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The Freshman

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Jack and Kathleen get friendly at university.
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Kathleen was a fresher like me and my next door neighbour in university halls. We met when moving into halls ahead of freshers' week. Once our parents had departed I plucked up the courage to knock on her door and introduce myself. As I recall, it was all a bit awkward at first, and I realised that she was quite shy. I told her I was heading down the hall to the communal kitchen to cook if she wanted to join me.

"Yeah sure! A man that can cook is always worth following," she said, "and trust me, you don't want to rely on my cooking if you're looking fed. I hate cooking and had to get mum to give me a crash course this week."

"That's okay, lucky for you I like to cook, it's just the washing up I hate."

She laughed, and followed me down the corridor to the kitchen.

As I set about preparing spaghetti bolognese we struck up a good conversation.

"So what are you studying Mike?"

"Economics and Social History. And yourself?"

"Computer Sciences. I'm hoping to get into programming and robotics. It was kind of a toss up between doing electrical engineering and computers."

"Wow." I heard myself say and then instantly regretted. "I'm not very technically minded," I fumbled, "so I kinda admire anyone who is." Good recovery I thought.

"Good! Just so long as you're not one of those neanderthal males who thinks girls should stick to knitting and sewing."

I started to respond before she interrupted me with,

"That was a joke Mike."

I beamed a broad smile before adding,

"Not bad for a domestic goddess like myself."

She burst out laughing and for the first time her whole face lit up and I saw that she was really quite beautiful. She had short cropped black hair which was shaven either side of her face about two inches above her ear. Combined with her narrow face and big brown eyes she was quite stunning. She had a slim frame, stood about five three in height and possessed a sizeable bust.

"Jack. Jack!" she yelled. "You're spilling the bolognese on the stove."

"Oh shit. I was lost in thought just now," I explained.

"Well, you were staring at me as if I didn't exist."

"Sorry, it's been a long day. Anyway, I think this is about ready if you want to grab us two plates."

And so began our friendship that would grow in the weeks and terms to come

"Hi, I'm Beverly, Kathleen's best friend from school, but you can call me Bev. Did she tell you that she can't stop talking about you when she rings me at art college/"

I looked at Kathleen, who immediately blushed and said,

"This is Bev, she's prone to exaggeration, in case you hadn't noticed."

I sat on a chair while the two girls sat up on the single bed. They'd been listening to a new the latest T-Rex single. We listened to it two or three more times, before agreeing it was another sure fire hit.

I asked Bev what course she was doing at art college.

"Fine art. I'm in second year. We did a foundation year which was sampling a range of different art forms before I settled on fine art."

"What's involved in fine art then?" I asked, showing my ignorance.

"Painting mainly, in a variety of forms and mixed media. We also do performance art. But I mainly like to paint. You could always come and model for me." Bev teased, a lot I would discover.

"Leave him Bev," Kathleen pleaded, "Besides! The college employs professional models for its students."

Bev shot her a disappointing look before adding, "I suppose your right, but I bet he'd have fewer wrinkles than the models I usually get to paint."

Bev then changed the subject.

"Kathleen tells me you like to play games, Jack, would you like to play a card game with us?"

Beverly was smiling and gave a knowing look to Kathleen, who half smiled before looking down at her hands resting on her thighs on her short skirt.

"Okay. What do you have in mind?"

Kathleen tried to speak but before she could get a word out Bev shouted, "What about Strip Jack?"

Kathleen giggled nervously.

"I don't know that one, but if you explain the rules I'm sure I'll pick it up."

"Oh good man," said Bev. "now Kathleen, where do you keep your cards? We can teach him together."

Having dealt all the cards Bev explained that the object of the game was to get rid of all the cards in your hand to win, and that you did this by winning tricks. Essentially, all the royal cards and the aces have a different value, so if you lead with a King for example, the next player has three cards to lead trying to turn up another royal card. If they fail to do so they lose that trick and have to pick up all the cards in the pile and place them at the back of their existing hand. Each face card had a different value, a Jack one card, a King, three, a Queen two and an Ace four.

"Come on. Let's play," said Bev, "you'll pick it up better as we go along."

Kathleen shuffled the cards and dealt the first hand. The game started and I soon got the hang of it, although I did seem to lose quite a few tricks. We were soon laughing and teasing one another as we each won and lost tricks and had to pick up. At the start of the game you were allowed to look at your hand and arrange the cards in some sense of order, but after that you couldn't rearrange them and you just had to follow the lead.

After four hands Bev suggested, "Why don't we play by Big Boys Rules?"

Kathleen immediately said, "No!"

"What are Big Boys Rules then?" I asked.

"Well, they're about making the game more exciting in that there are forfeits if you lose a trick or the whole game."

"Stop it Bev." Kathleen said quite forcefully.

"Ah Kathleen, sure it's only a bit of fun," replied Bev. "Unless you prefer to keep Big Boys all to yourself."

Kathleen glared at Bev before I interjected,

"Sounds like it might be fun, Big Boy's Rules, and I'm up for it."

Both girls descended into fits of laughter while I looked on mystified.

"Sorry, Jack," Bev said trying to compose herself, "Ignore us. We're just two giggly girls. Let me explain. This version is called Strip Jack Naked. As the name suggests, if you lose a trick you don't just pick up all the cards in the middle but you also have to remove one item of clothing."

"Oh, I see. It's a bit like Strip Poker then."

"Exactly, but a lot more fun! You're up for a bit of fun Jack, aren't you?"

Actually, I was feeling quite apprehensive, but I couldn't let the two girls see this. My teenage libido overcame my innate reservations.

"Yeah sure, I'm up for it."

"I'll be the judge of that." said Bev mischievously, and the two of them fell into another fit of the giggles.

Bev was sixteen, about five foot four in height, with long blond hair down to her shoulders, a lean face and thin body. She wore a flowery blouse and blue jeans with black ankle boots. I couldn't help notice, that while her breasts were not as developed as Kathleen's, nevertheless she made the most of them squeezing them forward in an uplift bra that exposed generous amounts of flesh.

Kathleen, on the other hand, was dressed in a T-shirt and pink cardigan and wore a short black mini skirt raised about three inches above her knee. She had on matching pink bobby socks with little flowers on the sides and a pair of sneakers. Kathleen had a round face, short black hair and the sweetest smile permanently on her lips. She also had the largest breasts I'd ever seen on a girl, but she kept one arm folded across her chest keeping her cardigan pulled tightly around them.

"Come on Kathleen, shuffle those cards girl, and deal me a winning hand." said Bev.

Kathleen did as she was requested and soon we were each looking into our own hand of cards and rearranging them feverishly.

"Everybody ready? Then Jack, you lead since you're sitting to Kathleen's left."

I put down the first card, a four of diamonds. Bev added a 5 of spades and then Kathleen produced a Jack of spades. Bev squealed with delight.

"Oh she's keen to whip them off you Joe, you'd better watch your step."

I placed a card on top, a three of clubs and lost the first trick.

"Off, off, of!" squealed the girls in unison.

I put my cards on the coffee table between us and pulled my jumper over my head.

"Right, your lead" said Bev, with a hint of excitement in her voice.

As we played our hand we won and lost tricks pretty evenly. There was great excitement from the girls when I was sitting there, bare chested, with no shoes or socks on my feet and a pair of blue Levi's. I lost the next trick. I looked over at Kathleen who still had on a T-shirt and mini-skirt, and then Bev, who was sitting in her bra and panties but still had on her ankle boots for some reason.

"Off, off, off" screamed Bev,

"Off, off, off" they both screamed as Kathleen joined in.

I stood up, undid my belt, unzipped my fly quickly and pulled my jeans down to the ankles bending almost double to reach down and pull each leg free. I was now standing, folding my jeans in front of the two girls who had suddenly fallen silent. I daren't look at either one. Instead, I turned around and folded the jeans onto the back of the seat I was sitting on. I quickly checked my boxers. which still had the fly closed, but I was conscious that I was now sporting a hard-on. As I turned around and quickly sat down, I grabbed my hand of cards from the middle of the table and fanned them in front of me, doing my best to cover my lap. I laid the next card on the table and looked at Bev. She had her mouth open and was staring at my middle, which made me blush.

"Eh Hmmm. It's your turn Bev."

She didn't move.

"Bev," shouted Kathleen. "Bev. It's your turn. Hurry up before we all freeze to death."

At that a startled Bev looked up and we all burst out laughing, which eased my embarrassment.

"Sorry, I was a bit distracted there for a minute," she laughed, and we all joined in once more.

Just then she turned up a Jack on the table and the laughing stopped. Kathleen placed her card on top, a seven of clubs and lost. I turned to look at her as she stood up and immediately turned crimson. She hesitated for a minute, then unzipped herself at the side and stepped out from the skirt. She quickly sat down. I stared and saw, just before her hands and cards covered her lap, that she was wearing tiny pink panties with the same floral motif as her socks.

Very quickly then she placed a card on the table and I followed. There were three complete rounds before Bev lost a trick.

This time I was the one shouting "Off, off, off!"

Then I heard Kathleen say quietly, "No don't Bev."

I shot a glare over at Kathleen who had her head lowered. I then looked over at Bev who was a little hesitant.

"No Bev. Fair is fair. We're playing by Big Boys Rules now. Remember."

With that she placed both hands behind her back and unclasped her bra. Then with one arm she quickly folded it across her chest and tugged the garment free. She sat down. I couldn't see her nipples just the two breasts squashed like grapefruit under the fold of her forearm.

Seeing how vulnerable she suddenly was I reached over to the table, picked up her cards, arranged them for her and reached over and gave them to her, which she took with her free hand.

"Thanks, you're a gentleman," she said approvingly.

With that she dropped a card onto the table in the middle between us, and Kathleen followed. Again several rounds ensued before it was Kathleen's turn to forfeit. She stood up, turned around and peeled the T-shirt over her head, then rearranged her bra, checking that nothing was out of place, before turning around and sitting down. Even with a full cup bra Kathleen's breasts strained to be contained. They were at least three times the size of Bev's and I feasted my eyes on them. Unfortunately, this had the adverse effect of making me even harder and Bev started laughing as my cock tented my boxers. Kathleen quickly placed another card on the table and I followed suit without looking at anyone. Then Bev placed a King on the table. I looked at Kathleen. First one card, then a second and then a third. With an audible sigh of relief the third card was an ACE. I topped it with one card, then a second and then a third, all place cards. I stopped. I could feel my heart thumping in my chest. I daren't look at either one of the girls. I turned over the next card, an eight of clubs.

I heard Bev squeal first. Then Kathleen said, "Shit! No Way!"

I looked over at Kathleen who had a look of horror and pity on her face. I looked over at Bev. She wasn't laughing anymore and for a second I thought she too would take pity on me.

Then she said, "Fair's fair, Jack, fair's fair."

I stood up slowly and remained standing, doing nothing for about 30 seconds. For everyone in that tiny front room time seemed infinite. All I could hear for a while was their heavy breathing.

Then Bev rhymed once more, "Fair's fair Jack!"

I slowly peeled my boxers off placing one hand in front of my engorged penis. It wasn't very big, maybe 6 inches, but at that moment I doubted that if I had ten hands I could hide my erection from the girls. There was silence for another 30 seconds. I was still standing, frozen to the spot in embarrassment.

Then I heard Kathleen say, "Fair's fair Bev. Fair's fair."

I looked over at Kathleen who was now standing. She reached behind her and undid her bra and without trying to cover herself she tossed the bra across the room to Bev. The bra landed in her lap. "Fair's fair, Bev."

We both looked at Bev who turned to look at each one of us in turn.

Then she stood up, removed her arm from her breasts and said, "Your right Kathleen, fair is fair."

With that we all fell back into our seats in laughter, each of the girls topless but unashamed, and I for the first time no longer covering my erection.

Then Kathleen spoke,

"Since Joe's now naked I think that's the game over, if that's OK with you Jack?"

I longed to see either one of them naked, I'd never seen a vagina before except as a drawing in a medical book. I looked over at Kathleen, and for the first time I could see the love in her eyes. I nodded.

"Yeah, I think you're right, now that I know what you mean by Big Boys Rules."

We all collapsed once more into laughter as we picked up our clothes and began to get dressed.


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screedbearscreedbearabout 5 years ago

Its rare for the ratings to be wrong, but I think the rating for this story is too low

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