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The First of Many

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The making of a whore.
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I am a demimondaine, what you would call a prostitute, a whore, a harlot, but I prefer to see myself as a person who provides a service, an exclusive service to those people who need it and can afford me. This story is of how I came to be what I am.

All I could ever remember from a very young age was life in the mansion in Storyville where Maman and Grandemaman worked as prostitutes. Grandemaman was the manager of the establishment, the person who screened the clientele, who ensured that the premises were always spotless, that the girls were regularly checked by the doctor so that the clientele could be sure that there would be no repercussions of their visit to Maison Fontainebleau.

Maison Fontainbleu was one of many mansions along Basin Street that catered to the desires of the New Orleans gentry between 1890 and 1917 when the Minister of the Navy closed the district down much to the horror of the Mayor. While other houses advertised their wares through the 'Blue Book' Maison Fontainbleu did not need to, its client base built up over many years before the district became designated for that purpose.

One important area that set Fontainbleu apart from other houses was that it never employed young girls, the minimum age for girls was eighteen because the management had decided that the girls needed to be fully aware of the trade before making the decision to enter the world of prostitution.

My days were taken up with schooling, Maman wanted me to be able to do something other than her trade if I so desired, providing fresh sheets for each of the rooms after an assignation, and making sure that there was always café for the clients while they waited for their girl.

There were times when Maman and I would go by carriage to the stores to look at new clothes. As we walked through the stores I would recognise many regular clients with their wives. They would divert the attention of their wives from us for fear that they would be implicated in our trade. But it was a different matter when they visited us, they were friendly, almost personal when they addressed me as I served them café and pastries, I could have been a part of their family.

Maman told me that, while many girls were no more than thirteen years old when they began as prostitutes in other houses, she would not let me decide on my future until I like the other girls at Fontainbleu reached eighteen. In the mean time I learned as much as I could about the art of the seductress so than when I was ready, if I decided to go down that path, I would be able to command as high a price as maman. Grandemaman let me use a peephole to watch as the couples had sex so that I could learn the different positions and the noises that the girls made to please and flatter their clients.

As I grew older and took on the appearance of a lady, my breasts filled out and my body took on a woman's shape, many of the men enquired of Maman if I was available, offering to pay more than the normal rate for my services, but maman told them that I was not available. The more they asked and the more that she refused them the higher the offered price.

On the dawn of my eighteenth birthday Maman sat on the edge of my bed. "It is time. If you do not wish to be one of us then tell me now, but if you do then we must plan your debut with care."

"I am ready Maman, I have waited for this day for so long that I want to do it now."

"No Cherie, we must not rush into this. I have chosen the man to be your first. He is a kind man who will treat you with respect and this is what is right for you. We must pick out the right clothes for you, we must do your hair and apply your rouge so that you look like a lady and not a whore. We must prepare the scene for this occasion, the music must be perfect, everything must be just so."

The day sped by in a flurry of preparations, I was scrubbed and scented, may hair was washed and brushed and then piled on top of my head in the latest style, I wore no undergarments, I needed no corsets to squeeze my body into a slender shape and my décolletage was enhanced by my high set breasts which peeped out of the neckline of my dress.

At last the big moment arrived. I was seated on a chaise-longe in the main reception room when Maman came to me leading a handsome young man. He was dressed in the latest style and carried a gold topped black cane. "Lavinie, may I present Monsieur Jean-Claude Thibodaux, Monsieur this is my daughter Lavinie." I took his proffered hand and bobbed in a slight curtsey and he bent over my hand and brushed it with his lips.

"Enchante Ma'amselle. I am indeed honoured to make your acquaintance." I led him to the chaise and we sat side by side while one of the girls served us a cognac. "I understand this is to be your first time."

"Oui M'seur, it is so. I desire to make the experience a memorable one for you."

"I am certain that you will be most proficient."

I stood up and led him to the salon where my life would be changed forever. It was furnished with a large four poster bed with its covers turned down in readiness, and a chaise which was covered in burgundy coloured velvet to match the carpet. He stood in front of me and bent forward to kiss me, it was the first time that I had been kissed by a man and it was different from being kissed by Maman or Grandemaman, and it sent a shiver right through my body.

"Are you cold?" He must have felt my shiver.

"No M'seur, it is my first kiss."

"Please, call me Jean-Claude." He kissed me again, this time I felt his tongue press against my mouth, I instinctively opened my lips to allow him access. While still kissing me, he unlaced my bodice and pulled the top of my dress down to my waist. "You are an incredibly beautiful young woman Lavinie." He ended the kiss so that he could take in my body, his eyes were upon my breasts, and they were firm and pert with dark aureoles and hard nipples.

He untied my waist and I stepped out of my clothes. He picked up my dress and laid it over the chaise. Turning, his eyes swept over my entire body bringing a flush to my face, I lowered my eyes demurely, for I had no concept of what men find attractive in women and was worried that he would not find me so.

He stepped towards me and lifted my face to his, "I feel privileged to be the first to behold the wonder of you." His finger tips traced a path ever so lightly down my body sending tremors of pleasure rushing through it. His lips followed his fingers, sending me into an even greater frenzy of excitement so that I could hardly wait to see what he did next. "Lavinie I want you to undress me."

My fingers shook so much that I fumbled his buttons and had great difficulty in releasing them. Jean-Claude steadied my hands with his as I opened his shirt revealing a muscular chest with a light covering of silky hairs. My hands went to the waist of his trousers and they soon joined my dress on the chaise. He stood before me, his penis erect and pointing up at me. I had seen girls take a man's penis in their mouths and suck them so I did the same, dropping to my knees in front of him. My lips encircled his head and I engulfed it, sucking as strongly as I could.

"No Cherie, this day is yours." He raised me up so that I stood in front of him. He was taller than I so he had to bend his head to kiss me. My arms encircled his neck and I stood on my toes, his arms held me to him in a passionate embrace, his tongue was once more exploring the inside of my mouth and I could feel his hard manhood pressing against my groin.

Lifting me into his arms he carried me to the bed and lowered me gently into its sensual confines, the silk of the sheets felt so smooth against my body, their luxury adding to the anticipation. Jean-Claude knelt between my legs and kissed my virginal orifice, his tongue penetrating deep into my body. My body arched to meet his mouth and I could feel the juices well up inside of me. His hand was ever so gently caressing my breast, his thumb and forefinger squeezing my nipple.

My body was tingling under the caresses of my first lover, until suddenly the dammed up desire burst from within me and flooded into his mouth. He lapped up my juices until they ceased flowing then he licked me fully between my legs, his tongue paying particular attention to both orifices. I grabbed at his hair and tried to lift his head away from my body. "Please no more. I cannot control myself when you do that, please I want you inside me." I begged him to desist from this course of action but he would have none of it.

My body was engulfed in a series of pleasure spasms that seemed as if they would never cease, I lost all control and fell into a faint. When I awoke he was laying beside me cradling me in his strong arms. I felt safe with him like this. "You are awake Cherie, do you wish for me to continue?"

"Please, I want to have you inside me," I reached out for his hard penis, "I want this thing inside me now, I have waited eighteen years for this and I do not wish to wait a moment longer."

"D'accord Cherie, it will be as you wish." He placed himself between my legs and lowered his body until the head of his rock hard penis was just touching my virginal lips. He gently inserted them until the head was fully inside me but no further, I felt that he was teasing me again and tried to force myself onto him but each time I pushed myself down he withdrew so that it penetrated no further inside me. "You must leave it to me, I do not want you to be hurt and if you push down on me it will surely hurt you." I obeyed my lover and submitted myself to him entirely.

Slowly he pushed further into me until he met with resistance, he paused in his endeavours and whispered into my ear. "We have arrived at the time when you will feel some pain, I shall be as gentle as possible as I breach your maidenhead, if you cannot stand the pain tell me and I will wait for a while." Again he was slow and gentle as he pushed against the obstruction, the pain I could bear, it was the anticipation that I was having difficulty with.

Then he was through, there was a momentary stab of pain as the membrane tore but it soon abated to be replaced by the glorious feeling of his entire length inside me. He remained fully inserted in me for some time before resuming his slow movements, almost withdrawing before pushing himself as far as he could into me. I could feel myself beginning to build up into another orgasm and when it came I cried out in ecstasy, "Mon Dieu, you give me such pleasure!"

He rolled over on his back so that I straddled him, feeling him deep within me. "Now Cherie, you will move as your body dictates, allow it to control you, don't even think about what you are doing." I began to rock back and forth on his penis and the pressure on my love bud was intense and soon I found my body shuddering through yet another orgasm. I had to stop my rocking motion until the wave of pleasure passed. It was some time before I had slowly come down from my orgasmic peak and I resumed my rocking.

Jean-Claude had his eyes closed and his breathing was becoming heavier. Suddenly he arched his back and I could feel his seed spurting into the very core of my being, he let out a long sigh of pleasure and hugged me to him. "If I didn't know better I would swear that you are an experienced lover. I am jealous that I will not have you for my very own, but will have to share you with others."

He rolled me over onto my back and removed his now soft member from within me, and turning around he placed his head between my legs and began to lap our love juices from me. I took his penis in my mouth and sucked it clean, revelling in the pleasure that I gave as I did so.

Maman came into the salon, "Well M'sieur, did my Lavinie please you?"

"Madam, she is a most accomplished lover, she will give her clients great pleasure. I wish that there could be some way that I could have sole rights to her, but alas it cannot be. I do not know what your plans are for her but may I suggest that you arrange for her to only see your most honourable clients and then apply strict limits to the sessions. If I were you I would ask for a high price so that only the wealthiest could afford her and allow her one client each day, that client paying for the privilege of having her for the whole day. I'm sure that Grandpere would be one of her clients."

Jean-Claude's grandfather became my Tuesday client. It was a relaxing day for me, I only had to ensure his café was fresh, light his cigar when he wanted it and at least once during the day I would take his small penis out of his trousers and suck it until he filled my mouth. The remainder of the day I sat in a chair by the window and read or did needlework while he sat at a desk and worked on his business accounts which included the running of Maison Fontainebleau. I found out on one of these visits that M'sieur Thibodaux was the financier of the business and his son and grandson were all involved in one way or other in the operation.

My other clients were all acquaintances of the Thibodaux men. They had the funds to indulge their pleasures and were gentlemanly in their treatment of me. They had no sadistic demands and were content to use me gently with much of our time spent in social activities such as conversation, which I enjoyed very much and learned much from. I learned that I should invest my earnings wisely because my professional life at this level would be short and, unless I wanted to end up as a 'crib girl' on the waterfront, I should put money aside so that I could establish myself in society and attract a suitable man to be either a long term lover or a husband.

My Thursday client was Pierre Dubois, a lawyer, who provided me with the greatest variety of experience. Thursdays involved role playing and sometimes included Pierre's wife Marie. One day she took me into the fashion section of New Orleans where she purchased for me several outfits. When we returned to my apartment within the mansion she got me to model them for her husband. While I stood naked in preparation for the next outfit she approached me, "Pierre, do you not think Lavinie has the most beautiful body?"

He came over to where I stood and looked me up and down, "Yes, she is beautiful but do you not think her breasts could be a little fuller." His hand reached out and he caressed my breast causing my nipple to harden. He walked around me appraising me as if he was going to purchase me, his hand cupping my backside and his finger entering the crack between my cheeks. Marie stooped and took one of my nipples in her mouth and began to suckle on it, I could feel the moisture between my legs. Pierre put his hands on my hips and lifted me into the air, I did not know that he had removed his pants until he lowered me onto his hard pole and began fucking me most powerfully.

Marie lay down on the bed with her naked legs apart and Pierre lowered me so that I could place my head between his wife's legs and lick her cunt. It wasn't long before she cried out in ecstasy, holding my head to her while she came. My climax came at the same time as Pierre's, he had removed himself from me and sprayed his cum over my back.

On another occasion I was dressed as a serving maid in a short black dress and without undergarments. Pierre waited until I had bent down to flick an imaginary speck of dust from a piece of furniture and stood behind me fingering my pussy. He then proceeded to ravish me most pleasurably.

If ever one of my clients was not able to keep his assignation, and Pierre was not one of those, Jean-Claude was always willing to stand in for him, so I got to enjoy my first lover quite often and he was always as gentle and considerate of me as he was on that first day, giving me many orgasms each time we were together. There was a difference in our love making, he was not a mechanical lover, going through the motions as the others did, his was a mixture of close intimate contact and a kindness and consideration for me as a person. It led me to feel a closeness with him that I could not feel with any of the others.

I have been working for a year now but it is shortly to end. The authorities are making moves to close the brothels of Storyville. M'sieur Thibodaux was warned of this event and is selling the mansion before the moves become widely known. He and Grandemaman are planning to return to Paris where they have bought a mansion in a fashionable part of the city and where they plan to live the rest of their days in anonymous comfort.

Jean-Claude came to see me today and surprised me with his proposal. "Lavinie, I have lived in an agony of jealousy for the last year thinking of you and those men. I can stand it no longer, you cannot stay here after the houses close so I have bought a house in New York and it would give me the greatest pleasure if you would consent to be my wife and live with me there."

"Oh Jean-Claude I will! You were my first lover and I remember with much joy that first day. You were so kind and gentle, I could not have asked for a better initiation into the pleasures of sex. Although we have been lovers many times since then, I have relived that day again and again. I lay awake at night and I can feel every one of those sensations coursing through my body as if it were yesterday. I fell in love with you then and I still love you."

I am a demimondaine, a prostitute, a harlot, a whore, at least for today, because next week I become Madame Lavinie Thibodaux, beautiful and loving wife of Jean-Claude Thibodaux of New York.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Love it

Short, simple, and wonderfully written

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
reservations about this one

underaged sex and grooming kids to be whores is not on in this day and age....nothing good or romantic or funny about this....just sleazy...

LightflickLightflickabout 10 years ago
Nice one

A nice story. The comment by the last "person" was totally uncalled for. Some people are almost inhuman!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
A Romantic

Lovely to read an erotic story, written in good taste, most beautiful, Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
and will always be a whore and prostitute even if married

you are who you are

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