ultimately your trust. But, I am willing to work hard every day. She was holding my good hand and staring at me, almost pleading with me as she said this.

I sensed the hope surged through her as she made her statement for I was here listening to her.

For my part, it was the answer I was hoping for. I wanted her in my life, I wanted the girls in my life. My fear was whether I could ever trust her again? Could we ever return to how we were?

So, I slowly nodded holding her gaze before hitting her with my next question.

What are you prepared to do?

Anything! It escaped her mouth before I had even finished asking her. I want, NO, I need you to know. I love you, only you...

I was a little taken aback by the speed and veracity of her response. I had expected her to be a little taken aback. However, without any thought about what I might suggest, she'd just readily accepted.

Ok, this is what I would like to propose:

I want to come home, I want to be with my family. However, I can't forget the past. For us to move forward, are you willing to be questioned and doubted every time you leave the house. The blind trust that existed between us has gone, it's been destroyed by your actions. Can you live with the air of suspicion hanging over you?

Can you live like that?

Yes, she replied thoughtfully. I understand it will take time. I can't forgive and I won't forget my actions except to say that I love you and I will do everything in my power to prove my love to you. She was holding my good hand tightly as she said this. I am never letting you go again.

And with that, the future starts now.

Fast forward six weeks

Life isn't like the movies where a happy-ever-after ending is just that.

A friend of ours recommended a good counsellor, Harry, who could hopefully help us find a way back. He was good, although with a story like ours, he needed to be. The healing process was going to take time, love and most of all, patience.

Right from the start, we both made mistakes. Exposing and ultimately conquering the demons lying beneath the surface was tough. More then once the darkness threatened to consume me, although through it all, I knew Harry was there to help us.

At one point I was in such a dark place that I could see no way out. Beth had received a stupid sales call. Only I didn't believe her. Insecurities reared themselves and before I realised it, my mouth spouted hurtful and damaging accusations. I couldn't stop myself and by the time I regained control the damage was done.

Fortunately, she'd been expecting an outburst for a couple of days. Of course it didn't make the episode any less pleasant, but it was a sign of the healing process — exposing our fears with the aim of overcoming them.

Physically, although I had moved home, we hadn't been together since I found out about Alex. At first, we were both treading on eggshells around each other. Next even though he wasn't here, I couldn't shake the image of him and Beth together. Thoughts of him being a better lover, a better person, a worthier person of her love then me and whatever romantic intentions quickly disappeared. She was trying to be understanding but I could see just how much she was hurting.

The major blowout helped in a roundabout way helped. It fired my passion for her, for we barely made it home before ripping each other's clothes off. I wouldn't say it was the best sex we've ever had, but I would go as far as to say it was the most important. In the afterglow, we both just held each other. The silence was comfortable and re-assuring. It was a start and that was what the counsellor had wanted.

After that our lives moved on in leaps and bounds. The specter of HIM, was always in the background but we were all focused on the future. One morning I woke up with my beautiful wife and our two wonderful children all cramped up in our bed. This was my family and I realised just what a lucky man I was.

It was Beth's birthday coming up and although I had already bought her a present, it suddenly didn't seem worthy enough of her. The last week we had taken the girls on a family trip to the zoo and then their choice for dinner. Fast food joints are not my favourite but the girls loved the toys they got. On the way we passed a jeweler and I saw her eyes light up at a diamond necklace in the window. It was gorgeous and expensive. We jokingly laughed about it, but in light of our new start I decided she was worthy.

So, without saying a word, I nipped out in my lunch break to the other side of town. After spending a small fortune, my prize was safely tucked away in a very presentable box I was heading back to the office. It was at the red light when I saw him. I watched as he walked confidently, almost smugly across the road, and headed towards the bar on the far side. I must have been staring for I missed the lights change and I received a honk from the car behind.

A terrible thought struck me as I moved off, and I couldn't shake it. Pulling into the next available spot, I quickly made a call. Hi babes, Beth's voice sounded pleased to hear from me.

Hi honey, where are you? I tried to sound as casual as I could.

I'm in a restaurant in East Town with Chloe, were just finishing up and heading back to get the girls.

Shit! She couldn't be meeting him! I felt my world start to collapse around me.

Honey, I tried to sound that I wasn't pleading. Can you put Chloe on the phone? Silence,

She's just gone to the toilet David, why what's up?

Shit, shit shit!

You were with him, weren't you? I could feel the anger rise in me.

David, she started to respond.

I've just seen him Beth, leaving the restaurant you're in and walking smugly across the road into O'Neal's bar. How could you do this to me!

David, it's not what you think!

Words failed me, anger, resentment, failure and revenge consumed me.

You're dead to me!...The words came out almost in a whisper as I ended the call and hurled the phone out of the window.

O'Neal's was a small Irish bar that I had visited once before. A friend's birthday and for some reason we had ended up there, drinking. Guinness was a great drink, however taken in large quantities well it seriously, seriously disagreed with me. Since that night, I swore never to drink Guinness and never step foot in O'Neal's ever again!

However rage, anger and frustration took over me. I was entering the bar before I even had a chance to think about what I was doing. I could see my nemesis standing on the far side of the bar, next to two of his cohorts. Laughter filled the room as I stormed right up to him. In hindsight, it was probably not my best move, but as you can probably imagine, I wasn't even thinking at this point. All I was focused on was this man in front of me. This man, who had ruined my life!

Up close, he was bigger than I imagined, and his smug demeanor simply fanned the rage within me. I can't remember what exactly was said but he immediately turned around to face me. At first, I saw fear in his eyes, but this was quickly was replaced by a cocky self-assurance. I was here on my own and he had two mates. As if to re-enforce this perceived superiority, he took an aggressive step towards me, gloating with every breath that he was going to take Beth and my family away from me.

At the mere mention of her name, my fist flew.

I connected well and hard. The only problem was that I used my damaged right hand and although I put him down the effect of my punch was significantly diminished. Plus, as I connected pain shot straight through me, splitting the stiches and possibly breaking a bone in my hand. Although I had put him down, it was clear that I had damaged myself more then I had hurt him. Worse still, his two mates were about to get involved.

All of a sudden Rob appeared out of nowhere quickly followed by a slightly shell-shocked owner. Any chance this fight was going to escalate was now quickly quashed. Dragging and hauling me outside, I was given a severe dressing down for being so stupid.

What's wrong with you! He was practically screaming at me. I can't believe you would do something so stupid!

His yelling must have brought me back to the land of the living, for I suddenly became aware that I was being forcibly marched away from the bar and towards the carpark and the restaurants on the other side.

He must of sense my hesitation.

Come on, I need to take you back to Beth and Chloe, so we can sort this mess out!

Wait what? Chloe was with Beth? I almost screamed.

Yes, you idiot.

Alex refused to leave her alone. He latest attempt was to threaten to show some illicit photo's he had of her to you and your children. Knowing that you would over-react, she reached out to us and asked us for our help. Chloe and I was with her at the restaurant when he arrived to show Alex that his little game was over. He no longer had any hold over her or your family.

At that point, my world crashed. She wasn't betraying me, she was protecting me and my family. Rob, I've fucked up. Please, please, I can't see her not after what I just said. Look I've screwed up my hand again. Can you just take me to the hospital, please just give me a little time? I can't see her! I almost pleaded. Reluctantly, he left me standing there alone with my shame, as he went to get his car.


I never saw them arrive or the first blow being delivered, but I felt it as the punch literary knocked me off my feet. Weakly getting up, I saw the three of them all readying themselves to attack. In vain I swung with my weak hand before receiving another blow for my pleasure. This one put me down hard. I was struggling to regain my footing, so his two cohorts quickly grabbed hold of me. Looking face to face to my nemeses, I was struck by both the anger and a perverse twisted smile as he hit me again and again. At some point I was on the verge of blacking out, for one concerned cohort told him to cool it. With that he released a barrage of punches, sending me to the floor one final time. It was his goading and gloating about what he was going to do when he rightfully got my wife and family back that hurt almost as much as the punches. Mercifully, before I could hear another taunt or be subject to another blow, I blacked out.

A weak daylight shone, lightly illuminating the room. I had fallen asleep looking directly at the empty chair and now that I was awake it was the first thing I saw. Desolately, I tried to move, only I seemed pinned down. My right eye was still closed from the beating I'd received, so painfully I tried to move my head to see what the impediment was.

She was asleep on the bed with me, curled tight. She must have sensed my movement for she instantly became awake and I witnessed her heart-warming smile again through a heavy layer of tears. Deja vu, all over again.

Her voice was soft and gentle, but it was our eyes that did all the talking. For what seemed like an eternity we simply held each other. I tried to speak, only words failed me. With that she bent down and we became locked in a loving embrace. I must have grimaced in pain but I quickly staved off any concern she might have had with a smile and a whisper about how much I needed that.

With a smile she gave me a gentle kiss on my lips. Well, look out then. As two little whirlwinds descended through my doorway shouting Daddy and leaped right into my waiting arms.


Several things happened quite quickly. Alex and his cohorts were arrested and charged with the attack on me. They claimed it was self-defence until their lawyers were shown footage from a local shop's CCTV of the incident. To make matters worse for them, their military training and status was brought into account. They were going to jail for a long time.

Alex even tried to bring Beth into this. That was until he found out that she had already visited the station and reported him with blackmail and harassment. The upshot was, he was finally out of our lives.

It was Beth's birthday and although I wasn't exactly out of the woods, the doctors relented and let me go home. Beth didn't want a party, but I insisted. A small gathering of just family and immediate friends witnessed me gingerly standing up to make a toast. Looking around the room I thanked them all for being there for us through this troubling and difficult time. Focusing on my wife, I redeclared my undying love for her and asked her once again to marry me and re-new our vows.

You are supposed to get down on one knee, Rob mocked. Everyone laughed especially at the thought that I probably would never get back up again. Through happy tears she accepted. I haven't got a ring this time I announced as I handed her the diamond necklace. My efforts were sealed with a heartfelt and loving kiss.

I realise there are people out there who wonder how I could hold this women in my arms and my heart again. Simple, it was the question from an all-knowing barmaid.

What would my life be without Beth and my girls in my life? Easy, my life wouldn't be worth living!


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ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon4 months ago

After reading this, I fully understand why you stopped posting stories here.

MasterKoteMasterKote7 months ago

The last page might've as well of said they lived happily ever after because it went by so quick

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This would have been a good story if was not a person with a good Memory! Yes things like name were changed and people were changed like the bar tender was changed form a Male to a Female with just a small part being changed in the story line but sorry I had read this story before and it was not from this writer.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Poczatek dobry ale reszta do niczego. Ale pisz

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Wrong question. Would you ever be able to trust her again?

deependerdeepender10 months ago

As the saying goes:

"A boy wants a good girl to be bad just for him; a girl wants a bad boy to be good just for her."


There are quite a few of these bad boy soulmate won't marry/ good boy hubbies are clueless stories on LW. They are usually some version of a dark, deep down cuck stories where the affair started before the marriage, the kids are the bad boy's, and the wifey loves them both(!). There are too many to ignore the need for them. Quite often the interplay between the hubby's ego and the wifey's animus is on prominent display. In these, the bad boy shows empathy for hubby and encourages him to stay with wifey even though she cannot separate herself (at least psychologically) from the bad boy. Soulmates indeed.

SarahwithloveSarahwithlove11 months ago

To the anonymous reader 3 steps down, I agree with your first two sentences. But when you somehow thought it wise to throw your political ideology into the mix, you became the ignorant dumb-ass. Also, brain transplants don't exist moron, so you are stuck with your double digit IQ.

To the author, I thought it was a really engaging story that had all the emotional peaks and valleys that these LW tales need. You bring a certain conflict to the reader that causes just the correct amount of anxiety to unnerve. The plot was unique (for me at least) and the ending a relief as I truly didn't expect the ending as I was focused on the empty chair as a metaphor to loneliness and heartbreak. You played it masterfully.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

started off really good..and then you seem to lose momentum and appeared to take suggestions from the cuck community on where to go in the story.

just curious? Did you feel compelled to have to clueless husband get hospitalized

by the asshole bf and his buds?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story towards the end but what a horrible start to a relationship

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